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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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A lot of people on both sides post some pretty dumb shit, whatever. My pet peeve is if the majority of your posts are shares/reposts. I don't use Facebook to be forcefed your shitty politics. Furthermore, whatever your opinions are, there's a good chance that people either disagree or don't care so STFU and post something personal instead of some "witty" picture some other asshole made.

Someone should just reply to this with a picture of two wires twisted together.

Or a potato battery with the caption as "support what's right. Fuck potatoes."


My grandfather's wife was getting on my nerves posting stuff like this.

But sometimes she would post 20 some ridiculous articles in a day. Knowing that made me feel kind of bad for her.


Some one posted this the other day, thought it was pretty good.

Other than that I don't see much of anything in my feed.
op id probably block you on facebook

liberals who go out of their way to point out how stupid conservatives are are just as annoying as vocal conservatives.

Not really, telling some one what they're doing is objectively wrong is self improvement advice. Only bigoted conservatives think it's annoying.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
I don't agree with hardly anything really super right-wing people post, but I find a lot of them funny in the same way that obnoxious comics can be funny. Of course, I am not offended by anything that anybody does or says and can very easily see why people found different things funny.
Showing that classic "Reaganomics, we told them the wealth would trickle down" picture is a good retort besides the unfriend and/or block option.


I've only seen 1 anti-gay marriage pic and no pro-Confederate flag pics so far.

Yay, me! (I guess, lol)

(someone even made a thread about the one I saw, IIRC)


It certainly doesn't give me a good opinion of them, considering the Republican platform.

That's a pretty narrow viewpoint you have there, and it comes across as rather naive. Plenty of people with good hearts and good intentions can find fiscal conservatism appealing for a variety of reasons, and desire to protect the unborn. Most Republicans I know vote that way for those two reasons. Personally, the only non Democrat I've ever voted for is Nader, but you have to be very, very naive to see Republicans as this black and white, boogeyman caricature. I suggest widening your world view a bit. This sports team, Us vs. Them thing in politics is something every educated person should grow out of.


The Autumn Wind
That's a pretty narrow viewpoint you have there, and it comes across as rather naive. Plenty of people with good hearts and good intentions can find fiscal conservatism appealing for a variety of reasons, and desire to protect the unborn. Most Republicans I know vote that way for those two reasons. Personally, the only non Democrat I've ever voted for is Nader, but you have to be very, very naive to see Republicans as this black and white, boogeyman caricature. I suggest widening your world view a bit. This sports team, Us vs. Them thing in politics is something every educated person should grow out of.
Yet the people they vote into office are far more destructive than that. So they can say whatever they want to justify it. They either secretly agree with all the crap, or they willfully ignore the repercussions.
Yet the people they vote into office are far more destructive than that. So they can say whatever they want to justify it. They either secretly agree with all the crap, or they willfully ignore the repercussions.

You're overestimating the destructive power of the Republican party and underestimating the ability of the Democrats to screw things up. He's making a reasonable point. Many single issue voters are not evil, as you paint them to be, they just don't want to vote for someone who is diametrically opposed to their important issues. No candidate is ever a perfect fit.
You're overestimating the destructive power of the Republican party and underestimating the ability of the Democrats to screw things up. He's making a reasonable point. Many single issue voters are not evil, as you paint them to be, they just don't want to vote for someone who is diametrically opposed to their important issues. No candidate is ever a perfect fit.

A majority Republican wide on a Federal and State Level would literally try, and possibly succeed, to amend the US Constitution to re-ban same sex marriage tomorrow if they could
You're overestimating the destructive power of the Republican party and underestimating the ability of the Democrats to screw things up. He's making a reasonable point. Many single issue voters are not evil, as you paint them to be, they just don't want to vote for someone who is diametrically opposed to their important issues. No candidate is ever a perfect fit.
I think believing the republican platform is fiscally conservative and banning safe abortions while supporting abstinence education falls under "willfully ignore the repercussions".
I get there are examples of this kind of shit from both sides, but one is much more frequent and ridiculous in nature. Right wing chain emails were a thing, for example. The right tend to engage in this type of behavior a lot more.

