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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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It's too small lol

Guess I'm just absent-minded. Shame, cause I'm doing great without them, I'd imagine I'd do really really great with them

I constantly use the amped shotgun. makes for short encounters. and it's nice when rodeoing the titan of a conscious player. Deals a lot of a damage even tho I have to flee prematuraly.


A couple of my finer moments (Xbox One): http://1drv.ms/NdezxC

I'm quite pleased with the variety in how you can play with the Titans. I was worried with only three chassis that it would be only 3 styles of play, but I've been able to deck out my Titans based on the game type and who I'm playing with to a pleasant and varying degree.

Item Box

my burn card deck is usually full 99% of the time, as i never really have much of an interest in using th-

Pack 5: Atlas Refurb, Reserve Ogre, Spare Stryder and Spectre Camo x 3



Umh... Yes? Do you have the same provider? Are you all in the same geographical area?

Nope, different providers. 3 of us in the same area, one like 150km to the south and across the sea and the fifth (who gets the best ping) is about 1000km away, he's in the north of Spain. The two guys in my same area have fiber and only slightly less latency than I do, the one in the north has DSL too and has the best latency of all of us.

And I have to remark that this only happens to us with Titallfall, we all have good pings on other games like BF4 or TF2. But of course, those games have local servers.


First of all, Titanfall is amazing, major props to Respawn.

I don't think I've ever had so much fun playing a game since Halo CE (lan wars). Everything you do feels just right, that being wallrunning, rodeoing a titan, or piloting it. I've already dropped a titan on a titan, catapulted into the already-leaving dropship (my best moment so far), and got a few nice 40mm cannon shots. I'm curiously awainting what more capable players than me will be able to do in this game. It's been a while since I've watched tournament streams (MLG Combat Evolved back in the day, and SF4 most lately), but I will certainly watch pros play Titanfall.

Playing on my 7 year old PC with a 360 pad, everything on low and getting about 40fps, so... not so hot, that being said, fun is still being had :)


I wish it would throw away your common burn cards before the rare ones. I got a card pack for whatever reason and it threw away a Reserve Ogre I'd had in the deck for a couple days.

I really shouldn't horde rare cards anyway. Because it isn't like there will be some match that is suddenly more important than another one where it is finally worth it to use a rare card.
It seems like tons of people don't like actually doing the objectives, I've noticed that especially in Hardpoint.

It's quite frustrating. I know defending isn't always fun but it kinda goes with the game mode. And when I say defending I don't mean you have to camp the flag room, just be around the area so that the enemy team can't pick up the flag and leave the area uncontested.

I've actually noticed better organised teams follow this kind of strat. Defend for the first half and in the mean time farm up points towards your Titan. They then wait till the point, in the second half, where 3-4 people have Titans on standby and then unleash them all at the same time and just go for the enemy flag. At that point it's GGWP.


It seems like tons of people don't like actually doing the objectives, I've noticed that especially in Hardpoint.

Yesterday I realized when playing Hardpoint that as the match goes on I get too caught up in killing Titans and stop thinking about the objectives at times. Because of that I've started focusing more on the points that let Titans cap them, so I'm less likely to get pulled away like a moth to robots punching each other.


Yesterday I realized when playing Hardpoint that as the match goes on I get too caught up in killing Titans and stop thinking about the objectives at times. Because of that I've started focusing more on the points that let Titans cap them, so I'm less likely to get pulled away like a moth to robots punching each other.

I just sit and defend, call in my titan to guard outside which lets me know when another Titan comes by (they almost always think a auto titan is an easy kill) so I can expect a pilot to show up or just pop out and assist my Titan with my rockets as I rack up a ton of Defender points.
I called my Titan in on top of an enemy Titan twice in a row last night.

Favorite mode so far... Last titan standing. It was my favorite in beta too.
Looks like we have several spreadsheets going on. Can we decide which one is boss and post it to the OP?

First One:
How is this for sharing Origin IDs and gamertags? Does it work?


