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Thousands of Baltimore residents protest Freddie Gray’s death

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Cømet;161724067 said:
Why can't folks just be good to each other :[

Can't happen when you have a force that continually terrorizes people on a daily basis, kills people without any reprecussion, hell, get paid, get a book deal, go on a vacation, etc etc.

Just all around dirty, shit people in positions of power.
This is scary.


Oh, and about this. A picture says a thousand words, but never the complete context. Here's a quote about this particular one.

" We were peaceful. We walked thru 3 miles of Baltimore's worst neighborhood and nothing jumped off. Black non protesters were using their cars to block traffic. No police were there when we were in the hood, and no violence happened. Once we got downtown and the police were on every corner, the whites were calling us niggers, calling the white protestors nigger lovers, trying to plow us with their cars, and in turn they got drug out their cars and their cars were damaged. My son and I were pushed by white men. As I was about to taze em, a group of black men came up and handled them. Yet we are labeled as the animals. Yes it did turn chaotic but only after outsiders instigated. "

Jenelle Tillman


I knew this was where you were coming from, with your earlier posts.

At this point, its safe to say you already have a narrative in mind. I think you want to believe this, instead of what people are actually typing. Understanding why riots happen, that they are a byproduct of oppression, isn't the same as what you're saying at all. This keeps coming up in the thread, by people who aren't allowing themselves to understand what others are saying, but will gladly make up scenarios to contort posts into the idea that anyone in this thread is supporting/condoning killing innocent people. Either you're on the side that says "protestors" (with quotes), or you're on the side that sees this is a fucked situation that is going to get worse due to the lack of progress on the issue, from the nation, as well as the government.

It shouldn't have to get to the point of rioting and chaos, over the fact that black people are killed and police have no consequences nation wide. Thats something all decent human beings should note, and demand change. Instead, we are here, arguing about things no one is saying or implying to avoid the fact that the Police department needs reform. All these words fall right at the foot of the facts, and the piles of dead bodies. You want to think people want innocent people to die? When the entire situation is about innocent people dying.

Makes little sense.

I wish a moderator could change the title of every single one of these threads to include *****NO ONE SUPPORTS INNOCENT PEOPLE DYINGRIOTSRAPCARS*****, as we wouldn't be deluded with pages and pages of people revealing their bias, and arguing nothing.

At no point have I ever said there is no fucked up situation because there most certainly is that needs to be addressed. I however do not believe that a lot of these people protesting have any care to enact change and just want a reason to fuck shit up. You see them while their doing it, all smiling and cheering and shit looks like they are having fun. It's a fucking party to a lot of these people, acting like children.

I'll tell you this right now, doing this shit is never ever going to get your point across to anyone to care. And what I am seeing in post like who I was responding to, what they are saying is very simple. Well, we have a system we have to change and if it gets violent oh well....that's what happens. That's exactly what they were saying.

If you really want change violence is never going to get it, and it's what some people in this thread seem to be failing to understand.


Maybe you're thinking of Ferguson that got a brand new mayor?

My knowledge of Baltimore politics only extends to watching the wire two times, but i think it's safe to say that the fact that the mayor is black does not mean she's not corrupt, and even if she's honestly trying to root out corruption, i doubt that's something any mayor could do in Baltimore single handedly.

I swear there was another story for a different town, about a whole bunch of cops and officials resigning "apparently" resigning because of a new black mayor, which was actually because the resigners were corrupt as fuck. Burning documents and shit? I could be wrong, I can't pretend to know all the details. I'd certainly hope it was the same place just so the horridness was concentrated!


Cømet;161724988 said:
I swear there was another story for a different town, about a whole bunch of cops and officials resigning "apparently" resigning because of a new black mayor, which was actually because the resigners were corrupt as fuck. Burning documents and shit? I could be wrong, I can't pretend to know all the details. I'd certainly hope it was the same place just so the horridness was concentrated!
Oh yeah, i remember the thread you're talking about. IIRC, that was a tiny town only had like 8 officers or something and 6 of them resigned.


Cømet;161724988 said:
I swear there was another story for a different town, about a whole bunch of cops and officials resigning "apparently" resigning because of a new black mayor, which was actually because the resigners were corrupt as fuck. Burning documents and shit? I could be wrong, I can't pretend to know all the details. I'd certainly hope it was the same place just so the horridness was concentrated!

