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Those awful right-wing Facebook pics your friends/family share

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I think this one is kinda funny. We do get it.


The Autumn Wind
The "War on Christmas" is such a joke. The holiday is damn near ubiquitous from September to January nowadays. God forbid we recognize that not everybody celebrates it.

I think this one is kinda funny. We do get it.
That Republicans would never drive a hybrid because "Fuck environmentalism!"?


EDIT - That Republicans would never drive a hybrid because "Fuck environmentalism!"?

It's more that probably 75% of the Priuses I've ever seen have had an Obama sticker on them. It's become redundant to put that sticker on that car.


I don't want to see them on facebook and I don't want to see them here.

I made a post about this earlier this week. I'm sick and fucking tired of people bringing the worst shit possible that most of us try to avoid to the place that is supposed to be a retreat away from this shit.

There is nothing to fucking discuss. Unfollow morons. DERP
What are you talking about? GAF is a liberal haven.
Oh man, I wish I hadn't added some of my "friends" to Facebook. Sometimes I'd rather not know a person's opinions. My old Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instructor, for example, turns out to be one of those insane anti-vaccine people. And he believes that the government knows the cure for cancer but they're hiding it from us. He was a great martial arts teacher and a cool guy but now I have lost all respect for him. Too bad.


Ugh, while it's not as overtly offensive as some of the things already posted, I do find myself getting annoyed by the one friend I have who insists on posting what seems like every single article and study that comes out from The Heritage Foundation. The current one has gems like a poll asking millenials if "capitalism" or a "government-controlled economy" is better. Of course, since most people picked capitalism, that's somehow proof that people are leaning more towards Republican ideals, as opposed to just being a shitty poll.

While I find the ways in which people can twist polls and numbers fascinating, there are times when it's just scary.


Aftershock LA
Well-played, my good woman or sir

It could be a real story, but the numbers weren't big enough to make a strong point so they were bumped a bit. Or he has shit memory and couldn't remember the right number. Or the whole thing is made up.

As someone who has had to use food stamps and welfare during a long period of unemployment, I wish I had gotten $500-$800 a month.

For me and my wife, we both qualified for $110 each, so $210 a month in Food Stamps. To be honest, we were grateful for that much, as my unemployment check was only $800 a month, and our rent was $650, phone bill $50, electricity $150, and internet $50. We needed internet and phone for job hunting, so that was a necessity we could't cut out of our budget. It sucked, and I never want to have to live like that again. An extra $300 would have been amazing.


Had a conservative friend of my brother post an onion video thinking it was real.

The one where a guy in congress is talking about some new law and keeps saying "classified" and it sounds like hes reading about a zombie apocalypse. The onion news site logo is in the bottom right of the screen.

he posts it saying things like WAKE UP AMERICA this is what our socialist leader is up to, a one world order with laws that cant even be read fully without being classified!

Felt good to point out that it was a fake onion piece.


I live in the South, and when the shitstorm that followed Chic-Fil-A saying gay marriage was wrong; prompted a facebook post to support Chic-Fil-A. For about the next week people were going around the office collecting money for Chic-Fil-A breakfast runs. Oh, and it's also about a 20 minute ride (one way) to the closest one.


This was the actual image a "friend" of mine posted. I clicked on the origin page and followed the rabbit hole to that there patriotic eagle.


I think when neo-cons try to comprehend foreign policy, they get too angry processing "foreign" to ever get to the "policy".

I get the feeling that these guys have not done that much research into Genghis Khan.


I'm not friends with conservatives, and the ones who outed themselves as conservative through social media I unfriended long ago.
As someone who has had to use food stamps and welfare during a long period of unemployment, I wish I had gotten $500-$800 a month.

