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Thirteen adult men and five boys arrested in gangrape of an 11 year old.

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Every time a thread like this comes up you guys say the same things. Kill them arggg!! Faith in humanity blah blah blah... But why did it happen yap yap yap, rehab can't fix this smh smh smh

What's the point anymore?


krypt0nian said:
Nope they gave that up when they raped an 11 yo. Again, if they can be identified on this video, there is no need for a trial.

I assume your just being bombastic, but you have to have a trial. Get the video in front of the public and a judge etc. If we didn't do this what would the process be? I'm sure you know this.


xbhaskarx said:
Really? You don't see much of a difference between typing an opinion on an internet forum and gang raping an 11 year old girl? Are you some sort of sociopath?

The idea behind them both. What they both represent. It doesn't mean I take the case lightly, it means you guys are reacting in a disgusting way. Both disgust me equally much, but then again I care more about GAF than I do this girl.
YoungHav said:
yet you guys will wack off to victims of sexual abuse when you watch porn. That's the irony of it all.

wow, now porn is akin to gang rape. RiskyChris alt account.

Yes, Cartman of course I know this. It's just absurd how monstrous this is. It sickens me to tears.
Articate said:
The idea behind them both. What they both represent. It doesn't mean I take the case lightly, it means you guys are reacting in a disgusting way. Both disgust me equally much, but then again I care more about GAF than I do this girl.

Why do people think that those getting angry at heinous acts is somehow equivalent to the thinking behind those who commit them?

Seriously, cut this shit out.


FTH said:
Every time a thread like this comes up you guys say the same things. Kill them arggg!! Faith in humanity blah blah blah... But why did it happen yap yap yap, rehab can't fix this smh smh smh

What's the point anymore?
I expect more from a brony.

They didn't have enough friendship and educating love in their life.
YoungHav said:
yet you guys will wack off to victims of sexual abuse when you watch porn. That's the irony of it all.

I'm all for castrating rapists after their sentences are served.
Uhhh, yeah, cause that's not a generalization to make the worst possible point.

Put them all on trial, try the young ones as adults and when they head to jail make it mandatory for them to be sent to general population just after the warden announces exactly what they're in for.


Devolution said:
Why do people think that those getting angry at heinous acts is somehow equivalent to the thinking behind those who commit them?

Seriously, cut this shit out.

It has nothing to do with the equivelancy of the ones that did it. That has nothing to do with how it repulses me. An act like this likely involves little premeditation, and while the reaction in this thread of course has no premeditation, it is the sum of things I find equally fucked up about humanity as these guys. Again, it's not that it is anywhere near ok that they did it, it's just that this thread also disgusts me.
Articate said:
The idea behind them both. What they both represent. It doesn't mean I take the case lightly, it means you guys are reacting in a disgusting way. Both disgust me equally much, but then again I care more about GAF than I do this girl.

Actually, the people saying they deserve the death penalty or to be gang raped in prison are simply stating an opinion (in a roundabout way) that the attacker's no longer have a place in society, and that the means that these people are dealt with are irrelevant, as long as they are excluded from society.

I don't think anyone here would actually like to watch these people be gang raped themselves and enjoy the experience of witnessing it.
Articate said:
It has nothing to do with the equivelancy of the ones that did it. That has nothing to do with how it repulses me. An act like this likely involves little premeditation, and while the reaction in this thread of course has no premeditation, it is the sum of things I find equally fucked up about humanity as these guys. Again, it's not that it is anywhere near ok that they did it, it's just that this thread also disgusts me.

Just so you know, you're the one who initially compared the two, so it has everything to do with equivalency. I'm tired of people like you coming into these threads, seeing reactionary posts and acting like they're even on the same plane of thought as the acts perpetrated in the OP.



Devolution said:
Just so you know, you're the one who initially compared the two, so it has everything to do with equivalency. I'm tired of people like you coming into these threads, seeing reactionary posts and acting like they're even on the same plane of thought as the acts perpetrated in the OP.


Yes, they disgust me equally much, but it has nothing to do with the acts being in any way equal, and that's why they are able to disgust me equally much. My point is that the whole "nothing to talk about, put them away forever /kill them" isn't likely the best approach to the problem. Don't cure the symptoms, cure the disease. And you're welcome to disregard what I write, but you're saying that somehow I'm doing something wrong, and it's horrible that I think the way I do, so you ask to silence me when all I'm doing are the things people are holding onto as the quintessential thing 'making them monsters' and us human.

Though, then again, it is congruent to the rest of the thread.
The Hitman said:
Pics of the girl? Nudes at all?
Wow. I was looking forward you seeing you around here after your post about the 'PS3 has no games' thing in the pics thread but now no matter how funny you are from here on out I will always remember the time you asked for nudes of an 11 year old gang rape victim. And so will everyone else.

