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This is why I don’t do relationships

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1. she sounds immature as hell. how old is she? women can be like this for a long time especially when feelings are involved. dated a girl who was completly crazy/immature and she was 26. guys can be fucking stupid and immature and crazy too probably but i wouldn't know because i'm not GAY
2. if you're asexual it was probably a mistake looking for love on tinder because most women on there want to be dicked down be it in a one night stand or after some time while in a relationship. she probably doesn't really believe you are asexual and thinks you just said for reasons. you know like some men say they are male feminists to get closer to women. something along those lines.

honestly tinder in general is a bad idea but yeah you can respond to her just don't be surprised and make another thread if it doesn't work out in the end because she's crazy, also stop being so dramatic about it, it's literally just a girl from tinder you haven't even met yet. before you take my advice note that i haven't had sex in a year and i'm pretty bad with dating and talking to women so just be warned i might not know what i'm talking about when it comes to this but these are my honest thoughts. good luck op.


Dude, you wasted yourself, threw a hissy fit, created this thread, screamed for attention, tumbled down the fatalistic rabbit-hole, gave up on relationships, had a manic depressive episode and shared this defeatist psycho message...

...all because your whatsapp acquaintance wanted you to text her during your "me time". Who is unstable as f*ck here? I say go for it.

Yeah, no shit, you're just a few minutes ahead of posting what I wanted to call out.

"Anyway been talking to this girl who I met through a dating app. Same age, same area, same interests. All good. We soon swapped numbers and grew close. Def a connection there. Constantly on WhatsApp and doing voice notes and calls.

Skip to today and this morning she has ‘her’ time with phone off and shit. Tonight I say I’m going to have me time and she flips. Who you with, what you doing, etc. Says it’s best we have some time spent not talking to each other. Leaves a voicemail saying she might still text me, but calling will be ‘unavailable’"


Here's what actually happened.

He's over-invested in this "Relationship" because there's "Def a connection" I.E " Projection on his part and he's been getting attention and validation from her. I imagine he's instigating all the chats. So come Saturday morning she just want's a lie-in on a Saturday morning and does not want him blowing up her phone the whole time like he has all week. So she let's him know she's having me time so her phone does not disturb her while she sleeps.

The hero of our story flips the fuck out because she's removed instant attention from him and even though she's told him in advance he has an incel rage fit because for a few hours she just wants to sleep undisturbed and she'll get back to him later. She let's him know so she hopes this would not happen, but he did it anyway.

So come the evening while he's been sulking for hours about the lack of attention he comes up with a plan to "Punish her" for making him feel ignored. As a big boy that he is the obvious mature thing to do is to give her a taste of "her own medicine" and have his "Me time" on that Saturday afternoon.

Except it does not work because she is not as emotionally invested in him as he is projecting on her and she can see it's clearly him making a "Bitch move" and call's him out on it. She leaves the door open for him to apologize by text because she probably thinks he's not actually a bad dude and she has experience with men being salty.

What does he do? Wallow in self pity and alcohol before shit-talking her on the internet and playing the victim.

He's a 35 year old man.

Just ONE week ago before he met this woman he "Def had a connection with"


Chris. is a textbook example of an unreliable narrator of his life and quite possibly a narcissist.


Gold Member
So talking on an app, these are entirely used for fucks that you make happen the night of contact, exchange numbers still just talk, no fucking yet am I missing something?

You’re both wasting each other’s time and now you’re wasting Neogaf bandwidth.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
After some counsel from others, I turned my phone off, stopped drinking and went to bed. Upon waking, there were five voicenotes, one saying sorry and the rest wishing she could take it back. I haven’t replied. Do I? I mean, she’s unstable as fuck.
I hope you learned a valuable lesson here when dealing with relationship vampires. There is a constant hidden struggle for power. She had the power and cut you off and basically dumped you. She wanted you to freak out and text her all night about how sorry you were but you ignored her. Only by ignoring her did you win the power back and have her treat you with some respect.

What you do from here is your call. But when you find yourself in this position again, do not ever forget this lesson.


I messaged her and told her that we’re both wasting time looking for something from each other that they simply cannot give, and that I don’t have time for her little games.

To those who gave genuine advice, I give you my thanks. You know who you are. To those who only felt compelled to ridicule me, go fuck yourselves and swivel on a large rusty pole. I asked sincerely for a help I was struggling with for various reasons and all you could do is mock my sexuality and mock my mental health. I learnt two lessons today.


I messaged her and told her that we’re both wasting time looking for something from each other that they simply cannot give, and that I don’t have time for her little games.

To those who gave genuine advice, I give you my thanks. You know who you are. To those who only felt compelled to ridicule me, go fuck yourselves and swivel on a large rusty pole. I asked sincerely for a help I was struggling with for various reasons and all you could do is mock my sexuality and mock my mental health. I learnt two lessons today.

Everyone else learned that you are a fake ass, narcissistic attention seeker misogynist who can't keep his story straight.

That's a win for everyone involved.



You think I’m narcissistic? Lol, okay, you don’t know the first thing about me, so don’t sit there atop your ivory tower judging me below. If you had even the slightest inkling of what I’ve been through to make my head so messed up, you might show a tiny bit of compassion.

