Unconfirmed Member
There's still some inner growth that has to happen with some of you here.
which is why I provided more stats from actual studies in the next comment.Chart data is mostly made up of source's anecdotal evidence.
case closed? 50% end in divorce, of the other 50%, 10-20% end in sexless marriages, and those are results from studies not anecdotal. Now if you don't think people are gonna lie, that most are gonna be honest about being in sexless marriages I've got a bridge to sell you. The number in sexless marriages are likely vastly underestimated due to dishonesty.
And even if there's some sex, that does not mean a happy relation. So the majority are unhappy long term anyway you look at it.
Didn't seem like you provided anything additional with the bolded statement other than a claim that it's from studies. I'm not even saying I dispute it because I find all of it believable, but I don't see anything in your comments that passes as studies or stats. Nothing tangible there.which is why I provided more stats from actual studies in the next comment.
You're funnycase closed? 50% end in divorce, of the other 50%, 10-20% end in sexless marriages, and those are results from studies not anecdotal. Now if you don't think people are gonna lie, that most are gonna be honest about being in sexless marriages I've got a bridge to sell you. The number in sexless marriages are likely vastly underestimated due to dishonesty.
And even if there's some sex, that does not mean a happy relation. So the majority are unhappy long term anyway you look at it.
a quick google search brings up results that say studies find that.Didn't seem like you provided anything additional with the bolded statement other than a claim that it's from studies. I'm not even saying I dispute it because I find all of it believable, but I don't see anything in your comments that passes as studies or stats. Nothing tangible there.
Additionally, there are a lot of reasons why people stop having sex that have less to do with attraction or state of the marriage. Three of the four horesemen of the apacolypse include Jobs, Children, and Finances.
But I will add that, in general, happiness appears to have a direct impact on quality of marriage and sex life. While it's true that a hard marriage and/or a poor sex life can bring down happiness, the opposite is also very much true that someone who brings happiness to the table is more likely to remain happy in marriage and are probably a much better time in bed too!
Growth like in the penis area?There's still some inner growth that has to happen with some of you here.
"Women are so shallow, they just want an atm and sperm donor and won't even bang me after marriage anyways so forget em!"
"....why dont women want me? They must just be waiting for some chad to give em what I cant. Women are so shallow...."
Loop that a couple of times
All this "US VS THEM" generalization of entire groups of people is so tiresome...especially when it's against half the population.
Men have problems. Women have problems. They both have strengths and weaknesses, and neither is better or worse than the other. There was a 50% chance each of us could have been born the opposite sex, and would have been part of the group some of you seem to harbor negative feelings toward.
Life can be unfair no matter who we were born as. The best thing we can do is look past any differences and find things in common with others. I promise it will make life more enjoyable for you.
But I believe someone mentioned that in online dating - it's now more or less
3. Date-Sex-Relationship-Marriage
4. Sex-Date-Relationship-Marriage?
There are no alpha or beta people. You only can derive that when looking at one skillset, or certain skillets.
Oh the bad fucks are one you remember. Was with one girl and gagged after she took her knickers off.
I wasn't going down or anything, she just hadn't washed in probably months. The stench was something else.
It's a smell that sticks to you being the worst part.
Actually, the alpha male theory is mired in controversy/ignorance. At this point, it's more of a narrative than actual science.There are no alpha or beta people. You only can derive that when looking at one skillset, or certain skillets.
Actually, the alpha male theory is mired in controversy/ignorance. At this point, it's more of a narrative than actual science.
Rather than calling certain males alpha, it would be better to say that they are more likely to exhibit high self-confidence, dominance, assertiveness, or leadership (or other similar behavior) than the rest, something I feel is being replaced more and more by passive, feminine male traits, which would explain a lot of responses in this thread.
Depending on the circumstances, I think an individual is capable of displaying both "alpha" and "beta" behaviors.
So, one could say it's more like,
1) True Alpha Males
2) Alpha Males with Beta Male tendencies
3) Beta Males with Alpha Male tendencies
4) True Beta males
As for the skillets..
