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Thousands show up for Jason Chaffetz town hall

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I remember when he said on CNN that he realized he couldnt look his daughter in the eye and say he supported trump, and then a week later said hes still voting for him


Water is not wet!
*scrolls down*
Wow, a lot of people calling them babies.
They're not babies, they're mad. Most of this country is mad.
A hundred different Youtube comments could be generated by one person. ive stopped taking comments on websites at face value. You dont know who they are, where they are from, or what their agenda is.


Good. Hold these spineless fucks to the fire.

I think congress goes on recess from the 18th to like the 22nd. Find your reps town halls and invite family and friends and hold them to task.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Yeah they want us to just accept the new reality and it's not going to happwn.

Screw that. We're a nation of fighting back against wrong-doing.

A hundred different Youtube comments could be generated by one person. ive stopped taking comments on websites at face value. You dont know who they are, where they are from, or what their agenda is.

That makes sense. Just like online polls, can't trust them.


Don't expect this guy to do anything. This is the same guy that said he could not look into his daughters eyes and cast a vote for Trump, yet he votes for Trump anyway. Some dad huh?

He isn't going to do shit when it concerns his own party.


I live in Utah and I had no idea this was happening. I'm bummed I missed it, but proud of my fellow Utahns for stepping up.


Water is not wet!
Don't expect this guy to do anything. This is the same guy that said he could not look into his daughters eyes and cast a vote for Trump, yet he votes for Trump anyway. Some dad huh?

He isn't going to do shit when it concerns his own party.
That doesnt matter. If he chooses to do the right thing by way of his constituency thats a win. Its also a win if/when he hides away and shuts out everyone because that taints not only him but his fellow party members just by association,
Don't expect this guy to do anything. This is the same guy that said he could not look into his daughters eyes and cast a vote for Trump, yet he votes for Trump anyway. Some dad huh?

He isn't going to do shit when it concerns his own party.

Chaffetz doesn't operate on a normal human level where there's self awareness or a conscience. He's more like a slime inhabiting a human-like body. Expecting anything real or decent out of him is like dropping a pebble into a bottomless well.


That's my weird state!

This type of pressure needs to continue. These hacks are in for a long haul with Trump at the helm of this sinking ship.


Jason Chaffetz looked like the kind of dude that told the substitute where the class work was when he was a kid.
Good, keep up the pressure. Chaffetz is a huge piece of shit, and the whole world should know.

@Slayven, who is that in your avatar?


Just finished listening to it. A few thoughts..

I thought he handled himself pretty well, especially under such conditions. I don't know anything about the guy, and I fully believe people in this thread who say he's a piece of shit, but I still think he did a good job.

The crowd was too obnoxious at times. When he doesn't actually answer the question, sure, let him have it, but other times they just kept yelling over his answers or other people's questions.

Also, that one guy who was like, "I voted for you and Trump, what can we do to bring the sides back together again" was totally a plant.


Hes subhuman. His tweet after the inaguration was vile.

Reportedly Trump is still using an rnc email acct and unsecured phones. Fucking hypocrite scum


Utah hopefully getting the ball rolling on stuff like this. This needs to be done at every town hall/meeting for every politician who is supporting Trump's shit. Excellent job, Utah.


As a Utahn, I can't express the feeling of joy in seeing this unbearable shit lord meet a crowd of resistance to his bullshit.

One of the most smug douchebags around.


I remember when he said on CNN that he realized he couldnt look his daughter in the eye and say he supported trump, and then a week later said hes still voting for him


It's all bullshit... If he feels confident he's going to win re-election, he's not going to do a fucking thing to rock the boat. Protesters be damned.
Chaffetz is one of the worst people in Congress, so I'm pretty sure I could masturbate to these videos of him getting screamed at by constituents.

Lord Fagan

Junior Member
This is so good.

I may be wrong on this, but I don't think it's the House that draws the district maps; it's the state legislatures and governors who do. The GOP hasn't had a durable majority in the House because the House gerrymandered a bunch of districts first, but because the Tea Party wave elections in 2010 put a lot of Republicans into state seats that could draw up those safely red district lines starting in 2011.

So the key to breaking the stranglehold on congressional redistricting isn't winning back the House next year, it's winning back all these governorships and other state seats so we can have a greater role in the 2021 redistricting.

