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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Yeah, I was just challenging the assertion that both liberals and conservatives make loads of dumb facebook images. So far, the evidence provided has been underwhelming. And that's me being generous.

I have a good friend who used to post liberal pics maybe 2-3 times/day. I can't really call them stupid since I at least agreed with the general spirit of most of them, but it was nonetheless annoying due to the frequency of these posts and the sensationalistic or holier-than-thou tone of many of them.

This is not to say this happens with nearly the same frequency as with conservative posts. But it certainly can happen.



for everyone thinking this is made up, every word on this is absolutely true.
every adult man in switzerland needs to join the military for basic training.
the assault rifle will then be stored at home. so its true, every adult man owns a SIG 550 assault rifle and its stored somewhere in a wardrobe.

its also true that we have a very low rate of crime.
however, this picture seems to imply a connection between those two statements, this is of course not true at all.

because the assault rifle wardrobe storing is done purely because of logistical reasons, so we dont have to store weapons and transport them in a case of war (or to the trainings). so only ammunition has to be transported, not the guns themselves. and no one is allowed to store ammunition for these assault rifles at home. no one is able to use these rifles outside a heavily supervised area. so while we have the guns, this is true, we do not have the ammo for them.
generally, owning any other kind of gun is heavily frowned upon, and if you ever tell someone you are actually carrying a gun with you (in my 31 years of live I have never encountered someone who carried a gun with him) people will think you are crazy and/or call the police on you.

and the reason for our low rate of crime is because we are very rich and use that money to help people who arent that lucky. from a US perspective we most certainly are socialists, hell, we even call our politic right wing "liberals", no kidding, thats how far left we are
(we mean economically liberal by that)
Haha luckily no one on my facebook are that bad. The really fucking cheesy motivational posters and "minblowing facts about earth" stuff gets rather stupid though.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
for everyone thinking this is made up, every word on this is absolutely true.
every adult man in switzerland needs to join the military for basic training.
the assault rifle will then be stored at home. so its true, every adult man owns a SIG 550 assault rifle and its stored somewhere in a wardrobe.

its also true that we have a very low rate of crime.
however, this picture seems to imply a connection between those two statements, this is of course not true at all.

because the assault rifle wardrobe storing is done purely because of logistical reasons, so we dont have to store weapons and transport them in a case of war (or to the trainings). so only ammunition has to be transported, not the guns themselves. and no one is allowed to store ammunition for these assault rifles at home. no one is able to use these rifles outside a heavily supervised area. so while we have the guns, this is true, we do not have the ammo for them.
generally, owning any other kind of gun is heavily frowned upon, and if you ever tell someone you are actually carrying a gun with you (in my 31 years of live I have never encountered someone who carried a gun with him) people will think you are crazy and/or call the police on you.

and the reason for our low rate of crime is because we are very rich and use that money to help people who arent that lucky. from a US perspective we most certainly are socialists, hell, we even call our politic right wing "liberals", no kidding, thats how far left we are
(we mean economically liberal by that)

Thanks for taking the time to type that out, always interesting hearing about it from someone who lives there.


I can't believe people keep trying to defend that Columbus image? "Stop genocide"? Really?

My mom posts a lot of dumb liberal stuff, I love her but she is really naive.

Actually most of my feed is exaggerated liberal stuff, I'll post them when I'm not on my phone, (and will get ready for more than one poster trying to agree with its nonsense).
I have a good friend who used to post liberal pics maybe 2-3 times/day. I can't really call them stupid since I at least agreed with the general spirit of most of them, but it was nonetheless annoying due to the frequency of these posts and the sensationalistic or holier-than-thou tone of many of them.

This is not to say this happens with nearly the same frequency as with conservative posts. But it certainly can happen.


Seriously, if you've got these images, let's see them. I'm curious about how extreme and sensationalist they are and how they compare to the conservative ones.


for everyone thinking this is made up, every word on this is absolutely true.
every adult man in switzerland needs to join the military for basic training.
the assault rifle will then be stored at home. so its true, every adult man owns a SIG 550 assault rifle and its stored somewhere in a wardrobe.

its also true that we have a very low rate of crime.
however, this picture seems to imply a connection between those two statements, this is of course not true at all.

because the assault rifle wardrobe storing is done purely because of logistical reasons, so we dont have to store weapons and transport them in a case of war (or to the trainings). so only ammunition has to be transported, not the guns themselves. and no one is allowed to store ammunition for these assault rifles at home. no one is able to use these rifles outside a heavily supervised area. so while we have the guns, this is true, we do not have the ammo for them.
generally, owning any other kind of gun is heavily frowned upon, and if you ever tell someone you are actually carrying a gun with you (in my 31 years of live I have never encountered someone who carried a gun with him) people will think you are crazy and/or call the police on you.

and the reason for our low rate of crime is because we are very rich and use that money to help people who arent that lucky. from a US perspective we most certainly are socialists, hell, we even call our politic right wing "liberals", no kidding, thats how far left we are
(we mean economically liberal by that)
The reason it's hilarious is not that it's made up, it's that the ones who typically post this are adamantly against any sort of governmental gun control. I imagine a government-issued weapon, which you can't generally keep loaded, isn't, in their minds, what they actually want.


