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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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Man, I think I have to stop playing Last Titan Standing until some changes are made...last night I spent about an hour playing (on PC) and did not have a single good match. This was because the way matchmaking works right now does not balance the teams, and in each of my games I was left with 1-2 teammates vs. a full team. I tried to stay in order to get a full team going after one or maybe two matches MAX but it persisted beyond that into every match I played. Finally before I needed to sleep I had a full team, in the fourth round, already down 3-0 so it was pretty useless.

In LTS this is particularly devastating, even being down one player gives the other team a significant advantage, but being down 2, 3, or 4 players is a waste of everyone's time. In Attrition or Hardpoint this issue is not as significant. But until this is addressed, I don't think I can spend time trying to play LTS even though it's one of my favorite modes in the game.

Hate it when it happens as I had several matches where is 3 vs 6. Worst the matchmaking decided to throw in player to the opposite side when one of them leave the match while my team of 3 players was not given such luxury of having an extra player...

Although lately I've been playing Attrition only as Hardpoint, LTS, and CTF is such a pain if your team lacks the manpower to achieve the objective.

I think that I might just equip a shotgun for that. Do I have to wait until the titan detonates before getting thrust up in the air? I usually jump off right after the titan is doom.

If the pilot of the doomed titan happen to have auto-eject and nuclear ejection equipped, you will get ejected to the air together with the pilot after it blows up as long you don't jump off immediately. (I see no reason to jump off quickly unless there is enemy around or the titan is going to nuclear explosion).

I find it best to do it by rodeo the enemy titan who are engaged with at least two friendly titans and slowly damage the weak point (the Spitfire LMG or Smart Pistol does a lot of damage in short amount of time).


keep your strippers out of my American football
Jesus, I am so inconsistent in this game. One match I will kill numerous pilots, titans and bots and not die once, the next match I'll barely kill any enemies and I'll die loads of times. I think it has to do with which map I'm on, there are some locations where I just suck playing at, Relic and Airbase immediately come to mind, I play like garbage there. Anyone else have the same problem?

For me, I am usually playing solo with randoms so there is no communication. If there is a dude camped in a hiding spot at a hardpoint, no one is calling it out, we are just getting killed one by one. I played a game yesterday when I saw some expert level coordination going on. Made me jealous.


As far as goosers go, my thoughts so far (have not attempted any yet) is that: 1.) equip either the arc cannon (seems to auto aim on pilots) or chaingun w/ accel. 2.) Rodeo a titan until it ejects both you and the titan pilot up and attempt to pop them in the air, or 3.) I have no other ideas...perhaps try to scope ejecting pilots from the sidelines?
As far as goosers go, my thoughts so far (have not attempted any yet) is that: 1.) equip either the arc cannon (seems to auto aim on pilots) or chaingun w/ accel. 2.) Rodeo a titan until it ejects both you and the titan pilot up and attempt to pop them in the air, or 3.) I have no other ideas...perhaps try to scope ejecting pilots from the sidelines?

Does the smart pistol lock into cloaked enemies? I never really use it, but figure it might help a lot with your #2 strategy.


I'm with you 100%. All these stupid prestige and regen post ranks are pointless if they dont grant new weapons or abilities that help in game IMO. I could give two shits about a icon next to my name. Id MUCH rather have everything unlocked and at my disposal for whenever i want it.

after you regen a couple of times you're essentially forced to try other loadouts and start to be much more flexible with them and it leads to discovery of different ones because if you only go through the leveling up process once you become overly reliant on one loadout.

also the old 50 gooser challenge really taught you through hard repetition that its actually very possible to get kills off ejecting pilots before that i avoided doing so but more and more you recognize situations when it becomes beneficial to do so.

Does the smart pistol lock into cloaked enemies? I never really use it, but figure it might help a lot with your #2 strategy.
yes but it locks on at a much slower rate.

as for gooser the best is chaingun with extended clip, accelerator has too much recoil, arc cannon is decent but it has a limited range. the other method is to rodeo and kill the pilot as you both eject. smart pistol is too slow LMG + slammer or carbine works best. during the rodeo'd eject the titan pilot will typically be slightly down and to the left.
I went exclusively with Atlas because it's core ability is damage. 2 dashes was enough for me to work with and engaging the damage core ability with the rail gun was very effective. I didn't even change the tier kit to enable quicker core ability recharge ... I bet that would have helped.

