TV Tropes said:A common trope in 18th and 19th century adventure fiction, when Europeans were visiting and documenting vast swathes of the world for the first time, Mighty Whitey is usually a displaced white European, of noble descent, who ends up living with native tribespeople and not only learns their ways but also becomes their greatest warrior/leader/representative. Extra points if he woos The Chief's Daughter along the way; an unfortunately common variation that perpetuates into present-day media is that she will continue to love our hero even if he is directly responsible for the death of her husband, brother or even father. s Sometimes the foreign societies are shown to be realistic, three-dimensional and actually rather pleasant places to live. Indeed, sometimes the native peoples are shown to be better in some way than European society and the white man begins to despise his old home. All this is a setup for the white man to adapt to the Native's ways, thereby making him superior both to the natives and the Europeans back home. In modern-day fiction, sometimes the Mighty Whitey is there to lead or inspire the Hollywood Natives or bring some aspect of modern technology or knowledge to their aid, something they presumably could not do before he showed up. One particular version has it so that the sympathetic Author Avatar whitey is not only now the Great White Hope for the non-white Noble Savages, but is very often defending them from other evil whites.
TV Tropes said:In modern-day fiction particularly in Hollywood movies Mighty Whitey pops up as the result of creative types trying to appeal to as broad a cross-section of society as possible to get their cash back. And since the majority of major Hollywood stars are white Americans (despite the fact that only a small minority of their audiences are Americans at all, let alone white Americans), it's almost inevitable that the all-singing, all-dancing hero is also going to be registering low on the melanin count... which can become a self-perpetuating mess.
TV Tropes said:On a more subconscious cultural level, this trope often resolves (or attempts to resolve) two conflicting desires within Europeans and their descendants: both to still be relevant in a 21st-century world in which they are often outnumbered (increasingly even in their own countries) and to remake themselves as "foreign" and "exotic" rather than being merely boring and uncultured "civilized" people.
Just saw the new Dr. Strange movie. The effects were amazing, but the story suffered from being another "white savior" movie. It really really stretched the "Mighty Whitey" trope to it's breaking point. To give the writers credit they establish that Dr. Strange is very smart, but his master repeatedly tells Strange that conjuring magic isn't just about intelligence. So, there was no reason given to us the viewer as to why he able to excel past his peers in such a short amount of time.
Dr. Strange isn't the only story guilty of this. There are many stories built on this trope. I'm not saying those stories need to be erased. I just wish they would at the very least make an attempt to acknowledge and/or subvert this trope within the fiction of the story.
It's just disheartening that we're in 2016 and Hollywood is still clinging on to eugenics era myths and ideas.
What are your thoughts on this trope? What are some ways this trope can be subverted? Will Hollywood ever stop making Tarzan movies?