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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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Alrighty, let's compare, then. I took two from each page, though they were kinda few and far between.

If you tell me specifically what you see as the main differences between the two sides, I'll be able to give you a better response. This isn't to say that I don't see clear differences between the two, but rather that I don't want to presume what your argument is and go knocking down a strawman as a result.


love the ones with a quote attributed to a person of something that the person never actually said.

anyways these are without a doubt the worst people.

If you tell me specifically what you see as the main differences between the two, I'll be able to give you a better response.

They took until page 8 to show up on this thread and I had to get most of them myself.

This isn't to say that I don't see clear differences between the two, but rather that I don't want to presume what your argument is and go knocking down a strawman as a result.

Hey, state the differences at will. I really don't have an opinion on this, I was just irked by all the people talking about these fabled images and then failing to produce them.


Gold Member
Learn to laugh at this shit and you might live a bit longer. Also at some point these things are obvious trolls and clearly by the responses in this thread they are working.


They took until page 8 to show up on this thread and I had to get most of them myself.

Regarding pictures not showing up until page 8, I don't see what that has to do with anything. The thread asks for awful right-wing posts, so that's what the majority of the posts are going to be. You questioned where the equivalent left-wing posts where, and only several minutes after I replied. What exactly do you take issue with?

The reason you had to find them yourself is because I told you to go do that after deciding not to post them own my own. This was a decision I thought would be fairly inconsequential, but apparently not. Does it assuage your concerns to know that I could have posted hundreds of pictures myself in the first post, sparing you the 5 minutes' trouble?

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Regarding pictures not showing up until page 8, I don't see what that has to do with anything. The thread asks for awful right-wing posts, so that's what the majority of the posts are going to be. You questioned where the equivalent left-wing posts where, and only several minutes after I replied. What exactly do you take issue with?

The reason you had to find them yourself is because I told you to go do that after deciding not to post them own my own. This was a decision I thought would be fairly inconsequential, but apparently not. Does it assuage your concerns to know that I could have posted hundreds of pictures myself in the first post, sparing you the 5 minutes' trouble?

there are hundreds of these pictures available?


there are hundreds of these pictures available?

Between the 5 or 6 accounts I posted alone, absolutely. Fairly certain these have all existed since around the 08 election, with let's say bare minimum 3-4 pics a day. Doesn't take too long for that to add up. Now that's not to say they're all as egregious as the right-wing ones; some of them have pretty cogent arguments, in fact. What made these posts "awful" for me was the frequency with which my friend posted them, and the sneering, immature tone of a lot of them. It all came off extremely hostile from an otherwise very nice person.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Between the 5 or 6 accounts I posted alone, absolutely. Fairly certain these have all existed since around the 08 election, with let's say bare minimum 3-4 pics a day. Doesn't take too long for that to add up. Now that's not to say they're all as egregious as the right-wing ones; some of them have pretty cogent arguments, in fact. What made these posts "awful" for me was the frequency with which my friend posted them, and the sneering, immature tone of a lot of them. It all came off extremely hostile from an otherwise very nice person.

yeah, i see that tone being pretty prevalent amongst many from the hard left and it's definitely not an effective way to communicate.

i admit, i'm guilty of it myself from time to time.

Elrond Hubbard

Neo Member
I've seen a few left-wing memes, but they're generally just snarky.

Trying to pretend that they're even on the same level of inanity as the right-wing memes is ridiculous. It isn't the same league, or even the same sport.
Regarding pictures not showing up until page 8, I don't see what that has to do with anything. The thread asks for awful right-wing posts, so that's what the majority of the posts are going to be. You questioned where the equivalent left-wing posts where, and only several minutes after I replied. What exactly do you take issue with?

The reason you had to find them yourself is because I told you to go do that after deciding not to post them own my own. This was a decision I thought would be fairly inconsequential, but apparently not. Does it assuage your concerns to know that I could have posted hundreds of pictures myself in the first post, sparing you the 5 minutes' trouble?

Numerous posters on this thread claimed there were also crazy liberal images. I first asked on page three, you were the first and only other person besides me to actually provide anything of substance. That's it.

The only reason it's an issue is that there's this pervasive attitude that the burden of proof somehow isn't the responsibility of the claimant.


Oh, and the picture making the rounds on my Facebook currently: (One of several iterations of it)


Ahh so the person who posted that agrees workers are so underpaid that they can't afford essentials like food, and that they should unionize and fight for a fair wage.
anecdotal as hell, but I got the local person in charge of deciding my Grandmother's SSI fired for basically telling us that since she is white she didn't need her SSI.

