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Those crazy internet people (shuri's having girl problems again)

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Or how I think i'm gonna being stalked by an internet girl. Sorry about the lenght.

A few weeks ago, I was hanging out in a french canadian irc channel, minding my own business, talking about random stuff in the main channel. I've been going and on off on that channel since my early teens, it's kind of a habbit hard to get rid off. I like talking with people and that it's, I'm not there to pick up easy skanks or anything like that. Just general chatting.

There comes this girl. She comes in private chat and start talking about how she thinks I sound like a fun person. I usually ignore private messages, and since I used a rather genderless nickname, I always get lots of privates going like "hay are u a f or m" and shit like that. I answered something about how utterly awesome of a person I was, and yes, she was right. The conversation casually went on, talking about movies and music and so on.

Typical internet chatting.

As usual, late every night, I show up in the same channel, and when she notices me, she comes and chat in private. I never seek her out, as a matter of fact. Over time she asks me If I had some instant messenger, i'm like yes, I do. I never give out such infos since anyways I only have real life friends (tm) in my program, and I kind of dont care or want foreigners in my list. So I give her my infos.

She adds me, and start talking to me by there. Over time, I noticed that she seems.. quite.. lonely, by the way she talks. I don't really ask or make comments about this, since I figured she probably is just another of those bizzaer internet people. With the days, she starts talking about her life, about how she had many problems, and how she.. !!! ACKBAR MOMENT !!! Had a restraining order put against her once.


So she tells me that when she was a teenager, she was desperatly in love with her social worker and started stalking him. It became so bad he got her arrested and she was locked up in some sort of low-security mental institution for a few months.


I go "Wow.. that's pretty fucked up" and starts talking about she isnt going to get any men if she does things like that. She kind of goes overboard and says that she's surprised that I still "want to talk with her" after she told me her secret. Hmmm. Ok guys, don't get me wrong, I never hit on her, I never did anything, I just talked to her and had some regular chitchat and that's it. I always made sure that I never gave her any special hopes, or anything. I'm neutral. Then she goes on and on about her life again, and I tell her that she's been pretty unlucky and how she shouldnt worry, eventually something good will happen, and so on.

I'm still incredibly creeped out that I'm talking to a stalker chick, but for some twisted reasons, I don't delete her, because I want to see wtf is gonna happen, and I also think that it would be a pretty shitty thing to do to someone, I mean she's human after all, and probably really needs to talk, the net is probably her only gateway to the outside world. I don't like making people feel like worthless shits, bizzare creepy girl or not.

Days goes by.

She goes about how it's great to have a male friend who doesn't want to get in her pants, and how it's cool that I understand her (yeah ok, especially since it's going pretty bad with her live-in boyfriend, and how she's not a good looking girl, and since I seem to be a pretty popular guy with lots of friends and girls (I only mentionned over time where I was going out and so on) , it's cool that I give her some time in my day to talk about, even if she was fugly. She goes "I'm so happy that you talk to me like you would talk to one of your cute friends of yours"

I.. kind of go "Uh ok", I tell her that it's alright, she doesnt have to be so hard on herself

The day after she goes "hey Shuri I took pictures of me, Want to see them?" I'm like yeah sure why not. She floods my mailbox (she obviously had that email already prepared, waiting to click on send) with pictures of her.

Hmm yeah. She's obviously not a maxim model, as expected. But it's ok, i'm only casually chatting with her. The first pics where close up of her faces, laying on what seem to be on her bed; smiling. Then the other pictures were her around her appartment; someone else had taken those pics, "my boyfriend, I told him it was something for my classes" she says.


In instant messenger, she starts flooding.. "SHURI ARE YOU STILL THERE?! SHURI I AM TOO UGLY TO BE YOUR FRIEND, IS THAT IT?! SHUri ANSWER *crying emoticon icon* YEAH I KNEW THAT I WAS TOO UGLY FOR YOU"


"Nah I'm there, I was looking at the pics, it's ok, youre not so bad (...), you seem like a nice girl, stop being so hard on yourself" OH GOD THE TERRIBLE MISTAKE. She goes in an hysteric batshit insane mood; "oh wow, I can't believe you just said that, it makes me feel so important"

I'm really weirded out at this point.

I change the subject to this local metal show I had went to a few days prior, and how great the music was, and how we had a blast.

