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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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/r/ForwardsFromGrandma the thread huh

It's in spanish

Translation: And then Pilate asked the crowd: Who should be released?
The crowd said: Barrabas, the thief.

And more than 2000 years later, the crowd still elects thieves.

The problem with this is that Barrabas was not in jail for being a thief, he was in jail for participating in a revolt against the romans.
Yeah, me too. The kind of posts that end with "I'm not racist, I just want my country back."

No, you're racist.

Half of them are just flat out lies too... like, seriously fabricated news stories that sound almost plausible due to the state of the written media in this country. "This MUSLIM TERRORIST is living in an 8 MILLION POUND HOME in LONDON on WELFARE".

Must say that most of these posts come from a particular generation.


contribute something
I almost never see anything explicitly Republican on Facebook, but an old friend posted this gem recently:



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What is it exactly that these people don't get? No one can be that dim surely.

This particularly teenager seemed to honestly not understand why "I'm proud to be gay" is not as safe of a statement as "I'm proud to be straight". He kept repeating that "everybody should be equal, so straight people should be allowed to be proud".
Ultra conservatives are fucking despicable and dishonest shitheads. Just like ultra liberals.

The memes and pictures are just as obnoxious and disingenuous on both sides.
I think it's awful on both sides, it builds anger and division between 2 groups that clearly need to work together for the betterment of our country. The far left and right wingers do something that really annoys me, they choose to only pay attention to the awful media and propaganda that paints the opposite in a bad light, which then of course they build an unfavorable opinion and dislike for that opposite group. I only know 1 other group of people that does this exact same thing and they're called racist.


I think it's awful on both sides, it builds anger and division between 2 groups that clearly need to work together for the betterment of our country. The far left and right wingers do something that really annoys me, they choose to only pay attention to the awful media and propaganda that paints the opposite in a bad light, which then of course they build an unfavorable opinion and dislike of for that opposite group. I only know 1 other group of people that does this exact same thing and they're called racist.

Yeah, I'm really tired of the partisan bullshit on Facebook. I'm old enough to remember what the liberal circles were posting during the first eight years of the last decade. I remember thinking that when Democrats regain political power in this country, that the ridiculous rhetoric would subside and that conservatives would not use the same tactics as liberals were using against Bush when at their worst. That fantasy took about two weeks to destroy. It might be worse now than it's ever been. I have no expectation that reasonable discourse will ever be gained at this point *on social media.

*edited for clarification.
While there's a divide of "us" vs. "them", the politics of it often just seems like a vehicle for tribalism, especially when a lot of it--and forgive me for focusing on one side of it for a second--seems to have nothing to do with being a conservative or a Republican and the ideologies tied to those identities (since why would people calling for limited government want government to intervene when it suits them?). Because conservatism isn't inherently linked to white supremacy, for example. But I guess those labels have also become synonymous with fundamentalist (American nationalist) Christian that may occasionally have a socially conservative slant.

Gray Matter

Ever since (and even before) the legalization of same sex marriage my dad has posted numerous pictures/videos on his disapproval of same sex relationships, notice how I say relationships and not marriage.

He doesn't know that I'm atheist (he's very religious) and doesn't understand that there is nothing wrong with same sex relationships.

Just today he tagged me on two of his posts, it's really fucking annoying.


While there's a divide of "us" vs. "them", the politics of it often just seems like a vehicle for tribalism, especially when a lot of it--and forgive me for focusing on one side of it for a second--seems to have nothing to do with being a conservative or a Republican and the ideologies tied to those identities (since why would people calling for limited government want government to intervene when it suits them?). Because conservatism isn't inherently linked to white supremacy, for example. But I guess those labels have also become synonymous with fundamentalist (American nationalist) Christian that may occasionally have a socially conservative slant.

It is totally tribalism and us vs. them. I think there is a valid and defendable libertarian point of view to be taken on most issues, especially social issues. But what you will notice is that vocal conservatives on social media tend to find their libertarianism when the government starts doing something for somebody else. While the government is doing something that favors them, their libertarianism is nowhere to be found.

For those of us that would like a politics that has moved beyond stagnation from tribalism, it looks like the only thing we can do is keep poking holes in the extremes of both sides in social media. Hard to do when it's your friends and family though.



100% on point. "With us or you are some kind of bigot".

NotAllLiberals#, but there have been plenty on GAF who have that mindset. It got so bad that mods cannot allow certain topics to stay open because it showcases how militant some of these people can get.



100% on point. "With us or you are some kind of bigot".

NotAllLiberals#, but there have been plenty on GAF who have that mindset. It got so bad that mods cannot allow certain topics to stay open because it showcases how militant some of these people can get.

Militant? lol


Gold Member
This reminds me of the rants on Craigslist. I'm not a political person and the people I know don't share their beliefs unless it's something that has to do with crime.

I know some people who listen to http://www.theblaze.com/tv/ and it makes me want to gag. I'm just not interested in it and it keeps stirring up issues left and right. It's one of the reasons I don't like politics at all. I had people around me into this kinda stuff (hardcore). It's why I can't stand politics.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Ultra conservatives are fucking despicable and dishonest shitheads. Just like ultra liberals.

The memes and pictures are just as obnoxious and disingenuous on both sides.

Yes. In a way they are both precisely identical. Neither more harmful and destructive than the other. Both sides, perfectly balanced on the edge of a moral razor.
The problem with this is that Barrabas was not in jail for being a thief, he was in jail for participating in a revolt against the romans.

Yes! Finally someone else actually gets it.

Barabas and Jesus is a parallel about a revolution of violence vs. a revolution of love. The people choose violence.
When you create these blatantly false stories you should probably look up what the maximum food stamp limit to make it more believable. Hint: your example is 300 dollars over the maximum limit.

Any other made up stories you would like to share with us?!?

The anecdote may not be entirely accurate, but the point is that there is a lot of abuse in the system. I work in an industry that works with government program participants and in my experience, the stories have a element of truth.
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