Claiming equivalence is the opposite of insightful.

You claimed that I made a false equivalence. In order for this to be true, I have to have been just making things up. This is a thread about the borderline psychotic garbage that's been polluting peoples Facebook feeds lately, specifically the conservative trash.

Excusing one side because there's less nonsense coming out of it is just as devoid of insight as "claiming equivalence".

As has been stated before in this thread, these pictures/Facebook posts are not new and not limited to either group. I stand by my statement.


I applaud the conservative members of gaf who have posted in this thread, and it's good to know there's more of you out there than I thought.
That's a pretty narrow viewpoint you have there, and it comes across as rather naive. Plenty of people with good hearts and good intentions can find fiscal conservatism appealing for a variety of reasons, and desire to protect the unborn. Most Republicans I know vote that way for those two reasons. Personally, the only non Democrat I've ever voted for is Nader, but you have to be very, very naive to see Republicans as this black and white, boogeyman caricature. I suggest widening your world view a bit. This sports team, Us vs. Them thing in politics is something every educated person should grow out of.

Two reasons? And you're accusing him of being narrow minded?

Fuck any platform that would oppress a segment of the population of their civil rights because of who they choose to love. I'm supposed to expand my horizon to this idelogy on the back of a sound fiscal policy? Please, explain to me why oppression in 2015 is a valid platform. Tell me more of these people with good hearts and intentions.


The Autumn Wind
It's not even sound fiscal policy. Trickle-down economics has proven to be bullshit. The only thing it's done is exponentially widened the income disparity in this country. "Fiscally conservative" to Republicans means fucking over the poor to help the rich get richer and bloat the defense budget so much that even the military is like "It's ok guys, we're good."

One look at Kansas will show you exactly where their "sound fiscal policy" gets you.
I only have like 12 people on my Facebook so I'm spared a lot of shit but lately my aunt and a cousin (aunt's daughter but it might actually be my cousin's husband, don't know) are liking/sharing "Confederate Flag" images and shit. It's stupid, neither of them have any ties to the South and at least when it comes to my aunt her fucking grand parents came from Canada and on my great grandfather's end that by route of Belgium.

I should start posting pro-Che Guevara shit because it'd make about as much sense.


I only have like 12 people on my Facebook so I'm spared a lot of shit but lately my aunt and a cousin (aunt's daughter but it might actually be my cousin's husband, don't know) are liking/sharing "Confederate Flag" images and shit. It's stupid, neither of them have any ties to the South and at least when it comes to my aunt her fucking grand parents came from Canada and on my great grandfather's end that by route of Belgium.

I should start posting pro-Che Guevara shit because it'd make about as much sense.

Haha. Yeah the ones I have seen post it are from Oregon. They were born here. Not sure why they care.
Yup. I live in the South. "Real Virginia", as McCain's adviser once called it. I see the Confederate Flags all the time, in peoples yards, on trucks, etc. I know people who actually think Barack Obama is a socialist muslim. There were teachers at my high school who believed in Obama conspiracy theories. At church I've heard prayers against gay people. My girlfriend's dad is paranoid and determines whether it is safe to certain cities are safe to visit or not if they have open carry gun laws. I know a lot of people who believe global warming is a hoax. This is anecdotal evidence, but I would wager that these views are rather common across the US in demographics similar to mine. These are the people who would be very likely to believe in the most of the images in this thread.

Obviously there are radical left beliefs and pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo that are very unreasonable, but it seems to me that they are much less prominent than the common right-winger who believes the President is the devil. The people I described above, however, are the GOP's base, through and through. The GOP caters to them, reflects their views, exacerbates and reinforces their beliefs. They are not a fringe group, and right wing politicians rely on them for votes. Pretty unsettling when you think of all of the crazy shit that is believed.
Sorry but as a non American I have to ask: you mean he considers a city safe is there IS an open carry gun law or if he considers it's safe if people are NOT permitted to open carry?


