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Time for a new graphics card!


Do you guys have any advice for me in terms of getting a new graphics card for my rig. My geforce 4400 mx just isn't cutting it for my machine any more and I'm feeling the itch to get Doom 3. Here are my specs...

PIV 1.6ghz
768 megs o' ram.

Any suggestions? :)


Get a new computer? :/ Anyways, with that rig I don't think it's necessary to get anything beyond a Radeon 9800 Pro.


I think I can hold out on a new machine for atleast one more year. I do plan to slam some more ram in there to speed it up. Is Radeon a good company I always liked GeForce.


Steroid Distributor
Radeon has taken the number one spot over the last year of so (in popularity). But both companies make amazing videocards.
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