For months?! Was she by any chance a bum?Oh the bad fucks are one you remember. Was with one girl and gagged after she took her knickers off.
I wasn't going down or anything, she just hadn't washed in probably months. The stench was something else.
Aye, I see what you're hinting at. Monogamy is natural for modern beta men for the reasons of:
1 - They lack any other options other than the person they are with. (true beta)
2- Have a low sex drive and are in a relationship with someone with an equally low level. (true beta)
3 - Are not that interested in sex overall. (true beta)
4 - Are financially incapable of cheating on a spouse due to the risk of a divorce. (true beta or beta with alpha tendencies)
5 - Societal pressures for men to be monogamous, even though it's not their natural state. (feminist ruination)
Otherwise: Men (who are more alpha type) that can "cheat" due to a sex drive equivalent to what cheating would require, has practical other options and enjoys sex - will at some point in time "cheat".
I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.
Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior?
Thank God this thread is still going.
It's hilarious!
Though I still can't figure out ifnush and
The Lunch Legend are only trolling. Hell, I can't even decide if they aren't one person in reality.
Anyway, love you boys! Keep going.
Here's an interesting book talking (somewhat) about this,There is no doubt that "tackling" of alpha males has happened at some point in human tribes and nor is there any doubt that it was lesser males that benefited from it the most.
For some reason I find violence or threat of violence the more likely reason it happened.
For months?! Was she by any chance a bum?
Jesus Christ.
I am an open minded dude, but someone needs to track down the OP and get them help before a cop finds heads rolling around in their trunk.
Calm down, he’s only 14.
One of the figures mentioned by J.Peterson was that our female ancestors outnumber our male ancestors 2 to 1. (I think this is estimated based on DNA variety)Here's an interesting book talking (somewhat) about this,
Anyone with a little experience knows you need a team of six plus an HM slave.Larry King had seven wives? holy fuck.
Was he collecting them like Pokemon?
Anyone with a little experience knows you need a team of six plus an HM slave.
A few thousand years ago, the figure is rumored to have changed to 17 women for each man that reproduced.One of the figures mentioned by J.Peterson was that our female ancestors outnumber our male ancestors 2 to 1. (I think this is estimated based on DNA variety)
This might partially have to do with males being slaughtered en mass in endless wars.
So men are sneaking around until they get caught and society then labels them the bad guy.
This just sounds like you want to be in a Poly/Open Relationship though.I don't want another wife, will I still just crave the touch of another woman? Maybe that makes me a bad person,
Yeah, poly / open for me, but not for her.This just sounds like you want to be in a Poly/Open Relationship though.
Yeah, poly / open for me, but not for her.
She needs to keep her cooch cut off from other men like the Suez canal, whilst I'm free to indulge in other cooch.
Aye, I'll definitely have to migrate to an Islamic patriarchal country if I want to accomplish this.
The thing is, you don't have to marry and you certainly don't have to marry someone who doesn't want to sleep with you after some time.I apologize to anyone if I seem to be going on and on. Its just I need to get my thoughts out of my head and doing it here..
If I take it further, most here and on other threads seem to imply, you have to work together to sort this out, fix this problem.
Many different cultures allow multiple wives. Why is that? Is that their version to tackle this life long problem concerning male monogamy? If I don't want another wife, will I still just crave the touch of another woman? Maybe that makes me a bad person, but 99% of the males I talk to all suffer from the same problem/ disappointments at home. So men are sneaking around until they get caught and society then labels them the bad guy.
It's silliness.
Maybe you should join the Mormons!She needs to keep her cooch cut off from other men like the Suez canal, whilst I'm free to indulge in other cooch.
I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.
Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior?
Man, that sucks.I used to think there must be a modern way of combining shenanigans with others an a loving marriage. Well one drunk and not worthy threesome later we needed counselling and I lost my best friend. For me it's just not worth it.