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Thunderforce VI - Images and Video!


Looks good. I remember a friend lending me the Thunder Force game for PS1... but the PS1 gfx had ages so badly I could barely get into it.


No Tsukumo Hyakutarou = I'm still sitting on the fence with this one.

I -really- need to hear the full soundtrack before I'm buying the game.

Go Satoh on board is a big plus, but Hyakutarou is a must if it's a Thunder Force game.


Composers revealed. There are 4 of them.

- TAMAYO (Rayforce series)
- Go Satoh (Raiden series)
- Motoaki Furukawa (Gradius II)
- Tsuyoshi Kaneko (SGGG)

hooo shit, TAMAYO and Furukawa.


TAMAYO! Awesome!

Bojangles said:
Looks good. I remember a friend lending me the Thunder Force game for PS1... but the PS1 gfx had ages so badly I could barely get into it.
It wasn't much to look at even back when it was new. It plays and sounds good, though!


manzo said:
No Tsukumo Hyakutarou = I'm still sitting on the fence with this one.

I -really- need to hear the full soundtrack before I'm buying the game.

Go Satoh on board is a big plus, but Hyakutarou is a must if it's a Thunder Force game.

This guy know wussup. It just can't be TF without Hyakutaro. Or someone that's a near carbon-copy of his.

Fularu said:
Err even if Hyakutaro isn't doing the soundtrack, what we have heard so far is a straight remix of TF3 music.

So? There's plenty of remixed tunes that make my ears bleed (esp. in various console releases of Street Fighter). Just because it's remixed TF3 music doesn't automatically make it good.

TAMAYO working on the music is cool I guess, but this isn't the Ray* or Darius series. :(


OMFG looks good, better than Saturn/PS1 TFV and much MUCH better than Broken Thunder.

Better come out in the U.S. or else I'll have to mod my PS2.


Game looks awesome! Price tag, not so much. I don't know if my desire for this is 6000 yen deep. If it is Best Price at 3500 yen that's an easy choice. We'll see... On a side note, if Sega themselves aren't interested in localizing this, someone else should pick it up. XSEED, Atlus...


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