neogaf does have a way to insert the tags for you
I only use mobile.
neogaf does have a way to insert the tags for you
That too. But yeah, anything to make liberals look like a bunch of racists who want to victimize whites.In addition, liberals called for gun control in both instances. A quick google search would show people that. Obama himself said he was going to do something with or without congress. It's just that in addition to calling for gun control, liberals said "Oh hey, ain't it kind of fucked up to have this symbol of our racist history flying in the capitol of the state that this horrible racist crime happened in?"
What fucking world do these people live in, because it isn't reality.
Because some of them are devoid of empathy and crazy, much like he is.Why are so many of these people trying to sound like the joker.
Because some of them are devoid of empathy and crazy, much like he is.![]()
What fucking world do these people live in, because it isn't reality.
Oh God. Good to see you didn't turn out like him lol. Oh, and lets face it, they won't care about the babies, especially black babies after they're born.My racist dad's post after I tell that last person they're not living in reality:
... Only two people in history have ever had their own symbol?
Do you have any more bullet points Drudge report wants you to fill in that post? I think you got most of them. I like that you had to throw in there that he was gay like that in and of itself is a bad thing or that matters in any way shape or form. He was obviously a terrible person, and people very obviously do care. Its a tragic story thats at the top of the news right now.
I'm also so glad you know all of those black "punks" and think they deserved death no matter their crime. Id love for you to tell Tamir Rices parents that right to their face. Its a verifiable fact that there is systematic racism in our justice system. Prison sentences of black men were nearly 20% longer than those of white men for similar crimes in recent years, an analysis by the U.S. Sentencing Commission found. ( In cities like Ferguson where we have an actual investigation it found that the disproportionate number of arrests, tickets and use of force stemmed from unlawful bias, rather than black people committing more crime, the citys practices are shaped by revenue rather than by public safety needs, and the 67% of African Americans in Ferguson account for 93% of arrests made from 2012-2014. ( Bias against African-Americans was routine and thorough, affecting nearly every aspect of Ferguson police and court operations. ( I like that youre allowed to bitch about cops needlessly waiting to pull someone over for speeding, yet black people protesting about the factual discrimination and racial bias going on is just too much.
Studies show that people (including cops) see black kids as less innocent and less young than white kids, and their age is routinely overestimated by about 4.5 years. ( Because of this theyre at 21 times greater risk of being shot dead by police than their white counterparts. (
So if you think they dont have anything to protest, youre out of your goddamned mind.
On top of all that, grand juries just dont indict cops. Theyre not out there protesting the shooting itself. Theyre protesting that by and large the cops get away with it. Theres no investigation theres no indictment. ( Even when we have video tape of the murder, a lot of the time nothing happens. We give them power and with that should come responsibility. They should be held responsible for excessive use of force, and we should be investigating each and every time its used. Do we really want them shooting people who are running away? ( Black Lives Matter folks are even there when the victim is white, as evidenced by Zachary Hammond. (
If you think black people don't care about black on black crime, well then you're just not paying attention. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening. They're marching in the street against it. There are musical movements against it. Just because you don't know about Stop the Violence or Kendrick Lamar or The Interrupters doesn't mean those people aren't there. ( Theyre organized against it ( They've protested in New York, they've protested in Chicago, they've protested in Newark, Saginaw, and Pittsburgh. ( ) Because you only feel like piping up when you think your position of privilege is in jeopardy doesn't mean these things aren't reality. And because of all, crime rates among the African American community are plummeting. In the last 20 years in particular, the FBI reports, rates of crime among African American youth have plummeted: All offenses (down 47%), drug offenses (down 50%), property offenses (down 51%), serious Part I offenses (down 53%), assault (down 59%), robbery (down 60%), all violent offenses (down 60%), rape (down 66%), and murder (down 82%). In 2013 black youths under age 18 account for just 2% of the nations homicides. (
If you think you really care while still denying all of that reality, then think again. As Jamelle Bouie puts it, Say what you will about black-on-black crime, just dont pretend it has anything to do with unfair killings at the hands of the state.
If you want to talk percentages, too, 84% of white people are killed by other white people! 53.3% of gang homicides are perpetrated by white people. 70.8% of workplace related homicides (oh hey, thats what happened in Virginia!) are white people. 64% of forcible rapes are by whites. So why arent you out on the streets protesting as much as they are? Black-on-black crime has decreased over the decades. In the past 20 years, black-on-black homicides decreased by 67 percenta sharper decline than white-on-white homicide ( Youre not protesting possibly because most crime is intraracial and your statistic and the 84% statistic I just brought up mean jack and/or shit in this narrative.
