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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


Where's the smart pistol? Got wrecked by one last night, but I can't find it in the weapon options.

Also, is there any matchmaking based on skill? Came across some god level players who were pretty high level. Compared to my measly level 4.


The funny thing is I have zero idea what map complex is.

I've even been trying to check map names to see what all the fuss is about and I don't spot it.

And I'm gen 2 lol

It's the map where you expect your Titan to fall at your feet, but he'll drop at the other end of the map instead. :mad:
(it took me time to understand that the areas that looked open actually had a ceiling... and even then I occasionally forget).

Where's the smart pistol? Got wrecked by one last night, but I can't find it in the weapon options.

It's now a boost, like amped weapons or turrets. One of the last you'll unlock, unless you buy it.
Where's the smart pistol? Got wrecked by one last night, but I can't find it in the weapon options.

Also, is there any matchmaking based on skill? Came across some god level players who were pretty high level. Compared to my measly level 4.

It's a boost. Some guy killed me with one like 6 times in one game yesterday.

It's not a good gun generally but I was using the Mastif shotgun, trying to use agility to get close to get the one-shot kills, the smart pistol puts an end to that very quickly, as it doesn't matter what you're doing, since he does not need to aim.

Annoying in my opinion, but not very powerful against most normal weapons.
what weapons y'all recommend aside from the R-201 and alternator. looking to branch out to something else (preferably automatic or burst)


Oh ok, I wonder why they made that change. It was a really nice gun for casual players like me.

That's probably because of all the people complaining about being killed by casual players. :p
The gun never bothered me too much in TF1 anyway, sure I've been to both ends of cheap kills with it, but everything considered it wasn't that bad, and it was fun to use.
I haven't used it in Titanfall2 yet, since grunt farming seems less prevalent, and less efficient without the grunt detector. I got killed by it only once, as far as I remember.


Oh ok, I wonder why they made that change. It was a really nice gun for casual players like me.

because mlg pro 1000 gamerscore players like me thinks the smart pistol is so casual it makes me physically sick

Honestly, it's one of the many decisions they made to cater to people that don't even like Titanfall...

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I finally started using some Phase Shift today, whereas before I've only ever used it in Coliseum. It's pretty good. With tactikill it pretty much gives you a charge for every kill, which is fantastic. For stim it's like 2 kills will get you mostly there but not quite and yeah....

Also tried out the Devotion for the first time a bit along with it... I'm not convinced I'm going to call the Devotion good... but can't deny that it's fun as all hell:
http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Pegasus Actual/video/23225996

And some random goose who was trying to make things hard on me with some arc grenades ;)


Unconfirmed Member
Hey, so I followed the posts about joining T(itan)GAF but in all these screens I see people rolling with just "GAF" as a tag and I'm wondering if our playerbase is split?

I'd like to play with some GAFfers, either from east Asia or west coast USA, so please point a fellow pilot in the right direction? (My PSN ID is the same as on here.)

what weapons y'all recommend aside from the R-201 and alternator. looking to branch out to something else (preferably automatic or burst)

I was an Alternator devotee until I unlocked Volt. Feels much more comfortable at various ranges. Still go back to Alty when I'm feeling gangsta.

Also ^^^ those gifs... *phew.jpg*


I(it took me time to understand that the areas that looked open actually had a ceiling... and even then I occasionally forget).
I still forget myself. it'd of been nice if they let a little sun come through, create some shadow or somethign indicating an open roof.

Where's the smart pistol? Got wrecked by one last night, but I can't find it in the weapon options.
thanks for reminding me. i have yet to give that boost a go.

what weapons y'all recommend aside from the R-201 and alternator. looking to branch out to something else (preferably automatic or burst)
If you like the alternator try out the Volt, it's better. burst? without question the hemlock.

Hey, so I followed the posts about joining T(itan)GAF but in all these screens I see people rolling with just "GAF" as a tag and I'm wondering if our playerbase is split?

