Mister Apoc
Demigod of Troll Threads

perfect action film
2 is good but thats about it, 1 is leagues betterPredator II is excellent even if you only watch it for the Lethal Weapon cameos.
Predator II is excellent even if you only watch it for the Lethal Weapon cameos.
For me it's second tier Arnold movie.
It feels like he wasn't in it/didn't do enough in it, and kinda just beat the Predator by fluke.
Always undermined my enjoyment of it.
T1, Commando, and Total Recall are better IMO.
Predator is still solid, but it's a better movie than it is an Arnold movie if that makes sense.
In fact as a kid I preferred Predator 2 and felt Danny Glover did a better job fighting the Predator than Arnold did. Again, I feel Arnold's win was a bit of a fluke. Danny Glover had the thing on the RUN.
Commando? Woof
How dare you. That movie is fucking gold. Hilarious and good action. It cemented Arnold's one liners and how unstoppable he was. He hardly breaks a sweat in it.
As far as I know, it was pretty much the first Arnold movie to have real one liners.
It helped make Arnold what he is.
Too much 80s cheese and should have been left in that decade. It's painful to watch today because of how dated it feels
Great monster flick. It was sooo close to becoming a disaster as well. The original Jean Claude Predator design was goofy as fuck....
I don't care what people say about Arnold's acting abilities, all I know is that not anyone can pull this off:
that's what makes it special though...is that Arnold isn't some mega unstoppable badass like he is in the other films you mentioned. He's quite vulnerable and only wins by really a fluke, that's what makes it more interesting than the other Arnie films you mentionedFor me it's second tier Arnold movie.
It feels like he wasn't in it/didn't do enough in it, and kinda just beat the Predator by fluke.
Always undermined my enjoyment of it.
T1, Commando, and Total Recall are better IMO.
Predator is still solid, but it's a better movie than it is an Arnold movie if that makes sense.
In fact as a kid I preferred Predator 2 and felt Danny Glover did a better job fighting the Predator than Arnold did. Again, I feel Arnold's win was a bit of a fluke. Danny Glover had the thing on the RUN.
that's what makes it special though...is that Arnold isn't some mega unstoppable badass like he is in the other films you mentioned. He's quite vulnerable and only wins by really a fluke, that's what makes it more interesting than the other Arnie films you mentioned
are there people that really think Predator 2 is better than the first one?
are there people that really think Predator 2 is better than the first one?
I didDid anyone even enjoy predator(2018)? I'm having bad flashbacks of the predator dogs.. the predator suit for humans and weaponized autism
Did anyone even enjoy predator(2018)? I'm having bad flashbacks of the predator dogs.. the predator suit for humans and weaponized autism
Too much 80s cheese and should have been left in that decade. It's painful to watch today because of how dated it feels
There are people that understand why Commando is the greatest Arnie movie.
and then there's Bender.
I apologize for my exquisite taste.