"Oh god, I wish I could have been there with you" .. I go "well, I don't think you'd really fit with the people there, it's not really a place for gentle girls" "Yeah yeah, I bet you spend the night eyeing those goth girls and talking with them".. she continues..

"Without even thinking about the fact that I was here at home, waiting for you to come back"


Then I go and mention that she shouldnt be waiting like that for me, that she should be taking care of her boyfriend instead of talking to internet people (oh teh irony). She suddenly becomes very sad and so on, and starts complaining about how guys threat her like shit all the time. She starts going over her past relationships and so on, I mention the infamous exgf episode in brief details, and become incredibly pissed off at what happened and how she would kill my exgf for doing that to me. I forget that she also mentionned that she kinda stalked ("but it wasnt really stalking") some of her former boyfriends.

I'm like yeah but forget about the past, think about your boyfriend and about yourself, etc

(haha, she just logged on as I'm typing this post, dun dun dun )

I then notice how her mood changed from that day. She became more and more.. err.. interested? She kept saying obvious innuendos about how SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH ME

I kept going WHAT?! and she always changed the subject.

I knew that something was going on. She was probably in love with me, or rather my internet version of myself. What.. the fuck!

Last night, I was listening to music, and she goes "I have to tell you something that's torturing me, and you will probably not talk to me after that" i'm like, what the hell?

"But i'm afraid that my boyfriend might be monitoring my conversations, let's go on irc, he cant read there" (uh ok, i'm pretty sure he can)

On irc she confesses her love to me, and how pathetic she thinks she is to even have the ambition to like a guy like me (?!). She goes about how she's gonna burst in tears if she ever sees me in the subway system in montreal this summer (she.. keeps mentionning that they are chances that we'll randomly meet) when I go to work..

... Well, I think the chances are pretty rare.. oh WAIT OH MY GOD FUCK NO

It dawned on me. I realised that I did the mistake of saying at with stations I was getting on and off when going to work later this summer, and gave her also the times I was going to work ("well I start at 8h and finish at 5pm"). She keeps mentionning that she cant wait to see me

Great. Fucking Idea Shuri, yeah you are a genius. I'm sitting here right now, and I'm 100% sure that she's going to try to fake "a random meet up" at least once this summer. She knows what I look like, because I had a pic of me in my profile. She kept mentionning how good I looked (wtf, I look like a killer for fucks sake). So she knows how I look like.So I'm pretty damn sure that she's going to show up at my departure and ending stations this summer, at least once. Or even worst, follow me home or some shit.

She did shit like that to at least 3 other guys in her life, and now seems to be incredibly "in love" with me. And If I cut contacts with her, she is going to do it anyways. She told me that she would send letters and emails to people she stalked MONTHS AFTER THEY CUT CONTACT WITH HER

Anyway, this is just creepy, and also very funny at the same time, because I never thought it would happen TO ME. I kind of don't know how i'm gonna deal with this, i'm probably going to act like a jackass progressively more and more on the chatroom so that she leaves me alone. I know that saying shit like how i had just met some new girl wouldnt work with her. She seems just that crazy.

It's so creepy yet sad, I really feel pity for her; man there's some people out there that are lonely and just need to talk to other AT ANY COST

I'm more emertic than Tupperware about my infos and whereabouts from now on! Damn you crazy internet people!

tldr for the lazy people: Girl talks to shuri, girl happens to be of the stalkerish-type, girl confesses love to shuri after like 3 weeks of casual chat. Shuri never ever hit on her, or said anything that might her think so. Girl wants to her shuri at all cost and will probably hunt him down in the Montreal subway system after work this summer. Shuri cries for own safety


You're screwed buddy.

Now when I saw "Hello Clothed Shuriken" and stamp down on your foot. You smile and nod.


I'm going to save reading this for tomorrow, becuase I know I'll need something to cheer me up after work. Thanks shuri :)


demi said:
Punch her in the face, it's ok to hit girls, you know.

Tell that bitch you mean business.


Anyways, I think you may want to take some precautions. Change your route and time if you can.
They'll find the number to yo residence
Non-hesitant unprecedented
Ain't no mystery to her steez she's demented
Ain't ever gonna get myself mixed up with a Psycho Bitch
Millimeter with a master plan so you won't be off in the ditch


wow, i can't believe i read all that!

what you need to do now is sign up for that "witness protection" program. she's prolly going to rip your balls out hartigan style if you have sex with her. i dunno.