I'd like to play with some GAFfers, either from east Asia or west coast USA, so please point a fellow pilot in the right direction? (My PSN ID is the same as on here.)

people decided to make things complicated and create all types of "gaf" networks with invites. i recommended just keeping it all the same shit, whatever was used in the beta which was open but noooooo


Press - MP1st.com
Ordered this game. Something tells me this may not have been the hit it should have been at launch, but it will have legs and be successful in the long run. Seeing people playing Battlefield, but for a more quick fix there is only COD as the alternative. The fact that it literally did nothing new on the MP front is making a lot of people I know jump ship to this. I think we have a Rainbow Six situation incoming, although maybe it will be a little faster.

Yep, same. I gather, this will get a big boost come Black Friday and Christmas sales. Add in Game of the Year nominations (maybe wins in the shooter category), and that will surely get more mindshare, which most likely equates to sales.

Sorry if this is asked a lot in here, but how are the player counts on PS4? I just ordered the game from Amazon after hearing how great the impressions have been. Then I go on twitch to watch some games and it was buried. Like 30-40 games deep, down below Tell Tales batman. Thinking it might be a mistake I pull it up and the top stream only had about 400 viewers.
Seems really soon after release for the game to have that little interest.

I get what you're saying, but TF2 is the IP's first multi-platform launch. I honestly think expecting it to match CoD/BF1/LOL in terms of Twitch viewers is a little too much. :) That said, that is a little low, but it's not indicative of how much a game sells or how active the player population is.

From what I've read here, Xbox One has the best player population now, but PS4 is healthy enough as well.

There are faults, sure TTK or sentries aren't one of them. Also, most balance issues won't be obvious within a week or two of launch. People need to get comfortable with the pace, unique mechanics and gun/Kit unlocks not to mention all the nuances of what each titan is and isn't capable of. It will take time for the meta to emerge. As of right now i see a wider variety of perks, kits , guns and titans being used than most shooters on the market. Everyone is quick to yell nerf or buff despite many of these things having hardcounters. If all these things were op, you wouldn't see the diversity clearly on display in these key areas. You say movement is gimped by low TTk but it is only emphasized even more since it is the best way to survive. You also say it makes firefights less interesting when everyone i know has their hard drive filled with some of the most interesting/highlight reel stuff that they've pulled off in this game. Increasing TTk would ruin a lot of these aspects, imo. You seem to dislike it because it's not TF1 and that's okay too. I would have a hard time if TLOU2 MP if it will be as different as TF1 is to its predecessor .

Yep, agreed. Reading through here and even noticing in game, lots of people use a lot of different stuff. Cloak, hook, stim, phase, etc. Just a lot of gun, tactical, etc. mixes. I haven't seen one "god loadout" that everyone must use or just uses every time.

I was surprised to see population on PS4 up higher than I'd ever seen it before post-COD launch. I was expecting it to surely dip a bit.

Respawn confirmed it's gone up as well. :) Surprised, too. I thought it'd see a significant drop but glad to see it's not the case.

Hemlock is hardly OP. Yes, it's good at mid / long range. That's the entire point of the gun.

Yep, agreed. It's crap close range and if you whiff the initial burst, you're dead. The sign of a well balanced game is when everyone says "X weapon is OP" and that X stands for a LOT of weapons. I've read here that G2, R201, Hemlock, etc. are ALL OP. xD

Here ya go (it's on the DMR): http://i.imgur.com/6dz3HS8.jpg

Are those little fishes? o_O


That's probably because of all the people complaining about being killed by casual players. :p
The gun never bothered me too much in TF1 anyway, sure I've been to both ends of cheap kills with it, but everything considered it wasn't that bad, and it was fun to use.
I haven't used it in Titanfall2 yet, since grunt farming seems less prevalent, and less efficient without the grunt detector. I got killed by it only once, as far as I remember.

It was never overpowered. It was only good if you saw someone before they saw you. In which case any weapon is good if you have decent aim. The smart pistol just helped those that can't aim for shit (like me).

If you spot the other player at the same time, the smart pistol doesn't lock on fast enough.
Oh ok, I wonder why they made that change. It was a really nice gun for casual players like me.

