This has to be the most satisfying melee in any first person shooter.
Enemies fly back 100 feet
I have over 20k people online right now on PS4.
Great news, those pilot only modes(if there are any) just feel like any other fps.
Someone (excaliburps? Or Gerard Hawke) posted earlier that one certain section is amazing because of the gameplay mechanics and I think I just got there, and my mind was blown, you are not going to expect that from the devs known for COD.
Yup. And Checkpoints are plentiful. These guys understand fun>tediousOn Master, you can get hit by a sniper but still live the shot. Respawn I love you guys for understanding
Xbox One screenie:
Regarding playerbase, I think that if Rainbow Six Siege recovered from a shitty launch, Titanfall 2 can as well. It would benefit from sales, free weekends, Origin Game Time, and hyping up big DLC updates. Because of its smaller 6v6 games, I wouldn't mind if the playerbase hovered around 5-10k concurrent players. It just remains to be seen if EA and Respawn will go to those lengths to bring in new players.
The simple dialogue choices in the campaign are well implemented. It's something I hope other campaigns use in the future. You can set the tone on being more straightforward or snarky or finding an inoffensive balance between the two. It's nice to not be such an obnoxious asshole for once.
Coliseum mode is the best thing ever. Still undefeated.
The banks should really be labeled A/B or something. Would help a lot.
hm, a dev mentioned during the test that there would be an option to adjust sensitivity for ads, but I'm not seeing it? was it removed from the game?
Man I am just getting crushed almost every game on PC. Attrition, Bounty, Hardpoint.
Does playing with friends mess up matchmaking or something? Though it seems to happen when I'm playing alone too. I swear I'm not that bad at FPSs...
I'm just flashing back to all the times people lost their minds when recent Halo games had hundreds of thousands playing at launch and it dropped below 100,000 within a month or two. These numbers look pretty bad by comparison.
So can someone help me which version I should consider? I have both PC and PS4, which has a bigger base? PC is beefy with a 1070 but is there enough people playing?
Dunno if my pc can run this, how is Origin with refunds?
Dunno if my pc can run this, how is Origin with refunds?
Dunno if my pc can run this, how is Origin with refunds?
You may return EA full game downloads (PC or Mac) and participating third party titles purchased on Origin for a full refund. Refund requests can be made within 24 hours after you first launch the game, within seven days from your date of purchase, or within seven days from the game's release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first 30 days of its release date and can't play it due to technical reasons within EA's control, you can request a refund within 72 hours after you first launch the game instead of 24.
24 great game guarantee
Great actually. As long as you ask for it within 24 hours
MP. I keep trying to play it, but the maps feel bland and the action feels limited. I was really wanting to like this. Got it on pc and x1 but I just find it to be pretty dull and empty so far.
Woah that was quick. Sounds good, I'll try it out then.
I would say that the thing that saved R6S was the loyal playerbase that just stuck with it. R6S has a unique MP style where no two games are ever the same so it took a long time for it to ever get stale.
I think Titanfall 2 can do that. They need to keep it up with the good PR with DLC that is free and good content such as Frontier Defense and new Maps/Titans/Pilots
Regarding playerbase, I think that if Rainbow Six Siege recovered from a shitty launch, Titanfall 2 can as well. It would benefit from sales, free weekends, Origin Game Time, and hyping up big DLC updates. Because of its smaller 6v6 games, I wouldn't mind if the playerbase hovered around 5-10k concurrent players. It just remains to be seen if EA and Respawn will go to those lengths to bring in new players.
This game man... I just can't.
I'm having a revelation at work. Titanfall 2 is a character action game. I was doing things in the campaign I've only done in Platinum games. The feel is such perfection, that I can hit a zen and do things stylishly because the input and feedback is so good.There were times where I had to pause because I was in a total action state.
Anyone have any strategies for combating Legion? I feel like it's just too powerful and my health bar gets chewed to shreds.
The fact that it can shield around it's gun is just crazy as well.