Second One:
I've created 2 google docs for people to share their Origin/Xbox GamerTag in:

PC/Origin: http://tinyurl.com/lkuc8hg

Xbox One: http://tinyurl.com/kw75uvv

Same as the BF4 spreadsheets, pm me for any corrections.

Edit: You have to refresh after you fill out the form to see your information show up on the spreadsheet.


I've warmed up to this game but the novelty wears off after about an hour.

The matchmaking (on PC at least) seems to be really poorly done. I've been on teams where we had multiple players with single digit rankings going against teams where everyone was in the 30s and 40s. I don't get why this is a hard thing to do but it kind of fucks up the game because the highly ranked team will just dominate from the start and the lower ranked team can't get rid of the Titans.

I don't get why getting ranking balance in matchmaking in so difficult for devs. It's math. Just add up one teams rankings versus the others and if it is way off then change the teams up. BF4 is also just awful at this. Out of all the devs I think Bungie is probably the best at it.


I'm in love with CTF mode. It reminds me so much of Shadowrun. I grab the flag, and I'm out the window before the wall hanging defenders can get a bead on me. I jump past my Defend-mode Titan, do multiple-wall runs, getting higher. The guy who come piling out after me get splattered by my Titan as I sprint the rest of the way home. Booyah!


It could be just me but I doubt it. Most of the time I run into French the first words that comes out if their mouths, in that French accent, you fat stupid American.... Lol.... Muted.
Anyone else not into the whole burn-card mechanic of the game? It was just being discussed and it got me thinking... oh, i forgot about those. I'm not sure if it's because i was never a big perk person in the COD games or if it's because i'm more concentrated on just playing the game... id be completely fine if they didn't exist. Anyone else feel the same way?
Anyone else not into the whole burn-card mechanic of the game? It was just being discussed and it got me thinking... oh, i forgot about those. I'm not sure if it's because i was never a big perk person in the COD games or if it's because i'm more concentrated on just playing the game... id be completely fine if they didn't exist. Anyone else feel the same way?

if you're not using those burn cards you're putting yourself at huge disadvantage.
I've warmed up to this game but the novelty wears off after about an hour.

The matchmaking (on PC at least) seems to be really poorly done. I've been on teams where we had multiple players with single digit rankings going against teams where everyone was in the 30s and 40s. I don't get why this is a hard thing to do but it kind of fucks up the game because the highly ranked team will just dominate from the start and the lower ranked team can't get rid of the Titans.

I don't get why getting ranking balance in matchmaking in so difficult for devs. It's math. Just add up one teams rankings versus the others and if it is way off then change the teams up. BF4 is also just awful at this. Out of all the devs I think Bungie is probably the best at it.

Matchmaking is based on hidden skill rank... think Bungie's Halo 2 visible rank... everyone in TF has one that cannot be seen. The rank you see is simply time in game. The thing about true skill matchmaking is it requires some time to "get going".

def sim

Anyone else not into the whole burn-card mechanic of the game? It was just being discussed and it got me thinking... oh, i forgot about those. I'm not sure if it's because i was never a big perk person in the COD games or if it's because i'm more concentrated on just playing the game... id be completely fine if they didn't exist. Anyone else feel the same way?

It's good that they aren't necessary to be competitive. They do help and some of them have abilities that can be a lot of fun, though.


Yeah, you're probably right. I'll have to start being more diligent... i'm not even like a level 15 or something... so that could also be part of it.

Burn cards are great. Think of them as a little spice in the stew. The obvious advantage comes from stuff like amped weapons and shorter build times, but you can do some fun stuff with some of the weirder cards.

Mixing prosthetic legs with stim is like playing the Flash. I personally like the card that gives you infinite arc grenades. You can really spoil a team's day when every time they get into a titan fight they're half-blind.


Burn cards are great. Think of them as a little spice in the stew. The obvious advantage comes from stuff like amped weapons and shorter build times, but you can do some fun stuff with some of the weirder cards.

