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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Saint Titanfall
These are the same old sci fi, then what exactly is Titanfall?

Because the world, design and narrative of Titanfall certainly isn't unique. I'd even say it's as generic as can be.

At least adds movement capabilities closer to those of the past is a step in the right direction and the Titan combat is pretty fun. Rather than stuck to the shoot move shoot. What happened to the double jump air dodge and pulling off manoeuvre's that actually look cool.


First, great game!

Second, I was expecting a lot more from the campaign. I was anticipating changing objectives or something similar to rush mode in battlefield.

In fact, DICE could have very easily put a bunch of rush maps in a row and called it a campaign. The Titanfall campaign simply seams to have added additional dialogue to portray a story and used existing game modes. BF4's rush mode feels incredibly epic and dynamic where even a hard fought loss can be exciting.

Anyway, back to the forum topic, the Titanfall campaign could have used a bit more but to be honest, I really don't mind. I'm really enjoying the MP! So many good moments but my favorite has to be...

... my side loses the battle, evac ordered with a drop ship inbound, 30 seconds. I get my titan to the LZ but enemy titans are everywhere, evac 20 seconds. The group of enemy titans don't see me coming from the left so I dash into melee range and deploy smoke. The ride home is here and I walk my titan backwards while I go cyclic on my extended mag chaingun, firing into the smoke. Rockets and machine gun fire leave the smoke coming for me, leading 3 enemy titans out of the smoke, I don't have a chance. I have to fight. I'm getting destroyed and my titan auto-ejects me into the sky leaving behind a nuclear explosion that scores several kills. From my skyward vantage point I have an excellent view of the drop ship going to light speed and disappearing into the stars, carrying my comrades home. They made it. I didn't. My titan and I defended the LZ and secured the evac. I'm... I'm a... hero.

Awesome game!


Trucker Sexologist
The main question is where will this game be when Destiny, Halo and New COD come out later this year. As much as i enjoy it i feel like its only a filler for these other games. Anyone else feel the same ...?
Those games won't make TitanFall obsolete unless they just steal its feature set. In fact, CoD and Halo are the ones that have the burden to prove that they have more to bring to their respective franchises than better graphics.
You know in the Beta I came away with the conclusion that pilot + Titan on auto-pilot was > Pilot in Titan but I'm not so sure now. I've come up against co-ordinated teams running 3-4 Titans at a time and it just seemed unstoppable while on foot.

Ran Ran

You in the Beta I came away with the conclusion that pilot + Titan on auto-pilot was > Pilot in Titan but I'm not so sure now. I've come up against co-ordinated teams running 3-4 Titans at a time and it just seemed unstoppable while on foot.

I agree. In the beta auto titan seemed the way to go but now if you go against a team with 5 or 6 titans and your team can't match that, you pretty much have no shot.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I have not noticed Guardian Chip(more accurate auto-titan) doing a damn thing, lol. I'll probably just keep Minion Detector on forever.


The “invisibility” from cloak only makes you invisible to Titans and NPCs. Players out of a Titan can still see your discolored cloaked outline pretty easily, but in hectic situations they may not notice you as much as if you weren’t cloaked.

What's cool is a Titan can still see your jumpjets so even then you're not totally invisible.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I just finished the IMC campaign. That last mission was... weird. And felt so out of place.


So I am ready to buy this game on PC and was going to use the GameFly 20% off code, but it's not working for this game. Is there anywhere I can get it at discount right now for PC download?

The Cowboy

Man alive I love the arc cannon, such a fun gun for sniping and close range clusters. I thought I would prefer the plasma railgun (based on its description), but quite frankly I think it sucks.

Kid Ska

I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Is there anything more satisfying than mid-air titan punching an enemy pilot foolishly hopping towards you trying to rodeo?

I'm trying to think of something and I'm coming up blank.

Well, maybe socking someone as they fall down after an eject towards you.


Does anyone know the maximum number of Arc mines I can have active simultaneously if I'm using the infinite burn card version? They seem to have a cap before they start de-spawning.

Be curious to know the same about satchel charges.


i like how you can climb any building by just spamming jump at any right angle on the buildings exterior, vreminds me of mario


I know its been mentioned, but I really wish I could play a map alone to practice wallrunning, I seriously need practice with it.


After 30 games of CTF, I reverse my opinion about being able to get into a Titan with the flag as overpowered. In fact, I think that plus needing flag at home to score is what gives it that good ol' Halo CE feel. Two flag carrying Titans duking it out is awesome... The winner racing home to score, only to have the flag stolen again. So good.



That was intense.


I know its been mentioned, but I really wish I could play a map alone to practice wallrunning, I seriously need practice with it.

Yeah, I feel like an idiot trying and failing some of the jumps. Miss it, slowly slide down, look around in shame and see if anyone saw.
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