I'm wondering why the core abilities aren't customizable? Even with dash core, the Ogre Titan is so heavy that it wouldn't get very fare with it. It would work if they did it right.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
I think that I might just equip a shotgun for that. Do I have to wait until the titan detonates before getting thrust up in the air? I usually jump off right after the titan is doom.

It's done automatically when the pilot ejects. If the pilot never ejects then I'm not sure what happens.

MaximusPayne said:
I'm wondering why the core abilities aren't customizable? Even with dash core, the Ogre Titan is so heavy that it wouldn't get very fare with it. It would work if they did it right.

I am guessing they locked each titans core ability for balancing purposes.


Damn matchmaking sucking ass today, 4 games in a row I've joined into a team getting stomped well beyond my help. Not much one player can do against full teams of gen 4s to 10s.
I have been sat at level 50 for over 2 weeks and have no inclination to regen. I have seen quite a few players at 50 (who I have asked) and they won't be bothering too.

It is just an icon and having read how many of the challenges lead to a miserable experience I have sworn off doing it. I am having too much fun playing the game the way I want with the guns I want.

Plus it can lead to selfish play that affects the team.

Regenning is pretty pointless, EXCEPT that the "Regen requirements" encouraging you to use different weapons are a good way to force you to play differently in the game.

Ultimately, regenning is silly, but it's a decent way to encourage people to keep playing and try different styles of play. I would have never tried the 40mm cannon until regen 2 because the few times I used it early on, i thought it was terrible. Lo and behold it became my favorite titan weapon.


I miss my Xbox One :(

Titanfall has ruined every other game for me.

So close to buying it on Origin and playing it at 800x600 or whatever the Surface Pro can handle...


I miss my Xbox One :(

Titanfall has ruined every other game for me.

So close to buying it on Origin and playing it at 800x600 or whatever the Surface Pro can handle...

Its a decent enough game dude, but you are possibly going a touch far lol.

Its just got that addictive whack a mole repetitiveness of the COD series that not many games have. I feel like I'm burning out of it after about 6-7 hours.


That is really not my experience at all. In "Last Titan Standing" I even feel like the framerate is a little more consistent than the Xbox One version.
The framerate isn't even holding a solid 30.

If the framerate is this bad on the XBO version.....
The framerate isn't even holding a solid 30.

If the framerate is this bad on the XBO version.....

Haven't noticed many issues with the 360 version. Once or twice (almost fourth gen so I've played a while), but not often.

Then again, I'm one of the people who couldn't tell 30 fps from 60 fps if my life depended on it. I almost feel like you have to be looking for dips instead of playing the game to notice most.
I think it does, but I am horrid witht the smart pistol. I never have the patience to wait for all the points to line up lol.

Smart pistol + advanced parkour kit = sheer joy on hardpoint... Jump up and stick to a wall, wait for some scrub to run in, autopistol them to death.


Its a decent enough game dude, but you are possibly going a touch far lol.

Its just got that addictive whack a mole repetitiveness of the COD series that not many games have. I feel like I'm burning out of it after about 6-7 hours.

Well, I never got into COD, in fact I rather hated playing it online after about 30 minutes and I had tried that a few times over the course of years. I think what really makes Titanfall special for me is that I was able to be there for the beginning. Sure I got 1000 GS or Gen 10 but that really was just time put into it.

Being at the start of a game which feels so different from others, being an FPS with really easy parkour but forcing most people to start from scratch on the learning curve allowed me to go into it feeling like I had a chance to good at it. The gunplay itself really isn't anything new, but the way the build timer works, burn cards, attrition points etc. It put a twist that made me feel comfortable studying.

A new COD or a new Street Fighter (or any 2D fighter tbh) has a huge set of prerequisites. Unfortunately being in Tokyo atm with no consoles, the only thing I have are Arcades and I just don't have a chance in any of them.

Respawn did a great job at mixing up the multiplayer FPS gameplay. A very great job indeed.

