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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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It's bullshit, obviously, like the rest of that image. Around 3x higher than the number of abortions Planned Parenthood actually does.

I did not look up Planned parenthoods number, but the numbers I found with googling and on wikipedia were way higher than expected. Even 1000 a day sounds like a lot to me.
Heck, I did no expect even one per day


I did not look up Planned parenthoods number, but the numbers I found with googling and on wikipedia were way higher than expected. Even 1000 a day sounds like a lot to me.
Heck, I did no expect even one per day

You didn't expect one abortion per day throughout 700 Planned Parenthood health centers in the entire country?


You didn't expect one abortion per day throughout 700 Planned Parenthood health centers in the entire country?


And no, I have no idea how many Planned Parenthood there actually are. But they aren't the only ones doing abortions, right?
From my understanding, it is only part of their services.
And I kinda expected, that they are only there for poorer people, who have no other option.

Anyway, after looking at the numbers,
I had no idea, that there are so many unwanted pregnancies in this day and age, that require an abortion. At least in countries like the US or the European countries.
Did not expect that at all.



And no, I have no idea how many Planned Parenthood there actually are. But they aren't the only ones doing abortions, right?
From my understanding, it is only part of their services.
And I kinda expected, that they are only there for poorer people, who have no other option.

Anyway, after looking at the numbers,
I had no idea, that there are so many unwanted pregnancies in this day and age, that require an abortion. At least in countries like the US or the European countries.
Did not expect that at all.

The rate of abortion in the US is 16.9 per 1,000 women. Twenty-one percent of all U.S. pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. About 1.1 to 1.3 million abortions happen in total per year in the US. Planned parenthood accounts for about 300,000 of those.

Planned Parenthood isn't ONLY for poorer people with no other option. They do quite a lot of health related care for quite a large demographic of people. Sure they probably don't do terribly much for the rich, but it isn't just people who are destitute. I've had 2 girlfriends that preferred to go there even though we could technically afford going to some big clinic's doctor.

I can absolutely believe that many need abortions in this day and age. We have poor education on the subject, and a lot of politicians push abstinence only education, which doesn't fucking work and leads to abortions. On top of that we keep defunding things like Planned Parenthood, an institute that actually prevents a lot of abortions through education and cheaper contraceptives.


The rate of abortion in the US is 16.9 per 1,000 women. Twenty-one percent of all U.S. pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion. About 1.1 to 1.3 million abortions happen in total per year in the US. Planned parenthood accounts for about 300,000 of those.

Thanks for the numbers.
I am from Germany, and after some looking around the number appears 5.6 per 1,000 women (in the age group of women who could give birth)

Both numbers, the U.S. and Germany are higher than I expected.
So yeah that slightly wrong right wing post actually got me good.

What surprised me more, is that only 4% of abortions had medical reasons or were because of rape. I kinda expected most abortions to have a better reason.

I can absolutely believe that many need abortions in this day and age. We have poor education on the subject, and a lot of politicians push abstinence only education, which doesn't fucking work and leads to abortions. On top of that we keep defunding things like Planned Parenthood, an institute that actually prevents a lot of abortions through education and cheaper contraceptives.

I know, that sexual teachings are not perfect, but I expected more of it, "even" in the U.S.

What surprised me even more, that in the EU Germany is even among the best.
Our neighbours in Austria or for example Sweden have a rate over 3 times higher.
In Romania it is even 35 of 1000.

I am generally OK with early abortions and in the cases of medical needs or rape, but all this has been really shocking to me :(


You don't need an ID with photo to be eligible to vote in US? How does it work then?
And why would using ID with photo and hologram for voting be called "racist"?

You don't, and there are many reasons it's called racist in the way the people wanting to have an idea want to do it.

First off, historically, the US has a lot of precedent with trying to keep black people from voting. From the very first time they started, white people started putting up barriers like poll taxes and even tests. We had to have an amendment to deal with this bullshit.

Fast forward to now. Republicans have spent the last few years doing a few things. First, they're cutting early voting down, very specifically at times when the black community likes to go and vote. In a lot of communities they'll go after church all together. Republicans kept shrinking the time you could vote.

Republicans have also been cutting same day registration, too.

On top of that, our cities keep closing DMVs and only leaving open DMVs in more richer, whiter neighborhoods and for very limited hours. If you need an ID, you have to go to DMV, and it's a pretty long, stupid process most of the time due to budget cuts. Basically, poorer folks would have to take a complete day off of work to get on the bus and go get an ID. People interpret this as a cost to vote, and say it goes against that amendment I spoke about up there. Even outside of cost, a lot of poorer people can't skip out on their job for a day whether they want to or not.

There are actually a lot of older folks without the documentation they need to get an ID nowadays, too. And they don't need it because they don't drive.

In addition, a few other IDs are accepted at polling places for a few states that have put in these laws. You know what kind of ID is accepted? Handgun licenses. You know what's not? College photo IDs.

Voter fraud is almost nonexistent. I think the last finding was something like 5 or 6 actual cases of voter impersonation in the last 10-12 years. Even without an ID you still do have to prove who you are to register. You can't just walk in anywhere and vote anywhere the day of. You need some proof of address like a bill or something.

So now take all of that together and what do you get? You get policies being put into place not to curb fraud but to disenfranchise poorer, likely minority, people and other people who tend to vote democrat.

A lot of people on the the other side of this issue would be ok with voter IDs if the burden was on the state. I also think it actually has to be on the state in order to pass the 24th amendment. If the state gave you an ID free of charge and was on the hook for you getting it as much as humanly possible, compensating you for missed time at work, even.... If we had a whole week to vote or a national holiday on voting time... If we staffed our polling places then, too, with the ability to get that ID right there for free the same day while you're voting... then maybe it wouldn't be racist. The way it is now? Republicans are looking at every voting pattern they can and cutting anything that will harm minority and democrat voters more than their own.


Thanks for the explanation. Here in Poland everyone gets their ID when they are 18; an ID is valid for 10 years, after that time you have to replace/renew it but the process isn't really that time consuming and it's free (well, if you don't include the costs of taking a photo). An ID is required in pretty much all citizen - city/country communications, but also in all the other cases where your identity have to be verified (it can also be used instead of passport if you move within European Union). That's why I was surprised that a proposition to require and ID for voting is viewed as such a big thing in US.
You don't need an ID with photo to be eligible to vote in US? How does it work then?
And why would using ID with photo and hologram for voting be called "racist"?

You have to pay for ID's in the US. It's believed it would be used to disenfranchise voters who can't afford an ID/have no way of getting one. Most studies and data on the subject prove that that's the case.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
Saw a guy today on my 10 at work who had a 'Bernie for President' shirt on, yet he couldn't tell me the difference between Bernie's platform and the platform of a socialist.
Bandwagon voters and ignorant youth are 2 very, very infuriating things. ‪#‎getyourcattogether‬ ‪#‎educateyourself‬

from my facebook friends status.
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