I don't know what my stance is on this and I haven't put much thought into it but I would probably ask myself "what are the reasons for classing murder as a crime" and why is it wrong—and subsequently examine whether those same reasons apply to foetuses.

That's a fairly decent criterion in my opinion, and under this standard you can see the situations are fundamentally different. If I recall correctly, human fetuses are anatomically and intellligence-wise pretty similar to other mammal species that we have no qualms killing, even after they're born. However, from birth onward humans are set apart from other species in terms of intelligence, making killing them clear murder. The key difference is intelligence. I guarantee cows go through more suffering when being slaughtered than do aborted fetuses, for example.



Seriously, if you've got these images, let's see them. I'm curious about how extreme and sensationalist they are and how they compare to the conservative ones.

Just look up stuff like "Americans Against Right Wing Terrorists," "Americans Against the Republican Party," "Snarky Democrat," "Americans Against the Tea Party" or "The Everlasting GOP Stoppers" on Facebook.


One of my distantly related cousins is in a fanatically religious family (I mean FANATICALLY, her mom thought she could speak in tongues for a while), and she posts these dumb anti-abortion pics every once in a while:


Where is the dumb part?
I have one person who posts all the dumb liberal ones and one person who posts all the dumb conservative ones. I'm pretty liberal, so this is kind of skewed, but by far I think the conservative ones are less informed as a whole and the guy who posts them is a way bigger idiot.

They're all still super dumb, though. I don't give a shit about pot or your tattoos!


That's a fairly decent criterion in my opinion, and under this standard you can see the situations are fundamentally different. If I recall correctly, human fetuses are anatomically and intellligence-wise pretty similar to other mammal species that we have no qualms killing, even after they're born. However, from birth onward humans are set apart from other species in terms of intelligence, making killing them clear murder. The key difference is intelligence. I guarantee cows go through more suffering when being slaughtered than do aborted fetuses, for example.

In that case, I could probably understand pro-life activists' feelings if they feel similarly for all life.


I got friend requests because I changed my middle name to Benghazi. I have a friend who frequently posts shit like this and when people call him out he says he doesn't like to argue because God knows what is right.
Conflating abortion with murdering a child, obviously.

There' a thread about that already so I'm not derailing this further, but my two cents are:

I dunno man. The child is already well formed by the time you find out it may have down syndrome. We approach eugenics levels there.


In that case, I could probably understand pro-life activists' feelings if they feel similarly for all life.

Right. The problem is most of them don't. It's not immoral to kill humans because they're more sacred than animals or have souls while animals don't, it's immoral because we're vastly more intelligent than most species (barring monkeys, dolphins, etc. But I also have a problem with those animals being killed). With fetuses, this is a non-issue.


The reason it's hilarious is not that it's made up, it's that the ones who typically post this are adamantly against any sort of governmental gun control. I imagine a government-issued weapon, which you can't generally keep loaded, isn't, in their minds, what they actually want.

the way I seet it, this picture seems to support the US gun lobby philisophy that if everyone is armed, no one will dare to be violent/criminial. that guns equal safety.
of course that only works if you dont mention the fact that the guns come without ammunition.


the way I seet it, this picture seems to support the US gun lobby philisophy that if everyone is armed, no one will dare to be violent/criminial. that guns equal safety.
of course that only works if you dont mention the fact that the guns come without ammunition.
I get their reasoning, but they don't have the entire picture. And "government-issued" makes me laugh.


Oh shut up already. I know EXACTLY what I saw and I have NO reason to lie about ANYTHING on GAF. Why would I? What could I possibly be achieving by lying?

I physically went to their place in Queens and saw the Mercedes-Benz parked out front.

I physically saw her take out her EBT card and brag about it to me.

I physically USED that EBT card to get groceries from the local supermarket for her.

Anything else you want to know?

I'm sorry I don't know the exact amount on the EBT card because guess what? I'm lucky enough that I've never had to use food stamps in my life.
Hey man. I'm not the person that used blatantly false information. If you didn't know how much she was getting why did you make up a number that was over 50% higher than the maximum benefit you can get? You specifically said over 800 dollars in food stamps. Frankly it throws your whole story into limbo land. Why should any of us take you seriously now???
Hey man. I'm not the person that used blatantly false information. If you didn't know how much she was getting why did you make up a number that was over 50% higher than the maximum benefit you can get? You specifically said over 800 dollars in food stamps. Frankly it throws your whole story into limbo land. Why should any of us take you seriously now???

Well, everybody else seems to taking me seriously and making legitimate arguments against the nature of using anecdotes to define general trends, but hey let's just continue to harp on this one mistake I made.

Woo everybody look, Aquamarine made a mistake!


There' a thread about that already so I'm not derailing this further, but my two cents are:

I dunno man. The child is already well formed by the time you find out it may have down syndrome. We approach eugenics levels there.