No what you need to do is turn the tides on her. Make her afraid of you, you shouldn't be afraid of her.

Assault her. When you finally go to do the deed, rape her, something. Tie her up and just go right up the ass. A couple lacerations or two, something to make her regret talking to <shuri> ever, ever again. Scream in her face, scream with the cries of a thousand banshees, shuri style. I know you've got it in you, I've seen the photographs.

Do me proud, son.


demi said:
No what you need to do is turn the tides on her. Make her afraid of you, you shouldn't be afraid of her.

Assault her. When you finally go to do the deed, rape her, something. Tie her up and just go right up the ass. A couple lacerations or two, something to make her regret talking to <shuri> ever, ever again. Scream in her face, scream with the cries of a thousand banshees, shuri style. I know you've got it in you, I've seen the photographs.

Do me proud, son.

*PM-ing Dragona* ;P


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Dude, you're an idiot. Wow. So fucking stupid.

1. You have your pic in your profile.
2. You continue talking to someone who admits to stalking.
3. You feed her desire for attention.
4. You tell her your schedule.

But at the end of the day, you were asking for it. You saw trouble real quick and kept it going.


I actually just told her that my workplace called me and told me that I'm now starting doing from 10 to 6 now.


Her says:
lol tavais un chalet ou????
Shuri says:
à lanaudiere
Her says:
lol ;)
Her says:
ou sa ? plus de precision kan meme

Shuri says:
ben la
Shuri says:
j'aime ca etre mysterieux
Her says:
c gros lanaudiere

[.. boring banter goes on..]

Her says:
ArgGggg tessaie de te vanger c sa ?
Her says:
attends ke jte pogne...
Shuri says:
de me venger?
Shuri says:
tu serais meme pas capable
Her says:
parce ke je suis aussi mystérieuse...
Zombie Pat says:
je suis comme une ombre dans la nuit, muaha
Her says:
et moi qu'une image irréelle ... je n'existe pas...tu reeeeve
Shuri says:
Shuri says:
donc t'es pas vraie
Her says:
....jel e suis... je suis seulement différente et immortelle.... les gens ne me voit pas toujours comme je suis.... parfois je suis invisible, parfois pas cpour sa des fois ke je dis que je suis ireelle.. c pas tout le monde qui me voit .......

and now translated in english..

Her says:
lol you had a summer house?
Shuri says:
In Lanaudiere (for non-quebec gaffers, that's a big region)
Her says:
lol ;)
Her says:
Where at? give me more precisions damnit
Shuri says:
Well damn
Shuri says:
I like being mysterious
Her says:
lanaudiere is big

Her says:
ArgGggg are you trying to take revenge?
Her says:
wait until i get my hands on you (oh god)
Shuri says:
Avenge myself?
Shuri says:
You wouldnt be able to
Her says:
Because i'm mysterious too
Zombie Pat says:
I'm like a shadow in the night (wtf shuri)
Her says:
And me a fake image, I dont exist, you're dreaming
Shuri says:
Shuri says:
So you're fake
Her says:
.. I am.. i'm different and immortal, people don't see me like I really am, sometimes i'm invisible, sometimes not, and that's why i'm saying that i'm not real. It's not everybody who can see me..

Oh god.

edit: the pic has been removed from my profile since, I told her my schedule in a very casual way before knowing she was a stalker "yeah i'm gonna have a pretty nice scheduel, etc etc", I NEVER EXPECTED HER TO BE LIKE THAT. Jeez I was just talking about work, I never told her where I worked. We were talking about the subway in Montreal and she happened to use it a lot and thats how she got the infos

All the personal infos leaking (well other than a pic, my first name, my work hours, and where I got on the subway system) happened before the stalker talk. I would had never gave her any infos if I had known about it first hand.

All this stalkerish shit is speculation of course, but I just expect her to do it. Also no pics of her will be posted, because it wouldnt be ok. Let's just say that she's a pretty big girl. She just sent me a pic of her when she was younger, and she was much better looking. damn



This is an awesome thread.

So, how bad does she look anyway?

Oh, and if you want her to get off your back, maybe you can try linking her to this thread? The stuff that would ensue would make you *THE* living GAF legend....


What does he have to say?


o_O @_@ O_o
You know, all my Canadian friends told me stories about you folk in Quebec. I just shrugged it all off with a chuckle and a smile...




