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Titan submarine for Titanic tourism - Nightmare fuel





Surprised I haven't seen it mentioned in here, and if all passengers were aboard when it imploded, RIP. Sincerely.

Having said that, an implosion which would make confirming the organic evidence difficult and scattering it across the ocean would be a very effective method of faking one's death. Get a few like-minded millionaire/billionaires looking for a way out. Add a young kid for deniability.

I like this version because people didn't die.

I would almost consider it if it was only the CEO: realizing he had been a dumbass and the carbon fiber was a ticking time bomb, let it implode while faking his death to escape all culpability for it. The alternative is to admit your blunder, accept responsibility and probably lose everything because you can't afford to scrap the sub and start over.

But why would a 77 year old Titanic expert want to get in on the death-faking? Sounds like a guy who genuinely just wanted to see Titanic. Unless they needed him for plausible deniability, so the billionaires paid him the money that he desperately owed the mob! It's all coming together now.
how exactly did they die? i hope it was at least painless and quick

It happened too fast for their brains to even register any sort of pain. It's instant death and happened within milliseconds.

All that thousands of pounds of pressure is rushing in through that leak trying to fill the void of air inside sub. It's an incredibly violent death but at least it's a quick one.

Would have sucked for them had they just slowly suffocated and died in there.

** On another note I can't imagine taking a shit in there. Theres no door and only a curtain for privacy. Well a curtain ain't doing shit if I had Thai food the night before. That would be red flag number 1 for me. Smelling other people's shit for 10 hours straight. Fuck that.
Only 19 and very likely coerced against his will to go.

Fuck, what a tragic waste of life.
Waste of a father.

Should have known better than his 19 year old son. I find it amazing the kid had apprehensions about going on the sub compared to his adult father.

I'd tell my dad to fuck off if he tried dragging me to any event or activity that could potentially put my life in danger, and I'm not joking.


Gold Member
Good thing is, it happened so fast that they didn’t even know what was happening before they died. Instant death.

RIP to all and may it be a warning to anyone seeking to avoid certification in anything.


lol isnt lack metal mostly satanic lyrics? Not sure what has to do with titan imploding.
Not necessarily. There are a lot of black metal bands that write about the underwater depth at how empty and scary it is as a theme (or just about cthulhu shit). And I feel the moments before and during implosion could make a banger atmospheric black metal song. The implosion (and subsequent explosion) could be shifting syncopating drum beats together with the guitars. And that shifting obviously gets faster and faster until it essentially becomes a texture of noise, which is essentially where the sub is already mush. And denn you let all the instruments end loudly on an off beat and you only let the rythm guitar hang on one higher note that gets fainter and fainter while also being more dissonant and dissonant. And then you end the song.

That's at least my idea from the top of my head.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Not necessarily. There are a lot of black metal bands that write about the underwater depth at how empty and scary it is as a theme (or just about cthulhu shit). And I feel the moments before and during implosion could make a banger atmospheric black metal song. The implosion (and subsequent explosion) could be shifting syncopating drum beats together with the guitars. And that shifting obviously gets faster and faster until it essentially becomes a texture of noise, which is essentially where the sub is already mush. And denn you let all the instruments end loudly on an off beat and you only let the rythm guitar hang on one higher note that gets fainter and fainter while also being more dissonant and dissonant. And then you end the song.

That's at least my idea from the top of my head.
In the womb of the ocean, she waits, A leviathan resting beneath the waves. In her belly, secrets of yore, a tribute to hubris graced, Oh Titanic, our deep-sea grave.

Down we dive, on steel wings borrowed, Chasing echoes in the midnight's sorrow. Gazing at the past, no heed to tomorrow, Deeper into the abyss, no promise of the morrow.

A brave new craft, the pride of men, Commissioned to descend where light is banned. Farewell to safety, we're off the map, my friend, Plunging to touch history with our hand.

Stealth and silent, in the depths we hover, Courting danger, the sea our lover. Closer we creep, the pressure does smother, Like the cold of space, it unveils its cover.

