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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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so this is a real tactic eh

pretending that nothing about the two parties has changed for almost 150 years

Been a real tactic for decades. They like to take credit for civil rights/ending slavery, while at the same time blowing dogwhistles about race relations and civil rights.

Few, if any, acknowledge the southern strategy or the party composition changes.


Just saw this. UGHHH



Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
His ass ain't leaving the country.

Very VERY few follow up on that shit.

I had a few people tell me they wanted to move to Australia if Obama got reelected and I was like "There are some things that you should know about Australia. You should probably sit down for this.".
Still not sure how you can call yourself a liberal and be that hateful towards muslims.

Just the atheism approach. They'll say "I hate Muslims only in the same way I hate Christians", but often times their hate for Muslims is significantly stronger and more pointed. As an example, I had a run-in w/ someone who posted an image of the WTC burning and said something to the effect of Christians being liars and Muslims being killers. This person did not understand why this idea was particularly more hateful of one group than the other.

I bet a lot of them are followers of richard dawkins.

Also this. People like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins talk a big liberal game, but...


My favorite part of safety meetings in the oilfield is when that one guy casually drops that "someone needs to grow some balls and put a bullet between Obama's eyes, and that cunt Hillary too." Good way to kick off the presentation.


My favorite part of safety meetings in the oilfield is when that one guy casually drops that "someone needs to grow some balls and put a bullet between Obama's eyes, and that cunt Hillary too." Good way to kick off the presentation.
I bought a large plot of acreage in Mississippi back in October 2008, and had to go to closing at the title company's offices. It was me, a guy from the bank, the seller, and two lawyers from the title company. All white males.

As we're finishing-up, making our way to the door, making small talk, one of the title company guys passes a comment about the upcoming Obama-McCain vote, saying that he had a large amount of business to take care of "before that n*gger gets in and fucks things up even more." I'm stunned as there are hearty laughs all around.

It's funny, the things that are said when it's "just us white guys" in the room..
A common theme is to use provocative imagery that will stir up emotions, yeah. I mean, it works on people, but some of these are so tasteless. Tactless, really.
^^ What the fuck that even means?

Gun nuts are the worst.

There is a conspiracy theory that once Obama takes our guns away they will round us all up into death camps and gas us. I'm sad to admit that my cousin is one of these nutjobs.

Pretty sure when they mean us they mean white Christians.
There is a conspiracy theory that once Obama takes our guns away they will round us all up into death camps and gas us. I'm sad to admit that my cousin is one of these nutjobs.

Pretty sure when they mean us they mean white Christians.

Does he also believe in the fema camps? that has always been one my fav
One of the worst things is that I wouldn't be surprised if I saw this come from a liberal person.

I first just read that as "afraid of Muslims" and thought "That is surprisingly rational, we shouldn't demonize Muslims."

Then I realized what they would have meant coming from a conservative background.

Then I realized what the image actually said. And I was sad.
This has gotten really bad lately. First thing that comes to mind was that "This army soldier tells the truth; 'I'm offended because other people are offended'"

The bright side is it helps you easily identify all of the worst people you know.
Can we do this for education?

I'm pretty sure we skyrocket if we get rid of where this guy is from.
Believe it or not but he is from California, born and raised. Just goes to show you that these idiots can be anywhere in the USA and not just the South.


The Autumn Wind
I once had a conservative coworker, a level-headed software engineer with a loving family, tell me Hilary reminded him of Adolf Hitler in mannerisms and ideals, and he intends on leaving the country if she ever comes to power. He's not even all that conservative, just started listening to banal AM talk radio. This is what happens when a person turns to manipulative pundits as news sources. Which, unfortunately, is the bulk of all right-leaning news.
Good luck with that. We're the most conservative first-world country on the planet.
Pictures and memes like this are successful because older generations seems to be a lot more gullible to believing everything they read on Facebook. I chastise my parents all the time about fact checking and thankfully the message is sinking in.

FYI I am a right leaning independent, Pro gun, extreme pro life, anti death penalty, Pro marijuana legalization, Pro reasonable social programs, I think George Bush sucks, and I also think Barack Obama sucks..... I tend to piss off the sheep in both parties who can't think for themselves and tow the party line which is becoming more and more common. Neither party has anywhere close to a perfect platform.

The image says "The only real family is the natural one! Share!". You can see that a page named "Benito Mussolini - Aphorisms and Works" made it, kinda cute to see fascists using the rainbow puke meme.
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