The racist ones?I dont like the religious ones at all, they suck.
A lot of the other ones are pretty agreeable however.
The racist ones?I dont like the religious ones at all, they suck.
A lot of the other ones are pretty agreeable however.
Why is this so fucking hilarious to me?
asdfghjklove. Did someone just look at the keyboard wanting to press l to type love but missed it a bunch of times?
These are just as bad.
I've tried to convey the misinformation in every polite way but people are just not critical thinkers.
Confirmation bias , placebo, argument from authority, all seem to the valid reasons people off all parties, of all intelligence, of all races and sexes, of all prior scientific knowledge and authority,; seem to follow bad and wrong science.
The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.Michigan native Kid Rock, LOL.
Despite being from MN, I've inexblicably been hearing a lot of people who've never traveled south of Iowa defending the Confederate Flag (including my father-in-law). You'll even see it in the back of truck windows. People seem to think it's the rural white conservative flag.
The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.
They don't call it Pennsyltucky for nothing.The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.
I saw this one, too.Not sure if this counts as right-wing or just crazy, but someone who is generally really progressive on social issues posted this today.![]()
She shared it from the "Stop Pulling The Race Card" page. :/
Pittsburgh on one side, Philly on the other, and Alabama in the middle.The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.
Michigan native Kid Rock, LOL.
Despite being from MN, I've inexblicably been hearing a lot of people who've never traveled south of Iowa defending the Confederate Flag (including my father-in-law). You'll even see it in the back of truck windows. People seem to think it's the rural white conservative flag.
Not sure if this counts as right-wing or just crazy, but someone who is generally really progressive on social issues posted this today.![]()
She shared it from the "Stop Pulling The Race Card" page. :/
I've noticed that the "colorblind is best" philosophy leans more right wing, but plenty of left wing folks buy into it as well. I can't really blame people for it though, 12 years of public education does nothing but tell students how the color of someone's skin doesn't matter. While that's true in how we should treat each other, it's not true in how our society treats different groups of people and that distinction is really never taught.
Yep, I think that's exactly it. I made the mistake of engaging and commented that: "No, sorry, but I'm pretty sure racists who shoot up black churches because they want to "Start a civil war" are the ones who want to divide us."
To which I was told: "Youre part of the problem here. Its about equality and doing away with discrimination. Its making life about people and not about color or size. There will always be the crazies remaining the outliers, but you need to stop grouping everyone together as you are doing now. Its ignorant."
Guess I'm ignorant, guys.
LOL they so deftly want to avoid the conversation about the actual motivations of the guy and the fact that racism exists that it's almost sad. It's like they're insulating themselves while the people who actually have to pay the price for racism die. I have to wonder why the fact that they called themselves a historically black church was somehow this signal for racism from this person's perspective. It's not like calling themselves a colorless church and forgetting their history would have stopped this guy from shooting them because no matter how colorblind they acted, to him they'd always be the bad skin color and worthy of death. If you want to stop racism, address that shit.
*college frat sings racist chants on a bus*
"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"
*half a dozen cases of cops shooting unarmed black teens make national headlines*
"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"
*white man posing with rebel flag shoots nine black people in historic black church*
"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"
Isn't California the one that just became predominantly Hispanic too? Or am I thinking of like Arizona or something?
Don't be so broad saying the "mentality of people in America". It needlessly hurts your perception of America. Do remember that though there are people in America who want Americans to speak only one language, you can still go to California and take your drivers exam in 32 languages. It's not like they're winning. It's a seriously diverse country.
Try living overseas. I'm always impressed by Chinese who learn any bit of the English language because the rules in English get broken left and right. Something that smacks you upside the head if you actually try teaching it to someone.
So, i take that some idiot from your family speaks one indigenous dialect to be outraged, right?
I finally saw one this week. :/ Old childhood friend too. Nice guy, has a life-saver-type job. Kind of sad. He got corrected in a very slam dunk way in the replies, at least.
Is this the new "You have no right to be depressed, there are starving kids in Africa" ? One of the many reasons why mental health is so shitty in this country is because many people love to trivialize other people's problems. I've heard it all from "Oh my brother died when I was your age, you have no problems" to the obligatory "Starving African Children" debate.![]()
Why is this so fucking hilarious to me?
Yeah if anybody doesn't have a job and can't find work let's just deny them basic rights as an American Citizen, as well as human rights, including the right to vote and reproduce.Okay, i was curious about who the hell this "girl" would be, and activated my google-fu.
The picture is actually a "x-rayed" photoshop of this other pic, making the chance it's legit about 0%.
So, yeah, using softcore porn to make political points.[IMG]
Okay, i was curious about who the hell this "girl" would be, and activated my google-fu.
The picture is actually a "x-rayed" photoshop of this other pic, making the chance it's legit about 0%.
So, yeah, using softcore porn to make political points.
C-section comics?[/IMG
The best part is they forget why the deal failed. Bush basically said screw it and blasted them as an axis of evil. Result? They were able to get the bomb.
Bets on if a GOP president woudl do the same to Iran?
Not a picture, but an article. I won't link it as I don't want to give the site clicks, but a friend shared this silliness.
Not a picture, but an article. I won't link it as I don't want to give the site clicks, but a friend shared this silliness.
I still listen to cowboy and no one forces me to. Its a choiceHaving to listen to Kid Rock is pretty nice punishment for idiocy.
Sale to who even? Development at the time points when abortion is viable is too soon to donate to anyone or thing as a working organ. If they mean mincemeat or something the amount of actual ranches for every type of meat dwarfs any pitiful meat gotten from aborted fetuses. Why would any one spend money on it? Unless they're talking about some eccentric billionaire vampires who like to dine on abortion parts. How can someone not think before posting this story let alone writing it?
This is all over Twitter and WaPo for some reason.
The ironic thing is all of that applies to the US. some people are just too damn stupid to fucking realize it.
Culture: US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? What is this I don't even... That's not a culture! Do you even know what culture actually is? Yes, the Dukes of Hazard could be considered a part of the culture, albeit a small and rather hillbilly one. Same with NASCAR. here, let me give you the definition.
A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
Hey, Bernie Sanders is the number one democrat among republicans.My father-in-law's Facebook is so weird. He shares lots of these sorts of right-wing Facebook pics, mostly about how liberals are trying to take away your guns or people who receive money from the government are lazy and shouldn't be allowed to vote, etc. But then he'll also share a few with Bernie Sanders quotes or others from the AFL-CIO. There's a certain internal consistency to what he shares, but still.
I remember after sandy hook my brother was all, they're gonna take our guns. I was like dude, do you even understand how much would have to happen to successfully repeal the second amendment?
This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
Speaking of politics my hope is we see a showdown between Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. This would be a fabulous election race that could actually mean something. So of course we will have Hillary vs Bush or Cruz or whatever random Neocon
Would you be laughing if Groucho Marx was in the bathroom with YOUR daughter? Huh!?This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.
Would you be laughing if Groucho Marx was in the bathroom with YOUR daughter? Huh!?
Hahaha oh my fucking god that one is ridiculous