In this alien realm, where light fears to tread, Where the silence is a song, and the living are the dead. Do we belong here, in this tomb ocean-fed? Or are we but dancers in the ballet of dread?

The rivets pop, the hull begins to moan, Under the weight of fathoms, reality is blown. Man's audacity, to the deep-sea gods shown, Meet your fate beneath the crushing zone.

Sudden, and silent, in a megacrush we implode, In an instant, erased by the Mariana code. To our arrogance, the sea has sharply scolded, Into the abyss, our souls have been uploaded.

In the watery dark, we remain, Eternal passengers on the ghostly train. Once we dreamt to conquer the maritime plain, Now we sleep with Titanic, forever in Neptune's domain.

Beneath the waves, our echoes will replay, A dirge for the brave, in the blackened bay. Oh, Titanic, in your shadow we lay, In the deep, where the daring do stay.


In the womb of the ocean, she waits, A leviathan resting beneath the waves. In her belly, secrets of yore, a tribute to hubris graced, Oh Titanic, our deep-sea grave.

Down we dive, on steel wings borrowed, Chasing echoes in the midnight's sorrow. Gazing at the past, no heed to tomorrow, Deeper into the abyss, no promise of the morrow.

A brave new craft, the pride of men, Commissioned to descend where light is banned. Farewell to safety, we're off the map, my friend, Plunging to touch history with our hand.

Stealth and silent, in the depths we hover, Courting danger, the sea our lover. Closer we creep, the pressure does smother, Like the cold of space, it unveils its cover.

In this alien realm, where light fears to tread, Where the silence is a song, and the living are the dead. Do we belong here, in this tomb ocean-fed? Or are we but dancers in the ballet of dread?

The rivets pop, the hull begins to moan, Under the weight of fathoms, reality is blown. Man's audacity, to the deep-sea gods shown, Meet your fate beneath the crushing zone.

Sudden, and silent, in a megacrush we implode, In an instant, erased by the Mariana code. To our arrogance, the sea has sharply scolded, Into the abyss, our souls have been uploaded.

In the watery dark, we remain, Eternal passengers on the ghostly train. Once we dreamt to conquer the maritime plain, Now we sleep with Titanic, forever in Neptune's domain.

Beneath the waves, our echoes will replay, A dirge for the brave, in the blackened bay. Oh, Titanic, in your shadow we lay, In the deep, where the daring do stay.


Hold onto your panties
Sheesh, my bad, just trying to provide a sensible chuckle.
You did provide sensible chuckles. The fact that I tried tracking down a press conference that never existed is satire within itself.

Their co-founder did try defending the 'engineering' of Titan...



It did but the crafts design was never intended for multi-use. Period.
There is bunch of half-truths about that case and this is one of more severe ones. One that was single use was DeepFlight Challanger, it was supposed to go to Challanger Deep (11km) and looked like this:

Problem with carbon subs is that we cannot at this moment really check how much hull is damaged and if it will survive another trip or need to be replaced, but that aren't problems that cannot be overcome in future. I will also say that by looking how that whole company operated and how that sub was jerry-rigged, they would probably kill someone even if they would buy some standard submersible designed by professionals.

Ross Kemp turned down trip on Titanic submersible over safety fears

UK documentary maker was last year advised against filming on Titan, which fatally imploded this week

The British documentary maker Ross Kemp turned down the opportunity to film on the Titan submersible, on which five people died this week, after the vessel was deemed unsafe following third-party checks.

Smart man is Ross Kemp.
The pressure down there is 6000 pounds per square inch. It instantly melts your bones into liquid. That is why Titanic has no skeletons. Only clothing / shoes.
Did the titanic bodies go down there? Wouldn't they be floating? i dont see how they will sink way down there without serious weight attached to them.
Waste of a father.

Should have known better than his 19 year old son. I find it amazing the kid had apprehensions about going on the sub compared to his adult father.

