1. she sounds immature as hell. how old is she? women can be like this for a long time especially when feelings are involved. dated a girl who was completly crazy/immature and she was 26. guys can be fucking stupid and immature and crazy too probably but i wouldn't know because i'm not GAY
2. if you're asexual it was probably a mistake looking for love on tinder because most women on there want to be dicked down be it in a one night stand or after some time while in a relationship. she probably doesn't really believe you are asexual and thinks you just said for reasons. you know like some men say they are male feminists to get closer to women. something along those lines.
honestly tinder in general is a bad idea but yeah you can respond to her just don't be surprised and make another thread if it doesn't work out in the end because she's crazy, also stop being so dramatic about it, it's literally just a girl from tinder you haven't even met yet. before you take my advice note that i haven't had sex in a year and i'm pretty bad with dating and talking to women so just be warned i might not know what i'm talking about when it comes to this but these are my honest thoughts. good luck op.
2. if you're asexual it was probably a mistake looking for love on tinder because most women on there want to be dicked down be it in a one night stand or after some time while in a relationship. she probably doesn't really believe you are asexual and thinks you just said for reasons. you know like some men say they are male feminists to get closer to women. something along those lines.
honestly tinder in general is a bad idea but yeah you can respond to her just don't be surprised and make another thread if it doesn't work out in the end because she's crazy, also stop being so dramatic about it, it's literally just a girl from tinder you haven't even met yet. before you take my advice note that i haven't had sex in a year and i'm pretty bad with dating and talking to women so just be warned i might not know what i'm talking about when it comes to this but these are my honest thoughts. good luck op.