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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Why is this so fucking hilarious to me?



Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.

Okay, i was curious about who the hell this "girl" would be, and activated my google-fu.

The picture is actually a "x-rayed" photoshop of this other pic, making the chance it's legit about 0%.
So, yeah, using softcore porn to make political points.


asdfghjklove. Did someone just look at the keyboard wanting to press l to type love but missed it a bunch of times?

it is the home row on a keyboard, and apparently a tumbler account.
the part under the like button probably says .tumbler.com




These are just as bad.

I've tried to convey the misinformation in every polite way but people are just not critical thinkers.
Confirmation bias , placebo, argument from authority, all seem to the valid reasons people off all parties, of all intelligence, of all races and sexes, of all prior scientific knowledge and authority,; seem to follow bad and wrong science.

I am sorry, but I don't understand, how those pictures fit the theme of the thread. What am I missing?
Michigan native Kid Rock, LOL.

Despite being from MN, I've inexblicably been hearing a lot of people who've never traveled south of Iowa defending the Confederate Flag (including my father-in-law). You'll even see it in the back of truck windows. People seem to think it's the rural white conservative flag.
The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.


The Confederate Flag has been huge in Pennsylvania for a loong time now. I think people just use it to celebrate that they're racist.

I see it pretty frequently here in PA and in rural Ohio.

I've always assumed it comes with used pickup trucks, kinda like an air freshener, just with the opposite effect.
Not sure if this counts as right-wing or just crazy, but someone who is generally really progressive on social issues posted this today.

She shared it from the "Stop Pulling The Race Card" page. :/
Not sure if this counts as right-wing or just crazy, but someone who is generally really progressive on social issues posted this today.

She shared it from the "Stop Pulling The Race Card" page. :/
I saw this one, too.

Apparently the fact that this kid deliberately walked into a black church to kill black people in order to invoke a race war is an irrelevant detail.

Damn does racism make people uncomfortable.
Michigan native Kid Rock, LOL.

Despite being from MN, I've inexblicably been hearing a lot of people who've never traveled south of Iowa defending the Confederate Flag (including my father-in-law). You'll even see it in the back of truck windows. People seem to think it's the rural white conservative flag.

typical uneducated people who still think it's a symbol of rebelion and motor biking instead what is it really was
Not sure if this counts as right-wing or just crazy, but someone who is generally really progressive on social issues posted this today.

She shared it from the "Stop Pulling The Race Card" page. :/

I've noticed that the "colorblind is best" philosophy leans more right wing, but plenty of left wing folks buy into it as well. I can't really blame people for it though, 12 years of public education does nothing but tell students how the color of someone's skin doesn't matter. While that's true in how we should treat each other, it's not true in how our society treats different groups of people and that distinction is really never taught.
I've noticed that the "colorblind is best" philosophy leans more right wing, but plenty of left wing folks buy into it as well. I can't really blame people for it though, 12 years of public education does nothing but tell students how the color of someone's skin doesn't matter. While that's true in how we should treat each other, it's not true in how our society treats different groups of people and that distinction is really never taught.

Yep, I think that's exactly it. I made the mistake of engaging and commented that: "No, sorry, but I'm pretty sure racists who shoot up black churches because they want to "Start a civil war" are the ones who want to divide us."

To which I was told: "Youre part of the problem here. Its about equality and doing away with discrimination. Its making life about people and not about color or size. There will always be the crazies remaining the outliers, but you need to stop grouping everyone together as you are doing now. Its ignorant."

Guess I'm ignorant, guys.
Yep, I think that's exactly it. I made the mistake of engaging and commented that: "No, sorry, but I'm pretty sure racists who shoot up black churches because they want to "Start a civil war" are the ones who want to divide us."

To which I was told: "Youre part of the problem here. Its about equality and doing away with discrimination. Its making life about people and not about color or size. There will always be the crazies remaining the outliers, but you need to stop grouping everyone together as you are doing now. Its ignorant."

Guess I'm ignorant, guys.

LOL they so deftly want to avoid the conversation about the actual motivations of the guy and the fact that racism exists that it's almost sad. It's like they're insulating themselves while the people who actually have to pay the price for racism die. I have to wonder why the fact that they called themselves a historically black church was somehow this signal for racism from this person's perspective. It's not like calling themselves a colorless church and forgetting their history would have stopped this guy from shooting them because no matter how colorblind they acted, to him they'd always be the bad skin color and worthy of death. If you want to stop racism, address that shit.
LOL they so deftly want to avoid the conversation about the actual motivations of the guy and the fact that racism exists that it's almost sad. It's like they're insulating themselves while the people who actually have to pay the price for racism die. I have to wonder why the fact that they called themselves a historically black church was somehow this signal for racism from this person's perspective. It's not like calling themselves a colorless church and forgetting their history would have stopped this guy from shooting them because no matter how colorblind they acted, to him they'd always be the bad skin color and worthy of death. If you want to stop racism, address that shit.