Mixing prosthetic legs with stim is like playing the Flash. I personally like the card that gives you infinite arc grenades. You can really spoil a team's day when every time they get into a titan fight they're half-blind.

I used the radar card last night and didn't die once.
Installing now, felt like those 5 weeks or so since the beta have gone really quick.

Shame I can't play until after work tonight but looking forward to it.
I understand burn cards are useful but the need to immediately respawn and save an objective or take one yourself to stop the increase of enemy tickets supercedes the time and effort to use the card from the menu.


Atrittion has a really bad balance. First team that calls some titans will rule the field for about 2minutes and then most of the points are already earned.

Titans should come later or everyone should start with one. Now it's like: heey I join the match with a titan cause of my uberburncard...

Dunno. This is dull.

Only time I've ever felt bad for the other team was because of Titans.

I like or love all the maps except for Outpost 207 and Rise (and Airbase is borderline for me), so I've begun saving my Titan burn cards to drop in early on them. Rise came up, so I burned a Refurb Atlas. A teammate must have felt the same way and he dropped his Atlas in, so not 20 seconds into the game we had two Atlas Titans charging towards the enemy.

It was a massacre.

.....but, everyone can do it every so often. I still like it.


Separately, once you get used to it, Arc Cannon is a lot of fun. Used it on Overlook and I think I got 6 or 7 enemies, including a Pilot, in one blast. It and the Rail Gun definitely take more patience and learning than, say, the 40mm though.

And I just cannot get into the Triple Threat. I've only used it on the Ogre thus far, so maybe that's my problem. I suck with the Ogre, so slow.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Re: smart pistol...
The game needs this to balance out the fact it is taking away good aim as a requirement for a kill even if the lock on takes time.
It really doesn't... in fact I'd argue you might be misunderstanding the entire purpose of including the gun in the game. It rules out good aim as a requirement for a kill for all players, at such enormous functional cost to the point that it's barely even an option at high skill levels.
We played with that version. It is a very different weapon, more like a DoT (damage over time). It has its own virtues but it doesn't serve the same goal of rewarding you for tracking a target without being detected.

If you expressed the effectiveness of the smart pistol on a graph, where one axis is the effectiveness of the weapon and the other is player skill, you would find that at lower player skills, the smart pistol provides a large benefit, but at higher skills, it caps out almost completely and falls behind other weapons.

The "detected" version does not provide as big an effectiveness increase, because an aware player is much harder to keep under the reticle.
Oh hah. Look at that.

Incredible game BTW. Well done.
Anyone else not into the whole burn-card mechanic of the game? It was just being discussed and it got me thinking... oh, i forgot about those. I'm not sure if it's because i was never a big perk person in the COD games or if it's because i'm more concentrated on just playing the game... id be completely fine if they didn't exist. Anyone else feel the same way?
Basically, I'd be completely fine if they didn't exist, which makes me like them. The fact that they don't make or break the game makes them way more compelling to me. You get a slight advantage from using them wisely and you're at a slight disadvantage if you don't, and that's about it.

More I play this game the more I think it was balanced by god.
Anybody else is enjoying the Variety playlist most of all? Cycling through all the modes keeps things really fresh. I've been playing nothing but that.
It's good that they aren't necessary to be competitive. They do help and some of them have abilities that can be a lot of fun, though.

Burn cards are great. Think of them as a little spice in the stew. The obvious advantage comes from stuff like amped weapons and shorter build times, but you can do some fun stuff with some of the weirder cards.

Mixing prosthetic legs with stim is like playing the Flash. I personally like the card that gives you infinite arc grenades. You can really spoil a team's day when every time they get into a titan fight they're half-blind.

Re: smart pistol...
It really doesn't... in fact I'd argue you might be misunderstanding the entire purpose of including the gun in the game. It rules out good aim as a requirement for a kill for all players, at such enormous functional cost to the point that it's barely even an option at high skill levels.

Oh hah. Look at that.

Incredible game BTW. Well done.

Basically, I'd be completely fine if they didn't exist, which makes me like them. The fact that they don't make or break the game makes them way more compelling to me. You get a slight advantage from using them wisely and you're at a slight disadvantage if you don't, and that's about it.

More I play this game the more I think it was balanced by god.

You guys bring up some really great points. I'll have to actually start using them... i honestly don't think i've used a single one yet! Time to experiment. This weekend will be all Titanfall (thank god the girlfriend is just as excited to play).... well Titanfall and beer.
It seems like tons of people don't like actually doing the objectives, I've noticed that especially in Hardpoint.
Sadly, objectives being ignored in favor of playing TDM 24/7 is nothing new for online games. Eventually, I hope someone gets on tracking player actions during matches with specific rules and offering a rating for anyone to see and for anyone to be matched based on their ability to play each gametype by their rules. Teamplayer ratings or something to that effect.
Not the best game to play when really tired. Top of the scoreboard one round, bottom of the board the next.

Yeah, I had a bad day yesterday; tired and p*ssed off with work. I thought I was going off the game but today is a lot better.

Did you eject indoor ? :D

I have done this a few times; I now try to make sure there is an opening in the roof if I go indoors to try and minimise these issues. I'm happier to kill myself than be killed however.
Yeah, I had a bad day yesterday; tired and p*ssed off with work. I thought I was going off the game but today is a lot better.

I have done this a few times; I now try to make sure there is an opening in the roof if I go indoors to try and minimise these issues. I'm happier to kill myself than be killed however.

Glad to see it was a little better for ya!

And indoors i think you can just hold X instead to disembark out the front so you dont shoot into the ceiling. Or can you not when doomed and only do the tap X eject out the top?


I've landed back in the UK and nearly home. Gonna get it installing ASAP. Add me so I can shoot it up with ya'll or I'll drop a titan on you!

AnX IReCoiLz
Glad to see it was a little better for ya!

And indoors i think you can just hold X instead to disembark out the front so you dont shoot into the ceiling. Or can you not when doomed and only do the tap X eject out the top?

I can't believe I thought I was going off the game. It's crazy what a day can do but I suppose this is relevant for everything in life.

I think you have to tap the eject button when doomed; It has become a force of habit to do this anyway. I will have to try just pressing it once.


Feels so good 82% win/loss, 3.4 k/d (versus pilots) and regenerated yesterday I love this game! It's the best time waster before classes lol!
The one thing I really don't understand is why they didn't put any team rebalancing in. I'm not sure who thought people would like to just have the teams constantly stay the same, so that often one team just continuously steamrolls the other.


The one thing I really don't understand is why they didn't put any team rebalancing in. I'm not sure who thought people would like to just have the teams constantly stay the same, so that often one team just continuously steamrolls the other.

It doesn't make sense so they will probably fix it.


What the hell. Played two campaign missions as IMC, level up to 20, the game disconnects or some shit during the final scoreboard, and when I reconnect I'm back to level 19. WHY TITANFALL WHY


The one thing I really don't understand is why they didn't put any team rebalancing in. I'm not sure who thought people would like to just have the teams constantly stay the same, so that often one team just continuously steamrolls the other.

Well, it's not all bad.

There have been times where it felt like an opposing player and I got into a rivalry / actively tried to kick each others asses.


I fucking swear to god, the cards need to be there, on the screen during the kill cam. My deck is full and I just lost one of the "rare card packs" you get by reaching a certain rank cause my deck is full of amped shotguns, amped smgs and those extra point cards for infantry.

That was my fault. By the time we noticed this bug, it was outside the category of severity that we were still fixing for release.

It will be fixed, but in the mean time many a rare pack will be left unclaimed. I was watching a Gen3 co-worker play, his deck was full of amped RE-45s and whatnot with only one rare. He has probably missed out on ~40-50 rares because he hasn't been discarding enough.


Formerly Gizmowned
Something is up with the leaderboards in-game. I killed about 6 players aka Pilots but on the board is says I only killed 1.

I know I got more than 1 since it's easy to spot who you kill with their name being gold rather than blue/white.
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