The Cowboy

Anyone else think the final hours should have been included as part of the season pass or free for those that own it?, i know its only £1.59 for the final hours, but I'm just kinda surprised they didn't include it in the season pass (well, not so much surprised, more disappointed).
I have been sat at level 50 for over 2 weeks and have no inclination to regen. I have seen quite a few players at 50 (who I have asked) and they won't be bothering too.

It is just an icon and having read how many of the challenges lead to a miserable experience I have sworn off doing it. I am having too much fun playing the game the way I want with the guns I want.

Plus it can lead to selfish play that affects the team.

I'm with you 100%. All these stupid prestige and regen post ranks are pointless if they dont grant new weapons or abilities that help in game IMO. I could give two shits about a icon next to my name. Id MUCH rather have everything unlocked and at my disposal for whenever i want it.

If the party screen has focus, you can also hit 'B' on the controller to close it.

You can switch focus back and forth by either:
1: Manually going to the home screen, and selecting a window, or...
2: Double-tapping the home button.

In Titanfall, you can also pull that party screen up by hitting Left-Trigger when you're in a (Titanfall) menu. It'll open it and give it focus, and you can just hit 'B' again to close it right from there.

You can also say "XBox, unsnap"


I miss my Xbox One :(

Titanfall has ruined every other game for me.

So close to buying it on Origin and playing it at 800x600 or whatever the Surface Pro can handle...

Whilst I wouldn't go that far I do know what you mean. Other shooters feel a bit one dimensional post Titanfall. It doesn't get mentioned enough how rich and varied the combat in this game is. Even after 300+ games and 4 generations I'm still learning. It's also interesting to see mostly the same people commenting in this thread week after week, gives you an idea of the game's staying power.


How exactly are those rare burn cards earned? Like if I never regen and complete all the challenges will I no longer get them?

I'm still getting the spare titan cards once every couple of days. All very close to one another. If I haven't had a spare titan in a while and I get a spare Ogre, I know a spare Atlas and Stryder are just around the corner.

I haven't had a spectre camo or map hack in weeks though.


I have tons of those OP burn cards but I only want to use them if playing with friends but none of them are ever on so they just sit there :(

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So, I finally started playing the campaign and all it did was pissing me off, although the game seems great as far as potential goes. Bear in mind I'm not very competent on online FPSs, but after I did the training and read the online "manual" (lol) there's so much the game didn't bother to teach me... WTF.

How do I "rodeo" a Titan? And how do I defend against an enemy rodeo-ing mine?

When you have to protect/capture A/B/C points, is there anything you need to freakin' activate to initiate a defense/capturing process? I mean, in Battlefield you have to activate Comms with X.

Why the hell doesn't it highlight the class/titans I've chosen pre-game?? This is minor but man it is stupid.

Is there a visible energy bar for the enemies/titans (once you start hitting them)?

Do I have to activate the voicechat anywhere? Played 2 hours on XO and didn't hear a single word.
Also, in the lobbies a couple profiles had an emblem (blu or brownish) left to their gamertag but it didn't seem tied to their exp. level because some dudes were higher and yet had no emblem, what is that?

Lastly, sorry for the dumb questions, but what's the quickest way to recognize an enemy as AI/human player?


So, I finally started playing the campaign and all it did was pissing me off, although the game seems great as far as potential goes. Bear in mind I'm not very competent on online FPSs, but after I did the training and read the online "manual" (lol) there's so much the game didn't bother to teach me... WTF.

How do I "rodeo" a Titan? And how do I defend against an enemy rodeo-ing mine?

When you have to protect/capture A/B/C points, is there anything you need to freakin' activate to initiate a defense/capturing process? I mean, in Battlefield you have to activate Comms with X.

Why the hell doesn't it highlight the class/titans I've chosen pre-game?? This is minor but man it is stupid.

Is there a visible energy bar for the enemies/titans (once you start hitting them)?

Do I have to activate the voicechat anywhere? Played 2 hours on XO and didn't hear a single word.
Also, in the lobbies a couple profiles had an emblem (blu or brownish) left to their gamertag but it didn't seem tied to their exp. level because some dudes were higher and yet had no emblem, what is that?