*college frat sings racist chants on a bus*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"

*half a dozen cases of cops shooting unarmed black teens make national headlines*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"

*white man posing with rebel flag shoots nine black people in historic black church*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"
*college frat sings racist chants on a bus*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"

*half a dozen cases of cops shooting unarmed black teens make national headlines*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"

*white man posing with rebel flag shoots nine black people in historic black church*

"Why are you making race a factor? We're in post-racial America!"

Lol People are too eager to eat up that post-racial shit because it sounds so good. It's too scary to think that, despite so many hardships and long won struggles, we still aren't as enlightened as we'd like to believe.


Isn't California the one that just became predominantly Hispanic too? Or am I thinking of like Arizona or something?

Yes Hispanic populations just surpassed white/Caucasian I believe.

Don't be so broad saying the "mentality of people in America". It needlessly hurts your perception of America. Do remember that though there are people in America who want Americans to speak only one language, you can still go to California and take your drivers exam in 32 languages. It's not like they're winning. It's a seriously diverse country.

You're right. I should be more specific about people who actually believe this. Unfortunately I'm afraid it's a much larger number than I would like to imagine.

Try living overseas. I'm always impressed by Chinese who learn any bit of the English language because the rules in English get broken left and right. Something that smacks you upside the head if you actually try teaching it to someone.

I recently returned from Japan and English and one other language is on nearly everything government owned or public over there (subways, bullet trains, buildings, maps, etc). It's very disheartening to see people who are so adamantly against other languages.

So, i take that some idiot from your family speaks one indigenous dialect to be outraged, right?

This is 'Murica and we speak ENGLISH (because caps always make their point stronger)!


I finally saw one this week. :/ Old childhood friend too. Nice guy, has a life-saver-type job. Kind of sad. He got corrected in a very slam dunk way in the replies, at least.


I saw this one too not too long ago and I fucking laughed. Conservatives are losing their goddamned shit about disrespecting the flag and it's so funny to me how they keep saying they want all of these penalties against free speech and 'treason' while at the same time protecting the literal symbol of treason against the US and using their false definition of freedom of speech to defend it.


The problem is I use FB to keep up with my friends who I don't get to see all the time. This being Texas a few of them post this kinda trash. I wouldn't feel right getting rid of them because they are my friend and sometimes they post up cool science or geek stuff. I wish they would create a small group for this stuff though.

Political ignorance pains me. I mean, I don't expect everyone to have a Masters in Political Science like I do but just use some common sense!



Why is this so fucking hilarious to me?
Is this the new "You have no right to be depressed, there are starving kids in Africa" ? One of the many reasons why mental health is so shitty in this country is because many people love to trivialize other people's problems. I've heard it all from "Oh my brother died when I was your age, you have no problems" to the obligatory "Starving African Children" debate.

Okay, i was curious about who the hell this "girl" would be, and activated my google-fu.

The picture is actually a "x-rayed" photoshop of this other pic, making the chance it's legit about 0%.
So, yeah, using softcore porn to make political points.
Yeah if anybody doesn't have a job and can't find work let's just deny them basic rights as an American Citizen, as well as human rights, including the right to vote and reproduce.

We should be allocating our resources on the creation of jobs instead spending government funds on drug tests with the goal of punishing people with serious issues instead of rehabilitating them. And one of the reasons many people can't find jobs is the shit economy your people helped lead us into.


Okay, i was curious about who the hell this "girl" would be, and activated my google-fu.

The picture is actually a "x-rayed" photoshop of this other pic, making the chance it's legit about 0%.
So, yeah, using softcore porn to make political points.

Eugenics and rap cars in one post? I'm retching.

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw the other day: "CAN'T FEED EM? DON'T BREED EM." This lady (or sockpuppet) takes that to a whole nother level.



Not a picture, but an article. I won't link it as I don't want to give the site clicks, but a friend shared this silliness.

Rebel Leader

The best part is they forget why the deal failed. Bush basically said screw it and blasted them as an axis of evil. Result? They were able to get the bomb.

Bets on if a GOP president woudl do the same to Iran?

Not only that but that was a deal between the US and North korea IRCC.

This Iran deal has more than the US behind it

Not a picture, but an article. I won't link it as I don't want to give the site clicks, but a friend shared this silliness.

Sale to who even? Development at the time points when abortion is viable is too soon to donate to anyone or thing as a working organ. If they mean mincemeat or something the amount of actual ranches for every type of meat dwarfs any pitiful meat gotten from aborted fetuses. Why would any one spend money on it? Unless they're talking about some eccentric billionaire vampires who like to dine on abortion parts. How can someone not think before posting this story let alone writing it?


