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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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some good old fashioned, all-american bigotry
this image has 270k likes

also not a link, but the same person who shared the photo above also shared this link unironically:



Okay, now I'm starting to get pissed.

This can't be real.

There's no way someone didn't make this without doing it for the intention to troll.

While I believe there are people stupid enough to share it, there's no way the original intent was to rally people behind the flag. It can't be.
It reminds me of how slavery in the Americas was justified using biblical verse.
some good old fashioned, all-american bigotry

this image has 270k likes

I wonder how many people asked why the person didn't ask "what's her name?"

Because they wouldn't ask about appearance, that makes no sense, are they going to run around the store looking for her? Why wouldn't they use a PA system? Or is it because the person who made the image comes from a town where PA systems are just too new-fashioned?


I have problems on both sides of the spectrum. On the hand I have a subtly racist mega republican and all his republican buddies that use facebook a whole shit load, and on the other hand I have a mega-tumblr girl who judges everything under the sun by a yardstick of how aggressively feminist it is. I can't fucking enjoy anything because there are zealots everywhere.
This showed up in my feed today when a friend commented on another friends post. I was pretty irritated. She and a few others ripped him apart for it. So at least there was that.

Caitlyn Jenner vows to 'reshape the landscape' in ESPYS speech


This is absolutely Ridiculous....so let me get this straight America..a man was born, he then takes what God gave him, shakes his head, and gives God a big middle finger and says nope you we're wrong when you created me! I'm going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to transform myself into a woman!....and we give him an award and call him courageous and a hero??? I'm scared to think what's next...
This can't be real.

There's no way someone didn't make this without doing it for the intention to troll.

While I believe there are people stupid enough to share it, there's no way the original intent was to rally people behind the flag. It can't be.

It reminds me of how slavery in the Americas was justified using biblical verse.

Psalm 123:2 (New International Version (NIV)): As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the LORD our God, till he shows us his mercy.

Ephesians 6:4-6: Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart.

Ephesians 6:5:Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.

Ephesians 6:9:And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.

Colossians 3:22:Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.

Colossians 4:1:Masters, provide your slaves with what is right and fair, because you know that you also have a Master in heaven.

Titus 2:9:Teach slaves to be subject to their masters in everything, to try to please them, not to talk back to them,

1 Peter 2:18:Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.

Slave owners would read these verses to slaves as part of the worship services that they allowed (and controlled) as a means of encouraging the proper attitude among their slaves. Based upon these isolated verses, slave owners claimed that the Bible supported slavery and taught slaves to be obedient to their masters.


A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Thankfully, not even my religious Catholic family has shared that Planned Parenthood story.
It shows how radical the US Catholic Church branches can be. I mean, I was in Madrid when Pope Benedict visited and the US priests were in traditional garb whilst the Spanish ones in which I was a part of (my cousin runs the group and I was curious) were in shorts and with a button up and the collar/.
I think I actually lost brain cells reading this. No really my head started hurting immediately after. This is taking "WE SPEAK ENGLISH IN MURICA" to a whole different stratosphere. We're a country built on many different backgrounds and cultures and some people just happen to understand another language better than English but "NOPE FUCK THEM BECOME ME OR GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY"

My grandmother, a two time Obama voter, feels the same as these people. It stems from her believing our national language is English.

She softened her stance a little when I told here we don't have an official language, but she still goes on a rant when she gets asked anything in another language.

It's some of the craziest stuff I've seen. Like the very utterance of a language that isn't English is some insult to her and the country.


So I'm friends with my mum's cousin on Facebook.

I never realised this (we live on different continents and have only met twice in real life), but she's actually...pretty damned racist and xenophobic. Recently she's been sharing photos from the British National Party and Britain First, like this one:


I mentioned to mum that I wanted to have a word with her about it, but she begged me not to because it would be "instigating family drama." I've just clicked "unfollow" lol.
You know I read 13 x 100 post pages of this shit without posting but this one is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Mandatory random inspections? Possession inventory? Surrender voting rights? I honestly despair that some people would agree with this.

Nice rack, though.

and 300 000 shares.

300 000 people saw that and said right on sister fuck the poor we own them.
I had a pretty good streak going, until I saw this:

As if drawing a false equivalence between prison and nursing home life isn't enough, the image also tries to claim one is more cost effective than another by forcing prisoners to pay for their incarceration. As if the people going to prison have any liquidity or assets.


I had a pretty good streak going, until I saw this:

As if drawing a false equivalence between prison and nursing home life isn't enough, the image also tries to claim one is more cost effective than another by forcing prisoners to pay for their incarceration. As if the people going to prison have any liquidity or assets.

I saw that one too. Posted by a pretty liberal girl. It didn't get to me too much, but my eyes rolled so far back into my head I thought I could see my brain.
I had a pretty good streak going, until I saw this:

As if drawing a false equivalence between prison and nursing home life isn't enough, the image also tries to claim one is more cost effective than another by forcing prisoners to pay for their incarceration. As if the people going to prison have any liquidity or assets.

This one is funny because both sides have posted it in my experience.

Hey, I'm all for the government taking care of the elderly. The Right Wing News page sure posts a lot of socialist ideas!
So I'm friends with my mum's cousin on Facebook.

I never realised this (we live on different continents and have only met twice in real life), but she's actually...pretty damned racist and xenophobic. Recently she's been sharing photos from the British National Party and Britain First, like this one:


I mentioned to mum that I wanted to have a word with her about it, but she begged me not to because it would be "instigating family drama." I've just clicked "unfollow" lol.

There's an idiot suckered in every minute. Must be sad when it's a family member.


It has been a while since I logged in Facebook. First thing I see on my wall:


Basically, it says: if two men had intercourse, they made a grave sin and will be condemned to death. They were looking for it.

I'm still wondering why I even accepted that idiot as a friend in Facebook.



Coworker shared this one and I felt like it'd probably be a fantastic parody... If it wasn't posted completely without irony hahaha.
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