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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Card Boy

I accidentally ordered Titanfall twice off the Mexican store. I got my refund by Live chat and they didn't even question why i paid in Pesos and got a refund in Aussie dollars.

Origin rules!
Installing the PC version right now but am I right that there are no plans for the game to support player-run dedicated servers?

Does that mean three years from now, when most gamers have moved on to the next big game that EA will shut down those servers, leaving us stuck with a game we can't play?


Pilot, your Titan is ready, prepare for Titanbombs
Then I'm accessing servers more than 2300km away from my location. And those are the closest and the ones that offer me the best latency.

I played with a friend from Spain yesterday on 'West Europe'. Those are hosted in UK and he had around 60-80 ping. Sucks you're experiencing those latency issues.

edit - EU West aren't in the Netherlands, that's EU North?


I played with a friend from Spain yesterday on 'West Europe'. Those are hosted in UK and he had about 60-80 ping. Strange you have such high latency to them.

I played yesterday too with five of my friends around here and we're ALL having bad latencies. The one thad had the best ping was around 95ms and he lives in the Basque Country, like 1000km closer to the servers than I am. A pal from Ceuta (autonomous Spanish town located in the African continent) has it worse, never under 140ms. We all are used to play in BF4 servers and somewhere between 50 and 60ms is the worse we get.

Respawn should definitely set up some EU South servers. And it's a pity to segmentate more the playerbase because the community is surprising me, very nice and friendly, but playing as we are right now is frustrating.

I like this incentive
PC or Xbox One? I ran into some guys running cheats on the PC version today at my friend's place. A mix of aim bots and invulnerability sucked all the fun right out of it instantly.

I have definitely played against players with what appears to be invulnerability cheats.

Now for a novice question: How can you really tell if a player is using an aim bot and isn't just very good?

Fuck this match. CTF with full connection and no bullet damage.
I cloak up to a guy and empty my carbine into him. He turns around and kills me.
On his kill cam I am still cloaked when he kills me. What kind of bullshit is that.

I wish I could turn off the kill cam. It has caused me too many rage inducing moments.
Sorry if it's silly, but is this a game you guys see playing... all year? Anyone getting bored, or feeling that it's more "flavour of the month"?

I could play games like Halo CE and COD4 for months, but never really got that spark with most other games. I loved TFall's beta, and CTF mode looks real good, but I wonder how true the "needs more modes, not enough content, gets old fast" complaints are.

Anyone try going back to slower games like COD or Battlefield?

One thing I often wonder is that if games like TitanFall exist, they must seriously throw people off who go to other heavier shooters. Sort of like how some people seem to complain about COD for not having Bad Company's destructibility.

I do think Titanfall's amazing speed and movement could make people turned off from titles like COD, sort of how lots of COD players can't seem to adjust to other shooters if it doesn't "feel" like COD. I'm interested if the same will happen with Titanfall

I'm not a CoD player, so I can't comment on that.

That said, I do agree that I don't see myself playing Titanfall for long months like I would with Battlefield. The game's design is just too safe about trying to make everyone happy in some way or form. Minions are there so you'll always have something to kill. Titans are CoD killstreaks that anyone can get. The game will ALWAYS feel good to play, but at the same time it lacks the competitive excitement/thrill/dread that I get from playing battlefield.

If only BF4 wasn't so broken.
If only there was BFBC2 remake.

Obviously, I'm BF-biased.

New Page, New Ad.

I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:

PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg

Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv

Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.

Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.


so i have died around walls a good few times in this game, even recorded it happening.
it also just happened on the race stream.
I added my name to the Origin / PC spreadsheet list and it has appeared twice. No idea why as it all seemed okay from my side. Sorry about that.


I accidentally ordered Titanfall twice off the Mexican store. I got my refund by Live chat and they didn't even question why i paid in Pesos and got a refund in Aussie dollars.

Origin rules!

Great that you got the refund. I guess it's better for them than you buying it off some cd key site. I was worried when I bought mine via mexico but worked really well.

Just played my first few games (since the beta) and the local aussie servers made a huge difference. Actually playing the game with a 50 ping feels amazing after hitting 150-220 in the beta.

