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Titan submarine for Titanic tourism - Nightmare fuel

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Yup then ask yourself how a billionaire (which I'm going to assume is a smart person since they're that rich) payed that much money to get into a literal steel coffin that's bolted them inside, has no distress beacon or any backup plan of any sort if something were to go wrong and steered with an Xbox controller.

Fuck me, that Xbox controller bit always gets me. How, just how are you putting your life in the hands of a vessel controlled by a videogame pad.

That thing imploded for sure. It would have been a quick death but the people that need to recover that thing (if its found) are going to need some intense counselling. What is it the size of a mini van with the remains of 5 people in there. Fuck.
They're not finding remains I don't think
Holy Shit...This 20 year US Navy submarine veteran says they are all dead. The sub imploded. Its was all over on Sunday morning

Watch at 1.25x speed

- He goes over all the tragic flaws in the design of the sub like the carbon fiber hull that can shatter like porcelain
- The corners the CEO and team cut on electronics, safety and support systems
- Risk of too much oxygen in the cabin causing fire like Apollo 1, a possible toxic gas build up scenario
- Eviscerates the Oceangate CEO for being a douche who wanted young people on the team with no sub exp and chose to use a SMS over radio communication because he didn't want to be disturbed wtf

It makes sense since the topside crew did not alert the coastguard for over 12 hours after comms were lost. They knew it was all over. JFC!


Implosion was my first thought as well. Its become a retrieval mission now. Them alerting the coast guard after 12 fucking hours have already gone by is very telling.


Do we know what depth they would have been around at the time of lost contact?

Certainly well short of it’s supposed maximum.


- He goes over all the tragic flaws in the design of the sub like the carbon fiber hull that can shatter like porcelain

Yea, I have a forged carbon fiber ring ive been wearing for over 10 years now and its profile has slowly erased away, its very minor but its there, there is a stiffness now which I dont want to try bending, it wont break but I know if I apply enough pressure it's going to maybe snap, I dunno I dont want to try it. Nothing compared to 12000FT though. They probably were using who knows how old adhesive and or protective plating thats worn off. I watched a video of the titan entering the ocean, it gets battered. Shit maintenance, just the way they handled it looked botched.
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Imagine paying $200k to go die a slow death in some small submarine

It's hilarious

Slow death if hanging at the bottom with some failure of some sort


Instant death. Implosion would crush you before your brain even has the signal to process what happened. It's so quick and violent that the air becomes fire for an instant due to the compression speed.


Slow death if hanging at the bottom with some failure of some sort


Instant death. Implosion would crush you before your brain even has the signal to process what happened. It's so quick and violent that the air becomes fire for an instant due to the compression speed.
Hell Yeah Yes GIF by IFHT Films

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Could the billionaire and his son kill the other passengers to extend their air supply?

Anything goes if you're in a dire situation in a small fucking tube at the bottom of the ocean, doesn't it? What would you do if you could extend any chances to be found for your son?

But 99.9% chance they imploded i think.


We pretty much know everything there is to know about Titanic at this point. Hours of footage, photos, detailed reports. There are even highly detailed 3D scans of the wreck. Unless you're a scientist studying marine biology or the way things like metal and wood decompose at that level then the only reason to go down there would be satisfy your massive ego. There sure as shit isn't other reason to be down at such an inhospitable environment. Worst case scenario is these dumbasses crashed their shitmarine and damaged part of the wreck on their little jolly. Would it be surprising if we found out the wealthy tourists on board have probably also "climbed" Mt. Everest or something else they wouldn't be capable of if they didn't otherwise have mountains of disposable income?
Holy Shit...This 20 year US Navy submarine veteran says they are all dead. The sub imploded. Its was all over on Sunday morning

Watch at 1.25x speed

- He goes over all the tragic flaws in the design of the sub like the carbon fiber hull that can shatter like porcelain
- The corners the CEO and team cut on electronics, safety and support systems
- Risk of too much oxygen in the cabin causing fire like Apollo 1, a possible toxic gas build up scenario
- Eviscerates the Oceangate CEO for being a douche who wanted young people on the team with no sub exp and chose to use a SMS over radio communication because he didn't want to be disturbed wtf

It makes sense since the topside crew did not alert the coastguard for over 12 hours after comms were lost. They knew it was all over. JFC!


the fact the CEO specifically avoided hiring experts is already a big enough red flag smh...


Can they send the sub James Cameron used to view the Titanic to search for them?

They're (Mir-1 and Mir-2) laid up. By the time they'd done checks and servicing it'd probably be too late anyway. Also there's the awkward little barrier of them being Russian-owned and in Moscow.

With each new development it becomes more apparent that this guy is a massive fucking prick.
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Represent(ative) of bad opinions
We pretty much know everything there is to know about Titanic at this point. Hours of footage, photos, detailed reports. There are even highly detailed 3D scans of the wreck. Unless you're a scientist studying marine biology or the way things like metal and wood decompose at that level then the only reason to go down there would be satisfy your massive ego. There sure as shit isn't other reason to be down at such an inhospitable environment. Worst case scenario is these dumbasses crashed their shitmarine and damaged part of the wreck on their little jolly. Would it be surprising if we found out the wealthy tourists on board have probably also "climbed" Mt. Everest or something else they wouldn't be capable of if they didn't otherwise have mountains of disposable income?
People climb Mt Everest. People go SkyDiving. People fly in wingsuits. Bungie jumping, free climbing, etc. Hell, people go to the fucking moon. This is just another dangerous thing people do. Its no different than any of those. And yet, no one laughs when someone dies while free climbing.

