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Tim Miller says ‘Terminator: Dark Fate’ will ‘scare the f*ck’ out of misogynistic internet trolls


I can already feel my fragile masculine shell unraveling.
That's just your butthole puckering in anticipation.
Honestly these fucking people act like Terminator, the Alien series, and Silence of the Lambs never happened.


I'll judge the film on its own merits as an action movie. Mad Max 4 was pretty feminist and ended up being fun. Likewise Ghostbusters 3 was pretty feminist and ended up being shit.

A similar formula we already had in Terminator. Sarah Connor inexplicably touted as this superheroine that gets shit done, but if we analyze her performance in both movies we find that's not the case.
T1: Kyle does practically everything, she pushes a button at the end
T2: She shows some improvement, gets minor shit done but has to be bailed out in the asylum, has to be stopped by messing up and killing Dyson, she just tags along in Cyberdyne, has to be rescued by the T1000 at the end. The most help is when she stocks on weaponry. I guess people liked her new look, the fact she didn't show her tits and fired a few bullets.

It's strange, because she's pushed along with Ellen Ripley who is smart, has the best judgment, gets actual shit done in all three movies and it takes shenanigans to kill her. And doesn't say stupid shit like "Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don’t know what it's like to really create something. To create a life. To feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction. " but nice remarks like "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage. "
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I can't tell whether to be turned on or not or kind of hang out at half mast right now. I am really confused. I really liked movies more when the people that made them had alot less outlets to talk because the magazines I would read like Starlog and Fangoria and that sort would only have the interesting stuff. Let the movie stand on its merits. You know why things like Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman and the new season of Doctor Who did not work for me? Because people stood on soap boxes for months before preaching every little thing that is going to be aimed at women and feminists and misogynists,lbgtq, racists and in the movies they change camera angles and stare right into the camera and beat you in the face with it. You know why things like the new season of Stranger Things was awesome? You did not hear a fucking thing about any of it before the season started and through the season there were great moments and they were treated as normal sweet special moments and things kept moving on. There was no monologue, there was no huge speech, no spelling anything out because people are not fucking stupid. And I personally think it was great.
This kind of rhetoric before your movie comes out does nobody any good. Save it until after. Let your art talk for you because if you have to explain it and you have to spell it out you are not a believer in your work.
A similar formula we already had in Terminator. Sarah Connor inexplicably touted as this superheroine that gets shit done, but if we analyze her performance in both movies we find that's not the case.
T1: Kyle does practically everything, she pushes a button at the end
T2: She shows some improvement, gets minor shit done but has to be bailed out in the asylum, has to be stopped by messing up and killing Dyson, she just tags along in Cyberdyne, has to be rescued by the T1000 at the end. The most help is when she stocks on weaponry. I guess people liked her new look, the fact she didn't show her tits and fired a few bullets.

It's strange, because she's pushed along with Ellen Ripley who is smart, has the best judgment, gets actual shit done in all three movies and it takes shenanigans to kill her. And doesn't say stupid shit like "Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don’t know what it's like to really create something. To create a life. To feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction. " but nice remarks like "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage. "

Sarah Connor is still a fearless badass. She may almost screw some things up or need to be rescued, but she's still a pretty awesome character. You're right that Ellen Ripley is way better when it comes to actually saving the day, though. Good post.


The first trailer just aired and the directors/producers are already out in full force calling out everyone as a woman-hater.
It is like they know the movie sucks and already know it will flop.

I think it is a hard pass for me. UNLESS the people that watch it and after a few weeks still say it is good. Prognosis is not favorable however.
You will not get my twelve dollars. Trying to shame me as a racist misoginyst will not change things.
You will not get my money (unless the movie is good).


My biggest problem with the trailer is that they cheated and of course went with the T-1000 wanna be because it is generic and each CGI where as actually having anything interesting would require real work and practical effects and perhaps actually creativity.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
When I was younger, I watched and loved the original Terminator and Alien films and had no qualms about the strong female leads. Now that I'm actively being told that they are being shoehorned in to fight some mythical oppressive patriarchy and trigger my apparently fragile male ego, I have lost all interest.

They must know they are lying when they say that Ghostbusters and The Last Jedi are dissed “because” of female leads (and not for being... bad movies... which they are)... it is scarier to think they may actually think it.

The people most upset with things like Ghostbusters 2016, Sabrina’s reboot, The Last Jedi, etc... should be woke / SJW / progressive minded people as the ideals they embrace are promoted by shit movies... association cannot be good.