I think people just get a bit salty being killed by someone that did not need to aim.

I mean in most instances it's pretty fair because you can kill them faster with a regular rifle but still there are occasions where it reduces the value of mobility and movement, allowing players to ignore whatever you're doing.

When I was being killed by it, I was using the Mastiff, and no matter how mobile I was (using stim too) the guy would always hit me. The Mastiff is a bad gun but it still felt cheap, normally the Mastiff is okay if you can out manuever your opponents but the Smart Pistol negates that element of the gameplay.

It's also just less interesting to play with / against. If you're in a gunfight with someone you want them to have the potential to miss just as you do, otherwise there's no potential for clutch plays and whatnot. There's no chance you can use your mobility to get out of a sticky situation if a guy can just look in your general direction and hit you without effort. The time to kill isn't remarkable on the smart pistol, it's just the mechanism that's annoying.


Is there any way to globally matchmake? In my region (europe) during early morning there are about 100 people in attrition and 0 in last titan standing.
Yep, agreed. It's crap close range and if you whiff the initial burst, you're dead. The sign of a well balanced game is when everyone says "X weapon is OP" and that X stands for a LOT of weapons. I've read here that G2, R201, Hemlock, etc. are ALL OP. xD

If anything the low time to kill is the very reason all of the weapons appear balanced, because ultimately it doesn't matter what you're using, target acquisition determines the outcome of an encounter. If you acquire the target first, you are likely to be the one that survives the gunfight, and it doesn't matter if he's using the hemlock and you're using the CAR, both of them kill fast enough that being shot first means you're probably not getting out alive, unless you can cause them to miss with your mobility.

Not saying it should be reduced though. I like the time to kill. I think the time to kill is part of what makes the game so adrenaline fueled, because the higher the time to kill the less chances you have of coming out on top of 2 vs 1 encounters. More emphasis gets placed on team shooting and the impact of the individual is reduced. I think Titanfall 2 thrives on player agency and the notion that any one individual can run through the entire enemy team if they're skilled enough to do so, and that becomes less possible with a higher time to kill.

With that said, I don't think a slight increase would make all that much difference, but it would break the weapon balance. The reason the weapons appear balanced at the moment is because as I say, they all kill in a brief enough time that the target acquisition speed is the determinant of the encounter, not weapon DPS or sustained accuracy. If we had a higher TTK and DPS output became more meaningful then we would see certain weapons become more dominant. I would likely stop using the Volt for instance, as it's low DPS can't be compensated by it's accuracy in sustained gunfights like it can with the current low TTK.

It was never overpowered. It was only good if you saw someone before they saw you. In which case any weapon is good if you have decent aim. The smart pistol just helped those that can't aim for shit (like me).

If you spot the other player at the same time, the smart pistol doesn't lock on fast enough.

Like I say there are plenty of reasons it's still an issue such as against users using shotguns. The smart pistol negates the mobility advantage they try to gain, and allows people to get essentially free kills on players who are trying to play the games mobility to get into their optimum range. Besides sneaking behind them, how am I supposed to outplay a smart pistol user when using the Mastiff? It just doesn't work, they kill me before I get into shotgun range, regardless of my best efforts to outmanuever their aim.

Against a non smart pistol player I at least have the potential to get into the range I want, and possibly kill them with the shotgun. I can play my mobility game and evade their gunfire. The smart pistol completely shuts that down. So while it doesn't seem so bad against fully automatics, it's bad for the games balance overall and like I said above, it's also bad for situations like 2 vs 1s, as one of the 2 using a smart pistol makes it almost impossible to make it out on top of those encounters.



we're doing well, aren't we mate?


