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This is why I don’t do relationships

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Before we go any further, I’ve had a fair few drunks do this might not make sense but I’ll try my best. Also I’m asexual so people might jump in with the whole not being in a relationship cos of my sexuality but fuck them.

Anyway been talking to this girl who I met through a dating app. Same age, same area, same interests. All good. We soon swapped numbers and grew close. Def a connection there. Constantly on WhatsApp and doing voice notes and calls.

Skip to today and this morning she has ‘her’ time with phone off and shit. Tonight I say I’m going to have me time and she flips. Who you with, what you doing, etc. Says it’s best we have some time spent not talking to each other. Leaves a voicemail saying she might still text me, but calling will be ‘unavailable’

Like, dafuq? That’s not just me overreacting? She be crazy.


Wait, you're not talking to my ex wife?, sounds like her.......
Knowing my luck, could well be. She’s not on any dating apps, is she?

Sounds like a pretty good deal for our guy. Chris can let the other guy handle all the cockwork and be her sensitive shoulder to cry on when he isn’t giving her enough attention.
I’m asexual, not a cuckold.


Before we go any further, I’ve had a fair few drunks do this might not make sense but I’ll try my best. Also I’m asexual so people might jump in with the whole not being in a relationship cos of my sexuality but fuck them.

Anyway been talking to this girl who I met through a dating app. Same age, same area, same interests. All good. We soon swapped numbers and grew close. Def a connection there. Constantly on WhatsApp and doing voice notes and calls.

Skip to today and this morning she has ‘her’ time with phone off and shit. Tonight I say I’m going to have me time and she flips. Who you with, what you doing, etc. Says it’s best we have some time spent not talking to each other. Leaves a voicemail saying she might still text me, but calling will be ‘unavailable’

Like, dafuq? That’s not just me overreacting? She be crazy.

All of the drama, none of the benefits.


I’m asexual, not a cuckold.

In this case



How the fuck would I know? She's not here hahaha
Good point.

if you don't wanna dick her down she's gotta get it somewhere bro
Also a good point.

All of the drama, none of the benefits.
Strike three, and I’m out.

Its like I was telling INC, people like me ain’t meant to be happy. Damaged goods. Signing up on that app was a bad idea because, let’s face it, people on there are looking for a shag, which they won’t get from me. Yet I’m too anxious to go meet people IRL. Lol, I’m fucked.


She sent me a voicenote just now.

“Sigh. Why this keep happening? I’m gonna go for a few days. If you hear from me again, we’ll chat. If not, have a good life.”

B D Joe

She sounds insecure, maybe she has been cheated on in previous relationships and this is why she is suspicious when you want 'me' time.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
She sent me a voicenote just now.

“Sigh. Why this keep happening? I’m gonna go for a few days. If you hear from me again, we’ll chat. If not, have a good life.”
She apparently still has the capacity to get jealous about you, so hit her with a body blow now about how you weren't interested in her because you met someone else. And that if she wants to chat she can mail you a letter since calling will be "permanently unavailable."


Its like I was telling INC, people like me ain’t meant to be happy. Damaged goods. Signing up on that app was a bad idea because, let’s face it, people on there are looking for a shag, which they won’t get from me. Yet I’m too anxious to go meet people IRL. Lol, I’m fucked.
The truth is you are probably asking too much of other people.
People on dating apps might not just be looking for a shag but ultimately it's something that the vast majority of people will want.
If you aren't basically opening with "I just want to be friends, no sex" then it's a little dishonest.

You shouldn't really frame it like that, "damaged goods".
Try to focus on the positive and be the best you can.

Just maybe dating apps are not the best place to be looking for just friends.


I haven’t done the deed in a long, long time. I get your point.

One of the first questions asked, on a voice call, was what being asexual actually meant. She sounded fine with it.
Here is a peoce of advice given to me a long time ago....

Women tend to change their mind when it suits them.

So how come your asexual? Bad experiences or just not into it?


Reseterror Resettler
Yeah, my initial question would be like "Why the fuck does she care who you're with if you're asexual?"


Like, obvs not asexual, so I can't speak on that, but with standard heterosexuals, 90% of jealousy comes from physical interaction or the threat of physical interaction. Just seems weird. There are plenty of people out there who are just fine having a primarily emotional relationship, just hold out for them. If the basis for my relationship was emotional compatibility, I definitely wouldn't choose a Tinder nutbag.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah, my initial question would be like "Why the fuck does she care who you're with if you're asexual?"