If its a Terminator, it doesn't have a gender, its a machine.

Also why would a Terminator need to wear a kevlar vest?

Jon Neu

It’s all bullshit.
My favourite movie genre is horror and the amount of male leads/survivors in those films are practically non-existant.

BuT nOBoDy LiKeS sTrOnG fEmAlE lEaDs

What a feminist would tell you: "That's the patriarchy telling us that females are more important than random men because we have to be fertilized. Their internalized misogyny treats us like sex objects and wombs. Disgusting."
The pre-emptive ghostbusters 2016 maneuver.

How did it work out for that movie Tim?



If its a Terminator, it doesn't have a gender, its a machine.

Also why would a Terminator need to wear a kevlar vest?
To protect it against misogynistic internet trolls? Oh wait we are not talking about the movie, right? just the Terminator robot.
So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


A similar formula we already had in Terminator. Sarah Connor inexplicably touted as this superheroine that gets shit done, but if we analyze her performance in both movies we find that's not the case.
T1: Kyle does practically everything, she pushes a button at the end
T2: She shows some improvement, gets minor shit done but has to be bailed out in the asylum, has to be stopped by messing up and killing Dyson, she just tags along in Cyberdyne, has to be rescued by the T1000 at the end. The most help is when she stocks on weaponry. I guess people liked her new look, the fact she didn't show her tits and fired a few bullets.

It's strange, because she's pushed along with Ellen Ripley who is smart, has the best judgment, gets actual shit done in all three movies and it takes shenanigans to kill her. And doesn't say stupid shit like "Men like you thought it up. You think you're so creative. You don’t know what it's like to really create something. To create a life. To feel it growing inside you. All you know how to create is death and destruction. " but nice remarks like "You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage. "

LOL I made the same point. She wasn't ever really the STRANG WOMANZ character. First one she was Jamie Lee Curtis from Halloween. She was the last girl. She basically ran away from the big bad and survived because Kyle essentially took the bullet for her.

The second one she got some muscles and killed a few jerky dudes. But the second movie was ironically all about John NEEDING A FATHER and the Terminator being his father figure. The movie was not about STRANG WOMANZ, it was about a boy needing a good, strong, loving father figure in his life or else he will be wayward and lost. The movie starts with John being a total punk, and ends with him learning about responsibility. The 2nd movies message is actually totally against STRANG WOMANZ and all the Woke BS we see now a days.


Gold Member
My biggest problem with the trailer is that they cheated and of course went with the T-1000 wanna be because it is generic and each CGI where as actually having anything interesting would require real work and practical effects and perhaps actually creativity.

How in the blue fuck would you know this without having seen the film, or been involved with its creation?

This is one of the worst posts in this thread.


How in the blue fuck would you know this without having seen the film, or been involved with its creation?

This is one of the worst posts in this thread.
Horse shit. You can see it in the trailer if you take your head out of your ass. Everything looks shiny and plastic. Get over the snarky garbage and think before you hit the reply key. Everything I stated in my post is very clear in the trailer.
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Gold Member
Horse shit. You can see it in the trailer if you take your head out of your ass. Everything looks shiny and plastic. Get over the snarky garbage and think before you hit the reply key. Everything I stated in my post is very clear in the trailer.

Get over the snarky garbage and think before you hit the reply key?

Follow your own advice, hotshot. Let's review the facts:

1. You haven't seen the film; you have no idea what the villain will do throughout the film or what his entire capabilities are....all you have seen is a trailer. That's it.
2. You're not a part of the film's visual F/X team; if you were, you would have told me that, then I would have asked you why you're on NEOGAF trashing your own firm's work and your lack of creativity.

Also, how the fuck did the filmmakers cheat by using a part liquid metal approach? That's like saying Aliens cheated because they used Xenomorphs again, or Jurassic Park sequels cheated by using dinosaurs repeatedly. WTF!

This movie might end up being absolute garbage, but you don't know a goddamn thing about it yet, except for the little you have seen.


I know that the liquid metal effect was a great effect in the 90s and it has been done to death and that it is pretty boring at this point. I know that in the trailer which is usually meant to be a showcase to draw people to the movie the effects look like glossy cgi shit.
I also know that you seem to take this very personally which I find absolutely amusing because you came racing out of whatever rock you were hiding under to call me out to defend something like this. Edward Furlong is that you?
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