The JOKESMAN drives his JOKES CAR into the old abandoned Pagliacci Whoopie Cushion Factory.
JOKESMAN: Ha ha ha ha ha! I may be the Jokesman, but those goofy Gotham coppers are the real clowns!
He laughs as he pulls out a giant sack of money with dollar signs on it. Suddenly, a BAT THROWING STICK strikes the horrible harlequin on the hands, making him drop the ill gained loot.
???: Looks like I'll be having the last laugh, Jokesman!
It's BATFACE, hero of the oppressed and bane of the criminal underworld!
JOKESMAN: So you think, bat buffoon, but wait until my trained killer mockingbirds tear you to batty bits!
BATFACE: [fighting off deadly birds with his bat jitsu] Why, Jokesman!? With your keen mind and creativity, you could contribute so much to society! Instead you make a mockery of the law!
JOKESMAN: my parents beat me and I killed a shopkeeper with a hammer
BATFACE: wait what