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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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I'm against all image macros, regardless of message. Image macros are banal at best and completely ignorant at worst. Says a lot about you as a person.


While I agree Obama has been disappointing in many respects, I am 100% certain all three of those things would be the same under any other president. Probably worse in many cases.
Then why do people care if a Republican or Democrat president is elected if it is just the same regardless?
Have you seen a meme picture addressing any of these issues?
Thought I saw a number of pictures complaining about Obama. Swear there was one on page 1 or 2 mentioning the debt and one that included him not keeping his promise.

This one actually is based on actual data. And one of the most beautiful correlation curves of all time. (I know correlation =/= causation, but it's still a hell of a thing)

Also, the earthquakes were all around 3.0 magnitude, so it's not like the Midwest is suddenly going to break into pieces or anything.

Courtesy of the US Geological Survey: http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/features/usgs_top_story/man-made-earthquakes/


Yea, its annoying. Its weird cuz I can hang out with a person and never hear any of their 'opinions' on these subjects, but somehow on Facebook, they are suddenly Mr. Ignorant Opinion on a huge range of topics.

Much of it is stuff that might 'sound' right, but you probably need to know more about it to really understand why its misleading, inaccurate, or just plain morally wrong. Its the kind of thing that appeals to your 'average' person, because truth is, most people don't have a high level of critical thinking skills and just absorb whatever pandering info they find that suits their existing views. Its unfortunate, but its also why I think critical thinking needs to be given much more attention in schools.


Can't find the pictures cos I deleted the guy who tended to post them in the end (for various reasons) but one of the worst times for this I can remember recently was when loads of closet racists suddenly became animal rights activists after it came out that some fast food chain sold halal meat.

That and Britain First getting popular for a while.
To be honest, I think a lot of this is just the natural consequence of one side of US politics whining at the incumbent administration. I remember a lot of it during GW Bush's time, I just think it's been exacerbated by social media and the ease of making propaganda images and their effectiveness. Someone is more likely to pay attention to an argument delivered concisely in an image than one delivered in lengthy paragraphs.

It's just shorthand and as a consequence accuracy suffers.

That said, I do find some of these pretty funny. I saw this one recently and just thought it was hilariously absurd. Doesn't really apply to US politics like the rest of these do but hey.


Like, what point was the person who created this trying to make? The false equivalencies are astounding. It doesn't matter what kind of civil liberties you'll lose in a Fascist state but that doesn't matter because you'll be built like a brick shithouse presumably.


The Autumn Wind
Then why do people care if a Republican or Democrat president is elected if it is just the same regardless?
Because there's more to being president than those specific things? Stop being fucking obtuse. I know you think you're being clever, but you're really not.


Must be an American thing. I don't see much of this kind of politically fueled posting. At least not in these extreme kind of ways. You'll get something sexist now and then. Rants fueled by ignorence about immigrants or some leftist butthurt because of mildly conservative parties gaining traction.

But nothing as polarising as you get in the US. There are over 8 political parties here. So you have people with all kinds of view points. Most leaning towards various variations in the center of the spectrum.
But we don't have the polarising media bias here because of that. All media is fairly neutral.

I'm sure the constant media war between left and right in the US is a huge contributer. Making it hard to discuss important issues in the center because of the potential of being labeled as 'one of them'

Anyway. Both ends of the spectrum are complete idiots without a firm grasp on reality. Only able to see through the goggles on their own side. Not being able to see a global picture from a distance.


Tears in the rain
I had one Facebook friend who shared these kinds of pics all the time. It was an easy block, because it was a Facebook friend. I did have one real-life friend who was extremely right-winged and anti-semitic. And anti-everything really. Haven't spoken to him a a year basically date for date. No big loss. I had known the guy since high school and he was a decent guy as a teen. That was before he told me that Hitler didn't kill enough Jews, in his opinion. Not sure what happened to him. But I don't care. He's out of my life.
I'm about ready to unfriend the guy that got all pissy at my cousin for using the term "mansplaining".

