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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
That's not even a burka, that's a niqab.


I bet a lot of them are followers of richard dawkins.

Probably true but I don't consider Dawkins to be a liberal and I don't believe he's referred to himself as a liberal either (but I could be wrong as I don't follow Dawkins at all). I see most of the atheists on the internet to be more libertarian than liberal.

Just the atheism approach. They'll say "I hate Muslims only in the same way I hate Christians", but often times their hate for Muslims is significantly stronger and more pointed. As an example, I had a run-in w/ someone who posted an image of the WTC burning and said something to the effect of Christians being liars and Muslims being killers. This person did not understand why this idea was particularly more hateful of one group than the other.

Also this. People like Bill Maher and Richard Dawkins talk a big liberal game, but...

I think the person you were conversing with is strange if he hates a whole group of people without knowing them. I'm an atheist myself (well I'm more of an agnostic than anything) but I don't "hate" christians or muslims, I just reject their religion. I don't think think that christians are evil, just the ones that use the bible to justify their bigotry and the same with muslims. I've had some really interesting discussions with christians and muslims about faith and religion and I think I ended up becoming friends with them because of that. Maybe its because I've never really been a part of the atheist community online mostly because I do find quite a few of them treat others who are not inside that community extremely harshly and have a severe lack of empathy for others. I've also never really took to the "4 horsemen" either.

I don't think Maher is a liberal. I think he's a libertarian with some liberal leanings in certain areas and I don't think Dawkins is a liberal either. They come across more libertarian than anything to me.



Sarah Palin posted this non-ironically.

:lol :lol :lol

But what's the percentage on the bear?

I'm not in the camp of "liberals are just as bad as conservatives", but a lot of atheist liberals I really, really hate.

Ouch. Well, I'm an atheist liberal and I don't particularly have a phobia over muslims. Though I can't remember anything particularly bad Dawkins said about muslims (I don't really follow the guy much anymore), but I definitely disagree with shit head Bill Maher and with Sam Harris with regard to muslims specifically. Speaking from experience though, I used to frequent a secular forum that many atheists posted on (including AronRa himself) and muslim haters seemed to be the minority..... although it was a UK based site... but it's not like the UK isn't without it's own flavor of muslim hate.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet

I actually saw a conservative meme that used this scene from Anchorman as the picture, for some reason...said "instead of burning flags, why not burn your Welfare Check?"

Really didn't understand the logic behind that OR why they used that scene from Anchorman to represent it.


But what's the percentage on the bear?

I too, asked myself "What's up with the bear?"

I guess it's a thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mama_grizzly

Ouch. Well, I'm an atheist liberal and I don't particularly have a phobia over muslims. Though I can't remember anything particularly bad Dawkins said about muslims (I don't really follow the guy much anymore), but I definitely disagree with shit head Bill Maher and with Sam Harris with regard to muslims specifically. Speaking from experience though, I used to frequent a secular forum that many atheists posted on (including AronRa himself) and muslim haters seemed to be the minority..... although it was a UK based site... but it's not like the UK isn't without it's own flavor of muslim hate.

League of Reason, by chance? That's a pretty good (albeit fairly low traffic) place.
I think there is a big difference between attacking religions as an institution and promoting reason and science compared to just attacking someone because they are different than you like the xenophobia and racism in these conservative examples. Bill Maher is someone that doesn't really understand the difference.


I too, asked myself "What's up with the bear?"

I guess it's a thing: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mama_grizzly

League of Reason, by chance? That's a pretty good (albeit fairly low traffic) place.

Yes, actually. It used to get a lot more traffic in the past though. Nowadays, it's a ghost town unfortunately. There was a lot of high quality posters taking questions from or debating with theists. Then there was the occasional muslim hating/misogynistic/ libertarian/"race realist" type of atheists that both deists and other atheists would debate... and sometimes mock... >_> lol
Not a post from a friend but she commented on someone who's on her friends list and gave them a good lashing for it.

Also, quite a convenient profile picture and to way to prove people wrong on the types supporting that stupid flag... And another one from Michigan.
I don't get this. I thought the far right believes nazi concentration camps are fake..

i dont get them...

A vast majority of those on the far right in the US are very pro-Israel.


I always love things like that Sarah Palin one. Never sure if so dumb they aren't aware of the fact the parties have practically swapped places with each other, or if they're just disingenuous.


Probably referring to black slave owners having also existed.

Okay. I can see that. Some quick research told me that in 1860 there were 3000 free black slave owners in New Orleans alone (28% of the free black population there at the time.) That is way higher than I would have imagined. Eye opening. This was just one source though, not sure how accurate it is. Just becuase they owned slaves doesn't mean they used them as slaves though, not hard to imagine some good reasons for them doing it.


Oh USA, you so crazy.

The equivalent conservative party in say, the UK, is ironically enough the Conservative Party, known to everyone as the Tories. Many people disagree with their policies, but you'd never see David Cameron talk about how terribly socialist it is that people get free health care in the UK. No up and comer within his party, hoping to replace him when he steps down would ever describe the opposing Labour party as "liberals", no potential Deputy Prime Minister would have no clue about what the office is actually about (Sarah Palin), nobody would ever harp on about God or "more freedom" or that arming people on the street is a greater deterrent to violent crime than any thousand laws the Parliament could lay down (Rick Perry), nobody would ever question or think to bring up evolution or the Bible unless they really don't want to be elected, oppose birth control, be overtly and obviously racist without realising it, and so on in perpetua.