Man Archer Rockets are so strong with Amped Weapons...
It´s blowing my mind getting top spots in bounty hunter and amped hardpoint, but then i look and everybody is in double digits in eliminations and under 500 hundred in bounties, i won a game because i was the only one shooting to a titan. I was there taking shoots at the damn titan wondering where everybody was.
Can´t believe how much i´m enjoying the MP, i even won some "duels" jumping all over the place even though and not very good at this MP shooter thing


I actually disagree with this, that isn't to say that I can't see people cloaked, it's just that someone cloaked providing an overwatch over a rooftop or something like that, has a huge advantage against anyone that's moving. I don't really have a problem with this if this is the way Respawn want the game to be played, but someone sat atop a rooftop already has the visual advantage, so I don't see much sense in making them harder to acquire, it just promotes camping and that doesn't seem condusive to the playstyles that the game makes an otherwise deliberate effort to facilitate (mobile, run and gun).

Sure, I can acquire a cloaked target, but is he likely to acquire me faster than I him? Of course. In a game where target acquisition speed is predictive of the outcome of the vast majority of encounters, any element that affects that speed is likely to have a significant influence on the match.

Phase shift isn't all that great. It allows you to escape a bad situation but people can see you use it, and also it doesn't offer any acquisition based advantage when you exit. It's also a super fantastic way to get fucked over by anyone that chooses to use their ability while your in phase shift. A-Wall shield beats phase shift, invisibility beats phase shift, stim, beats phase shift. All of these abilities give the shifter a tremendous surprise when they're on the other side. Going invisible for instance is a huge issue for the person shifting when they're looking for the orange target that they saw before they used their ability. Phase shift is a decent defensive or stealthy ability but I've yet to see anyone that threatening with it when used offensively. In those instances phase shift effectively 'resets' an encounter to a neutral state, but as I say, the opponent can shift the advantage in their favor by using their own ability.

Comparing stealth and phase shift is a bit odd because they really do different things. Stealth does let you sneak by at long distances and definitely affects players ability to easily spot and acquire, particularly at mid-long range. Many of the Attrition matches I play are populated by cloaked rooftop hugging pilots. I want to say that it's the best option for mid-long range firefights, so if you're packing something like the hemlock, it's very potent. Phase shift is used for sneaking behind people, passing through sightlines without being seen, but doesn't have as much utility as something like stim, which can allow you to pass the same sightline before your opponent could even get their sights on it. Still, phase remains the best defensive option as far as giving yourself a 'panic button', goes, I think a lot of people make good use of that.

Or you can, you know, use phase shift in an offensive way before an enemy start shooting you, i do it all the time. Phase shift before turning a corner if you see a ping, before entering a window or before climbing a building, iff you have any idea where they are you are basiically apearing behind or in front of them giving them very little time to react if they have their focus on the distance. Holo pilot can be used similarly helping even scout those places before you enter revealing enemies that attack it. Now if you do anything of this at considerable speed, you should have the advantage unless your map is hacked.

Edit: yes , i agree with your last paragraph but as you say, it is only better at long distances, you can close the gap pretty fast and secure using stim or phase shift (in my opinion that is) or even with holo pilot.


Legion is legit useless against Tone lmao

He can't do anything to the Particle Wall. If he's in Smart Core it's basically worthless.


I don't get the hate for Complex, I think it's alright. Kinda reminds me of Corporate from the first game.

Corporate was more spaced out, there's more area for pilot and titan combat, not to mention verticality. Complex feels like 1/2 of corporate.
Dunno how map rotation works, or if I need to just stay with a team instead of exiting matchmaking between rounds, but I've yet to see Boomtown more than once or Drydock at all in the week+ I've been playing this.

Warming up to Crash Site because it's damn near the only map I get to play on :(

E92 M3

On my way to G4 and the MP just keeps getting better and better. Respawn really nailed it.

Just look at how trash the new CoD is and compare it to Titanfall. Activision's premium shooter is Destiny now.

Oh, and Eden is my all-time favorite map in R2.
Flank like you're doing. Hide around corners and have your teammates lure them in then unleash hell. Use the sword block to help close the gap if you have to.

Holy shit I can't believe that work! Or well, it worked for Drydocks which have lots of sharp corners XD

I literally hide behind corner next to a friendly Legion, waited till one of them gets drawn in turned a corner and I emptied my Leadwall into them and started hacking like a madman.