Planned parenthood belongs nowhere in this conversation at all. If you're insinuating some sort of racism in what they do, you should know that 60% of their centers are in majority white neighborhoods. ( To even equate abortion with murder is absolutely asinine. If it is, then apparently Gods the biggest murderer there is, considering 10-20 percent of KNOWN pregnancies end in miscarriage. How about all those abortions planned parenthood prevents? Oh dont care about those? Well then The fact that you think Im you think Im too dumb to understand Planned Parenthood is donating tissue and not selling body parts is concerning. Theyve been cleared of all wrongdoing (, and the tissue donation helps saves lives and end diseases. ( And the fact that youre not bringing up in vitro fertilization and how that destroys embryos too is questionable ( I dont see you protesting outside an IVF clinic
In the end, I think the reason the person who made this picture phrased it like the joker really speaks to their state of mind as a narcissistic asshole not actually living in the real world. Its cartoonish villainy at best and at worst a grossly racist and poisonous point of view.
Goddamn. Good for you for standing up to a family member's bigotry. That can't be easy.
Incredibly thorough and well-documented but I suspect he might dismiss all that as liberal-biased media or something. :\ I hope I'm wrong.
That sucks.You're definitely not wrong. He won't give a fuck. 10 bucks says he comes back with some Margaret Sanger bullshit and gets really angry at mostly my abortion tirade against him.
But that sure cooled me down a bit from my seething anger. I think thoroughly researching and writing something that reinforced things helped quite a bit.
That sucks.
Today I hung out with my brother and had to educate him on transgender issues. He kept insisting "they're born male they're male" and repeating other kind of similar nonsense. I think it comes largely from a place of ignorance but it still made me extremely sad and irritated that he could be so bigoted. Since he's my brother I struggled to remain calm and explain why he was wrong, using medical facts and science to support what I was saying, and I think at the end he was thoroughly stumped and quickly changed the subject xD, so it gives me some hope that he'll come around eventually. He used to be a lot more homophobic and he's toned that down a lot in recent years. But yeah, really makes me glad I'm not on Facebook. I don't want to see the crap he most post on there sometimes...
Oh yes, absolutely. When he insisted that "if you are born with a penis you are male, period", I said, "well, medical science doesn't agree". He then asked me, "who's 'medical science' exactly?", and I said, all manners of medical associations. Then he said, kinda smugly, "name them!", like, hoping to stump me. The first I named was the American Psychiatric Association, and then he scoffed "oh, sure, psychiatrists huh", and I don't even know why because he's not at all some sort of Tom Cruise-like who doesn't believe in psychiatry or anything. Then I had to go on a tangent pretty much to defend the APA as reliable, which I didn't particularly care to do, instead of continuing to list medical associations. So I got lured into a goalpost shifting really, which wouldn't have happened with a written exchange. Very frustrating.I find it pretty hard to argue with some of these things in real life. I can't just conjure a lot of science and medical facts on a whim, whereas it seems like they can pretty easily bring up the talking points. I'm much more happy arguing on the internet where I can confirm the stats I'm trying to spout.
My FB feed consists of science-y stuff, dog related content and the occasional meme.
You guys must be doing it wrong.
See, that's what I mean by doing it wrong. ;PLike my family... And people I add for work related reasons.
I just delete the annoying people who post crap like this.
I'm offended by the lights because it's freaking AUGUST.
Why are so many of these people trying to sound like the joker.
How to do facebook wrong other than being on it? They control everything you seeMy FB feed consists of science-y stuff, dog related content and the occasional meme.
You guys must be doing it wrong.
How to do facebook wrong other than being on it? They control everything you see
Doesn't actually stop Facebook from showing you it in the first place to notice and post here"Hide" function people. Fucking use it.
I don't really like the idea that we should just ignore and hide people's idiocy. I mean I realize there's so much more idiocy out there, but when people close to you are being terrible I think they should be told that. What good does it do anyone to purposefully create an echo chamber? ridiculous.![]()
Cmon people...
Doesn't pay to respond, you aren't willing to listen to anybody else's opinion but your own.
Strange, my post is filled with other people's opinions I've listened to. You know what it takes? Facts and research.
then do it
I hope you didn't spend all night typing up this lefty bullshit manifesto Because I won't waste one second reading it. You have your self a good weekend son because looks like you need to relax.
Can't say that was a very smart response to his bullshit in the pic. Walked right into the trap...![]()
Cmon people...
God, the fucking irony...Doesn't pay to respond, you aren't willing to listen to anybody else's opinion but your own.
Bah, I'm sorry to hear that.So, and update from my previous family bullshit.
My aunt:
My response:
My dad finally says:
He also messaged me that he came home to my mother in tears because of my beliefs and that we shouldn't talk politics anymore.
My dad pulled some terrible bullshit back when Obama was getting re-elected. Wrote up this whole bullshit email to me and my sister about if Obamacare actually came into effect, my mom's business would have to close and sent it to me and my sister. I spent a fucking day researching and sent back to him how every point was wrong or a misunderstanding and my mom had nothing to fear. His response was just that it was a nice lefty talking point letter and reality is different. Guess what? My mom is still in business and my dad still has health insurance (he didn't think he would). That time I mostly spent the time in order to inform my sister of what he was doing, and I think that was worth it.
That exchange with your aunt... christ did she even read your first reply if that's what she had to say?snip
I am not sure if this is something that is shared on Facebook. It was recently used by channers in their attacks of the cast and crew of an upcoming animated series that focuses on a diverse character set: