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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Oh thats why! Thanks!
You're welcome ;)

And it sucks when you run around your base with their flag for minutes on end, and noone seems to be able to kill enemy flag carrier. Happened to me today on Angel City, died with the enemy flag after what seemed like 4-5 minutes of maniacaly running through the buildings near my base :/


What I want to say is - CTF here is bloody awesome.

Holy shit yes, I totally suck at FPS games but CTF here is glorious. Demeter and Relic are my favourite maps for CTF, I once managed to score 5 flags in one game on Relic barely touching the ground just flying around on ziplines and wallruning around.


There needs to be a map selection, I have yet to do full matches on some maps.

Normally I hate map selection because everyone just picks the 2 or 3 maps they know best, but all the maps are pretty good in Titanfall so maybe it would be OK.
Holy shit yes, I totally suck at FPS games but CTF here is glorious. Demeter and Relic are my favourite maps for CTF, I once managed to score 5 flags in one game on Relic barely touching the ground just flying around on ziplines and wallruning around.
Oh yes, ziplines are glorious when you get to them with enemy flag! Also, killing enemy flag carrier, returning your flag and scoring theirs in span of couple of seconds (well, it's basic CTF stuff, but here be titans and parkour, so... yeah). And love that giant pipeline that leads to one of the bases on Demeter! Also, crazy dashing around in Stryder, while carrying enemy flag, hoping that noone will come behind your back... This game man, this game!


Well shiat, had a friend who is always bitching about cheaters in fps on the pc (which is always why he won't spend any money on them and wants to use console instead) send me pics of some piece of crap cheat subscription for TF. Screenshots of full on wallhacks and aimbot/trigger bot that not only shows player locations but what weapons they have equipped, with a 3d radar. Broke my damn heart.

The great thing is unless they just go balls out it totally looks legit on the kill cam.

Sometimes I just hate people.


Two things they need to fix when you going to choose a mode and all of a sudden your in a match that is A : Losing as we speak like 5 titans against 1 or 2 for example and B : Mixing with higher levels of players is not fun. Overall i am enjoying it but this needs to be fixed.


I'm starting to think the Triple Threat is the best Titan weapon.

Triple threat fucking rocks. I'm probably gonna go gen 2 soon, and I'll definitely miss it, the smg and the scatter missile thing.

Also, what's a mega kill? I did my best so far a couple of games ago, 20-2 or something, and I think I got it once or twice. I want medals like in Halo for all these sprees and multi kills and all, so I can later check how many times I've got each


Is there anyway in finding out which campaign missions you have won/lost? Just wanting to win the matches on both sides but there doesn't seem to be anything on how to find out - just so I don't have to keep playing every mission again.


First game, i started killing fools left and right..was doing great. Then i realized i was killing grunts :(

how do i change my loadout? i can get into viewing it but how do i actually edit it? (sorry noob question)

Ran Ran

First game, i started killing fools left and right..was doing great. Then i realized i was killing grunts :(

how do i change my loadout? i can get into viewing it but how do i actually edit it? (sorry noob question)

Have to be level 5 to unlock custom loadouts.
The main question is where will this game be when Destiny, Halo and New COD come out later this year. As much as i enjoy it i feel like its only a filler for these other games. Anyone else feel the same ...?


I'm loving it as well. Its great at close range with the big punch kit. I find both upgrades equally as good

yeah for sure, when i use the mine upgrade i like to bait people into the mines. I do really like the assault rife style weapon for the titans for taking out pilots on the ground so I'm kinda torn between the two.

I kinda wish the titans had a secondary weapon and i also do not like having to play through the campaign to unlock the other titans.
This is my favorite CTF mode since Halo CE. Doing a wall-run capture on Rise is the best feeling ever.

HNGGGG. This is all I wanted to hear.

NOTHING has come to Halo CE's CTF mode for me.

I've been hyped about CTF mode in this game for a long time, just looks so good.

I would love it without Titans though. I imagine the game could be a lot tighter that way.


Was just in a bar that had a DS2/Titanfall launch thing and they had themed cocktails. Had an ogre, which was basically rum, vodka, tequila, triple sec, whiskey and coke... Which wasn't bad for £2.50.


HNGGGG. This is all I wanted to hear.

NOTHING has come to Halo CE's CTF mode for me.

I've been hyped about CTF mode in this game for a long time, just looks so good.

I would love it without Titans though. I imagine the game could be a lot tighter that way.

It would be a lot better if pilots could take more hots than Halo too. All that wall running would make it glorious compared to the COD style kills they actually have.


Saint Titanfall
The main question is where will this game be when Destiny, Halo and New COD come out later this year. As much as i enjoy it i feel like its only a filler for these other games. Anyone else feel the same ...?

Nope those are the same old sci fi , and modern shooters that have been out for the past decade. Rock bottom hype for those games. Hell a load won't even be on pc, not that I'd be all that interested in buying them anyway.

As codified as this game is it's still the closest in recent times to types of fps I enjoyed in the past.


The main question is where will this game be when Destiny, Halo and New COD come out later this year. As much as i enjoy it i feel like its only a filler for these other games. Anyone else feel the same ...?
Minus COD. Will be playing this until Destiny, which will have a hard time keeping me if true H2A multiplayer comes out. These three games hng

Edit: above, Destiny is old? Um wut?


Triple threat fucking rocks. I'm probably gonna go gen 2 soon, and I'll definitely miss it, the smg and the scatter missile thing.

Also, what's a mega kill? I did my best so far a couple of games ago, 20-2 or something, and I think I got it once or twice. I want medals like in Halo for all these sprees and multi kills and all, so I can later check how many times I've got each

This would be great! One of the best things about Halo, and Bungie.net was the ability to tell your buddies about this great game and then show them your stats/medals you got the night before.

I'm really surprised that Titanfall didn't launch with a stats website, Respawn knows how to do this. With the lack of the stats site, renaming loadouts, clan tags, small weapon selection, and only 3 titans, the game feels somewhat rushed. I guess that's what DLC is for smh.


Nope those are the same old sci fi , and modern shooters that have been out for the past decade. Rock bottom hype for those games. Hell a load won't even be on pc, not that I'd be all that interested in buying them anyway.

As codified as this game is it's still the closest in recent times to types of fps I enjoyed in the past.

These are the same old sci fi, then what exactly is Titanfall?

Because the world, design and narrative of Titanfall certainly isn't unique. I'd even say it's as generic as can be.

Ran Ran

The main question is where will this game be when Destiny, Halo and New COD come out later this year. As much as i enjoy it i feel like its only a filler for these other games. Anyone else feel the same ...?

I have no idea about Destiny since we haven't seen enough of it but with CoD being under a new developer (granted they have worked on CoD before but still it's their first time on their own) and Halo having put out one mediocre (Reach) and one terrible (H4) game the past two releases I'm keeping my expectations low.

I think if Microsoft bundles the game in with the console again in the future (holidays maybe but that might be asking too much) and Respawn puts out alot of good updates, I think Titanfall has a good chance of having a strong community.

I plan on playing this game on a regular basis for a long time.


A big missed opportunity IMO. I feel they could have paved the ground for multiplayer-focused campaigns, but instead we got a convoluted story wrapper on top of normal multiplayer modes. I love the game, but hope they try harder with multiplayer campaign in the sequel(s).

This is my thought as well. I like that they tried something different, but don't feel like they went far enough with it. I also didn't care much for the story, would like to have seen a bit more ambiguous with some stronger characters with driving but conflicting motivation, but that is beside the point. Hopefully they find a way to flesh it out a bit.


This would be great! One of the best things about Halo, and Bungie.net was the ability to tell your buddies about this great game and then show them your stats/medals you got the night before.

I'm really surprised that Titanfall didn't launch with a stats website, Respawn knows how to do this. With the lack of the stats site, renaming loadouts, clan tags, small weapon selection, and only 3 titans, the game feels somewhat rushed. I guess that's what DLC is for smh.

I would pay top dollar for super in-depth stat tracker dlc

e: i think i'm being serious


Is there a way to check Friends' K/d Ratio? lol

Nope.. No way to look into any other players stats as far as I know. Hopefully they add this, it should be a standard. There's also no way to see your friends/party on the minimap, seems weird.

I would pay top dollar for super in-depth stat tracker dlc

e: i think i'm being serious

Something like COD Elite would be worth it for Titanfall. There are so many other variables they could track with the wall running, kills from above, Titan play etc.. Could be epic!


Seriously Microsoft £54.99 for the digital download - ( $91 for our US chums )

Way to take the fucking piss. Fuck this stupid platform
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