Like, obvs not asexual, so I can't speak on that, but with standard heterosexuals, 90% of jealousy comes from physical interaction or the threat of physical interaction. Just seems weird. There are plenty of people out there who are just fine having a primarily emotional relationship, just hold out for them. If the basis for my relationship was emotional compatibility, I definitely wouldn't choose a Tinder nutbag.
Exactly. Basically implies that she doesn't believe him, and that maybe she feels he's seeing someone else instead and making it up.
Sorry to hear that but I don't think she is worth your time to act toxic like that towards you. I imagine that finding a relationship is very hard for you but it would probably be more worthwhile to find someone asexual as well or someone who is not looking for a sexual connection.


Could just be a medical reason like low testosterone, which is fully treatable. Consider getting your levels checked or talking to a doctor about your situation in general.
I used to think it was a medical thing, but my cholesterol is okay. I also had tests done for any prostate problems, and they came back clear. All this was before what happened. After the ordeal, I can confirm that I definitely do not enjoy it whatsoever.


I used to think it was a medical thing, but my cholesterol is okay. I also had tests done for any prostate problems, and they came back clear. All this was before what happened. After the ordeal, I can confirm that I definitely do not enjoy it whatsoever.
My first thought was it could be something clinical also as having very little to no sex drive usually has some underpinning issue; either physiologically, psychologically or induced by drugs and medications.

But if you aren't up for it no biggie (scuse puns).

What do you get from a relationship though if you don't mind me asking? I understand touch, having someone special etc but at the end of the day, short of finding someone who is also asexual or has a very low sex drive; it's going to be an issue at some point.

Also she sounds young or batshit crazy, or both.


Gold Member
I honestly wouldn’t take that type of treatment unless we both communicated in the bedroom. There isn’t any type of relief to make up for the constant guilt trips.
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Also I’m asexual so people might jump in with the whole not being in a relationship cos of my sexuality but fuck them.
I think it’s clear that no one, including the people you’re trying to date and the forum you’re going to for advice, knows what you actually want mate.

To everyone here, it sounds like you just want a friend and dating apps are pointless.
If you don’t want a friend, you must want something more intimate.
But intimacy for everyone else involves sex, so we’re back to square one.


Gold Member
Is this forum your diary or something?

Kind of off topic:
Why is Spiderman handing his letter to Hitler and what is Hitler wearing on his head?

On topic:
Sounds like you‘ve got an unstable penpal.
I'm sure there are nicer girls out there who'd gladly not fuck you.


After some counsel from others, I turned my phone off, stopped drinking and went to bed. Upon waking, there were five voicenotes, one saying sorry and the rest wishing she could take it back. I haven’t replied. Do I? I mean, she’s unstable as fuck.


After some counsel from others, I turned my phone off, stopped drinking and went to bed. Upon waking, there were five voicenotes, one saying sorry and the rest wishing she could take it back. I haven’t replied. Do I? I mean, she’s unstable as fuck.

Fuck me, she’s a loon, dude. Move on.

Unbelievably (and counter to what some people in this thread with obviously very little experience are claiming) women are all different. And plenty of them are perfectly sane individuals who don’t play these kinds of games.

Mind you, is it a woman you really want? From what you‘re saying about your lack of interest in sex, it might not be? And if that’s not what you’re into, you’ll have trouble with any woman, as a vast majority of them will want a sexual component to the relationship. Maybe get off dating apps, and move to ‘friendship’ apps?
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Don't use these dating apps. Go and look for group meetups or hangouts. I think you're looking for company, not a relationship.


Gold Member
I’ve had sex in the past but didn’t really enjoy it, then an incident completely confirmed that I hate all manner of intimate or sexual contact.
There are a handful of sleep disorders which do the same thing. Coming from experience here.


Gold Member
Also this thread is fucking brutal and hilarious.

Don't give up on this Chris. We're all having a laugh but there is good advice here.


Reply to her, there's the chance of sex at the end of the crazy.

Choo choo, ride her right into loonyville.
After some counsel from others, I turned my phone off, stopped drinking and went to bed. Upon waking, there were five voicenotes, one saying sorry and the rest wishing she could take it back. I haven’t replied. Do I? I mean, she’s unstable as fuck.

Dude, you wasted yourself, threw a hissy fit, created this thread, screamed for attention, tumbled down the fatalistic rabbit-hole, gave up on relationships, had a manic depressive episode and shared this defeatist psycho message...

You know what I’ve been through. You know how bitter and twisted I’ve become. I would say try to avoid ending up like me but, honestly, you need to learn to put certain barriers up to stop yourself getting hurt. On the flip side, you need to learn to lower other barriers - in this case, morals. Fuck morals. They get us nowhere. We follow our moral compass and where’s it lead us? Heartache. So fuck life, fuck morals. When life gives you morals, go fuck shit up.

...all because your whatsapp acquaintance wanted you to text her during your "me time". Who is unstable as f*ck here? I say go for it.
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