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This is how I see monogamy for Men

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The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
So I was thinking - it's really amazing what boring classes at college can do for your thought life, pity they don't work that way for my sex life. Anyway, I suppose everybody here is familiar with the genetic theory of human mating strategies : Sperm is cheap to produce, so men seek sex with as many women as possible to maximize the amount of children. On the other hand, women can only have a few children, so they seek the best possible males, maximizing the quality of their children.

On the other hand, humans are not completely products of our genes. If we judge by other primates, and oversimplify a little, the equilibrium state in a tribe is for an alpha male to have all the females, with a bit of illicit sex on the side. Clearly this does not favor the ninety percent of males who are not getting any, or very little. (As an aside, vestiges of this system can still be seen in high schools, not the most civilized of places, where a few males get all the sex, and most have none).

I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.

Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior? I do not offer it as a replacement for the purely genetic theory, but a supplement.

Of course, the interests of betas and females are not totally identical here. The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems, the stigma of bastardy, and the absolute prohibition on adultery.

Much more interesting than astrophysics, for sure. :messenger_winking_tongue:

The Lunch Legend

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
It's useful to understand our sexual impulses, basic human behavior and macro social tendencies. Deriving ethics from that is just incel talk.
I would say that one of the best modern male mating strategies today is to be either Mormon or Catholic (there are surely others that I'm not familiar with) and marry a devout Mormon or Catholic who wants or is willing to have many children. Ten years of marriage like this can easily result in 4 or 5 offspring -- far more than would probably be accomplished by somebody attempting spread his seed far and wide. (especially considering child support laws in the West)

Monogamy seems like a suitable strategy, even for 'alphas' in modern society.


Be nice to people and dont be taken for a fool if you dont get what you want. The rest including sex follows. If that isnt working change your look, friends, bar or all 3.

It's not hard unless you severely inflate your self image and aim too high, have a negative attitude or are chasing those who already rejected you.


Fucking 100% this!

I can't find an image, but you've seen those trashy womens magazine headlines.

"He said I was unattractive. Look at me now!"

You could have put in the effort when you were with him, you only did once he called your bullshit out and bailed.

Pretty much

Women are dicks overall tbh, its always about them, what about they make the same effort.
Bloke cheats, he's a an arsehole, woman cheats she's regaining herself worth, and still gets to keep the house lol


Gold Member
It's the almighty power of FOMO (Fear of missed opportunity)!

I don't think it's necessarily a female thing but rather a Zeitgeist thing.

You see all those "beautiful" people with their "perfect" lifes and relationships on social media and think "Could I do better?". And due to the vibe in these times of caring about yourself and no one else, most people think they could do better regardless if it's true or even matters.

I guess women are just more gullible and fall for that shit easier.


Gold Member
Stick to astrophysics, your incel diploma won't get you anywhere.
Ok, first you call self transforming Optimus Prime childish and now this?

insulting dan levy GIF by CBC


It's the almighty power of FOMO (Fear of missed opportunity)!

I don't think it's necessarily a female thing but rather a Zeitgeist thing.

You see all those "beautiful" people with their "perfect" lifes and relationships on social media and think "Could I do better?". And due to the vibe in these times of caring about yourself and no one else, most people think they could do better regardless if it's true or even matters.

I guess women are just more gullible and fall for that shit easier.

So surely that's a female issue then, of never being satisfied, to the point they cut off their current relationship, to have an excuse to find excitement else where, under the guise of their man not doing enough for them, so thats perfectly fine


Gold Member
So surely that's a female issue then, of never being satisfied, to the point they cut off their current relationship, to have an excuse to find excitement else where, under the guise of their man not doing enough for them, so thats perfectly fine
Hmmm I think you could form that exact sentence with "male" issue - as well as as "female".

I'm saying that it's not a question of gender but of charcater and IQ.

Many stupid men leave their wifes after she bore his children and took care of his home so he could be with a younger chick. And of course many stupid bitches marry a nice good guy only to leave him as soon as she finds a "real man" who treats her like shit.

That's people.


Hmmm I think you could form that exact sentence with "male" issue - as well as as "female".

I'm saying that it's not a question of gender but of charcater and IQ.

Many stupid men leave their wifes after she bore his children and took care of his home so he could be with a younger chick. And of course many stupid bitches marry a nice good guy only to leave him as soon as she finds a "real man" who treats her like shit.

That's people.

My point was more, women get the better deal

They cheat and single, their inbox will be full, and they get the house

I'm just in one of those moods today, my opinion will probably change depending on the weather lol


Don't date or go near any women that have more interest in their virtual social standing than their real one. They end up being completely mental, and not the good, 'daddy-touched-me-when-i-was-5-now-I'm-a-sex-crazed-maniac-SPIT-IN-MY-FACE-AND-CHOKE-ME' kind of mental, more like the 'OMG-did-you-see-what-that-person-did-in-another-country-those-poor-animals/people/tribes/environment' kind of mental. Cause that's just a waste of time and dick energy
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Gold Member
Who cares? As long as women are the "Victim".
Oi nush nush what's wrong, Man? You mad?

