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This Gen's Underappreciated


PN 03 - Awesome tracks, sleek, sexy character design, awesome gameplay. If only the levels weren't so repetitive..


Gitaroo Man

Wave Race: Blue Storm - best water, best water physics, etc. etc.

Super Mario Sunshine
loxy said:
Hater in the house =P

Bought it for DC and PS2 and even bought a Trance Vibro, kthx. I just think it's one of those trendy-to-mention games, like Ico, that isn't nearly as awesome as everyone pretends it is. It's definitely a great little trip-out experience, though. I'm glad it got made. I'm just kinda sick of hearing it mentioned a million times while other truly great and definitely underappreciated games get ignored.

Gitaroo-Man is a close second. I still don't get why it's such a cool-to-like music game. I thought it was kinda fun and all, but it doesn't have half the charm of any of the NanaOn-Sha games, not to mention tons of other music games (like Technictix & Technic Beat) that you hardly hear mentioned.


Nothing this gen is truly spectacular IMO besides Knights of the Old Republic. And even that isn't on my top ten, or 20 games ever.

Ninja Gaiden is up there too, though it's definitely not a landmark game for me.


Have a fun! Enjoy!




Docpan said:
Nothing this gen is truly spectacular IMO besides Knights of the Old Republic. And even that isn't on my top ten, or 20 games ever.

Ninja Gaiden is up there too, though it's definitely not a landmark game for me.

Yes, KotOR is AWESOME.


Chili Con Carnage!
The best games nobody bought (to coin matlocks phrase) this gen are (imho)

Metal Arms
-Best 3rd person shooter ever

-Cant really blame the public for this one, ubisoft made one ad for it, that got banned, then they went and made about 30 copies in the first and only production run

-This would have been huge if it wasnt for the buffy license, from conception to release everyone said it would be a turd
-when people were looking around for the next big Xbox game after launch, Buffy just slipped under the radar

Theres loads more, im sure will come to me later.
Ghost said:
-Cant really blame the public for this one, ubisoft made one ad for it, that got banned, then they went and made about 30 copies in the first and only production run.

What?? I bought this long after it came out for something like $4.99 from EB, who had tons of copies. I seriously doubt its major problem was lack of distribution. It seems like all of the stores were stuck with far too many copies, not far too few.

I thought it was semi fun in co-op, but it totally reeked of both forced 'maturity' (hearing teammates yell "WE'RE GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASSSS" is kinda shocking, but not really that funny - just childish) and of uninspired recycling of the already saturated X-Treme Futuristic Death Sport genre. "See, it's like football - but you can FUCK DUDES UP!" Great. Despite the little amount of guilty fun I had doing so, I'm honestly glad this game completely flopped.


I'll add Adventures of Cookie & Cream (PS2) too, co-op rocks. :)

And bobby, you should check your PMs.


Underappreciated by both the larger gaming community as well as GAF: freakin' Gladius. Most other games I'd name for this list have gotten a number of GAF threads dedicated to them.

Even though I haven't played Rez, the $75 average eBay price leads me to believe that it's overappreciated. But I guess I'll never know. (And you'd think reprinting the game would be a no-brainer at this point.)


Chili Con Carnage!
bobbyconover said:
What?? I bought this long after it came out for something like $4.99 from EB, who had tons of copies. I seriously doubt its major problem was lack of distribution. It seems like all of the stores were stuck with far too many copies, not far too few.

I thought it was semi fun in co-op, but it totally reeked of both forced 'maturity' (hearing teammates yell "WE'RE GETTING FUCKED IN THE ASSSS" is kinda shocking, but not really that funny - just childish) and of uninspired recycling of the already saturated X-Treme Futuristic Death Sport genre. "See, it's like football - but you can FUCK DUDES UP!" Great. Despite the little amount of guilty fun I had doing so, I'm honestly glad this game completely flopped.

How is the game anything like football (American or otherwise)? there's no ball, there are no plays...and how is the futuristic death sport genre saturated? I cant think of one other game this gen, Deathrow was the next best thing to having the Speedball Arena (which got canned).

Yes the characters swear, you'd probably swear if you were getting drop kicked or closelined, i dont think "oh come on lads, dont give up" would have really fit the tone of the game. Taunting itself was one of many subtle game mechanics in the game you could use to bait opposition players into chasing you, giving your teammates a run at goal.

Id agree co-op was the best part of the game, because you actually benefited from working together, thats why i said this game would have been a must own for anyone if it had been on xbox live, 8 player Deathrow matches were completely awesome.

As for the distribution, all i know is at the time the game released i was on Xbox forums where there were threads with people who just couldnt find copies of the game, maybe that situation was sorted out later, doesnt really change the fact that the game was very poorly handled by ubisoft.

User 406

There are quite a few I'd second already mentioned in this thread, but these two are extremely underappreciated:

Dropship: United Peace Force - With the number of people slobbering over the latest Ace Combat and the actual rarity of air combat games altogether, you'd think they'd want to try the other ones that do show up. But it's like they're wearing earplugs. :/

Oni - That's right, Oni. The graphics were simple and the wannabe anime style was awful, but it's a damn good technical beat-em-up, one of the best this gen.
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