Yeah there's a thread somewhere here in OT. They resigned, wiped the computers, etc.


Oh, and about this. A picture says a thousand words, but never the complete context. Here's a quote about this particular one.

" We were peaceful. We walked thru 3 miles of Baltimore's worst neighborhood and nothing jumped off. Black non protesters were using their cars to block traffic. No police were there when we were in the hood, and no violence happened. Once we got downtown and the police were on every corner, the whites were calling us niggers, calling the white protestors nigger lovers, trying to plow us with their cars, and in turn they got drug out their cars and their cars were damaged. My son and I were pushed by white men. As I was about to taze em, a group of black men came up and handled them. Yet we are labeled as the animals. Yes it did turn chaotic but only after outsiders instigated. "

Jenelle Tillman

America hates to be bothered. Not surprising that when a protest showed up some people were pissed. They ruined their nice day.


Can't happen when you have a force that continually terrorizes people on a daily basis, kills people without any reprecussion, hell, get paid, get a book deal, go on a vacation, etc etc.

Just all around dirty, shit people in positions of power.

This gives me no faith in people. I have so many friends that are wonderful people, colour means nothing here. Hell I only even mention colour as a point, as there are plenty of coloured folk in our group, but it means nothing.

People are people damn it!

I've read so much about the American justice system that I don't think I could ever trust a cop. As things are and the way they behave here (not racist, but bad still).....the police are not trustworthy regardless of location.

Machines for police when.

Oh yeah, i remember the thread you're talking about. IIRC, that was a tiny town only had like 8 officers or something and 6 of them resigned.

Yeah there's a thread somewhere here in OT. They resigned, wiped the computers, etc.

Trust -25
So what is going to cause things to change?

I think there's something many here don't want to admit.

As nasty and horrible as it is, violence does bring change, and we've seen that in many countries recently and historically. Whether it's positive or not is unknown, but it definitely brings change quicker.

But I know this for a fact, Americans do not want to see that type of change. No western country does. We want to be above that, beyond that.

If the cops keep going as they are, we may find out the hard way that we aren't. I wish the alternatives worked quicker, but as many of us already know, the majority of Americans do not wish to see the changes that would be needed to stop this and other forms of oppression in this country.

Not everything can be handled like Gay Marriage. Somethings take more than "winning hearts and minds".
Tells me all I need to know about you. You don't give a shit about violence towards anyone unless it's from the police.

Well, I mean...technically...that should be true. Violence between people is not a good thing, but also not a systematic problem. It's the individual vs another individual. We have a system that punishes that and all. But violence from the police is violence from an institution of government. So when a cop kills someone unjustly, it is the entire system as a whole that does it. It's government vs an individual.


Oh yeah, i remember the thread you're talking about. IIRC, that was a tiny town only had like 8 officers or something and 6 of them resigned.

I think there's something many here don't want to admit.

As nasty and horrible as it is, violence does bring change, and we've seen that in many countries recently and historically. Whether it's positive or not is unknown, but it definitely brings change quicker.

But I know this for a fact, Americans do not want to see that type of change. No western country does. We want to be above that, beyond that.

If the cops keep going as they are, we may find out the hard way that we aren't. I wish the alternatives worked quicker, but as many of us already know, the majority of Americans do not wish to see the changes that would be needed to stop this and other forms of oppression in this country.

Not everything can be handled like Gay Marriage.

I really wish genocide wasn't a part of fixing this shit :/


Awesome! Glad we are on the same page.
That wasn't really a concession that was me moving on because we arent going to go any where like this. Your mind is already made up. You rather dismiss a plea for justice because of a few individuals who became unruly because our version of justice wasn't fair to them for a very long time. You rather tell me that I'm being too emotional in response to police brutality striking the communities that I'm from and reside in. It's pointless to talk to you. You have no empathy.
Cømet;161725879 said:
I really wish genocide wasn't a part of fixing this shit :/

Genocide? What in the world are you talking about? If this convo is getting a bit overwhelming, I'd say pull out and take time to cool off.

I know I've had to a bunch of times.