I didn't say anything about women being the victim. Of what anyway?

There's asshole women and asshole men and they cheat at each other, leave each other and do a whole lot of other shitty asshole things.

I think The Lunch Legend The Lunch Legend pointed it out really well:

The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems [...]

All I'm saying is, it's a very certain kind of woman and not all.

I married a good guy. Intelligent, cynical, funny. Some of you guys would call him a beta, I guess. We've been together for 10 years now and happy with each other.
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You toked too much and your creativity circled back on itself to where it started from. Your theory doesn't include any outside influences.

Just ask your girl if you can bring another person home with you if that's what you want. Also, please record the conversation for Youtube.


I kinda got it over with early.

Missus was living in a shitty house when dating, terrible landlord so I told her I own a house and suggested she move into mine instead (I rent it out, I own it).

She did and I joked it was hers now, she never forgot that. Pretty much is. Never do that!

When I move in she's going to poison me, she even tells me new techniques over the phone. If I ever stop posting you know she got me.
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Well, at least it got a clod to call me an incel.
First get your diploma and lose your virginity, then we'll talk.

Ok, first you call self transforming Optimus Prime childish and now this?

insulting dan levy GIF by CBC
You know what I find rude? All these alpha/beta machismo threads making vast generalizations about women as if they were mindless cattle so that desperate wannabe chads can establish their online forum cred.

Don't worry. It's just strange headache. He's probably just upset again because of all the housework he has to do while his wife checks her Instragram feed.
Case in point.
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So I was thinking - it's really amazing what boring classes at college can do for your thought life, pity they don't work that way for my sex life. Anyway, I suppose everybody here is familiar with the genetic theory of human mating strategies : Sperm is cheap to produce, so men seek sex with as many women as possible to maximize the amount of children. On the other hand, women can only have a few children, so they seek the best possible males, maximizing the quality of their children.

On the other hand, humans are not completely products of our genes. If we judge by other primates, and oversimplify a little, the equilibrium state in a tribe is for an alpha male to have all the females, with a bit of illicit sex on the side. Clearly this does not favor the ninety percent of males who are not getting any, or very little. (As an aside, vestiges of this system can still be seen in high schools, not the most civilized of places, where a few males get all the sex, and most have none).

I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.

Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior? I do not offer it as a replacement for the purely genetic theory, but a supplement.

Of course, the interests of betas and females are not totally identical here. The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems, the stigma of bastardy, and the absolute prohibition on adultery.

Much more interesting than astrophysics, for sure. :messenger_winking_tongue:
Alpha fucks, beta bux.

It's all about having power over your own reproduction.

Since the pill, the powerbalance has tilted (fell, more like it) towards women having all power. Abortion is nothing but a veto over your (the male) reproduction. Where women gain political power, they will point their efforts towards getting total reproductive control.

So you get things like 'curfews for men'. Divorce laws that automatically assume the man is the evil party. More free moneys for single moms.

Western men have been sleeping on many things, this is just one of them. Marriage is becoming a bad financial prospect for men, so expect less of it, as men wisen up and start to make decisions in their own favor. Less simping, if you will.

Monogamy keeps the peace. Polygamy (or the socalled cock carroussel) creates incels who will grow ever more desperate and then do things like shoot up malls.

To me it all just looks like biology finding its way through artificial civilization. There is no real right or wrong here.

If you wanna go in depth, there is of course The Rational Male:


Interesting but one thing I’ve learn is that we humans are so unpredictable. The marriage historically was view as a contract, a way for men to be sure your offspring was yours, a way of security. then you add human unpredictability and religion (for example) to the mix and we can’t even be sure if that theory of alpha and beta men are true.

One thing is sure, humans were very successful in reproduction!


Faith - Hope - Love
Cringe Reaction GIF

All this "US VS THEM" generalization of entire groups of people is so tiresome...especially when it's against half the population.

Men have problems. Women have problems. They both have strengths and weaknesses, and neither is better or worse than the other. There was a 50% chance each of us could have been born the opposite sex, and would have been part of the group some of you seem to harbor negative feelings toward.

Life can be unfair no matter who we were born as. The best thing we can do is look past any differences and find things in common with others. I promise it will make life more enjoyable for you.
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All this "US VS THEM" generalization of entire groups of people is so tiresome...especially when it's against half the population.

Men have problems. Women have problems. They both have strengths and weaknesses, and neither is better or worse than the other. There was a 50% chance each of us could have been born the opposite sex, and would have been part of the group some of you seem to harbor negative feelings toward.

Life can be unfair no matter who we were born as. The best thing we can do is look past any differences and find things in common with others. I promise it will make life more enjoyable for you.
Sooo... no more crying about teh patriarchy, then?
I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system.
I'm trying to wrap my head around your questions. It seems like you have two contradictory theories you are trying to reconcile:

1 - Women prefer alpha males and always will.
2 - Women worked with beta males so they will have less sex with alpha males.