Go watch Batman Begins again, take a pad and pencil, and write down various notes.

Adopt a deep gruff voice.

Create a skin-tight black suit along with a cape.

--- Take pictures and send to demi

Use chloroform if necessary.


Hey shuri she could google ya you know. I say what demi said. Make her scared of you start saying your in to S&M shit you like to dominate and torture. Freak her out, go nuts.

This is great entertainment.


B'z-chan said:
Hey shuri she could google ya you know. I say what demi said. Make her scared of you start saying your in to S&M shit you like to dominate and torture. Freak her out, go nuts.

This is great entertainment.
That plan could backfire horribly. I've seen it happen.


keep your strippers out of my American football
If you acted like you felt the same about her she probably will lose interest. Just return her stalking behavior with the same actions, she will get freaked out and leave you alone.

...Or she could get 15 times worse.


I've had that happen to me a couple of times. Oddly enough, I'm still friends with 2 ex-online-stalkers. Though good thing is, they don't seem *that* crazy and seem a bit better now. At least I think so.. Lol. Oddly enough, one of the guys that did that to me was my ex's good friend. And confessed his love after like 2 night of chatting. Then was creepyly obsessed and stalked me for a few months till he found a new obsession. It would probably be best to block her or something though..

As for the S&M thing, you never know, she may be into that.


Is it possible to just tell her you're kind of freaked out? She seems like a reasonable person with maybe just a few issues/obsessions.


Update: I'm scared to death.

Last night she went online and started hinting again at how she was going to do anything she can to do to see me. During the day she was so pissed off that I wasnt online that she started crying and tried to find my number in the yellow pages o_O but couldnt find me, so instead she resumed crying so she wrote me a 5 pages ultra confused email that went on about random topics from paragraphs to pagaraphs. She talked about how she wished she could be my girlfriend and how i'm the first guy in years that makes her happy like that.

I told her this shit was freaking THE FUCK OUT OF ME. That simply wasnt cool with me, and that if she tried to contact me in real life (tm), I would cut all ties.

I discussed the situations with some of my friends, and we all agreed that telling her YOU CRAZY BITCH LEAVE ME ALONE or something to that effect would only get things worse. The only sane plan would be make more and more obvious that "we" are too differents in personality and stuff so that she eventually loses interest. I did find a weakeness in her, she seems really not to be into sex (from what she told me about her boyfriend, how it pisses her off that he's always checking out porn flicks and sites and kinda ignoring her, and how she kinda hates sex)

My plan, that we came up with at 4am, while incredibly sleazy and against nature, will be to progressivilly talk about how i'm such a man slut. Me and my friends even considered faking some online drama about me being torn between homosexuality and hetero. If there isnt anything that turns off girls, its to learn that the guy that you have your eyes on loves the cock. She might eventually lose interest in me.

If I tell her to fuck off and get lost, she WILL go in crazy stalk mode. Last night she told me she was going to send me a message about something that she couldnt tell me "live". I faked going to sleep (god i felt lame going that), and wrote some drama queen bullshit about how I'll never know or understand how much in love she is with me. She also talked AGAIN about how she would try to find me in the subway, and look at me for from away, trying to hold her tears because somehow she will never be able to get with me since she's crazy and she knows how freaked out of her i am now.

I also told her that she was terrible person for saying shits like that to an itnernet person while she's living with some dude.

Jesus christ. What the fuck.

What creeps me out si that she knows where I work (from previous conversations BEFORE the stalking admitance), So now i'm REALLY worried that she's going to show up and ask for me.

I'm going to set her up on a decoy as for my work schedule, I'm going to tell her that my schedule has changed and lead her off on a totally bogus time slot. I will also tell her that instead of using the subway system, i'll be getting a ride from one of my friends in the morning, and another one from a guy from work 'since its on his way!'

Obviously since she's already done this before, the other guys probably used excuses and decoys like that on her, so i'm gonna have to be on the lookout.

I can't fucking believe I'm going to have to use misinformations and stealth to get away from a 5"6' , 21 years old girl.

I've never been scared of someone like that in my life. I just don't want to have to deal with such a psycho. If she comes to work, i'll have her escorted by security, and I will press charges. She has a history of doing shit like that and she's gonna get owned.

And that's it for me trying to be friendly with internet people, they can all fuck off.