Sale to who even? Development at the time points when abortion is viable is too soon to donate to anyone or thing as a working organ. If they mean mincemeat or something the amount of actual ranches for every type of meat dwarfs any pitiful meat gotten from aborted fetuses. Why would any one spend money on it? Unless they're talking about some eccentric billionaire vampires who like to dine on abortion parts. How can someone not think before posting this story let alone writing it?

This is all over Twitter and WaPo for some reason.

Sadly, it is. What's funny is how obviously bullshit it is, for the reasons EdibleKnife mentioned, but not only that, how it's easy to see what the video twisted it into. I read it turned out to be them discussing standard fees for tissue transplants, not "OMG THEY ARE SELLING THE ORGANS ON THE BLACK MARKET AND SHIT"
My father-in-law's Facebook is so weird. He shares lots of these sorts of right-wing Facebook pics, mostly about how liberals are trying to take away your guns or people who receive money from the government are lazy and shouldn't be allowed to vote, etc. But then he'll also share a few with Bernie Sanders quotes or others from the AFL-CIO. There's a certain internal consistency to what he shares, but still.


This one bothers me quite a bit and I see it very often.


Let's just dissect this shall we?

Oh, you just want the sitting President gone? Well, you have been trying for almost eight years now. The good news is he will be gone soon. Ya know, because he served a full two year term as President. Weren't you the same person who was crying about respecting the President when it was Bush sitting in there and everybody was demonizing him?

Borders closed eh? Good one. Autarky for everyone! We can be like N Korea if we really try!

Culture: US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? What is this I don't even... That's not a culture! Do you even know what culture actually is? Yes, the Dukes of Hazard could be considered a part of the culture, albeit a small and rather hillbilly one. Same with NASCAR. here, let me give you the definition.

A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

Now those two items you mentioned in the beginning could be a part of a governmental culture but there is much more to it than that you ignorant cretin. You really should change that to system of laws based on, etc.

Drug free: mandatory testing for welfare yadda yadda. I hate to skip ahead but later in this delightful post you talk about running a balanced budget as well as calling for tax reform. Now for that to happen we need to cut the waste from government. Good thing we can kill two birds with one stone.

You know what my specialization in pursuing my Masters in grad school was? International drug policy. As a result of this I also ended up fielding a good amount of domestic drug policy. There are a few things I have discovered in my research.

First of all, that whole drug testing people on welfare thing? Yeah, that actually has been proven in multiple studies to be a failure. The costs to administer these tests is much greater than any savings gained from denying welfare to such individuals. The percentage of people testing positive while receiving welfare in Florida was so low it had virtually no impact. It cost much more money to implement and maintain the program. I'm not sure why you think everyone on welfare is on drugs but your view is really askew.

Second of all, do you realize how much money we waste on the drug war? BILLIONS! How is that war going for you? I have reams of research data that says this war is a losing proposition. I could share the information I gathered with you but I know how you hate numbers and facts. Facts do have a well known liberal bias and all.

No freebies to non citizens. This really is not the problem you think it is.

The balanced budget? Tax reform? Term limits? I actually agree with you. I just think you and I would get there in very different ways.

So yeah, that one might just grind my gears a bit.
Culture: US Constitution and the Bill of Rights? What is this I don't even... That's not a culture! Do you even know what culture actually is? Yes, the Dukes of Hazard could be considered a part of the culture, albeit a small and rather hillbilly one. Same with NASCAR. here, let me give you the definition.

A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without thinking about them, and that are passed along by communication and imitation from one generation to the next.

This pic is actually several years old, sometime during his first term.

I think what they mean by culture is to have the Kids These Days stop obsessing over their iPhones, video games, and celebrities and focus on politics and the news, as well as every American citizen having knowledge of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Founding Fathers.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
My father-in-law's Facebook is so weird. He shares lots of these sorts of right-wing Facebook pics, mostly about how liberals are trying to take away your guns or people who receive money from the government are lazy and shouldn't be allowed to vote, etc. But then he'll also share a few with Bernie Sanders quotes or others from the AFL-CIO. There's a certain internal consistency to what he shares, but still.
Hey, Bernie Sanders is the number one democrat among republicans.

I remember after sandy hook my brother was all, they're gonna take our guns. I was like dude, do you even understand how much would have to happen to successfully repeal the second amendment?

Anyway, in better news someone posted this on my facebook, maybe should make a thread on it? Its a really good read. Its called I, Racist. https://thsppl.com/i-racist-538512462265


Speaking of politics my hope is we see a showdown between Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. This would be a fabulous election race that could actually mean something. So of course we will have Hillary vs Bush or Cruz or whatever random Neocon
Speaking of politics my hope is we see a showdown between Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. This would be a fabulous election race that could actually mean something. So of course we will have Hillary vs Bush or Cruz or whatever random Neocon

It's gonna be Trump v Hillary, obviously
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