Played a few matches of this after playing Battlefield 1 and I have to say I'm not a fan so far. Maybe I just need to play around with it more, but coming from Titanfall 1 this seems crappier. I remember this being a complaint in the beta, but so far all of the maps I have played just do not feel like they really take advantage of wall-running that match. It feels like wall-running is "Just there" instead of being an intregral part of the movement system in the sense that there are a few buildings and walls you can climb on, but a lot of the environment seems like it discourages wall running by having indoor buildings to go through or large spaced out walls so you can't get some flow. Also, the movement just feels slower for some reason which is strange since they added the grapple hook and sliding. I don't know I just can't get a feel of things compared to how fluid and fast paced TF1 was.