For me and my wife, we both qualified for $110 each, so $210 a month in Food Stamps. To be honest, we were grateful for that much, as my unemployment check was only $800 a month, and our rent was $650, phone bill $50, electricity $150, and internet $50. We needed internet and phone for job hunting, so that was a necessity we could't cut out of our budget. It sucked, and I never want to have to live like that again. An extra $300 would have been amazing.
I hear you. I'm not unemployed, but my wife is and we couldn't possibly survive with a child and just my budget. Food stamps have been a godsend. We're very grateful for the bit we get...but could always use more.
This was the actual image a "friend" of mine posted. I clicked on the origin page and followed the rabbit hole to that there patriotic eagle.


I think when neo-cons try to comprehend foreign policy, they get too angry processing "foreign" to ever get to the "policy".

I love the implication that genocide is more noble than not making a spontaneous decision.
A lot of this stuff heavily implies bigoted or otherwise hateful views. You can tell a lot about a person via politics.

Primarily for me, the lack of intellectual curiosity or integrity in posting some of the bullshit is what makes me take you off my friends list. If you're ready to believe in an obviously questionable statement because it reinforces a negative view about people or topics you don't understand, and you are indifferent or outright hostile to information that proves it wrong, you're a coward and not someone worth my time.

I wish this forum had a +1 feature for posts like this. This is exactly how I feel.
I don't understand how anyone can get work themselves up to a frother over this stuff. Although I don't agree with any of the sentiments of the chain emails and pictures, they are pretty hilarious and also provide a window into the deranged views of the person posting or forwarding them. It's like natural selection at work.


I had a friend post this one, last election. Even though it's so obviously making fun of the fringe right.


These two are absolute classics. I'll never get tired of these.

There was a high schooler I followed that posted a few ignorant pics. There was one about straight pride. I called them out a couple times but they deleted my comments. I haven't seen any from them lately though.

Despite having a lot of "radical left-wing" friends, they don't post image macros. They share news articles instead.

I don't understand how anyone can get work themselves up to a frother over this stuff. Although I don't agree with any of the sentiments of the chain emails and pictures, they are pretty hilarious and also provide a window into the deranged views of the person posting or forwarding them. It's like natural selection at work.

It can be pretty upsetting when your family and friends post ignorant garbage. It's like "I thought you were a decent human being but I guess not."


Aftershock LA
I hear you. I'm not unemployed, but my wife is and we couldn't possibly survive with a child and just my budget. Food stamps have been a godsend. We're very grateful for the bit we get...but could always use more.

Something was definitely better than nothing, that's for sure, but man, when you look at your monthly income, and your monthly expenses, and you're still short by a good $100+ dollars, it's hard. Each month you're going further and further into the hole. And when I finally got a job after 9 months (!) of unemployment, it was still just a temp job that lasted 3 months, and I spent every cent catching up on everything that I was behind on. Millions of Americans go through this shit, so when people are constantly harping about this bazillion % abusing the system ratio, it irks me. The percentage of abusers is so small to be practically negligible in the grand scheme of things. I don't think I've ever known an individual who got more than a few hundred a month depending on how many kids they have. My mom raised me and my two sisters, and we only got about $100 a month in Food Stamps. Granted, that was in the 80's and 90's, and with some smart shopping, she made it work.

These days, $100 will barely cover a week of groceries, especially living in Los Angeles, where the price of groceries is pretty damn high.

These two are absolute classics. I'll never get tired of these.

There was a high schooler I followed that posted a few ignorant pics. There was one about straight pride. I called them out a couple times but they deleted my comments. I haven't seen any from them lately though.

Despite having a lot of "radical left-wing" friends, they don't post image macros. They share news articles instead.

It can be pretty upsetting when your family and friends post ignorant garbage. It's like "I thought you were a decent human being but I guess not."

It's not just that either. It's the fact that the people that post those types of images are carrying that mindset into their everyday lives. This isn't just idiots being idiots on the internet, but that man or woman that feels so heavily bigoted and full of hatred towards another human being is bringing that to work, to school, to the stores, etc, etc. Everything they do is colored by that mindset, consciously, and subconsciously. These are the people that are voting to keep other people from basic human rights and privileges. If it was just contained to the internet, I could ignore it and move on. But it's not.