So you're going to tell a possible stalker that you're a man slut....


Wouldn't that just backfire and send her into a jealous stalking mission to free you from all these other crazy women who tempt you and make you all hers?


.. a gay man slut! :lol

edit: and then she'll gonna try to convert me back by any means necessary. I'm gonna join the church!


:lol :lol :lol

You're fucked, no way around it. Dye your hair, get a tan, do something. You two don't share the same subway line right? Or would she just see you at a terminal (i.e. Berri-UQAM)?


Naked Shuriken said:
Update: I'm scared to death.

Last night she went online and started hinting again at how she was going to do anything she can to do to see me. During the day she was so pissed off that I wasnt online that she started crying and tried to find my number in the yellow pages o_O but couldnt find me, so instead she resumed crying so she wrote me a 5 pages ultra confused email that went on about random topics from paragraphs to pagaraphs. She talked about how she wished she could be my girlfriend and how i'm the first guy in years that makes her happy like that.

I told her this shit was freaking THE FUCK OUT OF ME. That simply wasnt cool with me, and that if she tried to contact me in real life (tm), I would cut all ties.

I discussed the situations with some of my friends, and we all agreed that telling her YOU CRAZY BITCH LEAVE ME ALONE or something to that effect would only get things worse. The only sane plan would be make more and more obvious that "we" are too differents in personality and stuff so that she eventually loses interest. I did find a weakeness in her, she seems really not to be into sex (from what she told me about her boyfriend, how it pisses her off that he's always checking out porn flicks and sites and kinda ignoring her, and how she kinda hates sex)

My plan, that we came up with at 4am, while incredibly sleazy and against nature, will be to progressivilly talk about how i'm such a man slut. Me and my friends even considered faking some online drama about me being torn between homosexuality and hetero. If there isnt anything that turns off girls, its to learn that the guy that you have your eyes on loves the cock. She might eventually lose interest in me.

If I tell her to fuck off and get lost, she WILL go in crazy stalk mode. Last night she told me she was going to send me a message about something that she couldnt tell me "live". I faked going to sleep (god i felt lame going that), and wrote some drama queen bullshit about how I'll never know or understand how much in love she is with me. She also talked AGAIN about how she would try to find me in the subway, and look at me for from away, trying to hold her tears because somehow she will never be able to get with me since she's crazy and she knows how freaked out of her i am now.

I also told her that she was terrible person for saying shits like that to an itnernet person while she's living with some dude.

Jesus christ. What the fuck.

What creeps me out si that she knows where I work (from previous conversations BEFORE the stalking admitance), So now i'm REALLY worried that she's going to show up and ask for me.

I'm going to set her up on a decoy as for my work schedule, I'm going to tell her that my schedule has changed and lead her off on a totally bogus time slot. I will also tell her that instead of using the subway system, i'll be getting a ride from one of my friends in the morning, and another one from a guy from work 'since its on his way!'

Obviously since she's already done this before, the other guys probably used excuses and decoys like that on her, so i'm gonna have to be on the lookout.

I can't fucking believe I'm going to have to use misinformations and stealth to get away from a 5"6' , 21 years old girl.

I've never been scared of someone like that in my life. I just don't want to have to deal with such a psycho. If she comes to work, i'll have her escorted by security, and I will press charges. She has a history of doing shit like that and she's gonna get owned.

And that's it for me trying to be friendly with internet people, they can all fuck off.



*drowns in jizz*
I admit I didn't read that, because it didnt seem worth reading. I never understood the point of these msn relationships. Why the hell would I talk to someone I don't know? If I cant see them/verbally speak to them, then forget about it. Just block her, delete, and get it over with.

EDIT: I read some of it, shes fucked up. My original post doesnt need to be changed.
Stop spending energy on it- if she ever appears in your face, tell her to go fuck herself and get a restraining order. In all honesty, I think you somewhat enjoy her behavior.


Nah I'm sure it's fine. She seems like a nice normal girl who just wantsts...to.. .aAHHAHAHAHAHAH, oh I couldn't hold a straight face, she's gonna eat your skin, man.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Since she seems to have an issue with sex instead of the man slut stuff why not just turn it directly on her? Tell her you can't deal with a woman who won't toss your salad, or do anal, or use beads, etc...


Finally, I know someone that's going to be on the news!

Sorry Shuri but there's no way that this will end well for you.