I'd tell my dad to fuck off if he tried dragging me to any event or activity that could potentially put my life in danger, and I'm not joking.
Has this ever happened with people going down to see the Titanic? I read one companies been down over 200 times alone. Are we even sure the dad knew the risk?
Has this ever happened with people going down to see the Titanic? I read one companies been down over 200 times alone. Are we even sure the dad knew the risk?

Another farther/son duo declined a trip on Titan due to safety concerns. In fact it was that 19 year old that also grew suspicious of OceanGate's practices and alerted his father. The dad then decided not to go ahead with the trip.

I still can't believe the waiver mentioned death a dozen times and the Pakistani billionaire decided to sign it anyways. The same can be said for the people before him. Then again Stockton may have been a very slick dude because he lied about co developing the Titan sub with Boeing and some US University. Both came out and denied they had any invovlment in the development of the sub.

OceanGate are in for a world of hurt after all this. There seems to have been a lot of scummy shit going on in the background at that company.
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Good thing is, it happened so fast that they didn’t even know what was happening before they died. Instant death.

RIP to all and may it be a warning to anyone seeking to avoid certification in anything.
They did know. They where in the middle of an emergency ascent when it imploded. James said and I would tend to agree that they almost certainly heard the delamination.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Waste of a father.

Should have known better than his 19 year old son. I find it amazing the kid had apprehensions about going on the sub compared to his adult father.

I'd tell my dad to fuck off if he tried dragging me to any event or activity that could potentially put my life in danger, and I'm not joking.

Another farther/son duo declined a trip on Titan due to safety concerns. In fact it was that 19 year old that also grew suspicious of OceanGate's practices and alerted his father. The dad then decided not to go ahead with the trip.

I still can't believe the waiver mentioned death a dozen times and the Pakistani billionaire decided to sign it anyways. The same can be said for the people before him. Then again Stockton may have been a very slick dude because he lied about co developing the Titan sub with Boeing and some US University. Both came out and denied they had any invovlment in the development of the sub.

OceanGate are in for a world of hurt after all this. There seems to have been a lot of scummy shit going on in the background at that company.

I think that's a bit unfair.

Where we are now, it seems obvious Titan was ringing alarm bells for those who knew about how harsh the environment is. We also know of people who had refused to go, including YouTube stars, tv presenters and even people who lost their deposit after initially paying up to go. We all know about the viewing window not being rated for the depth, the "jerry-rigged" nature of the sub and that it was constructed from different materials and with a different design to other submarines. But that's now.

Before this was what I assume was the biggest news story in the world, I think most people had no idea that travelling to the titanic as a tourist was a possibility, but it seems that multiple companies had offered it and that this particular company had successfully made a number of trips to the wreck. In addition, they had partnered with experts like Boeing, NASA, university of Washington (they said), and the CEO personally makes the trip with you. On the face of it, that doesn't sound terrible. If you want to weigh it up, the CEO is risking his life alongside you, you'd assume he'd know the risks.

As for the contract, people sign all kinds of things, your life is full of managed risk, when you take a flight you are told what to do in the event of a crash or if the cabin depressurizes. While the stakes are much higher here, the point is that nobody thinks it's going to happen. Everyone thinks "oh they have to put that in, y'know because of the lawyers" the NBC reporter who went on Titan made a joke of the contract's scary wording on camera. Most of the time we make assumptions on safety based not on contract wording.

Add in finally that one of the passengers on the specific Ill fated dive was an expert on the Titanic, had been visiting the wreck since 1987 and had made almost 40 dives. I think Titan had a commitment to bringing someone on each dive as a researcher, so who knows perhaps they told everyone who booked that the CEO and one of the passengers would be experienced submariners who'd done this sort of thing many times. Edit: yes, that's exactly what they did, if you look at their website, they pitch that each dive will have an expert onboard:

It all starts to feel like something where people who know what they're doing are in charge. Nasa, Boeing, University of Washington, successful dives, CEO on board, experienced researcher onboard. You would assume that these people know what they're doing and in many cases we sign our safety over to people who know what they're doing, because it's too complex, too difficult for us to understand. A lot of what we know now has been simplified by the news so we can make sense of it easily, before this happened, I'd never heard the word delamination, nor did I know how intense the pressure was once you start descending in the ocean, nor did I know that military submarines don't really go very deep into the ocean (relatively speaking), post accident with people explaining the details to the public I think it seems a lot more obvious how risky that trip was.