As for attention seeking, fuck off. So is anyone who makes a thread about their lives attending seeking? I guess so, going by your logic.

I wouldn’t bother replying. I’m done here and I’m going to ask a mod to close it. How foolish was I to think of coming to GAF for help.
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You think I’m narcissistic? Lol, okay, you don’t know the first thing about me, so don’t sit there atop your ivory tower judging me below. If you had even the slightest inkling of what I’ve been through to make my head so messed up, you might show a tiny bit of compassion.

As for attention seeking, fuck off. So is anyone who makes a thread about their lives attending seeking? I guess so, going by your logic.

I've post dived the fuck out of you already. It's inconsistent manipulative victimhood designed to manipulate peoples compassion and absolve you of any personal responsibility.

By all means, keep going you're entertaining. Mate.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Everyone else learned that you are a fake ass, narcissistic attention seeker misogynist who can't keep his story straight.

That's a win for everyone involved.

I mean, I'm really not getting that vibe at all. Not sure why you're nuking the entire thread like this. Really kicking someone repeatedly when they're down.
  • 1) Fake ass - so, he's so open that he's told us nearly everything about this incident including posting about when they met. But this makes him fake? All you're doing is posting pictures of things he's voluntarily said.
  • 2) Narcissistic attention seeker - really not getting that vibe here. If I had to make some wildly uninformed psychological diagnosis on someone I don't even slightly know here, I'd say he's probably way, way too hard on himself to the point that he's convinced himself he's asexual. Seems like he's had some bad experiences in the past that he can't forgive or can't get over, and is severely lacking confidence or relaxation to the point that he dislikes intimacy. But yet is still on dating apps trying to meet people, so he's obviously got some kind of confict here that doesn't seem like extreme self-absorption and inflated hyper-confidence.
  • 3) Misogynist - not sure where that came from.
  • 4) Can't keep his story straight - which part?


Authorized Fister
I've post dived the fuck out of you already. It's inconsistent manipulative victimhood designed to manipulate peoples compassion and absolve you of any personal responsibility.

By all means, keep going you're entertaining. Mate.
I had told that someone who needs a safe space needs mental health support. OP, you need to get professional help. Turning to a public forum is not a way to do it as the most cynics will come and get you. Coping with your issues is the first step in a better life.

Thread 'LGBTQIA+ |OT| This week's thread is sponsored by the letter...'
You think I’m narcissistic? Lol, okay, you don’t know the first thing about me, so don’t sit there atop your ivory tower judging me below. If you had even the slightest inkling of what I’ve been through to make my head so messed up, you might show a tiny bit of compassion.
I wouldn’t bother replying. I’m done here and I’m going to ask a mod to close it. How foolish was I to think of coming to GAF for help.

People are showing you compassion, you just don't notice it because it's not what you want to hear from them.

To those who only felt compelled to ridicule me, go fuck yourselves and swivel on a large rusty pole. I asked sincerely for a help I was struggling with for various reasons and all you could do is mock my sexuality and mock my mental health. I learnt two lessons today.

In case you haven't noticed but the people here aren't ridiculing you, just genuinely trying to make you aware that you seem to be projecting your own psychological episodes onto other people. Freaking out like this over some texting with a person you just encountered online and haven't even met is not healthy and neither are your recurring threads about your online shenanigans.

You're obsessing way too much over these text messages and judging by the way how you behave on here, I can totally understand your whatsapp acquaintance getting the f*ck out. It's not normal to break down like that because you can't decide who gets to text who and when and how frikkin' much. Then you go talk crap about her on a forum because she didn't dance to your whistle. You asked people if you're overreacting. Well there is your answer!

In one thread you're ecstatic about how great your life is, in another you're fatalistically giving up on everything, in yet another you're deep down depressed and someplace else you proclaim how frikkin' amazing you are. In every thread you need to let people know that you're asexual, but then you do nothing but complain about your relationships and you go post tits and advertise some thot's onlyfans. Mentally you're all over the place mate, like seriously.

I'm not saying this to dunk on you, but I think you are coping with severe depression, which oftentimes is also the cause of a diminished libido. I certainly don't think you were born asexual and your fear of intimacy seems to be the result of other underlying issues that you really need to deal with first.
Take other people's advice and get some help or at the very least talk to a professional.
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Before we go any further, I’ve had a fair few drunks do this might not make sense but I’ll try my best. Also I’m asexual so people might jump in with the whole not being in a relationship cos of my sexuality but fuck them.

Anyway been talking to this girl who I met through a dating app. Same age, same area, same interests. All good. We soon swapped numbers and grew close. Def a connection there. Constantly on WhatsApp and doing voice notes and calls.

Skip to today and this morning she has ‘her’ time with phone off and shit. Tonight I say I’m going to have me time and she flips. Who you with, what you doing, etc. Says it’s best we have some time spent not talking to each other. Leaves a voicemail saying she might still text me, but calling will be ‘unavailable’

Like, dafuq? That’s not just me overreacting? She be crazy.

Just tell to keep her bullshit behaviour for herself and that this must be the reason she is single to begin with.
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