This is a good point. I've been reading lately about how the Democratic party has been wary moving forward with Obama as a key player to rebuilding the party considering how their numbers in local and state races have been fucking decimated at the expense of keeping him in the White House for two terms.
For more town hall goodness heres a short video montage from Tom McClintocks town hall last week https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slK4n3oDSOA. It shows people outside and in. Definitely watch to the end for his "Attack on Yemen?" moment.

I like how he paints the protest as an intolerance of the political left. I hope they make a big stink and get him out of office for the next round of elections. A good politician would at the very least acknowledge the concerns of his constituents. Keep digging that hole...
I went last night. Showed up 45 minutes before it began. The auditorium was already packed. We weren't let in. Stayed around to protest for a bit.

I'm a disappointed by the booing inside the auditorium (I'm liberal by all means. Still I'm concerned about the state of discourse). Chaffetz is a joke, but let the man dig his own hole. He's one the most capable person I've ever seen of shooting himself in the foot.

I'm afraid this will just entrench conservative Utahns even further instead of it being an opportunity to reach more moderate folk. I hope it doesn't scare people into not holding town halls. A less transparent government is the opposite of what we need.

Chaffetz knew he was walking into a hostile crowd. I can't help but think this all falls into some narrative he/GOP is trying to play.

Who knows though. Maybe those fears are misguided. At the same time, I hope people continue to be active. The protests seem to be getting at some people.
The most powerful thing we can do now in opposition to Trump is make these townhalls uncomfortable for Congress. For House members, who have elections every 2 years, these townhalls are their lifeblood. They are absolutely critical in their re-election plans. If we destroy their ability to hold them, we actually put their re-election at risk.

The one unifying thing you can say about Congress is that they love their jobs and will do anything to keep them. I don't think there are many jobs cushier or better than US Congressman. The only reason that people like Chaffetz and Ryan roll over for Trump is because it's currently what they need to do to get re-elected. If we flip that script and actually threaten their ability to hold on to their seats, they will turn on Trump the blink of an eye.


I'm afraid this will just entrench conservative Utahns even further instead of it being an opportunity to reach more moderate folk. I hope it doesn't scare people into not holding town halls. A less transparent government is the opposite of what we need.

Letting them spew their bullshit unchallenged did that by itself, and you can't dispassionately disprove their arguments with facts and sources, they'll ignore you. The only thing they understand is visible anger. You have to do what is right without fear of what others may think.


I went last night. Showed up 45 minutes before it began. The auditorium was already packed. We weren't let in. Stayed around to protest for a bit.

I'm a disappointed by the booing inside the auditorium (I'm liberal by all means. Still I'm concerned about the state of discourse). Chaffetz is a joke, but let the man dig his own hole. He's one the most capable person I've ever seen of shooting himself in the foot.

I'm afraid this will just entrench conservative Utahns even further instead of it being an opportunity to reach more moderate folk. I hope it doesn't scare people into not holding town halls. A less transparent government is the opposite of what we need.

Chaffetz knew he was walking into a hostile crowd. I can't help but think this all falls into some narrative he/GOP is trying to play.

Who knows though. Maybe those fears are misguided. At the same time, I hope people continue to be active. The protests seem to be getting at some people.

Nah I think the booing was great. Watching the video you can still hear his dumb ass smug responses.

Now he can't so cleanly parade around and claim to have everyone behind him and doing the best for utah and what we all want blah blah.

Any time he makes that claim the response is "so why is/are your town halls such a shit show?"


In his Friday comments, Chaffetz said it's "important that people have an opportunity to voice their concerns, I think they should be somewhat embarrassed by how a lot of people handled themselves."
The congressman added that he will "never satisfy their desire to bring down Donald Trump."
"People are asking me to use the power of Congress to do a full-on fishing expedition to investigate him personally on things that are not required by law. I think my doing that would be an abuse of power," he said.

The hypocracy from this motherfucker


You forgot the best part where he said it was "paid attempt to bully and intimidate" him. So like the fucking Tea Party you shit bag hypocrite? I love the paid part too. No. Dems aren't paying people to protest. That's what the GOP does.

Truly the party of projection.
Just heard on local news in Utah that cottonwood heights PD confirmed masked protesters incited the crowd wearing bandanas.

JFC this guy, I also heard him say on Friday he believe most of the protesters were out of state plants.
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