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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Are you kidding me!? The people who are arguing that either one represents either ethnicity are white people. Why else would people constantly expect the Muslim community to apologize for the actions of fringe Islamic terrorists? When have I ever been expected to apologize for Roof's existence?
Family member shared this nonsense, this being a common theme. Both this particular type of nonsense, and family members sharing it.


"Reporting the truth." How rich is that? It's not truth, it's just baseless propaganda that disparages the poor.

This article, in particular, seems to shut down that prejudicial conclusion quite hard.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I think a lot of these people would be shocked to find out what percentage of their paycheck actually goes towards welfare and how disproportionate it is to the amount they whine about it.

Depends on what you consider welfare. TANF and SNAP are small, but corporate welfare and handouts for the rich are huge.
Even some things sold as help for the middle class like the mortgage interest tax credit are just welfare for the rich in disguise.




What the absolute FUCK?

How did Obama in ANY way bring the world close to WWIII? The same president who has avoided war like a fucking plague? That got a deal with IRAN?

THAT President?


I think it's just meant to be a generic inversion of the "Daddy's little girl" sort of things where you'll see like, jokes about anyone that breaks her heart will have to answer to my 9mm.

Just a basic "don't fuck with my kids, Imma momma bear" type of pandering thing where everyone thinks they're the "I'll do anything for my family" types.
I think it's just meant to be a generic inversion of the "Daddy's little girl" sort of things where you'll see like, jokes about anyone that breaks her heart will have to answer to my 9mm.

Just a basic "don't fuck with my kids, Imma momma bear" type of pandering thing where everyone thinks they're the "I'll do anything for my family" types.

ohhhh, that makes way more sense. I was seeing it as a "I'm going to kill my own children" thing haha
So is there any way to actually delete your Facebook?

I saw you can have messenger with just your phone # now, I just use FB as a lazy chat application anyways so that'd be good.


I have problems on both sides of the spectrum. On the hand I have a subtly racist mega republican and all his republican buddies that use facebook a whole shit load, and on the other hand I have a mega-tumblr girl who judges everything under the sun by a yardstick of how aggressively feminist it is. I can't fucking enjoy anything because there are zealots everywhere.

I don't think anyone here likes zealots.

I enjoy people who defend the display of that flag and how it isn't a symbol of racism and then go on to spew racist shit.

You can set your watch to it.


Now that I think about it a group of foreigners (Looked like they were from India) recently took over management at the local store right by my house. First words out of my dad's mouth when I mentioned it to him was "sand-ni**ers". I have never felt so awkward as I did then.

EDIT: Double post. Sorry about that.
Recently, I've been dealing with the exact opposite on FB.

Friend that defends Gamergate just because of free speech.

Doesn't believe in Gamergate, but thinks nothing is wrong with them saying whatever they want because of free speech.

Also just got really angry at me for calling Jesse Eisenberg a moron for using the word genocide to describe his experience at Comic-Con. Literally said the next step is policing what words we use.
Now that I think about it a group of foreigners (Looked like they were from India) recently took over management at the local store right by my house. First words out of my dad's mouth when I mentioned it to him was "sand-ni**ers". I have never felt so awkward as I did then.


That's not awkward. That's relationship ending. oof.


Annoyed? Mildly irritated? Either way, he used the word "awful" to describe it, which means the text on the image got some kind of rise out of him, which seems to have been the point.

Oh, it's definitely awful. Speaking for myself, it's more laughter that whomever made it thinks that unrelated political positions could make someone angry. The implied persecution complex is hilarious.



I think this is just a gun thing. It reminds me of this one woman I'm Facebook friends with who is a big gun nut and is constantly posting image macros about how she's totally prepared to defend herself against rapists with her gun. It's weird as hell, almost like it's a fantasy or something.

The kicker is that we live in statistically the safest city in the midwest.
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