Likewise, the people who vote for them generally don't hate the opposing party or it's followers, you never see anything like the "When a Democrat..." images popping up, and so on. Stupid people are everywhere, in every country, and so you will find racist idiots in the UK, too, but they are given little to no attention. I realise there are intelligent people in the Republican party with level heads, but actually dimwitted and racist idiots get to run for the highest offices in the country and nobody bats an eye, and they actually have high chances of succeeding - George Bush Junior did. It's bizarre.


Okay. I can see that. Some quick research told me that in 1860 there were 3000 free black slave owners in New Orleans alone (28% of the free black population there at the time.) That is way higher than I would have imagined. Eye opening. This was just one source though, not sure how accurate it is. Just becuase they owned slaves doesn't mean they used them as slaves though, not hard to imagine some good reasons for them doing it.

Might be referring to the Barbary pirates slave trade.

The latest gem to show up in my feed.


Hmmm what exactly did black people do exactly anyway?

This bizarre old lady that works for me shared this with me. I had to explain that, even if we aren't responsible for what our ancestors did, we're still given the opportunity to right their wrongs. She's kind of a lost cause (grew up in the segregated south) but if I can temper her some I'd call it an achievement.

cm osi

This bizarre old lady that works for me shared this with me. I had to explain that, even if we aren't responsible for what our ancestors did, we're still given the opportunity to right their wrongs. She's kind of a lost cause (grew up in the segregated south) but if I can temper her some I'd call it an achievement.

this is not the way to do it tho


I saw this confederate flag profile pic and my curiosity got the best of me. I read like 40 replies of people telling him it's a symbol of racism while he and some other people write page long responses about how everyone is uneducated and the meaning of the design and the real reason for the civil war (those aggressive northerners!). I went to school with this guy in Wisconsin, and he is black... I can't even.



Out of all the posts in this thread, THIS is the thing that infuriated me the most.

Hoooooooly shit

I'm a chill person (and white) but if someone started saying this shit in real life to me (or near me) I'd probably go into a blind rage.

What is wrong with people?
A white dude I work with and previously thought was pretty chill posted this


Tagged his father in it, who starting spouting some straight nonsense about the "local" Obama supporters and some other folk joined in.

Obama Voter and all, I thought it only right to unfriend on the spot. Never unfriended anyone over something like this. Pretty disappointing TBH. Guess they'd call me "one of the good ones" or whatever the hell that means.

Out of all the posts in this thread, THIS is the thing that infuriated me the most.

Black privilege is being able to shave your head without skinheads sidling up next to you at the county fair and calling you "Brother".

As a bald white man, the struggle is real.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
A white dude I work with and previously thought was pretty chill posted this


But I thought Obama voters didn't work? Keep your story straight, rednecks.
But I thought Obama voters didn't work? Keep your story straight, rednecks.

I thought the only people working in fast food were teenagers who aren't even old enough to vote (and deserve minimum wage)? Yeah, they really didn't consult between their narratives before they put out this image.


Have a relative (sort of, the sister of my aunt) who posts this stuff but I guy I watch soccer with posts a lot of the "Conservative ___" posts -- not necessarily images, often videos and the like. Here are a few recent gems from him:


But I thought Obama voters didn't work? Keep your story straight, rednecks.

I thought the only people working in fast food were teenagers who aren't even old enough to vote (and deserve minimum wage)? Yeah, they really didn't consult between their narratives before they put out this image.

Nah, the Obama voters are lazy teens who feel entitled to corner-office jobs right out of high school, and when they don't get it, demand $15 an hour for flipping burgers.

Saw this in a comment feed.

PS: Lucifer doesn't have horns.
Nah, the Obama voters are lazy teens who feel entitled to corner-office jobs right out of high school, and when they don't get it, demand $15 an hour for flipping burgers.

Saw this in a comment feed.

PS: Lucifer doesn't have horns.

I love the inclusion of Totally. So 80s.
Have a relative (sort of, the sister of my aunt) who posts this stuff but I guy I watch soccer with posts a lot of the "Conservative ___" posts -- not necessarily images, often videos and the like. Here are a few recent gems from him:


If a Republican doesn't like two people getting married -- wait, fuck.

If a Republican doesn't like women getting contraception -- fuck.

If a Republican doesn't like evolution being taught in schools -- FUCK!


Post Count: 9999

That picture is dumb in this context, since it doesn't at all relate to the current democratic party.

In many ways, the parties were reversed back then. So if anything ... it's likely that inscription was from a progressive.

Not that I'd expect most of the people posting these sort of things to understand that nuance.


Have a relative (sort of, the sister of my aunt) who posts this stuff but I guy I watch soccer with posts a lot of the "Conservative ___" posts -- not necessarily images, often videos and the like. Here are a few recent gems from him:



Uh... Is that the pool party incident?



Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man

Out of all the posts in this thread, THIS is the thing that infuriated me the most.
this is simply amazing.
I bet whoever wrote it had the biggest shot eating grin on their face while writing it.

Black privilege is being able to shave your head without skinheads sidling up next to you at the county fair and calling you "Brother".

As a bald white man, the struggle is real.

I lol'ed
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