This is unrelated but;
Was in a pub probably nearly a decade ago, in Irish pubs you tend to talk to each other. it's normal.
Went out for a cigarette and this dude bragged about how he "bought" his (wife). He recommended it.
Said something like that they'll cook and clean and sex anytime.
I was absolutely appalled that someone could even say that, honestly I was truly shocked. He spoke about it like it was an achievement.
Arranged marriages, ok. Not for me each to their own, but bragging about ownership of someone. That really stuck with me.
EDIT: I was sitting beside her at the table.
EDIT2: corrected context
Can some do a TL;DR please?
Men good, women bad
Just great insight from one of NeoGAFs Alpha Males.
I've heard different numbers about the percent of children who are not their fathers, from as low something like 5% to as high as 33% or 1 in 3. There is a story where somewhere don't know how a school teacher got their students to do paternity tests, and horror emerged as 1 in 3 or something like that was not a child from their actual father.Of course, the interests of betas and females are not totally identical here. The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems, the stigma of bastardy, and the absolute prohibition on adultery.
women are like 51% of the population, they have the political power practically everywhere, which is why gynocentric mysandric laws spread throughout worldwide. How can you figure an unemployed man can be jailed for not paying child support? How can you figure a young boy raped by an adult woman owes her child support when he reaches the age of 18? And those are just two of the most egregious examples.Where women gain political power, they will point their efforts towards getting total reproductive control.
I'm guessing there's a zero percent chance she was ethnically Irish.
Unless every stereotype I've ever heard about Irish girls is just absolutely incorrect - I'd sooner imagine an Irish girl stabbing someone that claimed to "own her".
Vier dad left at early age so he needs a hug from a real dad. I made the offer.Can some do a TL;DR please?
When you turn 40, I trade you in for two 20-year olds.I lease.
I trade her in when the mileage gets up there.
Problem solved.
That's like that old joke:When you turn 40, I trade you in for two 20-year olds.
Oh, shit.. lmao. That's dark af.That's like that old joke:
What's the best thing about shagging Twenty-six year olds?
There's twenty of them.
Did you ever consider the possibility you're just really shit at sex?
Where historical evidence is available, it indicates that the harem was much more likely to be monogamous. For example, in late Ottoman Istanbul, only 2.29 percent of married men were polygynous, with the average number of wives being 2.08. In some regions, like Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia, prevalence of women in agricultural work leads to wider practice of polygyny, but makes seclusion impractical. In contrast, in Eurasian and North African rural communities that rely on male-dominated plough farming, seclusion is economically possible but polygyny is undesirable. This indicates that the fundamental characteristic of the harem is seclusion of women rather than polygyny.[18]
Harem - Wikipedia
That article sounds like bs. 2.29% of all married men had enough wives to bring the ratio to a little over 2 to 1. No sir, I don't believe it.OP assumes harems were polyamous, but this wasn't always the case.
It's possible. 21 years with wife 14 years married. I'm about to turn 40. Life is good. There are lots of good men and women out there don't get caught up with internet thinking.This thread is looking like a mens club. Sex is complicated and everyone’s needs are different. Some want more, some want less. I think that’s what it boils down to. Personally, I hope to find someone I click with both physically and emotionally, so there’s little chance to think of much else.
Still think vier needs a dad hug.Not specific to this thread but here I what I feel about men/women threads:
Some people have poor luck in attracting bad guys/girls and it then clouds their perception negatively about that particular gender. This leads to generalisations that do more harm than good. Instead of judging people on a whole, judge everyone individually rather than collectively putting down an entire gender because of a few. Once this tribalism is gone, we can move forward rather than insulting each other over ignorance which could be fixed but is exacerbated by insulting that only worsens the situation.
It's possible. 21 years with wife 14 years married. I'm about to turn 40. Life is good. There are lots of good men and women out there don't get caught up with internet thinking.
No,The Lunch Legend did you have a father in you life as a kid? Do you need a hug?
It's a concession. The so-called "beta males" are more successful at being providers in modern society than are those who try to be "alpha males"! Absolutely so, in a biological sense anyway. The female strategy would be to then use the beta for resources (whilst conceding sex to the beta to keep security) and then thirsting/cheating with the alpha.I'm trying to wrap my head around your questions. It seems like you have two contradictory theories you are trying to reconcile:
1 - Women prefer alpha males and always will.
2 - Women worked with beta males so they will have less sex with alpha males.
These seem to cancel each other out, no? Your scenario makes no logical sense. If women prefer the alpha males, why would they work against them? If they want to have sex with the alpha, why invent having sex with the beta?
Women (in general) enjoy sex just as much as men, monogamous or not, if it's different in your experience then I would sooner assume that you're either really shit at picking women (self obsessed gold-diggers) and find the .1% that really are honey traps, or that you're just really shit at sex or don't work on maintaining physical attractiveness.Women want monogamy but in many cases the return is celibacy. "Look how much sex you get with me!" once they lock a man down it's off the menu.