I laugh at those who claim welfare abuse doesn't exist. Fraud exists at every level for anything involving money pretty much. Some of the stuff people post about people having new tvs or phones.. those can be gifts from friends/family. Do I know some people who abused welfare? Yes. Did I report them? Yes. Did it matter for the most part? No.

No one here is really saying that though. It's just nowhere near as bad as conservatives make it out to be. Welfare queens dominating the system are bad myth from the Reagan campaign during the 80s that never went away.


yeah, i see that tone being pretty prevalent amongst many from the hard left and it's definitely not an effective way to communicate.

i admit, i'm guilty of it myself from time to time.

Exactly. I count myself among the "hard left" as well, but it's just annoying to see. It's as much a moral concern as it is a practical one: not only do I find such pictures unnecessarily hostile and rude, I also think that it's much harder to convert others to your beliefs when you're berating them, calling them conservitards, republicunts, etc.

To be extra clear this goes double for the opposite side of the aisle. It's not cool to call us libtards or make fun of "liberal logic," especially when your own logic in many of these posts is lacking, to say the least.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
No one here is really saying that though. It's just nowhere near as bad as conservatives make it out to be. Welfare queens dominating the system are bad myth from the Reagan campaign during the 80s that never went away.

A lot of the times that "abuse" is because the income ceiling for aid are set very low. You are still going to be at or close tot the poverty line except with no aid.
Most of the things my "friends" post on facebook I ignore anyways. Half of it is boring sports related crap and the other half is "I'm angry about corrupt politicians, but do nothing expect post pointless crap on facebook." rants.


Welp. Decided to check my Facebook for the first time in months and my uncle called me a n-word lover.

His second wife was black. God he is such an asshole.


As an Australian reading through this thread, this as been... educational. I think it's fair to say that this might be more of an "American" thing. I've never seen anything closely resembling anything posted in this thread before. It's more than a little nuts. I mean, sure, I get the occasional atheistic and theistic propaganda clogging up my Facebook feed, but it's tame in comparison to the lies and bullshit I'm seeing from posters and pictures in this thread. This has been a real eye opener.

Edit: I see bomma_man has found a few Australian ones. Maybe I'm just not friends, or interact with, people of this nature? I feel like I've wondered into some kind of alternate universe where idiots rule.


The Autumn Wind
Between the 5 or 6 accounts I posted alone, absolutely. Fairly certain these have all existed since around the 08 election, with let's say bare minimum 3-4 pics a day. Doesn't take too long for that to add up. Now that's not to say they're all as egregious as the right-wing ones; some of them have pretty cogent arguments, in fact. What made these posts "awful" for me was the frequency with which my friend posted them, and the sneering, immature tone of a lot of them. It all came off extremely hostile from an otherwise very nice person.
I'll take sneering and immature over bigoted and mis/uninformed any day.


As an Australian reading through this thread, this as been... educational. I think it's fair to say that this might be more of an "American" thing. I've never seen anything closely resembling anything posted in this thread before. It's more than a little nuts. I mean, sure, I get the occasional atheistic and theistic propaganda clogging up my Facebook feed, but it's tame in comparison to the lies and bullshit I'm seeing from posters and pictures in this thread. This has been a real eye opener.

Edit: I see bomma_man has found a few Australian ones. Maybe I'm just not friends, or interact with, people of this nature? I feel like I've wondered into some kind of alternate universe where idiots rule.
I just was going to say it's also not nearly as terrible in Mexico, but then I might have good Facebook friends. And I don't use Facebook anymore, so maybe it's gotten worse. But it kind of makes sense - we don't have a 2-party system, so while there are conflicts with political views, it's not nearly as "with us or against us" as in the US. Mexico is also predominantly Catholic, so there's almost no room for religious wars. And finally, there are strict gun laws here and I don't know anyone who opposes them... maybe because as a country we actually know how terrible they are :/


Oh man, this thread hits me close to home, or close to my Facebook homepage, anyway. I don't even live down South, just in a condensed, dominantly red area.

However, to be fair, I've see plenty of equally stupid shit posted from people I know on the the other end of the spectrum. This should be noted.
I find it ironic that you are complaining about people's political leanings on facebook and their use of annoying memes, but at the same time generalize an entire half of the country as awful on a predominantly liberal forum.
And like others have said, you really should just unfollow the people that are bugging you, OP. Especially since you seem maybe more than a tad mad about it. Remember not to let all propaganda and ads get to your head, dude.
For those comparing the amount of republican bullshit to democratic bullshit, remember that we have a democrat president in office now.

So he's the scapegoat now. During the Bush administration, there was tons of played out, lame anti-Bush humor.


love the ones with a quote attributed to a person of something that the person never actually said.

anyways these are without a doubt the worst people.

