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Time Warner/Turner to sell off Gametap Service



August 6, 2008

Turner To Sell GameTap

Turner To Sell GameTap Time Warner says that GameTap parent Turner has decided to sell the subscription and ad-based PC gaming service.

The parent media company's second quarter financial results released this morning showed an $18 million writeoff credited to the decision.

"There is considerable marketplace interest in the GameTap business and brand," said a Turner spokesperson of the pending sale. "We are considering various strategic options, but have reached no final agreement as yet. When there is a resolution, we will announce it."

GameTap, known for its efforts in favor of episodic game content, distributes a variety of titles digitally, like Telltale's Sam & Max adventure games - with a subscription alongside free, ad-supported titles and now also digital PC game retail purchases.

Recently, it also launched the American McGee's Grimm series on the service, and partnered with THQ to distribute the publisher's PC titles online.

However, GameTap also recently closed the doors on its editorial division to focus on its core business; just last month, it also shunted the popular but embattled Myst Online: Uru Live back to its creator, Cyan Worlds.


Hmmm... that doesn't bode well. That said, I'll bet they find several willing buyers. Tis a good service.


Well, it is hard to say how this bode, depends on the buyer really, still, a better fate then being shut down outright.


I have a hard time seeing a pure games publisher picking Gametap up, honestly not a lot there content wise (most everything is on loan) and the primary business model goes against what the likes of Stardock, EA, Blizzard, Valve and CD Projekt have set up or are setting up, my bet would be on another Megacorp or somebody like Gamefly or Netflix.


Not enough people it would seem, at least not for Turner, or maybe this was from Time Warner themselves as part of their relentless drive to cut costs.
I got GameTap when it came out, cancelled it, and recently signed up again for the annual plan. I mainly just use it for old DOS/Windows games, and for that alone it's well worth the price. I really hope it does go Valve's way, but I doubt it will. Mainly just want the PC games to be accessible on SOME sort of service.
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