I made the point on the difference between understanding and supporting violence a few times in here and was ignored each time. I normally don't come into these threads and now i see why.

At no point have I ever said there is no fucked up situation because there most certainly is that needs to be addressed. I however do not believe that a lot of these people protesting have any care to enact change and just want a reason to fuck shit up. You see them while their doing it, all smiling and cheering and shit looks like they are having fun. It's a fucking party to a lot of these people, acting like children.

I'll tell you this right now, doing this shit is never ever going to get your point across to anyone to care. And what I am seeing in post like who I was responding to, what they are saying is very simple. Well, we have a system we have to change and if it gets violent oh well....that's what happens. That's exactly what they were saying.

If you really want change violence is never going to get it, and it's what some people in this thread seem to be failing to understand.
Jesus Christ dude. So people who spend hours outside protesting aren't allowed to converse amongst each other and crack a smile now and then, otherwise they aren't taking the issue seriously? The fuck is this shit? Have you ever been to a protest?

And now suddenly the few violent vandals among the largely peaceful protest are proof that "a lot of them just want an excuse to fuck shit up." Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.


At no point have I ever said there is no fucked up situation because there most certainly is that needs to be addressed. I however do not believe that a lot of these people protesting have any care to enact change and just want a reason to fuck shit up. You see them while their doing it, all smiling and cheering and shit looks like they are having fun. It's a fucking party to a lot of these people, acting like children.

I'll tell you this right now, doing this shit is never ever going to get your point across to anyone to care. And what I am seeing in post like who I was responding to, what they are saying is very simple. Well, we have a system we have to change and if it gets violent oh well....that's what happens. That's exactly what they were saying.

If you really want change violence is never going to get it, and it's what some people in this thread seem to be failing to understand.

No one is failing to understand that you have it in your mind that people think violence is going to change anything. You're just using the negative element as the overall attitude behind the protests, and making up argumentative adversaries in this thread.

You're failing to realize that riots shouldn't be the outcome. But, they are the reality due to the lack of progress being made in the nation. You act as if you don't know this? These people are rioting, and its ineffective rage and frustration at a situation. The situation exists because all other options have been exhausted. The first step is getting the nation to care about your dead body, like all other citizens. Its failed. The 1a step is to get trials for when you're killed. Thats failed as well.

You're not really arguing with anyone, and your point isn't anything more than you announcing to the thread that you too agree that innocent people being hurt or maimed is a bad thing. Everyone agrees on that.


Genocide? What in the world are you talking about? If this convo is getting a bit overwhelming, I'd say pull out and take time to cool off.

I know I've had to a bunch of times.

It's a dark end I can't help but see coming. This shit is happening more and more now. It's working its way up now. My response was an extreme, but not ridiculous. The killings won't stop anytime soon..

But I will pull out. As it stands it's too much for me. The whole situation is beyond my understanding as it just doesn't happen here. It's truly horrific, and I fear for the future. It's not like this shit is slowing down..


Then answer the question, at what point is the violence from these so called protesters too much?

When they have no reason to resort to violence.

There wouldn't be ANY protests like this if the police stopped killing black people. An oppressed people can only take so much before they start giving as good as they're getting.
Jesus Christ dude. So people who spend hours outside protesting aren't allowed to converse amongst each other and crack a smile now and then, otherwise they aren't taking the issue seriously? The fuck is this shit? Have you ever been to a protest?

And now suddenly the few violent vandals among the largely peaceful protest are proof that "a lot of them just want an excuse to fuck shit up." Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.

I mean, there's no way police are going to get in there without a big fight going down, but shouldn't someone make like a "citizen's arrest" on the people who are fucking it up for the actual protesters? I know it's one video, but at a protest, people should be responsible enough that they aren't throwing shit at other citizens like above - who's going to listen to that? It's making enemies with no positives, just pure chaos. Throw shit at the cops if you have to. I dunno. I guess crowd mentality and all makes doing anything other than going along with it somewhat difficult.


Then answer the question, at what point is the violence from these so called protesters too much?

Once cops get arrested, the justice system is reformed and they're still be violent. until then, though...