Some guys on my Facebook post a lot of them, but they have actually started to write their own quotes now, signing them with their own name. shit like:
"Forget yesterday, live today as you will go on an adventure tomorrow" - (insert name)
They're not even ironic about it. It'a a fucking status update, what's the point of signing it? Do they hope someone will quote them so they can be regarded as quote geniuses?
The quotes don't even make any sense!


Hmm I find myself agreeing with a lot of the right wing pictures, aside from gun ones and joke ones. For example I do think Obama is an awful president and has done lots of harm. I guess I am a right wing extremist.
I went to a fairly liberal college and I tend to have the opposite problem - a bunch of people posting basically the same kind of bullshit, just left-leaning. The worst part is they tend to fall for obvious "ha ha republicans are so dumb!" hoaxes, or cite dodgy pundit blogs, or use faulty data to try and make a dramatic point.

It's doubly frustrating to see because it's like, damn, I agree with the premise of most of them but everyone is being just as naive.

Also in general I'd be incredibly happy if I could never see another image with Impact typeface again in my fucking life.


The Autumn Wind
Hmm I find myself agreeing with a lot of the right wing pictures, aside from gun ones and joke ones. For example I do think Obama is an awful president and has done lots of harm. I guess I am a right wing extremist.
Such as?


As an Australian reading through this thread, this as been... educational. I think it's fair to say that this might be more of an "American" thing. I've never seen anything closely resembling anything posted in this thread before. It's more than a little nuts. I mean, sure, I get the occasional atheistic and theistic propaganda clogging up my Facebook feed, but it's tame in comparison to the lies and bullshit I'm seeing from posters and pictures in this thread. This has been a real eye opener.

Edit: I see bomma_man has found a few Australian ones. Maybe I'm just not friends, or interact with, people of this nature? I feel like I've wondered into some kind of alternate universe where idiots rule.

only two people on my friend list like the site, one of whom actually is a straight up tea party idiot, but yeah. even most of the pictures on that site are just stolen from America. all the cretins prefer to hang out in Andrew Bolt's comments section.


I have people that post nothing but atheist and pro-religious, borderline insane conservatism and liberal douchebag propaganda all day. I treat them all the same. "Unfollow".

I don't want to read about your bullshit theories on why religion is bad and God doesn't exist anymore than your proclamations on why God is so great and we need to pray for what/whomever. I could really give a shit on why you think Obama is the messiah or the anti-christ.

I have enough bullshit to deal with in my life. The last thing I need to read are those asinine topics.
I'm starting to think that you have to be very smart to be very good at being dumb enough to write these. Some of these are excellent propaganda. For dumb people, i mean.


A lot of my friends are actually liberals/left leaning anyways, so that works. I only have one friend (who happens to be my boss) who will occasionally post something relating to the latest conservative buzzword topics floating around.

Personally, I have more crappy positive pics and memes than I know what to do with. Those are the real problem.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
My step father has started posting 'though provoking articles' regards 'the islamification of the west' and a whole bunch of 'Palestine was never a state all the Jews want is peace' etc etc using Fox News and some site called 'Israeli news' only.

Worst thing is he's only using those sites and his church group as sources. He's not even Jewish so I'm assuming there is a big anti Muslim drive at his church. Sad because he's a kiwi and the both the Muslim prescence and problems in NZ must amount to almost fuck all, so this shit is just basically being pushed over from the US, where his shit breed of new life church gets all it's nonsense from


Drone attacks alone disgust me to no end.
Then of course he hasn't shut down Guantanamo like he said he would, and the debt is devastating.

While I agree Obama has been disappointing in many respects, I am 100% certain all three of those things would be the same under any other president. Probably worse in many cases.

Only for Party members. And not for Untermenschen like, you know.... Jews

No, gun control was relaxed for the entire population aside from the Jews. While the Jews were systematically disarmed, the rest of the population enjoyed more relaxed gun control than Germany had seen in decades when it came to shotguns and rifles.
While I agree Obama has been disappointing in many respects, I am 100% certain all three of those things would be the same under any other president. Probably worse in many cases.

Sure, so maybe democrats' time would be better spent taking their party to task for this stuff, rather than patting themselves on the back and engaging in petty, partisan name-calling.
Sure, so maybe democrats' time would be better spent taking their party to task for this stuff, rather than patting themselves on the back and engaging in petty, partisan name-calling.

Bams actually tried to close gitmo, but democrats helped block any funding that would allow such a thing. Obama's got a pretty good record on reducing the deficit. For drones, most elected officials in the party think it is a better alternative than boots on the ground, so ymmv.

Tbh, you could always drag him over the coals for assassinating an american, but, again, neither side much cares.

Way democrats seem to see it, it is sadly a case of "bad with them, worse without them". The heck they gonna do, vote republican?
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