Do you know just how majestic it would be to travel to this part of the ocean, and see something as majestic as the got damn Titanic?

I blame no one for going. If you have the money, thats what the shit is for.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
People climb Mt Everest. People go SkyDiving. People fly in wingsuits. Bungie jumping, free climbing, etc. Hell, people go to the fucking moon. This is just another dangerous thing people do. Its no different than any of those. And yet, no one laughs when someone dies while free climbing.

Do you know just how majestic it would be to travel to this part of the ocean, and see something as majestic as the fucking Titanic?

I blame no one for going. If you have the money, thats what the shit is for.
Living up to your tag I see. No one is blaming them for going they're being blamed for going in a fucking tin can with an Xbox controller for steering/navigating/driving whatever you do in submarines

People go to the moon? Wtf? What people? Astronauts went (supposedly) but people don't "go to the moon" lol
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People climb Mt Everest. People go SkyDiving. People fly in wingsuits. Bungie jumping, free climbing, etc. Hell, people go to the fucking moon. This is just another dangerous thing people do. Its no different than any of those. And yet, no one laughs when someone dies while free climbing.

Do you know just how majestic it would be to travel to this part of the ocean, and see something as majestic as the fucking Titanic?

I blame no one for going. If you have the money, thats what the shit is for.

The fear in this thread makes me laugh. What is the point of living if you are afraid to experience life? The stupidity here is a billionaire going cheap on this huckster's contraption when he has the resources to pull a James Cameron and fully fund an actual expedition.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Living up to your tag I see. No one is blaming them for going they're being blamed for going in a fucking tin can with an Xbox controller for steering.
My tag was given to me by some mod mad I called Baldurs Gate 3 one of the ugliest games of the gen. :kanyeshrug: Its the most undeserving tag here, since I only speak facts.

To your point.. When you book a trip to the Titanic, I'm pretty sure you're trusting of the company you book to go down with. Did they even do research on the submarine beforehand or did they just trust the professionals?

When you go Sky Diving, you don't do research on the fucking parachute beforehand. You just trust the professionals.

That is most likely the case here. I see no reason to call them dumb.
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Gold Member
I was thinking the same earlier, but was too lazy to post or google it. Road vehicles go through extensive testing and approvals.

But when it comes to watercraft, anyone can build something, sell tickets and take it for a spin assuming it works?
You can do the same for a bus so long as it stays off public roads. You think those rocket cars are approved by the government? Or the Red Bull stuff?


What time is it?
My tag was given to me by some mod mad I called Baldurs Gate 3 one of the ugliest games of the gen. :kanyeshrug: Its the most undeserving tag here, since I only speak facts.

To your point.. When you book a trip to the Titanic, I'm pretty sure you're trusting of the company you book to go down with. Did they even do research on the submarine beforehand or did they just trust the professionals?

When you go Sky Diving, you don't do research on the fucking parachute beforehand. You just trust the professionals.

That is most likely the case here. I see no reason to call them dumb.

I'd research a professional before I trusted them especially when part of the marketing spiel is fewer people have been to the titanic than to into outer space or the far side of the moon.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I don't want to be insensitive but you have to be pretty retarded to do this let alone pay $250,000 for it.

I really hope these people get rescued and that they're safe but this has got to be one of the dumbest things to do.

You would have to pay me $250,000 to get in that thing and even then I probably wouldn't do it. I have panic disorder and just 5 minutes in that thing would cause me to break down especially if what I'm hearing is true about how it's bolted from the outside and it can be only opened from the outside.

That 77 year old man might be dead from a heart attack at this point.

What a horrible way to go. Just lingering for days in that thing knowing that you might not get rescued.

I really do feel sorry for these people and again, I hope they are saved but what they did is extremely stupid to say the least.
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Gold Member


This sounds more and more like faked death/cash in on life insurance possibly. Relocate to another country, etc.

I say this, because it seems incredibly stupid otherwise.

Mind you, im not saying they shouldnt do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt others (which this might have), but this is probably the stupidest way to go about anything.

But it seems a some rich/wealthy ppl start to think they are invincible.
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Apparently the only time the sub was inspected by a 3rd party company they found hull defects in the carbon fiber, Oceangate then “reinforced the hull” but never got it reinspected again.

Jesus Christ.

At this point its turning into a comedy worthy of a slot on SNL.


People climb Mt Everest. People go SkyDiving. People fly in wingsuits. Bungie jumping, free climbing, etc. Hell, people go to the fucking moon. This is just another dangerous thing people do. Its no different than any of those. And yet, no one laughs when someone dies while free climbing.

Do you know just how majestic it would be to travel to this part of the ocean, and see something as majestic as the got damn Titanic?

I blame no one for going. If you have the money, thats what the shit is for.
Yeah but unfortunately they have also put a shit ton of physical strain, mental stress and financial burden on probably hundreds of people who now have to deal with the aftermath of all this. All because some people wanted to see something cool in the most convenient fashion possible because let's face it they probably did absolutely no due diligence when it came down to visiting one of the most inhospitable places on planet Earth. It's no different to some guy climbing Mt. Everest and endangering the lives of poor Sherpas because they have to essentially carry some inexperienced and naive douche up a mountain.
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