Lastly, sorry for the dumb questions, but what's the quickest way to recognize an enemy as AI/human player?

You rodeo it by jumping on it. You can defend against it by deploying electric smoke or jumping out and shooting the bastard that's on your titan.

Be near the terminal that's at each hardpoint and it'll capture/defend.

It gives you the option of a loadout before the match. I guess it expects you to remember it.

Yes - yellow is the titan's health. The blue sliver above it is its shields.

Not many people talk in game. The emblems are tied to their prestige level.

AI is designated as 'Grunt' or 'Spectre'. A player moves much differently than AI, and they are easily distinguishable.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
You rodeo it by jumping on it. You can defend against it by deploying electric smoke or jumping out and shooting the bastard that's on your titan.

Be near the terminal that's at each hardpoint and it'll capture/defend.

It gives you the option of a loadout before the match. I guess it expects you to remember it.

Yes - yellow is the titan's health. The blue sliver above it is its shields.

Not many people talk in game. The emblems are tied to their prestige level.

AI is designated as 'Grunt' or 'Spectre'. A player moves much differently than AI, and they are easily distinguishable.

Thanks a lot man!
About rodeo, since I don't have electric smoke yet I assume, by jumping out you mean ejecting by tapping X multiple times or getting out by holding X?

I rodeo'ed a Titan once, but I think it was a comrade instead of an enemy, is that possible? Either way, once I,m on their back I shoot at their "fuel tank', yes?

Also I guess I'll need to train a bit before being able to spot AI/HP on the spot :p
Does anybody else feel like this game is playing a little different these last few days?

It's like they changed the physics or something. Game just feels a bit funky.

last night I played LTS and my stryder was moving at like twice the normal speed lol, but it's back to normal today.


Thanks a lot man!
About rodeo, since I don't have electric smoke yet I assume, by jumping out you mean ejecting by tapping X multiple times or getting out by holding X?

I rodeo'ed a Titan once, but I think it was a comrade instead of an enemy, is that possible? Either way, once I,m on their back I shoot at their "fuel tank', yes?

Also I guess I'll need to train a bit before being able to spot AI/HP on the spot :p

You hold X to get out manually while you need to press Dpad down and tap X multiple times to eject (which destroy your Titan in the process).

For rodeo, it applies to both friendly and enemy titan. You can see the animation where if the player model is removing a cover to expose the weak point, that is where you shoot for maximum damage.

Also read the preview of The Final Hours of Titanfall and I crack up badly when the audio team mentioned that the Titan start up sound is taken from an escalator in Singapore (which is pretty close come to think of it). Now whenever I got the chance to use the escalator in Singapore MRT, I can start imagining a Titan somewhere nearby lol.

Going to grab the Final Hours for iPad since the sample preview already hooked me up.
These post-patch load times are obnoxious on PC. I need to time some of these, because it feels like it's taking 2 or more minutes to load some of these maps. It really cuts down on my desire to jump in and play a few rounds.


These post-patch load times are obnoxious on PC. I need to time some of these, because it feels like it's taking 2 or more minutes to load some of these maps. It really cuts down on my desire to jump in and play a few rounds.

Yep, I've been missing the round start so I miss out on the starting burn card. Somehow worse than the beta.
The ONLY issue I have with this game's balance and gameplay right now is satchel charges. I absolutely hate them and I have in every game that's ever had them. Cheap and annoying.
Yep, I've been missing the round start so I miss out on the starting burn card. Somehow worse than the beta.
I can relate to missing round start, it's getting annoying. Can't you still pause and set a burn card a little while after you spawn? I know you can switch load-outs multiple times shortly after you spawn...


I have cleared all campaign mission. Soooooooooo great.

It's feel like when I first played modern warfare 2.

COD: MW2 was my first ever call of duty game, It was fresh when it was released, and this continues at titanfall.
These post-patch load times are obnoxious on PC. I need to time some of these, because it feels like it's taking 2 or more minutes to load some of these maps. It really cuts down on my desire to jump in and play a few rounds.

yeah. makes me think the ultra snappy way the game was during the launch period was for show. It's really noticeable how progressively bad the loading and moving from menu to menu has been on the PC version.
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