These seem to cancel each other out, no? Your scenario makes no logical sense. If women prefer the alpha males, why would they work against them? If they want to have sex with the alpha, why invent having sex with the beta?
The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it.
If a male is providing for his family, he is an alpha male. Do you think beta males were the ones killings sabertooth tigers? They picked berries with the women. Do you think the woman is going to fuck the beta guy who picked berries with her or the one who got meat that will feed the whole tribe? Who is the better provider?

I've got news for you. You have this whole thing backwards. The alpha IS the father, the patriarch of the family. Polygamy has never been proved to be a thing, and there is probably a reason no civilization in history has really done it on a widespread basis (kings/elite harems always being a thing).

You think the nuclear family is beta, it is the destruction of the nuclear family that is beta. It is avoiding responsibility for raising a family that is beta. This is why feminism is all about it. This is why they love the pill and abortion and making pop culture sluttier and sluttier. They don't want o raise and care for a child, in the first place. They don't want to provide for the future. They are anti evolution.
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I'm trying to wrap my head around your questions. It seems like you have two contradictory theories you are trying to reconcile:

1 - Women prefer alpha males and always will.
2 - Women worked with beta males so they will have less sex with alpha males.

These seem to cancel each other out, no? Your scenario makes no logical sense. If women prefer the alpha males, why would they work against them? If they want to have sex with the alpha, why invent having sex with the beta?

If a male is providing for his family, he is an alpha male. Do you think beta males were the ones killings sabertooth tigers? They picked berries with the women. Do you think the woman is going to fuck the beta guy who picked berries with her or the one who got meat that will feed the whole tribe? Who is the better provider?

I've got news for you. You have this whole thing backwards. The alpha IS the father, the patriarch of the family. Polygamy has never been proved to be a thing, and there is probably a reason no civilization in history has really done it on a widespread basis (kings/elite harems always being a thing).

You think the nuclear family is beta, it is the destruction of the nuclear family that is beta. It is avoiding responsibility for raising a family that is beta. This is why feminism is all about it. This is why they love the pill and abortion and making pop culture sluttier and sluttier. They don't want o raise and care for a child, in the first place. They don't want to provide for the future. They are anti evolution.

Can some do a TL;DR please?
So I was thinking - it's really amazing what boring classes at college can do for your thought life, pity they don't work that way for my sex life. Anyway, I suppose everybody here is familiar with the genetic theory of human mating strategies : Sperm is cheap to produce, so men seek sex with as many women as possible to maximize the amount of children. On the other hand, women can only have a few children, so they seek the best possible males, maximizing the quality of their children.

On the other hand, humans are not completely products of our genes. If we judge by other primates, and oversimplify a little, the equilibrium state in a tribe is for an alpha male to have all the females, with a bit of illicit sex on the side. Clearly this does not favor the ninety percent of males who are not getting any, or very little. (As an aside, vestiges of this system can still be seen in high schools, not the most civilized of places, where a few males get all the sex, and most have none).

I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.

Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior? I do not offer it as a replacement for the purely genetic theory, but a supplement.

Of course, the interests of betas and females are not totally identical here. The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems, the stigma of bastardy, and the absolute prohibition on adultery.

Much more interesting than astrophysics, for sure. :messenger_winking_tongue:
If you're a man of value, i.e. -- one that is in decent physical shape, takes care of himself, has something going for him (decent career, job) and ability to maintain yourself (your own place, lifestyle), and you also present yourself as intelligent, charming, and humorous, and also firm in your decisions and actions and don't take bullshit from anyone -- basically good at social situations -- you won't have an issue having women commit to you. There are decent quality women out there, amongst the trash which applies to both sexes.

All of this alpha/beta stuff on the internet these days is just circle-jerk entertainment being bloviated by men who are largely failures in their personal lives (divorced or perpetually single) and it attracts young men who don't have any direction.

It is a natural human desire for humans to want to pair bond after a certain age. For women, it's usually by 25/26. For men, it can be by early 30s.
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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Trying to distill all of the ten thousand variables that go into dating down to human evolutionary biology will never not be hilarious. Humans aren't animals despite all of our efforts to point out how similar we are. Conscious thought alone drastically changes the dynamics of relationships and sexual selection.


This is unrelated but;

Was in a pub probably nearly a decade ago, in Irish pubs you tend to talk to each other. it's normal.

Went out for a cigarette and this dude bragged about how he "bought" his (wife). He recommended it.

Said something like that they'll cook and clean and sex anytime.

I was absolutely appalled that someone could even say that, honestly I was truly shocked. He spoke about it like it was an achievement.

Arranged marriages, ok. Not for me each to their own, but bragging about ownership of someone. That really stuck with me.

EDIT: I was sitting beside her at the table.

EDIT2: corrected context
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