The ignorance and stupidity are not just limited to the old, either. Many of my friends are in their 20's to 30's (I'm 35), and they are also posting this garbage. I'm not big on blocking or unfriending people, but I've only done it once, to a good friend of mine that I went to high school with and he was a great dude back then. Now? Incredibly, unabashedly bigoted and ignorant. You can't even talk rationally with him, because when solid arguments are brought up against his viewpoint, he shuts down and won't continue the discussion. His constant negativity and ignorance finally drove me to end a friendship that had lasted for over 15 years. Sad, but to be honest, I don't miss it. Those types of toxic people aren't worth my time.


Can we lump in ignorant pseudo science into this? Because a friend of mine, bless her fucked up heart, has been posting a bunch of bullshit about how this stuff called Greens cures cancer by lowering your PH balance. Like, multiple per day, for like a month now.


I'm just mad someone taught them how to use the internet.

I feel like they should limited to the postal service.
Ah, the early days of the internet when it was only populated by nerds. Remember when meme pics were only about sarcastic jokes or video games? I remember when I first saw the Willy Wonka picture used in a political fashion and part of me died inside.
This was the actual image a "friend" of mine posted. I clicked on the origin page and followed the rabbit hole to that there patriotic eagle.


I think when neo-cons try to comprehend foreign policy, they get too angry processing "foreign" to ever get to the "policy".

Then why we still got Islamic Empires?


I'd think that a Facebook friend posting pictures like this would be a blessing. It's called "culling the herd." How else am I supposed to know that people I'm rarely in contact with are small-minded knuckle draggers?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?




It's annoying as hell. Even as a previous servicemember, there are a ton of benefits (healthcare, housing, food, clothing allowance, etc.) that go into their compensation.
That hasn't been going too well. :p

Not to dive deep into this, but I think soldiers are underpaid. Stories of family members having to line up to get food seems unpatriotic. There are most assuredly long term benefits, but considering substantial funds go toward PMCs who are no more effective and often cause controversy, I don't think it's enough. I'm anti-war and against the idea of "support the troops" no matter what, by-the-way.


What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?

Poverty image: I want to know where they're getting the $178 billion figure from, and how we're defining "eliminating poverty".

America/Africa: I think it's unfair.

Sanders: No issue.

BP: No issue.
What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?

That hasn't been going too well. :P[/QUOTE]
Maybe it's just because I am liberal but I don't see a problem with these images?

The first one is kind of pie-in-the-sky idealism (which I still appreciate) but I don't see how any of these are offensive or awful, like the myriad of conservative ones we've seen.

[quote="Badosh, post: 128729666"]that gif is me exactly.

So glad Vote no won.[/QUOTE]
The fact that they used a black couple is kind of sickening to me. "Hey black people, vote for traditional marriage while we simultaneously try and take away your right to vote by enforcing voter ID and closing down DMVs/polling stations in heavily black precincts!" So cynical and crass.

The best part about the Vote No campaign is it showed the Twin Cities can just outvote the rural areas now.


One key distinction needs to be made in the "both sidez saem!" argument that will inevitably show-up: the crazies in the Democratic Party have nowhere near the power that the crazies have in the Republican Party.

So when I see liberal images that make me eyeroll or do a sarcastic "peace, hippy!" dance, I'm comforted in knowing that these don't have a significant hold in steering our politics. When I see conservative images that make me wince, it's almost always a stronger negative reaction simply based on the idea that many of these images reflect mainstream "thought" in the GOP.
What do people think of these liberal images on Facebook?




That hasn't been going too well. :p

Not to dive deep into this, but I think soldiers are underpaid. Stories of family members having to line up to get food seems unpatriotic. There are most assuredly long term benefits, but considering substantial funds go toward PMCs who are no more effective and often cause controversy, I don't think it's enough. I'm anti-war and against the idea of "support the troops" no matter what, by-the-way.

The water bucket one is shallow and dumb, but the others are relatively benign. I honestly don't see what people would see wrong with the Bernie Sanders quote.
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