I mean, there's no way police are going to get in there without a big fight going down, but shouldn't someone make like a "citizen's arrest" on the people who are fucking it up for the actual protesters? I know it's one video, but at a protest, people should be responsible enough that they aren't throwing shit at other citizens like above - who's going to listen to that? It's making enemies with no positives, just pure chaos. Throw shit at the cops if you have to. I dunno. I guess crowd mentality and all makes doing anything other than going along with it somewhat difficult.

I mean, who really cares, though? if after everything that happened, people really care more about violent protesters than the reason they're protesting, then that's a huge fucking problem. violent protesters shouldn't be the focal point, their cause of rioting should be the main thing people focus on. and no, i'm not saying it's right, but I'm saying it's understandable and I will not look at them as bad people for being so fed up they release their anger. we have been consistently murdered for fucking years and nobody cares. nothing ever changes. we're still looked at as the bad guy. people still think we're lying about police brutality and racism. people do not fucking care about us and it breaks my heart that we still experience a lot of the things our ancestors did. we fucking fought and died to be looked as human beings, but we're not. police kill us systemically and then people focus on a few angry people. our justice system is fucking corrupted and ruins our lives, but they talk about black on black violence and refuse to understand the circumstances and reasons people in the ghetto act the way they do. white people riot over sports and don't get nowhere near the negative coverage as black people that riot over being murdered. we say fuck the police because they kill us and people chant not all cops back at us.


I mean, there's no way police are going to get in there without a big fight going down, but shouldn't someone make like a "citizen's arrest" on the people who are fucking it up for the actual protesters? I know it's one video, but at a protest, people should be responsible enough that they aren't throwing shit at other citizens like above - who's going to listen to that? It's making enemies with no positives, just pure chaos. Throw shit at the cops if you have to. I dunno. I guess crowd mentality and all makes doing anything other than going along with it somewhat difficult.

I think it is a bit unfair to ask protesters to both police and protest.


When they have no reason to resort to violence.

There wouldn't be ANY protests like this if the police stopped killing black people. An oppressed people can only take so much before they start giving as good as they're getting.

See commedieu, and eye for an eye mentality very prelevant in this thread. Yup, give as good as they are getting, let's just go hurt some innocent people because someone I don't even know died in police custody. Some of you people are fucking sick.

Damn, fucked his shit UP!

Damn you are a fucked up individual.


I mean, there's no way police are going to get in there without a big fight going down, but shouldn't someone make like a "citizen's arrest" on the people who are fucking it up for the actual protesters? I know it's one video, but at a protest, people should be responsible enough that they aren't throwing shit at other citizens like above - who's going to listen to that? It's making enemies with no positives, just pure chaos. Throw shit at the cops if you have to. I dunno. I guess crowd mentality and all makes doing anything other than going along with it somewhat difficult.

Some folks live for the chaos. They are the problem.


I think it is a bit unfair to ask protesters to both police and protest.

well... we do have magical powers, super strength, etc.....we'd be the perfect weapon against ourselves...


Although, usually.. groups of people succomb to the bystander effect, perhaps we could be immune?
I think it is a bit unfair to ask protesters to both police and protest.

Yeah like I said it's hard when people around you start to fight. Like... If you didn't see what happened you still want to jump in and help. And in this case helping can mean beating up the guy who's fighting the guy you were just standing with. Division of blame comes to mind, too. Why would you be having a beer at a bar next to a riot though is what I'm wondering... That's just asking for it at that point. You can't exactly waltz into an area which clearly has rioting going down and say "I'm not participating" and just expect to be able to go about your business. Sad situation either way. What do you do?


See commedieu, and eye for an eye mentality very prelevant in this thread. Yup, give as good as they are getting, let's just go hurt some innocent people because someone I don't even know died in police custody. Some of you people are fucking sick.

Damn you are a fucked up individual.

Bitch, you don't know me. Let's keep it that way.


Yeah like I said it's hard when people around you start to fight. Like... If you didn't see what happened you still want to jump in and help. And in this case helping can mean beating up the guy who's fighting the guy you were just standing with. Division of blame comes to mind, too. Why would you be having a beer at a bar next to a riot though is what I'm wondering... That's just asking for it at that point. You can't exactly waltz into an area which clearly has rioting going down and say "I'm not participating" and just expect to be able to go about your business. Sad situation either way. What do you do?

