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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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"We're the party of Abe Lincoln" is the biggest horseshit mantra conservatives keep repeating. They would have burned his effigy if they lived back then.


GG, I haven't laughed this hard in forever.


This suffers from the "no true scotsmen" fallacy.

Person A: Liberals would not believe something stupid.
Person B: Well, some liberals might post this silly/racist picture I show here.
Person A: Well those people aren't true liberals!
My point is not to defend liberals (though I am one) but to point out that anyone who claims to be a liberal but hate Muslims is not doing a particularly good job of it by the very definition of the term.


The Autumn Wind

Sarah Palin posted this non-ironically.

:lol :lol :lol
Don't forget this gem of a disclaimer that's posted right under it:

Comment Policy: The Editors reserve the right to delete any comments which in their sole discretion are deemed false or misleading, profane, pornographic, defamatory, harassment, name calling, libelous, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate. Additionally, the Editors reserve the right to ban any registered poster who, in their sole discretion, violates the terms of use. Do not post any information about yourself reasonably construed as private or confidential. Conservatives4Palin and its contributors are not liable if users allow others to contact them offsite.
The very definition of an echo chamber. These people are delusional.


My cousin's wife is an Army lifer and the only reason he uses facebook is to share stuff like the following


I like that he posted this one last week, I wonder what Obama did in 2013 specifically that 'killed' America. And why wasn't it dead in 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012?


Wow, how informative!


Reverse racism is such a huge problem in this country but no one dares speak about it!


This one legitimately pissed me off. Acting as if the confederate flag and black kids not pulling their pants up are even close to being comparable to each other takes a special kind of ignorance/stupid.

I like that he posted this one last week, I wonder what Obama did in 2013 specifically that 'killed' America. And why wasn't it dead in 2009, 2010, 2011 or 2012?

It's a picture that's aged, as it was supposed to be current in 2013.


This 1948 film that I shared back in 2009 has predicted exactly what has happened since. The moral of the cartoon is very true. "When anybody preaches disunity, tries to pit one of us against the other through class warfare, race hatred, or religious intolerance, you know that person seeks to rob us of our freedom and destroy our very lives, and we know what to do about it".

Compare it with the US today & you can see how progressive socialists have engineered circumstances in this nation. A self proclaimed socialist (Bernie Sanders) is actually doing very well in the Democratic polls. If anyone actually thinks that a socialist is going to work to give Americans more freedom and liberty, you need only look at the last 7-years to see that is not the case.

Thankfully I have seen nothing against the marriage equality decision on my feed, however I have seen a few posts from a certain conservative lamenting the "banning" of the confederate flag, with the occasional Breitbart link here and there.

I just laughed, because it's not really banned anywhere.


Quick check: at last count the US is 8th in murders by absolute count, 110th by the more sensible metric of rate per 100,000. Presumably this graphic is using absolute count.

There were 14,827 murders in the US in 2012. 1,224 of those were in Chicago, Detroit, DC, or New Orleans. Subtract those out and the US falls all of two spots in absolute count, to 10th.

I could go look at gun control laws for those cities versus the rest of the country, but given the above it seems kind of pointless.

Plus, really should be using per capita measurements anyway.
Is this one actually accurate? I'm strictly talking about the amount of crime in those 4 cities throwing off our numbers.

edit.... I see people already answered this.
The image is one of the four most inaccurate ever posted on GAF, but if you remove all of the words it becomes one of the top two MOST accurate 😨

It's worth noting that gun control laws use words as well. Coincidence?
Is this one actually accurate? I'm strictly talking about the amount of crime in those 4 cities throwing off our numbers.

edit.... I see people already answered this.

Hell no. La, baltimore, Oakland etc. Also it no longer becomes an accurate comparison when you take out cities from one country and not the rest.


Quick check: at last count the US is 8th in murders by absolute count, 110th by the more sensible metric of rate per 100,000. Presumably this graphic is using absolute count.

There were 14,827 murders in the US in 2012. 1,224 of those were in Chicago, Detroit, DC, or New Orleans. Subtract those out and the US falls all of two spots in absolute count, to 10th.

