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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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I never see any of this garbage on my page. I mean I'm black, all my fam is progressive and i have friends from all over the world. The ones I know personally that are republicans don't subscribe to these types of things themselves. This is some tribal stuff.
I've never seen anything like these images on my wall. Why would you be friends with right wing lunatics on Facebook? Unfriend/block.


Best one circulating right now:

"I like milk." -Hitler
"I drink milk for breakfast." -MLK Jr


The anecdote may not be entirely accurate

Not entirely accurate? She was making up numbers to push her uninformed, factually incorrect, bias.

but the point is that there is a lot of abuse in the system.

[citation needed]

I work in an industry that works with government program participants and in my experience, the stories have a element of truth.

Your experience means nothing, nada, zilch, zero, etc. The only thing that matters here are the numbers and they do not point to there being "a lot of abuse in the system", particularly, when it comes to food stamps.


The Autumn Wind
The anecdote may not be entirely accurate, but the point is that there is a lot of abuse in the system. I work in an industry that works with government program participants and in my experience, the stories have a element of truth.
Why is it when people tell these stories, they're always as vague as possible?

"I work at a place that deals with stuff, and I see abuse you wouldn't believe!"

Give me a break.
Between left wing friends posting alternative medicine and juice cleanse silliness and people from high school/older family members posting passive aggressive xenophobic/sexist right wing material, I kind of hate Facebook.

Edit- I don't mean to suggest equivalency between the two. The racist and sexist material is much more bothersome.
Why is it when people tell these stories, they're always as vague as possible?

"I work at a place that deals with stuff, and I see abuse you wouldn't believe!"

Give me a break.

Meh. Believe what you want. I deal with the various local housing authorities and their participants on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure I've gained enough real world experience to speak about abuses that I've observed in the section 8 program.


Meh. Believe what you want. I deal with the various local housing authorities and their participants on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure I've gained enough real world experience to speak about abuses that I've observed in the section 8 program.

Thanks for admitting that you're BSing.

The door is that way.


Between left wing friends posting alternative medicine and juice cleanse silliness and people from high school/older family members posting passive aggressive xenophobic/sexist right wing material, I kind of hate Facebook.

Edit- I don't mean to suggest equivalency between the two. The racist and sexist material is much more bothersome.

That's actually a pretty good metaphor for American politics these days:
The Left's hippie-dippie base, well-meaning that they may be, makes me roll my eyes.
The Right's guns-&-gold base, fantasizing about Civil War 2, scares the fuck out of me.



100% on point. "With us or you are some kind of bigot".

NotAllLiberals#, but there have been plenty on GAF who have that mindset. It got so bad that mods cannot allow certain topics to stay open because it showcases how militant some of these people can get.

I agree, that one is actually not funny and pretty accurate. If you made a thread saying you were a republican or here's why conservatives are better than liberals, that's the replies you would get.
I agree, that one is actually not funny and pretty accurate. If you made a thread saying you were a republican or here's why conservatives are better than liberals, that's the replies you would get.
If you're a conservative who can articulate your points intelligently you'll be fine here. It's the hit and run "Gays shouldn't get married, lol hivemind GAF mirite" bullshit that isn't tolerated.


If you're a conservative who can articulate your points intelligently you'll be fine here. It's the hit and run "Gays shouldn't get married, lol hivemind GAF mirite" bullshit that isn't tolerated.

Well that, and I've noticed:
conservatives have absolutely no problem showing-up to gloat in election threads. But when the time comes to actually defend their party's policies - including policies that draw "racist"/"sexist"/"homophobic" charges - we more often than not get crickets. It reeks of absolute chickenshit.


I agree, that one is actually not funny and pretty accurate. If you made a thread saying you were a republican or here's why conservatives are better than liberals, that's the replies you would get.

The thing is, it's really hard to argue in favor of Republicans. Their economic ideas have been in effect for the last 30 years and have nothing to show for it but a great recession and an ever increasing gap between the wealthy and everyone else (stagnant wages); their stance on social issues are even disliked by younger Republicans.


If you're a conservative who can articulate your points intelligently you'll be fine here. It's the hit and run "Gays shouldn't get married, lol hivemind GAF mirite" bullshit that isn't tolerated.

You say that but it should be obvious if you look at any political threads that no conservative stays around for long. The few dissenters in the threads usually wind up with banned under their names. To most, there's no intelligent way to articulate conservative viewpoints.


My sister in law honestly believes that the US is trying to make pedophilia legal now that gay marriage is legalized. :( She'll post link from the most super questionable sensationalist websites about this.
Every single day and this isn't an exaggeration I see two or three shares from Britain First, it's amazing how many people I know believe it all.

It's all bollocks as well it's either Muslims doing a practice bombing on the train or someone has been told to take down a Union Jack cause it's racist etc
When I see this stuff it really makes me want to double down on making sure my son is a well rounded individual who doesn't just get news from places that will tell him what he wants to hear. The biggest problem I've seen with making everything political is that it moves is firmly away from finishing out what we have in common and making goals out of those things rather than trying to make our goals the destruction of the view point of those who think differently than us.

With that said, some of the right wing shit I've seen is fucking CRAZY. I don't believe both sides are equal in terms of what they do. I'm still shocked when I see the insane amount of shit come out when it comes to the president. They've wanted so badly for this guy to fuck up and he hasn't. Making policy based decisions around defeating the other side rather than making things better for America is the real issue. I'm hoping this changes soon.
Is it?

Both Bush and Obama have been compared to Hitler.