Stay classy Hitman.


The thing that's always weird to me in these stories is that there are always people over 20 participating in this shit. Same with that asshole 15yrold that pimped her 7yr old sister out, there was people nearly 30 in that rape.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Articate said:
Yes, they disgust me equally much, but it has nothing to do with the acts being in any way equal, and that's why they are able to disgust me equally much. My point is that the whole "nothing to talk about, put them away forever /kill them" isn't likely the best approach to the problem. Don't cure the symptoms, cure the disease. And you're welcome to disregard what I write, but you're saying that somehow I'm doing something wrong, and it's horrible that I think the way I do, so you ask to silence me when all I'm doing are the things people are holding onto as the quintessential thing 'making them monsters' and us human.

Though, then again, it is congruent to the rest of the thread.

Understand that you're coming into a thread about the gang rape of a minor, and saying "Yeah, that sucks and all, but you guys using harsh language are also bad." You may be technically correct, but your sense of right and wrong seem a little skewed to me that you can even draw that connection in your head. And stop attempting the martyr bit. It's beyond silly.


YoungHav said:
The thing that's always weird to me in these stories is that there are always people over 20 participating in this shit. Same with that asshole 15yrold that pimped her 7yr old sister out, there was people nearly 30 in that rape.

Agreed. That's what baffles me most. Something's fucked up at the depths of either their minds.


WanderingWind said:
Understand that you're coming into a thread about the gang rape of a minor, and saying "Yeah, that sucks and all, but you guys using harsh language are also bad." You may be technically correct, but your sense of right and wrong seem a little skewed to me that you can even draw that connection in your head. And stop attempting the martyr bit. It's beyond silly.

Martyr - what?

This has nothing to do with harsh language, either. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, either. I believe this to be an important question of what you do with those that do this sort of thing. Not that I'll ever get anywhere near that question in a thread like this, and rightfully so - but I still stand by the fact that the first page of replies in this thread moves me just as much as this story.


'Boys will be boys'

What the fuck? If a kid rings your doorbell and runs away, 'boys will be boys' is appropriate. When they rape an 11 year old girl, it's not that, it's fucking made those sick bastards pay.


Neo Member
There'd be no due-process if that were my kid, but as a whole we have to support it being the right of even the lowliest scum. If you start defining who deserves basic human rights subjectively, everyone loses.

...That said; if the parents were to go collecting scalps, I'd say more power to them.


Not much to say here except that this is very despicable. I have to seriously wonder at the mind of someone who could perpetrate this kind of act.
SolKane said:
Not much to say here except that this is very despicable. I have to seriously wonder at the mind of someone who could perpetrate this kind of act.
I hope some info comes out to answer this, mainly who's idea was it and how did all the others get involved. One guy is 26 and another is 17, are they in the same circle of friends? Did a couple of them hatch the idea and then each bring in more people? How the hell do you get this many people to go along with such a horrible crime and be so nonchalant about it that video is taken and shared with others?

Rad Agast

Brian Griffin said:
I hope some info comes out to answer this, mainly who's idea was it and how did all the others get involved. One guy is 26 and another is 17, are they in the same circle of friends? Did a couple of them hatch the idea and then each bring in more people? How the hell do you get this many people to go along with such a horrible crime and be so nonchalant about it that video is taken and shared with others?

This reminds me of that one case where four (or was it five?) navy officers were accused of raping and murdering a woman in the US. PBS: Frontline did an episode about it.


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I'm curious how many of the people are in custody because of the video evidence vs how many have been brought in because the girl is naming them.


140.85 said:
I'm curious how many of the people are in custody because of the video evidence vs how many have been brought in because the girl is naming them.
Is that really relevant here?

ZephyrFate said:
Answering horrible actions with horrible actions doesn't change anything.
The argument is that a horrible action is horrible because it's done towards innocent people.

Which wouldn't be the case here.
ZephyrFate said:
Exactly, so let the law deal with it.

You missed the point where I didn't care because I was pissed off. Where was the law as a deterrent? I'd love for vigilante justice to be a consequence for things like this. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.


krypt0nian said:
You missed the point where I didn't care because I was pissed off. Where was the law as a deterrent? I'd love for vigilante justice to be a consequence for things like this. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.
Vigilante justice won't stop other girls younger and older from getting raped.


B.K. said:
It's not bloodlust. It's justice. Animals deserve to be treated like animals.
No, it's petty vengeance. Whether or not you realize it, you do not want to live in a society that institutionalizes revenge.


tiff said:
Vigilante justice isn't about actually preventing anything, silly.
I dunno. If the punishment for shoplifting a candy bar were having my hands chopped off and eyes gouged out... I'd probably second-guess my ability to get away with it. Hell, the fine/community service they slap you with now is already a deterrent to me. But I'm a pussy, so what do I know.
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