What time is it?
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“Want some candy?”For me it's second tier Arnold movie.
It feels like he wasn't in it/didn't do enough in it, and kinda just beat the Predator by fluke.
Always undermined my enjoyment of it.
T1, Commando, and Total Recall are better IMO.
Predator is still solid, but it's a better movie than it is an Arnold movie if that makes sense.
In fact as a kid I preferred Predator 2 and felt Danny Glover did a better job fighting the Predator than Arnold did. Again, I feel Arnold's win was a bit of a fluke. Danny Glover had the thing on the RUN.
I long for a Predator vs Alien vs Robocop vs Terminator crossover. I think all 4 of these franchises are in the shitter ATM and it's about time for a crossover!
There are people that understand why Commando is the greatest Arnie movie.
and then there's Bender.
Commando has aged terribly. Between Arnies acting and cheezy action - stormtrooper level enemies. Predator has aged 100x better.
I mean that whole begining of the movie where he plays a loving dad is cringe inducing amature hour.
Yeah, was trying to find a way to tie this to Cuties somehow.
Nah you are totally right, I think a lot of movies just have general misperception from people. Like Terminator 1 most people would say is an action movie, but honestly that shits like a horror flick. Its really unsettling to watch because the characters never, ever feel comfortable or safe (other than I guess the fucking scene).Does the movie really even have that much action in it? Feels kinda like a slow burn to me.
It's kinda like when people say Aliens is "an action movie". It has action IN it, not sure if I'd call it an actual action movie though.
Maybe I'm being crazy.
Similarly Predator is a slasher movie full of macho men instead of teenagers. But a good question is how much action is required to be an action movie.Nah you are totally right, I think a lot of movies just have general misperception from people. Like Terminator 1 most people would say is an action movie, but honestly that shits like a horror flick. Its really unsettling to watch because the characters never, ever feel comfortable or safe (other than I guess the fucking scene).
I think they're equally awesome. How about that that?Not better than the Terminator how about that
GTFO with that design.
are there people that really think Predator 2 is better than the first one?
But it's intentional. Commando is as much a spoof as it is straight action. Not a wisp of seriousness in it runtime. Start of the film is hilarious, like a sitcom but with Arnold. It's 80s charm is unique, and Arnold at peak physique mowing down goons is a pleasure not a demerit.
Commando has aged terribly. Between Arnies acting and cheezy action - stormtrooper level enemies. Predator has aged 100x better.
I mean that whole begining of the movie where he plays a loving dad is cringe inducing amature hour.
Any thoughts on the 4K remaster?