Same sex marriage is being compared to 9/11, and marijuana legalization is being called the only way to cure cancer.

The examples given cannot exist if you're trying to claim I'm making a false equivalence.

I get there are examples of this kind of shit from both sides, but one is much more frequent and ridiculous in nature. Right wing chain emails were a thing, for example. The right tend to engage in this type of behavior a lot more.

Claiming equivalence is the opposite of insightful.



My SO's dad actually posted this one.

I was laying in bed looking at Facebook yesterday and saw this shared. I thought "I should post this on GAF" but fell asleep instead.

Pics like the ones in this thread basically replaced all that chain letter bullshit from decades past. The people that come up with these things NEED hobbies.


Some of us are unfortunate enough to be living in the Confederate...I mean the southern United States, so 'round these parts it's not hard to find a person or family member (unless you're living in a major city) who genuinely believes Obama is some sort of constitution-destroying tyrant. Every now and then you meet some otherwise nice people, but then when they post stuff like this, how do you react?

Post your favorites!




Uhh no. The southern United States is really awesome.
its not perfect, but I love living here.


Some of us are unfortunate enough to be living in the Confederate...I mean the southern United States, so 'round these parts it's not hard to find a person or family member (unless you're living in a major city) who genuinely believes Obama is some sort of constitution-destroying tyrant. Every now and then you meet some otherwise nice people, but then when they post stuff like this, how do you react?

Knock that shit off right now. I'm not a white southerner, but have lived in the SOUTH nearly my entire life. The good people definitely outnumber the bad.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Meh. Believe what you want. I deal with the various local housing authorities and their participants on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure I've gained enough real world experience to speak about abuses that I've observed in the section 8 program.
Look, no one is denying that abuse happens. Of course it does. I know a person here (Canada) who is on welfare and does not work simply because he's too lazy (that's literally the only reason). What is being questioned is how widespread it really is in proportion to the people using the service and what the real impact of this abuse is. And from all investigations and studies it appears this impact is quite negligible.

The issue with anecdotes is that they colour our perception and taint the image of a typical welfare recipient as a lazy moocher, instead of the more common struggling person.



Holy Shit!!

Who's the greatest mudskipper of them all?
Who can skip through the mud with the greatest of ease?
What kind of wonderful guy?

Who can crawl like a dog without scraping his knees?
Who's got segmented eyes?
It's Muddy Mudskipper, it's Muddy Mudskipper
It's the Muddy Mudskipper show

I get there are examples of this kind of shit from both sides, but one is much more frequent and ridiculous in nature. Right wing chain emails were a thing, for example. The right tend to engage in this type of behavior a lot more.

Claiming equivalence is the opposite of insightful.

Yup. I live in the South. "Real Virginia", as McCain's adviser once called it. I see the Confederate Flags all the time, in peoples yards, on trucks, etc. I know people who actually think Barack Obama is a socialist muslim. There were teachers at my high school who believed in Obama conspiracy theories. At church I've heard prayers against gay people. My girlfriend's dad is paranoid and determines whether it is safe to certain cities are safe to visit or not if they have open carry gun laws. I know a lot of people who believe global warming is a hoax. This is anecdotal evidence, but I would wager that these views are rather common across the US in demographics similar to mine. These are the people who would be very likely to believe in the most of the images in this thread.

Obviously there are radical left beliefs and pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo that are very unreasonable, but it seems to me that they are much less prominent than the common right-winger who believes the President is the devil. The people I described above, however, are the GOP's base, through and through. The GOP caters to them, reflects their views, exacerbates and reinforces their beliefs. They are not a fringe group, and right wing politicians rely on them for votes. Pretty unsettling when you think of all of the crazy shit that is believed.


Yup. I live in the South. "Real Virginia", as McCain's adviser once called it. I see the Confederate Flags all the time, in peoples yards, on trucks, etc. I know people who actually think Barack Obama is a socialist muslim. There were teachers at my high school who believed in Obama conspiracy theories. At church I've heard prayers against gay people. My girlfriend's dad is paranoid and determines whether it is safe to certain cities are safe to visit or not if they have open carry gun laws. I know a lot of people who believe global warming is a hoax. This is anecdotal evidence, but I would wager that these views are rather common across the US in demographics similar to mine. These are the people who would be very likely to believe in the most of the images in this thread.

Obviously there are radical left beliefs and pseudoscientific mumbo jumbo that are very unreasonable, but it seems to me that they are much less prominent than the common right-winger who believes the President is the devil. The people I described above, however, are the GOP's base, through and through. The GOP caters to them, reflects their views, exacerbates and reinforces their beliefs. They are not a fringe group, and right wing politicians rely on them for votes. Pretty unsettling when you think of all of the crazy shit that is believed.

You might be right, but I don't know. I remember 2000-2008 vividly. The Internet was not at all as widely used as it has been during the current administration. If the Republicans "take back 'Murica" or whatever, I bet you'll see a similar upserge in psuedo-liberal bullshit on Facebook.

But it isn't really the same in kind, I'll give you that. Liberals won't leverage religion in the same way to spin their messages. Their conspiracy theorists would focus on different bogeymen. Jeb Bush looks like a monkey would become a thing, but it wouldn't have the racial implications of the Curious George shit you see about Obama.

Heh. I kind of miss the Bush bashing days of social media.

Vote Republican 2016!
You say that but it should be obvious if you look at any political threads that no conservative stays around for long. The few dissenters in the threads usually wind up with banned under their names. To most, there's no intelligent way to articulate conservative viewpoints.

And you know for a fact that they were banned because they leaned conservative?
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