I agree with you in regards to not wanting to derail, but a quick google search says there are first trimester screening tests available by the 11th week? This seems to me fairly early, relative to the length of time abortion is an option.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
.... So... You think that killing a child that is developed enough for the parents/medics to notice a malformity, or down syndrome, is NOT murdering it...?


we can detect downs with good certainty in the first ~2 months of pregnancy

but yes, this is not the thread for that discussion


Well, everybody else seems to taking me seriously and making legitimate arguments against the nature of anecdotes, but hey let's just continue to harp on this one mistake I made.

Woo everybody look, Aquamarine made a mistake!
You didn't make a mistake you lied. I'm sorry that I caught your lie but someone had to point it out. I find anecdotes like yours tiring because the vast majority of the time they are completely made up. If they aren't completely made up it's very common for people to lie about how much in benefits people are receiving. Kind of like what you just did.
Just look up stuff like "Americans Against Right Wing Terrorists," "Americans Against the Republican Party," "Snarky Democrat," "Americans Against the Tea Party" or "The Everlasting GOP Stoppers" on Facebook.

Dude no one told us we had to google the right-wing pics, people posted them as evidence.

Is it that hard to do it with the left-wing stuff?


.... So... You think that killing a child that is developed enough for the parents/medics to notice a malformity, or down syndrome, is NOT murdering it...?


Lol, it's not like they wait until it's developed enough that they can just glance at it and know that it has down syndrome. You screen for certain proteins in the placenta as early as the 9th week, and can conduct further screenings shortly after that. At this point the fetus has only just moved out of the embryo stage, and is the size of a kidney bean.


What are people who claim to be "in the middle" even in the middle of? Do you not pick sides on any issue? Seems like a convenient way of just saying "I'm above it all on every issue," without having to take a stand on anything.

The "in the middle" (or "independent") people I know seem like conservatives who don't want to call themselves Republicans. But maybe that's not the case for most who self-identify as such.

I'm pro choice, pro gun, pro gun control, anti open/conceal carry, pro safety net, anti welfare-dependence, pro legalisation and/or decriminalisation of pot, LSD and Ecstasy, pro free health care, anti mandatory-sentencing, anti racist, pro meatavist, anti death-sentence.

I'd classify myself as a left libertarian, even though the tag libertarian seems to have been given a bad name from the right wing. So yeah, I'm left leaning, but in reality most of those left views would be considered centre if the far right wasn't so extreme.
This one is just too much. Wanting what is best for society is to be linked to Hitler? Who the fuck are these people? Disgraceful.

Hitler's national socialistic german worker's party (NSDAP) is named to represent liberal and social characteristics. the nsdap was more or less germany's first big party to appeal for the majority of all classes in society.


Actually, yes. We want to see the evidence.

Anyone can google anything, this is a threat for posting the pics, not dismissing people and telling them to go google them.

You go on Facebook and look up those accounts like I said, it's not dismissive at all. If you seriously don't comprehend those instructions, then I'm very sorry for you, but here you go:




Again, they don't exist with nearly the same prevalence as the right-wing ones. But they do exist.
You go on Facebook and look up those accounts like I said, it's not dismissive at all. If you seriously don't comprehend those instructions, then I'm very sorry for you, but here you go:




Again, they don't exist with nearly the same prevalence as the right-wing ones. But they do exist.

Why couldn't you do this in the first place? No, I comprehended your instructions but I am going with the theme of the thread (e.g. post outrageous political pics from facebook)


love the ones with a quote attributed to a person of something that the person never actually said.

anyways these are without a doubt the worst people.


Why couldn't you do this in the first place? No, I comprehended your instructions but I am going with the theme of the thread (e.g. post outrageous political pics from facebook)

It took less effort and I figured no one would care.

Are we good now?


I only see left-wing memes on Facebook but they're nearly as bad. The times that a sophisticated political, philosophical or scientific idea can be effectively expressed through meme is exceedingly rare if not non-existent.


anecdotal as hell, but I got the local person in charge of deciding my Grandmother's SSI fired for basically telling us that since she is white she didn't need her SSI.

I laugh at those who claim welfare abuse doesn't exist. Fraud exists at every level for anything involving money pretty much. Some of the stuff people post about people having new tvs or phones.. those can be gifts from friends/family. Do I know some people who abused welfare? Yes. Did I report them? Yes. Did it matter for the most part? No.

It only takes a few bad apples to make the bin rotten. That applies to pretty much everything.

Oh, and the picture making the rounds on my Facebook currently: (One of several iterations of it)



Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
love the ones with a quote attributed to a person of something that the person never actually said.

anyways these are without a doubt the worst people.
This so much.

I think a good problem with Facebook is people just don't actually post their thoughts. I'm sick of seeing memes, political or not, in general. Heck, I'd be okay with a meme here and there is it's one that person actually created themselves but no, people keep reposting memes, some of which are long past their prime. If it wasn't for a friend of mine, I would have disabled my FB months ago.


I belong to a handful of motorcycle riding groups ... always seems like a lot of those guys (at least here in Texas) are pretty right wing and every once in a while I'll see this kinda shit:

I only have ONE right wing extremist friend and he doesn't know how politics work and doesn't know the difference between Left and Right.

I unfriended him because he posted to stupid stuff on my wall
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