He called it offensive and a gender slur. Then went on to continue defending Elliot Rodgers.
Like, what point was the person who created this trying to make? The false equivalencies are astounding. It doesn't matter what kind of civil liberties you'll lose in a Fascist state but that doesn't matter because you'll be built like a brick shithouse presumably.

Giving it some serious thought, you could argue that Capitalism allows human beings to mercilessly indulge themselves in excess, regardless of need or context. Communism is the opposite: a harsh control of the individual to try maximize resource allocation for the general population, resulting in famine due to the inherent flaws of the human character, left unchecked by lacking the accountability that democratic system have. And I guess fascism is just swole.
I don't really care for political content on my feed but I'll put up with it. However, if a person makes a political post just to insult the opposing party's intelligence/morals/what have you I'll generally unfollow them. I'm not fond of people who just wanna pat themselves on the back.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Love it. In Switzerland:

- Weapons have to be stored in safes. Automatic and semi-automatic weapons have to be disassembled.
- Carrying is illegal in general.
- Weapons may only be transported in locked containers, to and from shooting ranges.

Non-compliance can lead to up to five years in prison.

And there it is
One of my distantly related cousins is in a fanatically religious family (I mean FANATICALLY, her mom thought she could speak in tongues for a while), and she posts these dumb anti-abortion pics every once in a while:


I agree with this pic. Anyone who has interactions with Downs knows that those living with it can have very fulfilling lives and are not better off not being born at all.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
And nor can this. Seriously?

It was also a popular bumper sticker. Seriously.
Any remaining post-racial illusions I had were shattered that year. I felt like such a dumbass.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Not really. My dad works at Chase, and not only are they not allowed to say "Merry Christmas" to customers, but he was told to remove a nativity scene from his desk.

But, is that a war on christmas?

Let me offer you an alternative pointview: with religious diversity rapidly increasing in the USA, should business like chase explicitly promote christianity?

Should religion be a public or private matter?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I agree with this pic. Anyone who has interactions with Downs knows that those living with it can have very fulfilling lives and are not better off not being born at all.

Well I think the primary issue with that image is that it automatically asserts that abortion = killing a child.
Why are you people still using Facebook anyway? I thought everybody was supposed to be upset that Facebook is complicit in privacy breaching.
Why are you people still using Facebook anyway? I thought everybody was supposed to be upset that Facebook is complicit in privacy breaching.

Great way to keep up with extended family, old friends from Colorado, friends I work with and used to work with, general news, game news, and movie news.
But, is that a war on christmas?

Let me offer you an alternative pointview: with religious diversity rapidly increasing in the USA, should business like chase explicitly promote christianity?

It's not about promoting it, it's about forbidding it. A majority of Americans are Christian and celebrate Christmas. They should be able to express that openly without complaints of being offended.


I got one go who posts the most ridiculously stupid pro-gun shit you could possibly imagine. I love it.


This one is absolutely great because someone obviously wrote that as a joke and these guys picked it up thinking that shit is real.
It's not about promoting it, it's about forbidding it. A majority of Americans are Christian and celebrate Christmas. They should be able to express that openly without complaints of being offended.

I think the issue is that some employers think of their employees as representing the company. If you only see one Chase employee, you'll probably walk away associating the company with the worker. And Chase doesn't want to be thought of as a Christian company, so they don't want people to be getting Christian messages from the "face" of the company.

I can definitely sympathize with both sides here.

Edit: Also, there is no right to "express yourself without people complaining." Express yourself, but in no world are you allowed to say what you want with a protection from people telling you they are offended.


This can't be real.

And nor can this. Seriously?

This was the actual image a "friend" of mine posted. I clicked on the origin page and followed the rabbit hole to that there patriotic eagle.


I think when neo-cons try to comprehend foreign policy, they get too angry processing "foreign" to ever get to the "policy".
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