Will take awhile to get used to it after so many hours of BF4 but crazy fun game.
Because the maps are really big and there are 15 of them, I've having trouble remember what is what and what is on which map.

There are a lot of things I really like about this game. One of the most prominent is being flung high into the air and not having to worry about fall damage. No fall damage is, like, the greatest thing ever. I love boarding enemy titans and trying to kill them.
I'm extremely dissappointed with the game right now. The latency I get here in Spain is god fucking awful, over 120ms when I'm used to 30-40ms on every other game. Where the fuck are the EU West servers located? If they knew the latency would be so horrible everywhere where they don't have really near servers they should've let people set theirs up.

Man, I think I'll rephrase it because I'm not dissapointed, I have to say I'm angry right now at EA/Respawn. It's very frustrating to shoot someone in the face with the shotgun just to be killed and see in their killcam that you actually did nothing according to the server. On a game you love but you can't enjoy because of a business decision.

Strange, I was getting around 50ms yesterday. Still disappointing though since I get low 30s in most BF4 servers in Spain France and Germany.


Sorry if it's silly, but is this a game you guys see playing... all year? Anyone getting bored, or feeling that it's more "flavour of the month"?

I could play games like Halo CE and COD4 for months, but never really got that spark with most other games. I loved TFall's beta, and CTF mode looks real good, but I wonder how true the "needs more modes, not enough content, gets old fast" complaints are.

Anyone try going back to slower games like COD or Battlefield?

One thing I often wonder is that if games like TitanFall exist, they must seriously throw people off who go to other heavier shooters. Sort of like how some people seem to complain about COD for not having Bad Company's destructibility.

I do think Titanfall's amazing speed and movement could make people turned off from titles like COD, sort of how lots of COD players can't seem to adjust to other shooters if it doesn't "feel" like COD. I'm interested if the same will happen with Titanfall

Yeah, probably not. I'm expecting same stuff I always experience with CoDs, it's massively fun for the first three weeks then I suddenly get bored.

And go back to Counter Strike. I always go back to Counter Strike.

Would be great if the game did last longer than a month for me, though! We'll see
Did you eject indoor ? :D

Nah it was more a case of me panicking and ejecting from my Titan just before it was doomed. Thus instead of ejecting in the air I just left my Titan and went to ground. My Titan then proceeds to get doomed and blows up with me still in the proximity. Not my finest work :/


That awkward moment when you kill yourself with your own nuclear ejection.

It's happened to me so many times I've switched to an another perk altogether. Indoors it's supposed to do it, I get it, but I've gotten stuck in random things so many times while ejecting I decided it's not worth it.


I never actually checked, but does the other team get points if you blow yourself up? If not, it's not really a problem unless you have a good Burn Card you don't want to waste.


Just played this at my brothers house and wow its pretty good

Hits the nail right on the head, its fast and responsive the addition of Wall jumping
is a great addition to the genre, huge/deep learning curve +1

Graphics & animations look smooth, maps look amazing and each of the levels are varied and designed really well.

to the problems i experience when playing

Player counts
in honestly this needs a little increase, killing 8 pilots (players) and 25+ (Ai) grunts really takes away from the overall experience, its just less satisfying especially when seeing everyone's scores are usually on Bots.

Player increase couldnt hurt TitanFall because the Maps are perfectly built for it, just place a few tweeks with only 10-12 Titans that can be called at one time, maximum of 12v12, no more than that it could get to chaotic.

takes a hit in busy areas and ruins the flow, it is noticeable especially when in a titan

All in All great game that showcases some really nice mechanics, i wouldn't say revolutionary but its damn good fun, with some improvements to player count and overall performance it could definitely threatening COD and Battlefield in the near future


also 720p or 792p or 1080p doesnt make a difference, Titanfall looks great regardless
C.A.R. SMG is too good

Game has like 5 good guns, everything else is just useless feeling, which really hurts the already small weapon selection. They made the basic carbine and the CAR SMG just too good that it's hard to really even add different guns to the game later on to really have a point. The carbine is so good with this style of game that it makes the hemlock and semi auto weapons feel pointless.

Shotgun does its broken short range work, and the lmg is iffy but a decent Titan killing machine. Smart pistol...lol. Everything else seems pointless for the game as is.
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