Thank you!
I wonder where the U.S. is number 3 comes from.

No, not even remotely. Did you think it was?
It's also filled with subtle racism.

I did not think either way, because I don't know.
But I would have been surprised if 4 cities in a big country like the U.S. would make such an impact, though.

The subtle racism is lost on me, because I don't know anything about the racial diversities in those cities.


The Autumn Wind
Thank you!
I wonder where the U.S. is number 3 comes from.

I did not think either way, because I don't know.
But I would have been surprised if 4 cities in a big country like the U.S. would make such an impact, though.

The subtle racism is lost on me, because I don't know anything about the racial diversities in those cities.
Even if you're not sure of the statistics of those cities, would you really believe the U.S. is 4th lowest out of over 200 countries if you remove them? You'd have to really be trying hard for that kind of thing to seem realistic.


Thank you!
I wonder where the U.S. is number 3 comes from.

I did not think either way, because I don't know.
But I would have been surprised if 4 cities in a big country like the U.S. would make such an impact, though.

The subtle racism is lost on me, because I don't know anything about the racial diversities in those cities.
That number came straight out of someone's racist ass.
Those cities are all predominantly black so it's clear what the author's agenda is.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Is any of that true?

Quick check: at last count the US is 8th in murders by absolute count, 110th by the more sensible metric of rate per 100,000. Presumably this graphic is using absolute count.

There were 14,827 murders in the US in 2012. 1,224 of those were in Chicago, Detroit, DC, or New Orleans. Subtract those out and the US falls all of two spots in absolute count, to 10th.

I could go look at gun control laws for those cities versus the rest of the country, but given the above it seems kind of pointless.

Is this one actually accurate? I'm strictly talking about the amount of crime in those 4 cities throwing off our numbers.

edit.... I see people already answered this.

Some random turdcutter.

Like, do you really have to wonder about the truthness of blatantly made up stuff?

Even if you're not sure of the statistics of those cities, would you really believe the U.S. is 4th lowest out of over 200 countries if you remove them? You'd have to really be trying hard for that kind of thing to seem realistic.
Yes. And the above posts above yours, including the explanations of why they are wrong, is exactly why this type of shit works on people. The liberals that are smart enough to know that it isn't true, will just get shouted down as someone that wants to the government to come take all our guns. While any republicans that are actually smart enough to know why its wrong don't typically bother to respond because they generally agree with the basic premise of gun ownership. Everyone else is somewhere in between being racist, apathetic, gullible or horrible at statistics.


Like, do you really have to wonder about the truthness of blatantly made up stuff?

As I said, it was not blatantly made up to me, because I don't happen to know the real numbers by heart.
And even wrong numbers can and should inspire you to look up the real numbers and get the right picture.

If one just ignores such memes and numbers, it does not help anybody at all.
I think we should work on replacing the wrong numbers with the right ones.

Or to put it in the political spirit of this thread:
Poeple should use the liberal bias of facts :)

Even if you're not sure of the statistics of those cities, would you really believe the U.S. is 4th lowest out of over 200 countries if you remove them?
As long as I am not sure, I try not to believe anything.
As I said in the post you quoted I would have been surprised.
But that does not mean it would be impossible.
Please don't mistake somebody being curious and unsure with being easily manipulated.

Those cities are all predominantly black so it's clear what the author's agenda is.
Only to those, who know that those cities are predominantly black.

EDIT: After some googling, it looks like Chicago is not predominantly black, and in Washington, D.C. "they" barely are the absolute majority.


The Autumn Wind
This is one of my faves:

Because everyone carries a fire extinguisher on them at all times...amiright?
So... they're expecting to get attacked at all times? Must be tough going through life that paranoid.


So... they're expecting to get attacked at all times? Must be tough going through life that paranoid.

No they're not. Just like they're not expecting a fire at all times. It's a remark about being prepared for the worst.
I don't pay much attention to the people that post these images, unless it's a constant spam/sharing of them. In that case I'll unfollow so my fb feed isn't ruined.
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