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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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This one is extra gross because Franklin was created to make the strip more inclusive.


I'm against mandatory voting.

What do you do if you're forced to vote yet you support none of the candidates? Is spoiling your ballot illegal too?
You can file a dummy vote if you like, or you can get educated, give a damn and read up until you find someone you do agree with. But all you *have* to do is just get your name crossed off. It's not a two-candidate system here because you're never voting directly for the PM here, you're voting for your local member of parliament. So you'll usually have 5 or 6 people/parties to choose from.

I'm staunchly against voluntary voting for that reason: it can foster apathy in the public. At least this way it somewhat forces people to learn up on aspects of politics that affect them.
Who the fuck says Clinton is poor?

I'm trying to figure that one out too. Probably a waste of mental energy.

Also I really don't recall many people rushing to Rachael Dolezal's defense. I don't know why they're associating that story with liberals.

Also all the transphobia and racism on display here.

This is the work of a very angry person.

I had an uncle go on a rant about Al Gore being a hypocrite for how many light bulbs he has in his mansion, and how it was like the prime example of how politicians and the system are all so corrupt. I can guess where he heard it from. I even explained to him how much good he has done for the environment and raising awareness for global warming and how living in a nice house or having a high energy bill is insignificant in comparison, but he actually implied it would be better for someone to deny global warming exists if they are going to live like that. What kind of logic is that? It makes my brain hurt trying to rationalize it.

What makes it so funny is it must they used Al Gore which hasn't been relevant in a while, and that he constantly uses this anecdote to inform himself on political issues.


This is more or less keeping within the spirit of this thread, so don't come down on me too hard please:


Saw this on someone's car and couldn't resist taking a picture of it. Bumper stickers are essentially idiot markers at this point, IMO. GAF might be the only place I know where other people will appreciate this, lol.

El Odio


I had an uncle go on a rant about Al Gore being a hypocrite for how many light bulbs he has in his mansion, and how it was like the prime example of how politicians and the system are all so corrupt. I can guess where he heard it from. I even explained to him how much good he has done for the environment and raising awareness for global warming and how living in a nice house or having a high energy bill is insignificant in comparison, but he actually implied it would be better for someone to deny global warming exists if they are going to live like that. What kind of logic is that? It makes my brain hurt trying to rationalize it.

What makes it so funny is it must they used Al Gore which hasn't been relevant in a while, and that he constantly uses this anecdote to inform himself on political issues.
I'm trying so hard to wrap my head around the bolded. Like, you can know that global warming exists but unless you have virtually no carbon footprint you should deny it?



Funny it doesn't mentions a few key points:

  1. They're FREE
  2. They're provided by the Federal Guvmint!!
  3. They're MANDATED BY THE FEDS!! None of this state rights bullshit
  4. FREE
  5. You can get yours in specialized modules fucking everywhere in the country, no matter if you are in the slums or in the nicest richest burb, there's an INE module near you.
  6. You can make an appoinment via internet to a day/hours of your needs to not deal with lines and queues
  7. They are probably the only valid metod for identity proof accepted everywhere
  8. Did i mentioned they are FREE?
  9. Said modules mentioned before open much all the damn year, only close in weekends (sundays that is) and festive days. In high demand periods (elections they even close very late, even until midnight

Just throwing that there. I'm sure those bastards will flip out at the sole mention of FREE, because "but muh taxes!!" or some idiocy on the like.
I had cherry picked my favorites and posted one of these on Facebook everyday for two weeks.

Unfortunately everyone had nothing to say, and kept to themselves. In some cases people actually thought I believed this lunacy, and would pm me to tell how wrong I was or I how I've let them down.

Kinda disappointed that so many of my friends could read these and all of them essentially kept to themselves.


My parents (hell, my extended family, actually) fit this to a T.

I'm on vacation from Korea and all I've heard is racist stuff, blaming the president and illegals.

Its gotten so bad, I can't even have a discussion with my dad without it turning political, even if it's not political at all.

It's single-handily ruined this vacation and its to the point where I'm considering not coming home again for a long, long time.

I've already dropped them from Facebook.


This isn't right-wing per se, but this craziness deserves to be broadcast.


I can't believe this is the conclusion some people actually draw from the explosion in China.
This isn't right-wing per se, but this craziness deserves to be broadcast.


I can't believe this is the conclusion some people actually draw from the explosion in China.

Everything on the internet will eventually be related back to 9/11 conspiracies if enough users comment on it.
I'm against mandatory voting.

What do you do if you're forced to vote yet you support none of the candidates? Is spoiling your ballot illegal too?
You indicate at the polls that you do not want to vote. Like they do in Australia. You would have learned that if you googled anything along the lines of "mandatory voting".
I'm trying so hard to wrap my head around the bolded. Like, you can know that global warming exists but unless you have virtually no carbon footprint you should deny it?
Yeah, because it makes him a hypocrite are corrupt I guess. Also, most of these people don't really care about global warming, it might as well be the sun burning out in billions of years.




The Texas Agriculture Commissioner got in trouble for posting a similar one, won't apologize for it.

AUSTIN (AP) — Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller won’t apologize for a shared post on his Facebook page that appears to suggest using an atomic bomb on the Muslim population, a spokesman for the Republican said Monday.

The post shows a mushroom cloud and says Japan has “been at peace” with the U.S. since the 1945 bombing of Nagasaki. The end of the caption reads, “It’s time we made peace with the Muslim world.”

The post was shared on Miller’s Facebook page over the weekend but was removed Monday. Todd Smith, a political consultant for Miller, said he didn’t know why the post was taken down but said critics outraged over the content should instead be demanding apologies from Islamic terrorists, Iranian leaders and President Barack Obama for their words and actions.

“We think those are all issues that deserve an apology and are much more serious than a thought-provoking Facebook post,” Smith said.

Miller, a professional rodeo calf-roper and former state lawmaker, is currently in China for what his office described as a trade mission. He previously made headlines for repealing a ban on deep fryers at schools shortly after taking office in January.

Smith said Miller didn’t personally share the post but won’t begin a “witch hunt” to find out who on his staff did. He noted the positive comments the post generated and said that while Miller wouldn’t take the position that an atomic bomb should be dropped on the Muslim world, the elected state executive has never been shy about what he believes are serious threats.

The Texas Democratic Party condemned the promoted post as hate speech and xenophobic.

In January, a Republican state lawmaker instructed aides to ask Muslims who visited her office at the Texas Capitol to renounce Islamic terrorists and publicly declare their allegiance to America.



Sidhe / PikPok




Where do you drop the nukes in the US to make sure you "pacify" the 2.5m+ muslims there?

Fake edit: By State Wikipedia suggests Illinois, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, and Texas. though for a little more pinpoint accuracy, NYC, Dearborn, LA, Paterson, and Philadelphia would be your target cities.


★My Other Ride Is Your Mom★

Your wife rides my jambo Jet ; )
  \____            ____
   \   \           \   \
    \LOL\_____      \   \
      \         Your Wife and Me Airlines   ___\ 
       \     oo ooooooooooooooooooooo o o  |_O_0\_
             |      /   /()                  |
             0     /   /()                   0
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