What is strange about my FB is that most of the ones defending the Confederate flag and outraged over the gay marriage issue are Northerners, almost everyone of them on my FB due to mostly being friends and associates from my days in the military are ultra conservative. On the flip side almost everyone I know actually from my area here in La owning to my knowing them via college and atheist meets and greets are secular, liberal, and humanist. Its a odd thing in contrast to others here and their interactions.

Thankfully my family even though they are all deeply religious and conservative southerns , have so far stayed out of the meme game and non-political.
You claimed that I made a false equivalence. In order for this to be true, I have to have been just making things up. This is a thread about the borderline psychotic garbage that's been polluting peoples Facebook feeds lately, specifically the conservative trash.

Excusing one side because there's less nonsense coming out of it is just as devoid of insight as "claiming equivalence".

As has been stated before in this thread, these pictures/Facebook posts are not new and not limited to either group. I stand by my statement.

'Excusing' the behavior wasn't even a part of the discussion. Again, just because there are examples of it on both sides does not prove, much less suggest, equivalence. False equivalence is more irritating than sharing one of those dumb posts on FB. Don't do it.


Funny thing is, these sort of ideas posted in the pics in this thread is what the rest of the world sees about conservative America BECAUSE of the fact that these are the kinds of things they share.

People who actually interact with Americans know better, that not all of them are this...insane. But most others, at least in my country hear "Republican" immediately think "gun-toting crazy American "


A majority Republican wide on a Federal and State Level would literally try, and possibly succeed, to amend the US Constitution to re-ban same sex marriage tomorrow if they could
Hell, their judicial appointees would reinstate sodomy laws if they had the votes to do it.

Sodomy laws.

But hey, Kim Kardashian needs another tax cut. That takes precedence.


Time Traveler
OK, I'm posting this ones I found on my Facebook page, sorry for the Spanish, will translate; find them funny for different reasons.

First: Why did Mohammed cross the street?
Second: Because he...


If the tax to cigarettes is to discourage smoking, then the tax on books it to discourage learning? (there are no special taxes on books in my country, just the regular VAT (IVA) that everything has).


Reject the national championship of torture (Rodeo is a national traditional sport)


(this is probably in english somewhere) If you changed your photo for the gay flag, you are a victim of a social experiment and were manipulated... crap like that.


Cats looking at rats, the rats are the politicians...




Posted by the wife, to change the laws against crimes committed by minors (crime is rampant in my country today)
Sorry but as a non American I have to ask: you mean he considers a city safe is there IS an open carry gun law or if he considers it's safe if people are NOT permitted to open carry?
He thought Baltimore, Maryland was not a safe place to go to because there wasn't an open carry gun law, apparently.
Funny thing is, these sort of ideas posted in the pics in this thread is what the rest of the world sees about conservative America BECAUSE of the fact that these are the kinds of things they share.

People who actually interact with Americans know better, that not all of them are this...insane. But most others, at least in my country hear "Republican" immediately think "gun-toting crazy American "

Every single Presidential candidate is against same-sex marriage.

All of em. Like 2 or 3 of them want to still try a ban it via a Constitutional amendment.


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Isn't Hilary supposed to be supportive or something? I heard something of the sort
That poster was talking about the field of Republican candidates.

In a funny dichotomy, I don't think a democrat would make it very far in the Presidential election if they didnt support same sex marriage.
'Excusing' the behavior wasn't even a part of the discussion. Again, just because there are examples of it on both sides does not prove, much less suggest, equivalence. False equivalence is more irritating than sharing one of those dumb posts on FB. Don't do it.

Both extremes exist, both extremes are annoying, both extremes are equivalently prevalent, regardless of how irritating you find it.

The group that doesn't get what they want will kick up a fuss, and the group that got what it wanted will continue to kick over their figurative trash cans(legalization of marijuana, eat only local grown organic, etc.) because they can.

You don't see it though, and I respect that. I suggest that we agree to disagree.
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