Women (in general) enjoy sex just as much as men, monogamous or not, if it's different in your experience then I would sooner assume that you're either really shit at picking women (self obsessed gold-diggers) and find the .1% that really are honey traps, or that you're just really shit at sex or don't work on maintaining physical attractiveness.
Odd thing is, there are a lot of men content with being monogamous .
Real. Fucking. Talk.yeah, until she turn off the pussy tap. Then they suffer in silence because they get blamed, just like some of the responses in this topic.
I knew coworkers who had such arrangements and it worked wonders for them. Russian wife who kept 10% of husband's income and sent the money to her family.This is unrelated but;
Was in a pub probably nearly a decade ago, in Irish pubs you tend to talk to each other. it's normal.
Went out for a cigarette and this dude bragged about how he "bought" his (wife). He recommended it.
Said something like that they'll cook and clean and sex anytime.
I was absolutely appalled that someone could even say that, honestly I was truly shocked. He spoke about it like it was an achievement.
Arranged marriages, ok. Not for me each to their own, but bragging about ownership of someone. That really stuck with me.
EDIT: I was sitting beside her at the table.
EDIT2: corrected context
Why must women be monogamous? Seems they have 1000x more ability to date multiple people. What if the woman has a decent job?To be in a successful relationship, women must be monogamous, not the men.. Is it a double standard, yes. But it is what it is.
Women show their commitment through being faithful sexually, men show their commitment through sharing their resources/providing security.
Odd thing is, there are a lot of men content with being monogamous .
I think it depends if she's attracted to you or not. If she's attracted to you she will likely want to have sex. But I've heard that sex with someone a woman doesn't find attractive feels to a woman like it feels for a straight man to have sex with another man.![]()
Some of you guys really lack reading comprehension. Go back and find the quantifier in my post.
I'm neither fat or shit at sex. Also I'm speaking from personal experience of ONLY two relationships where women got their feet under the table and "Didn't need to do that any more". I've also been in many relationships where the sex was regular and good. If you want to stealth brag and dismiss opinions and lived experiences of other guys, you do you.
It depends on the amount of alcohol you have in your system.I think it depends if she's attracted to you or not. If she's attracted to you she will likely want to have sex. But I've heard that sex with someone a woman doesn't find attractive feels to the woman like it feels for a straight man to have sex with another man.
It depends on the amount of alcohol you have in your system.
Real. Fucking. Talk.
(note chart was done by youtuber based on anecdotal information from reasons given by others in relations.)
case closed? 50% end in divorce, of the other 50%, 10-20% end in sexless marriages, and those are results from studies not anecdotal. Now if you don't think people are gonna lie, that most are gonna be honest about being in sexless marriages I've got a bridge to sell you. The number in sexless marriages are likely vastly underestimated due to dishonesty.
a good chunk of the 50% who remain married are unhappy, and a significant number is even stuck in sexless marriages.(note chart was done by youtuber based on anecdotal information from reasons given by others in relations.)
You're focused a little too much on one very fine and particular aspect of a society - the sex. I don't think it's really all about sex. For one, if it was, then only the finest and most best-looking male specimen would be the king of the males. This is clearly not the case. That brings us to a crucial question: what even is an alpha? He is strong enough. He is an effective decision maker. He understands how to lead others. Most importantly, others want to follow him.So I was thinking - it's really amazing what boring classes at college can do for your thought life, pity they don't work that way for my sex life. Anyway, I suppose everybody here is familiar with the genetic theory of human mating strategies : Sperm is cheap to produce, so men seek sex with as many women as possible to maximize the amount of children. On the other hand, women can only have a few children, so they seek the best possible males, maximizing the quality of their children.
On the other hand, humans are not completely products of our genes. If we judge by other primates, and oversimplify a little, the equilibrium state in a tribe is for an alpha male to have all the females, with a bit of illicit sex on the side. Clearly this does not favor the ninety percent of males who are not getting any, or very little. (As an aside, vestiges of this system can still be seen in high schools, not the most civilized of places, where a few males get all the sex, and most have none).
I wonder, then, if monogamy could be seen as a stratagem of the beta males and the females, against the alpha males? The beta males get regular sex, which they would not have under the old system. The females get help in raising their children, which a single alpha cannot supply for the whole harem - not, at any rate, as efficiently as a beta who can concentrate his whole attention on one nuclear family. The alphas get nothing, but they are a small percentage of the population and cannot very well work together anyway, since they seek a winner-takes-all situation.
Is this theory useful for understanding our behavior? I do not offer it as a replacement for the purely genetic theory, but a supplement.
Of course, the interests of betas and females are not totally identical here. The female would still prefer the alpha to be the father of her child; she just wants the beta to supply the resources and care to raise it. Which seems to fit in with the chaperonage systems seen in many patriarchal systems, the stigma of bastardy, and the absolute prohibition on adultery.
Much more interesting than astrophysics, for sure.![]()