Does anyone else feel like the green for a party member is so bold in comparison to the amber for yourself on the scoreboard, that it's very hard to see where you are? The amber is the same as the enemy team's. I dunno I just have trouble focusing quickly where I am on it.

Titan Balance

Legion got hit so hard, I don't see him really winning any 1v1s with basically anyone. I switch to him for a little bit on Crash Site and was met with 2 Tones and an Ion. Couldn't even do damage to any haha (and he can't run so). I think he was hit a bit too much. But you know what? Smart Core is a stupid design choice anyway so it's not like he can ever be fair and balanced anyway. Perhaps it's okay if he remains essentially useless in Titan fights.

Northstar flight really needs some work done. Not only is Northstar so easy to get hit out of it, the rockets are slow enough that you have to lead. It's the only Core Ability in the game that requires prediction and good aim to even make work.

Tone I don't understand why the 40mm was paired with a Particle Wall since I don't believe anyone specced for that in R1. I feel like Tone and Northstar should swap abilities and that'd make far more sense.

Complex is asssssss


I don't know if matchmaking is smarter, or if casuals are literally not really playing this game. Very few players have no idea what to do. You would see R1 have players who want to crouch, not really killing anything etc. I guess those players are with BF1 or CoD or something. It's a shame because, at the moment, this game is basically up to whether or not 3 or more players are really good or not, otherwise they'll get rolled.

I don't know what this means, but during gameplay, I don't really feel if someone is a decent player or a scrub. I can see it in the scores, but what I mean is, in the original, you could watch players act like dummies. I never see that here. Perhaps it's because you can't completely fail with Auto-aim Core Abilities or something.

R1 seemed to have a completely different philosophy with Titans. Honestly, I'm not digging the fact that these Titans are so restricted in customization. I think it creates less depth and is why people are asking for every Titan to be good at everything similarly. Otherwise, what's the point? And if one Titan is the best, it means using a weapon you like isn't a great.

Scorch's primary is something I'd like to use on a Stryder class Titan. I don't believe it's easier to balance with restricted classes.

I'm Generation 3 and I can still can't find that element that makes me say "I love this game".

By the time I was Generation 3 in R1, I was completely blown away. I don't know if it's just nostalgia, but going back and playing a game of R1 makes me feel like these are two games are really trying to do different things. It boggles my mind how a single game of Attrition, on Airbase in R1, could have so much more life to it than anything in R2's MP.

Perhaps it's the maps, or the lack of AI banter etc. but every game does feel like a deathmatch. Nothing feels like it's part of a war. I suppose it's not supposed to be anymore, but it's just disappointing.

It was awesome to see large fauna in the background while dragons would occasionally land and pick up grunts as food. All while getting a Titan that felt like it could live a while.

For the lack of complexity, it's a shame we didn't get gameplay (and maps) that felt balanced.


I know my opinions don't mean too much, but this isn't Titanfall anymore. I find myself trying to find it in this game, but all R2 is, is a game that's the closest to being Titanfall by a very large margin.


what weapons y'all recommend aside from the R-201 and alternator. looking to branch out to something else (preferably automatic or burst)

I use the R97 in all maps that are not Homestead. The gun has limited range so stay out of the open areas. I equip mine with Run & Gun and Tacti-Kill. Rarely lose a hip firing battle.


Neo Member
Hi all

First time posting long time lurker.

Must say I really liking this game. Never played the original. (not a xbox user) I have this game on my PC and PS 4.

I'm running with a GAF tag just don't know how to hook up with anybody. Probably lucky for you all as I'm always the 1st one killed. Also I really don't know what the heck I'm doing. 1st time in about 8 years that I have gone back to PC gaming (always hitting the wrong keys) also I'm an old man can't remember what keys do what, :(

Like to team up sometime. Mostly get time to game on the weekends. I do have a mic


Started the campaign today. Made it to the mission
The Ark

How far off the end am I?

Loving the campaign. Absolutely superb. It feels like I've made a lot of progress for a single session which isn't like me at all.. my attention span usually lasts an hour, maybe 2 max.
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