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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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The Flash

Sorry if it's silly, but is this a game you guys see playing... all year? Anyone getting bored, or feeling that it's more "flavour of the month"?

I could play games like Halo CE and COD4 for months, but never really got that spark with most other games. I loved TFall's beta, and CTF mode looks real good, but I wonder how true the "needs more modes, not enough content, gets old fast" complaints are.

Anyone try going back to slower games like COD or Battlefield?

One thing I often wonder is that if games like TitanFall exist, they must seriously throw people off who go to other heavier shooters. Sort of like how some people seem to complain about COD for not having Bad Company's destructibility.

I do think Titanfall's amazing speed and movement could make people turned off from titles like COD, sort of how lots of COD players can't seem to adjust to other shooters if it doesn't "feel" like COD. I'm interested if the same will happen with Titanfall


je_ssi e

This is what it's like for me right now: http://1drv.ms/1iHMc9D
Holy shit that sucks.
Did the guy that killed you have a high ping? It kind of looks like it the way he's moving.

I notice a lot of the time dudes who have 80+ ping are God-Like. I don't think I should be playing on my local sever. Aha. I usually average between 15-30 ping on North Central. NC is probably Chicago, which is about 100miles from me.

Maybe I should be playing over in Europe.


Wowow, the Stryder is so much fun. I'm in love with the infinite dash core.
I love using the infinite dashcore in circular rooms.
It just makes me giggle.

But, Stryder is def my favorite titan.
I don't even want to use the other ones.
Sorry if it's silly, but is this a game you guys see playing... all year? Anyone getting bored, or feeling that it's more "flavour of the month"?

I could play games like Halo CE and COD4 for months, but never really got that spark with most other games. I loved TFall's beta, and CTF mode looks real good, but I wonder how true the "needs more modes, not enough content, gets old fast" complaints are.

Anyone try going back to slower games like COD or Battlefield?

One thing I often wonder is that if games like TitanFall exist, they must seriously throw people off who go to other heavier shooters. Sort of like how some people seem to complain about COD for not having Bad Company's destructibility.

I do think Titanfall's amazing speed and movement could make people turned off from titles like COD, sort of how lots of COD players can't seem to adjust to other shooters if it doesn't "feel" like COD. I'm interested if the same will happen with Titanfall

After the beta ended I had trouble playing BF4 again. I never got as good as I was pre-beta. I kept trying to do things that I couldn't.


Picked it back up..I can't quit you Titanfall. Went 7-1..and the one death was a dude that skipped all over the place. Felt good. :)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Man. Game is so good. But I'm experiencing some lag issues. Not sure if it's my streaming or not. I have nearly full bars when it's happening. Also. How do you swap between chats? If I'm broadcasting how do I go to game chat? Shits so confusing.


Unlimited Capacity
Pilot Hunter is most definitely the weakest mode.
I tend to just leave a lobby if it shows up in the Variety Pack.

I've been playing alone most of the day. Anyone wanna play with me on Xbox 1?

GT: Kyzon Xin

We can do whatever. All modes, campaign, etc.

How is pilot hunter worse than attrition? At least you can mount a comeback in Pilot Hunter.


I thought I did well with the 360 pad on the beta but the skill ceiling in retail got way higher, I got raped last night after installing o_O
Like 0,3 K/D or something lol
I guess I'll have to play with the mouse...
Just a heads for anybody buying Titanfall digital today in the uk.
The game is £54.99 in the xbox store.
But for some reason only £49.99 in the Microsoft store.


Atrittion has a really bad balance. First team that calls some titans will rule the field for about 2minutes and then most of the points are already earned.

Titans should come later or everyone should start with one. Now it's like: heey I join the match with a titan cause of my uberburncard...

Dunno. This is dull.


LOL - I am level 38 and only used 29 burn cards. I have a full deck, but just forget to use them. Which is a waste, because they do help.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
LOL - I am level 38 and only used 29 burn cards. I have a full deck, but just forget to use them. Which is a waste, because they do help.

I keep hoarding them out of habit. Should't though because then up I can't get fresh ones.
What differences are you noticing from the beta?

So far it looks like
- Shotguns nerfed a little
- Titans either do less damage or have better shields - theyre lasting much longer

any more?


I am constantly stuck on this loading screen, even happened to me in the Beta, changing servers didn't fix the issue. Help anyone?



Subete no aware
Campaign is actually kind of fun. I like the solder dialogue while playing. Keeps it immersive. For some reason I feel like I'm in a Disney ride or something!

Also who's the bad guys, Militia or IMC?
Thanks. Will do next time!
Ultimately, it becomes
robots vs humans. There's no reason why the humans left with the IMC would still want to work with the robots running the IMC though.


I'm extremely dissappointed with the game right now. The latency I get here in Spain is god fucking awful, over 120ms when I'm used to 30-40ms on every other game. Where the fuck are the EU West servers located? If they knew the latency would be so horrible everywhere where they don't have really near servers they should've let people set theirs up.

Man, I think I'll rephrase it because I'm not dissapointed, I have to say I'm angry right now at EA/Respawn. It's very frustrating to shoot someone in the face with the shotgun just to be killed and see in their killcam that you actually did nothing according to the server. On a game you love but you can't enjoy because of a business decision.


I can't wait to get home in 2 hours and play some TitanFall. Three more levels and I'll hit level 50 to regen. I'm definitely hitting it today.
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