Definitely that trip was ill advised, but I think the passengers were spectacularly unlucky, rather than idiots.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
They did know. They where in the middle of an emergency ascent when it imploded. James said and I would tend to agree that they almost certainly heard the delamination.

It'll be (morbidly) interesting to know what happened, I assume that someone at Ocean Gate told someone about what happened and that was either Cameron or someone he knows, I assume that community is fairly small and also that most people in that community know one another, I expect that we'll hear more in time about what is known about what the final hour of the Titan was like. I assume that if it wasn't voiced by the passengers to the support ship then we may never know. Is there any other way?

It's my understanding that the Titan had sensors to detect delamination, which were, I assume, what triggered them needing to make the ascent, but I have also read that the pressure was so great that if the weakening was enough to be noticable by passengers that the submarine would have already imploded, this is just what I've read, do you have other information?


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Has this ever happened with people going down to see the Titanic? I read one companies been down over 200 times alone. Are we even sure the dad knew the risk?
There is always a risk when you go out to sea to go beneath the waves at all let alone when you dive to that depth. Not only that, but the depth they were going to is EXTREMELY treacherous at the best of times. Add on to that the fact that the sub itself was extremely sus in its design? Anyone with eyes and even a basic understanding of physics could have looked at that sub and seen the risk involved.

He was at best an ignorant fool that didn't know any better. At worst he was a selfish prick willing to risk his life and his son's life for a thrill.
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I'd tell my dad to fuck off if he tried dragging me to any event or activity that could potentially put my life in danger, and I'm not joking.
Not quite the same but my Dad asks me every year to go on a cruise with him and his wife. Offers to pay for it completely to get me to go.

Love ya, but nope. Deep, dark lake water gives me the heebie jeebies and the ocean terrifies me. Drowning in the middle of the ocean is top of my list of ways I don't want to die and I vastly decrease the odds of that happening by not going there.


It'll be (morbidly) interesting to know what happened, I assume that someone at Ocean Gate told someone about what happened and that was either Cameron or someone he knows, I assume that community is fairly small and also that most people in that community know one another, I expect that we'll hear more in time about what is known about what the final hour of the Titan was like. I assume that if it wasn't voiced by the passengers to the support ship then we may never know. Is there any other way?

It's my understanding that the Titan had sensors to detect delamination, which were, I assume, what triggered them needing to make the ascent, but I have also read that the pressure was so great that if the weakening was enough to be noticable by passengers that the submarine would have already imploded, this is just what I've read, do you have other information?
We have both heard the same information it seems. Definitely will be interesting to see the final post mortem on this for sure. Morbid as it is.

Im sure during however long the emergency ascent lasted the whole time the ceo kept repeating in his head "I fucked up" "I fucked up" I fucked up" "I fucked up" "I fuc...........


Stockton rush has alot to answer for. His arrogance at "innovation" over safety is unbelievable. Sub wasn't even certified, which I know is optional but still ..paid no attention to previous warnings about his sub, thought he knew better. I hope oceangate are sued, eventually

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Im sure during however long the emergency ascent lasted the whole time the ceo kept repeating in his head "I fucked up" "I fucked up" I fucked up" "I fucked up" "I fuc...........
Yeah, I can't help wondering what he thought was going to happen once the alarm was triggered. The things I read said that the alarm system wasn't sophisticated enough to actually serve the purpose of giving the sub notice that they needed to get to the surface, because by the time a warning was given, the integrity wasn't going to last.

I think you can hope that they all thought they were getting out of it, that the amount of time between warning and implosion was short and that they were unaware that the sub integrity was worsening. I've been led to believe that it would have been a very quick change of circumstance.

I hope at least that if he knew he wasn't getting out, that the CEO didn't let on for the benefit of his passengers.
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