It's unrealistic to hope for a peaceful protest. There will always be individuals that will fuck it up regardless of which side they're on. And you can guess which color will take the blame.


See commedieu, and eye for an eye mentality very prelevant in this thread. Yup, give as good as they are getting, let's just go hurt some innocent people because someone I don't even know died in police custody. Some of you people are fucking sick.

Damn you are a fucked up individual.
Very prevalent? It is not surprising that you think the rioters represent all of the protesters.
Are you going comment on this:
" We were peaceful. We walked thru 3 miles of Baltimore's worst neighborhood and nothing jumped off. Black non protesters were using their cars to block traffic. No police were there when we were in the hood, and no violence happened. Once we got downtown and the police were on every corner, the whites were calling us niggers, calling the white protestors nigger lovers, trying to plow us with their cars, and in turn they got drug out their cars and their cars were damaged. My son and I were pushed by white men. As I was about to taze em, a group of black men came up and handled them. Yet we are labeled as the animals. Yes it did turn chaotic but only after outsiders instigated. "
or does that not fit the narrative you have going here.


See commedieu, and eye for an eye mentality very prelevant in this thread. Yup, give as good as they are getting, let's just go hurt some innocent people because someone I don't even know died in police custody. Some of you people are fucking sick.

fuck you.

Very prevalent? It is not surprising that you think the rioters represent all of the protesters.
Are you going comment on this:

or does that not fit the narrative you have going here.

of course it doesn't. just like how people condemned the people in ferguson and completely forgot their days of peaceful protesting and how they got cussed at and mocked at a baseball game. we're always at fault and we're always the bad guys.

people on the internet completely forgot they were still protesting because once the news realizes they don't have an angle, they stop covering it and these "peaceful protesting solves all problems and people WILL remember that" people disappear until the next time they spew their pacifist bullshit.
If you really want change violence is never going to get it, and it's what some people in this thread seem to be failing to understand.

Unfortunately history proves you wrong. Violence will be the inevitable outcome of our current situation. And the current situation WILL NOT change no matter how many videos of unarmed Blackman getting gunned down we see. How many black kids are killed by police while playing in the park.

Things are not going to change no matter what minorities do or don't do. Only when white America can change a system pacifically designed to enforce white privilege. And unfortunately only a large and very violent push back might get the wheels rolling on any change for the better.

That or we wait a few decades until whites are no longer the majority.


This is like the most frustrating thread I had to sit through. People simply don't give a fuck about the real issue. Finger waving over the internet is way more urgent than fairness and justice. Fuck your voice is some one decides to smash windows.

I'm getting the fuck outta here.
This is like the most frustrating thread I had to sit through. People simply don't give a fuck about the real issue. Finger waving over the internet is way more urgent than fairness and justice. Fuck your voice is some one decides to smash windows.

I'm getting the fuck outta here.

Its not the internet. Its a decent part of the country.
It's unrealistic to hope for a peaceful protest. There will always be individuals that will fuck it up regardless of which side they're on. And you can guess which color will take the blame.

Red, White, and Blue?

Seriously though, you can see that people are breaking up fights pretty fast for the most part. It's the throwing of large objects at "bystanders" that is a bit over the top (can you even be a bystander in this situation? There are fences, people are kinda taking sides there, no?). MOST people have been relatively peaceful. Same thing went for Ferguson from what I witnessed from a distance way up in Canada where we all basically let our government get away with anything they want to. Of course, it's more interesting to focus on the violent individuals than the ones shouting for change over and over.


I mean, there's no way police are going to get in there without a big fight going down, but shouldn't someone make like a "citizen's arrest" on the people who are fucking it up for the actual protesters? I know it's one video, but at a protest, people should be responsible enough that they aren't throwing shit at other citizens like above - who's going to listen to that? It's making enemies with no positives, just pure chaos. Throw shit at the cops if you have to. I dunno. I guess crowd mentality and all makes doing anything other than going along with it somewhat difficult.

I mean yeah, it'd be nice if someone was able to stop assholes from shitting up a protest, but as others said, it's not really fair for that to be an expectation of the protests before they're taken seriously. Also there generally is an effort in these protests by whatever leadership there is to prevent violence and keep things orderly.

