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Titan submarine for Titanic tourism - Nightmare fuel


I'm thinking they got snagged somewhere, someone in another thread said if it had crushed they would have likely heard it through the ship. I also looked up the deepest rescue operation on record and apparently it happened back in the 70s where a sub got entangled on some debri, they attached a line and hoisted them up, but that was only 1500 feet.

They had a segment where one journalist was talking about getting into the titan submarine and how his biggest fear was losing oxygen, and that apparently the crew told him their biggest fear was getting entangled.

They first gotta find where it is, without that there is really no chance out of this, unless they are on the surface, but time on that front is also running out. They showed pictures of the father and son, pretty sad, young dude with money in the bank, life is set, and gets himself into this. Not a good situation.
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Gold Member

Poo Pooping GIF
The other passengers waiting to use the loo,

Jamming Jay Z GIF
I hope they are found safe but chances are they are dead or will be dead soon. They've only got until Thursday I think to rescue them.

I can't imagine the terror of being stuck in a small tin can and slowly suffocating. Maybe the best thing for them would be for it to implode. It's happen so quickly and they wouldn't feel a thing. I'd rather that than hours/days of being scared and then struggling to breathe.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
There’s also the fact that the company took their sweet time to mention how many peoples were onboard. I have a feeling they know what happened, but a lawyer told them to STFU for the inevitable lawsuits.

Passengers signed a waiver of course, but you’ll still be in target of rich families who don’t care to snuff your financial existence through court.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I'm thinking they got snagged somewhere, someone in another thread said if it had crushed they would have likely heard it through the ship. I also looked up the deepest rescue operation on record and apparently it happened back in the 70s where a sub got entangled on some debri, they attached a line and hoisted them up, but that was only 1500 feet.

The deepest rescue was 1500 feet as you mentioned and they knew exactly where they were.

This is ~8 times deeper. There’s no known way to get them out. Even military subs don’t go that deep. Even if you somehow manage to get a cable that goes 12500 feet deep and the structure to withstand that at sea, how do you attach it? By the time you even pull the ressources to do it, they’re dead.

The best case scenario is that they’re floating above, but since it’s sealed from outside, I think they’ll run out of air anyway?

Most likely case is they’re at the bottom, already dead from implosion, or will slowly die in pitch black darkness in the days to come with no rescue chance in sight for that kind of time span.
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Damn, nightmare fuel.
I wouldn't get in that thing for 250k, let alone pay for it

Hopefully they find them alive but chances seem slim


Gold Member

"Only one button, and that's it. It should be like in elevators. It shouldn't take a lot of skill"

Famous last words, lmao. What a gonk.
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Gold Member
Part of me hopes this was just a way for some billionaires to fake their deaths to get out of alimony.

Another part hopes it's just viral marketing for Meg 2


But sadly these folks are likely dead/dying by participating in a venture that is FAR too primitive for casual "tourism".

But much like space tourism (which will have their version of this event eventually) and air travel, trains, boats, and caravans before them, its always more hazardous in the beginning.
I don’t think it’s snagged, the map shows it like 200 miles to the northwest of the titanic. If it takes 8 hours to get down there it’s almost like an angle decent instead of straight down.

Edit: I think it imploded
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
All of the passengers inside of that submersible will have brought video equipment to document their adventures on the bottom of the sea. If that sub hasn't been squashed by the enormous deep sea pressure, but will be found at some point in time, there's going to be a 4 part Netflix documentary series with found footage of the poor souls dumb enough to pay 250.000 dollars for a one way trip to an ocean graveyard.


Man, it's so crazy thinking about how I grew up poor trying avoid getting injured so I wouldn't bankrupt my family with the hospital bills.

But rich people pay to put themselves at unimaginable risk.

I hope for the best, but the families probably are planing for the worst (or hoping for it seeing how some rich families are).
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Dad: Son, I have a great weekend plan for us!
Kid: what is it dad?
Dad: We are going to board a tin can and dive to see the titanic wreck!
Kid: yay... Can I just stay and play COD instead?
Dad: No. plus you can control the sub with a game controller

Kid: This controller is shit plus now we are going to die, thanks dad best weekend ever.

Rip to the passengers


From the details I read, the most shocking thing to me was that they didn't have to answer to any sort of regulatory commission or meet any minimum standard for the vessel itself. Basically it was a DIY project that used an XBOX controller as a steering wheel.

RIP to the passengers and condolences to their families. Ultra-rich or not, it's still very sad.


Gold Member
This made me google what happens inside of a submarine during an implosion, morbid curiosity got the better of me.

Apparently it happens so fast the people inside wouldn't even be aware, which is fortunate I guess all things considered. Everything I read said that when the hull is compromised at any considerable depth, the implosion happens in a fraction of a second your brain wouldn't even be able to process it before you were just obliterated.

I know its gruesome, but hopefully that was the case versus it just lost power or something and theyre sitting on the bottom of the ocean waiting to run out of air. Fuck me that would be the worst way to go :(
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Gaming controllers are very well designed, sturdy and have loads of features. The US Navy gave up trying to make something better for their submarine periscope controls.
It's the least dodgy part of this contraption.
Yeahhhh, even in the army all the way back during the height of the Iraq war we were all using Xbox 360 controllers for various weapons systems.

I highly doubt the controller was the issue.
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All of the passengers inside of that submersible will have brought video equipment to document their adventures on the bottom of the sea. If that sub hasn't been squashed by the enormous deep sea pressure, but will be found at some point in time, there's going to be a 4 part Netflix documentary series with found footage of the poor souls dumb enough to pay 250.000 dollars for a one way trip to an ocean graveyard.
There is already a great film on Netflix called Breath I think documenting a guy being cut from his main ship when his oxygen cable snapped during repairs on an underwater drill. Great stuff.


I have a feeling we’re witnessing the next « Everest » where bored rich peoples go off to die. I bet in 75 years there will be a pile of subs nearby Titanic wreck.
Anyone that dived a few times and loved knows this - water is constantly finding a way to kill you under the sea, it doesn’t tolerate anyone. Which is why the divers that live religiously practice safety, much like airplane pilots.
With details in the OP it looks like the whole project was hilariously badly designed and asking to kilo people sooner or later.


Jesus, this is just ridiculous. I hope they are not dead, and then they shut these fools down. If they are dead, I hope the families sue them to oblivion.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
This is the promo trailer for a dive to the Titanic. Considering the fact that the submersible is now missing all I can say is: wow.

I thought this was a research vessel when I skimmed the headline yesterday. Man...
No man, this is tourist shit.
Same shits gonna happen during orbit tours……. But I guess it’s gotta start somewhere

When I first saw the headline yesterday I too thought it was a research mission.
But no, it was a few billionaires on a tour.


Gold Member
From the details I read, the most shocking thing to me was that they didn't have to answer to any sort of regulatory commission or meet any minimum standard for the vessel itself. Basically it was a DIY project that used an XBOX controller as a steering wheel.
They are WAAAAY out to sea in international waters. Who would even have jurisdiction? This is basically millionaires and billionaires playing around.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
I figured something like this would still have a tether because there are humans on board and it's civilian use.
They're too deep for that. Another thing: the submersible moves around. What if the tether would get caught on some part of the wreck? That is the greatest fear of the people diving in these submersibles.
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