Use her to satisfy your sickest, most depraved sexual desires...

And uh, how's that gonna help you push her away? I guess eventually she's going to be against doing something...maybe.


Naked Shuriken said:
Update: I'm scared to death.

Last night she went online and started hinting again at how she was going to do anything she can to do to see me. During the day she was so pissed off that I wasnt online that she started crying and tried to find my number in the yellow pages o_O but couldnt find me, so instead she resumed crying so she wrote me a 5 pages ultra confused email that went on about random topics from paragraphs to pagaraphs. She talked about how she wished she could be my girlfriend and how i'm the first guy in years that makes her happy like that.

I told her this shit was freaking THE FUCK OUT OF ME. That simply wasnt cool with me, and that if she tried to contact me in real life (tm), I would cut all ties.

I discussed the situations with some of my friends, and we all agreed that telling her YOU CRAZY BITCH LEAVE ME ALONE or something to that effect would only get things worse. The only sane plan would be make more and more obvious that "we" are too differents in personality and stuff so that she eventually loses interest. I did find a weakeness in her, she seems really not to be into sex (from what she told me about her boyfriend, how it pisses her off that he's always checking out porn flicks and sites and kinda ignoring her, and how she kinda hates sex)

My plan, that we came up with at 4am, while incredibly sleazy and against nature, will be to progressivilly talk about how i'm such a man slut. Me and my friends even considered faking some online drama about me being torn between homosexuality and hetero. If there isnt anything that turns off girls, its to learn that the guy that you have your eyes on loves the cock. She might eventually lose interest in me.

If I tell her to fuck off and get lost, she WILL go in crazy stalk mode. Last night she told me she was going to send me a message about something that she couldnt tell me "live". I faked going to sleep (god i felt lame going that), and wrote some drama queen bullshit about how I'll never know or understand how much in love she is with me. She also talked AGAIN about how she would try to find me in the subway, and look at me for from away, trying to hold her tears because somehow she will never be able to get with me since she's crazy and she knows how freaked out of her i am now.

I also told her that she was terrible person for saying shits like that to an itnernet person while she's living with some dude.

Jesus christ. What the fuck.

What creeps me out si that she knows where I work (from previous conversations BEFORE the stalking admitance), So now i'm REALLY worried that she's going to show up and ask for me.

I'm going to set her up on a decoy as for my work schedule, I'm going to tell her that my schedule has changed and lead her off on a totally bogus time slot. I will also tell her that instead of using the subway system, i'll be getting a ride from one of my friends in the morning, and another one from a guy from work 'since its on his way!'

Obviously since she's already done this before, the other guys probably used excuses and decoys like that on her, so i'm gonna have to be on the lookout.

I can't fucking believe I'm going to have to use misinformations and stealth to get away from a 5"6' , 21 years old girl.

I've never been scared of someone like that in my life. I just don't want to have to deal with such a psycho. If she comes to work, i'll have her escorted by security, and I will press charges. She has a history of doing shit like that and she's gonna get owned.

And that's it for me trying to be friendly with internet people, they can all fuck off.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


keeblerdrow said:
wtf, you should come with a free bag of popcorn, shuri.
:lol :lol

I agree with the comments posted here saying that you're fucked. You should do something, like, with bears, you know. You gotta pretend that you're dead so they leave you alone. So just stop with the internet activity or something so she'll notice that or something.

Am I making sense here?
Did you ever mention GAF or does a search for your IM or IRC username lead to GAF? That would not be fun for you although it may end the situation... or make her want to fight for you all the more.


For real you fucked up in the first place by being nice to her. Suddenly switching up and acting like a freak isn't going to help your situation. If anything, it could make it worse b/c she'll probally figure out what your doing and it could lead to her flipping out on you even more. Especially you suddenly talking about acting gay and shit. Your best bet now is to start simply acting like a sex-crazed misogyinst asshole. Change your tone in your conversations. Start bringing up sex more and change the subject to sex in every topic. The next time she gets on that sappy stalker shit say something to the extent that you'll only use her for sex b/c that's just all you want from a woman at this point.

Take it from me, I've had more than my share of stalkers. You can't be nice at all and you can give an inch. If all else fails, you might just have to just hurt her feelings. You got to stop acting like a bitch about this and develop the mindframe of "man fuck this crazy bitch" and start pushing her buttons. Its works along way in stopping unnecessary drama...
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