See commedieu, and eye for an eye mentality very prelevant in this thread. Yup, give as good as they are getting, let's just go hurt some innocent people because someone I don't even know died in police custody. Some of you people are fucking sick.

Damn you are a fucked up individual.
How many fucking times do i have to say that understanding the violence is not the same as supporting it. I know you'll probably keep ignoring me but for fucks sake this is a distinction grade school students understand by second grade and i should not have to repeat it four goddamn times over like two pages.

I have yet to see anybody say "ya know what, screw peaceful protests. I think they should all just start killing random white people." I've seen a lot of "this kind of violence is not unexpected and likely inevitable given the situation."

If you can't tell the difference there i don't know what to say. One more time, UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTING are two different words. I can look up dictionary definitions for you if you really aren't getting it.


Very prevalent? It is not surprising that you think the rioters represent all of the protesters.
Are you going comment on this:

or does that not fit the narrative you have going here.

I'm sure we have video evidence of this you can link?

I mean yeah, it'd be nice if someone was able to stop assholes from shitting up a protest, but as others said, it's not really fair for that to be an expectation of the protests before they're taken seriously. Also there generally is an effort in these protests by whatever leadership there is to prevent violence and keep things orderly.

How many fucking times do i have to say that understanding the violence is not the same as supporting it. I know you'll probably keep ignoring me but for fucks sake this is a distinction grade school students understand by second grade and i should not have to repeat it four goddamn times over like two pages.

I have yet to see anybody say "ya know what, screw peaceful protests. I think they should all just start killing random white people." I've seen a lot of "this kind of violence is not unexpected and likely inevitable given the situation."

If you can't tell the difference there i don't know what to say. One more time, UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTING are two different words. I can look up dictionary definitions for you if you really aren't getting it.

I haven't responded to you because I have not seen you advocate violence. And I'm very aware of th differences between understanding and supporting. I've been responding to the people supporting and ita pretty sad.

Maybe I'm of the opinion that violence is never the answer and why I feel the way I do.


I mean yeah, it'd be nice if someone was able to stop assholes from shitting up a protest, but as others said, it's not really fair for that to be an expectation of the protests before they're taken seriously. Also there generally is an effort in these protests by whatever leadership there is to prevent violence and keep things orderly.

How many fucking times do i have to say that understanding the violence is not the same as supporting it. I know you'll probably keep ignoring me but for fucks sake this is a distinction grade school students understand by second grade and i should not have to repeat it four goddamn times over like two pages.

I have yet to see anybody say "ya know what, screw peaceful protests. I think they should all just start killing random white people." I've seen a lot of "this kind of violence is not unexpected and likely inevitable given the situation."

If you can't tell the difference there i don't know what to say. One more time, UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTING are two different words. I can look up dictionary definitions for you if you really aren't getting it.

Forget it, bruh. It's a zero-sum game for people like him.
Unfortunately history proves you wrong. Violence will be the inevitable outcome of our current situation. And the current situation WILL NOT change no matter how many videos of unarmed Blackman getting gunned down we see. How many black kids are killed by police while playing in the park.

Things are not going to change no matter what minorities do or don't do. Only when white America can change a system pacifically designed to enforce white privilege. And unfortunately only a large and very violent push back might get the wheels rolling on any change for the better.

That or we wait a few decades until whites are no longer the majority.

Violence won't solve the issue. It never will.

There's some sort of instant gratification mentality that is happening in which a video comes up where police brutality occurs and people expect by the end of the week for all these issues to be fixed. This is not how people work.

In fact, things are changing just at a slow pace like every thing else major. Some police departments and officers are adopting personal cameras in light of these tragedies as good faith measures--this will surely increase over time. We have politicians being more vocal about it, and more major media outlets are speaking about military gear and lack of training. Things are changing but they are slow. This doesn't mean protests must stop, just means to say "things will not change" is wildly inaccurate and is willfully ignoring any positive steps that are being taken.
People should just admit that they don't care about the protests and are only commenting on the rioters.

Haha, if only.

Personally, I wish the majority of the country would just admit what black people have suspected for the longest; they just don't give a damn about what's happening to us. Especially if they benefit from it.

They don't like to see how sausage gets made.
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