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Titanfall |OT| Titan Online. Signal When Ready.

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I just find the decision to remove CTF as a playlist to be incredibly bizarre. Respawn's reasoning is that they want to improve player experience by not having wait times be so long.

Okay, so the solution to that is to remove the game mode entirely as a distinct playlist and specific choice? If people are queuing up for CTF, it's because they want to play CTF! By removing that as a primary game mode you are essentially forcing people to play modes they may not want to, and I struggle to see how that is in any way an improvement to the player's "experience."

Now anyone on PC who enjoys CTF has to play in a variety playlist and hope it comes up during their allotted playtime. That's the superior solution?

Worse yet is Respawn just recently fixed one of the primary complaints players had about CTF, and they didn't even bother waiting to see if that changed anything as far as the mode's popularity.

From what I've seen of the way Respawn handles things, I'm not exactly sure the mood in the studio has changed since the days when they were struggling to get Titan Wars off the ground. A lot of promises, and then a long time of nothing. It's a shame, because I really enjoy the game.

The Cowboy

Now anyone on PC who enjoys CTF has to play in a variety playlist and hope it comes up during their allotted playtime. That's the superior solution?
This is truly a strange thing because as you say, they said they wanted to improve player experience and yet this very clearly does the exact opposite, it makes it worse for the people that played the removed modes - it just makes no sense whatsoever.
Worse yet is Respawn just recently fixed one of the primary complaints players had about CTF, and they didn't even bother waiting to see if that changed anything as far as the mode's popularity.
And yeah this is just the strangest thing of all, to change a mode in such a manner and then remove the entire mode from the playlists a day after without even seeing if it improved things is just well, erm - ???.

Hopefully they see sense and put it back as it was, but considering the 2nd post about it - i really do think they just don't care.


Everytime I revisit this game, I can't figure out my mouse jitter problems. I even downgraded to W7 from W8.

Here's a great example I found on youtube for BF3:

Does anyone know any explanations and fixes? Turning all settings on low and trying out different vsync, power, and buffering options seems to not do a thing. I don't have variable vsync.

My specs are:
i7-3630QM 2.4Ghz
8GB Ram
W7 64 Bit


Just got this game and not having a great experience so far :( Matchmaking in this game seems to be really terrible. About 20ish games so far and I'm always getting matched versus at least 3 opposing players who are G1+. Not that much fun when you are teamed up with other newbies who don't know their way around in this game yet. Have yet to win a single match :D

Also, whats wrong with the campaign game mode? Nobody seems to be playing it at all (PC).

Game seems to be potentially fun, just not yet.

@C.Dark.DN: I have the same issue with VSync enabled on my 780. Turning it off completely introduces a lot of tearing, but at least the game is playable this way.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
They just removed 2 game modes from the playlists, I'd hardly call that making the game better - i also would never ever recommend a game to anyone when the devs do things like this. There is nothing wrong with waiting a bit to get into a game, but that is no reason at all to simply remove the modes from the playlists (which is what Respawn did).

Calling this ignorant is just crazy, you are actually defending a company for REMOVING content from the game that people paid for (i bought this game for HP and CTF) - why would i ever recommend a game to someone when the devs remove content from the game like this?.

I'm glad your happy to support something like this, i never will and i hope they don't up and remove a mode you bought the game for. Plus i honestly never thought I'd see the day I'd be called ignorant because i won't support a company (or recommend it to others) for removing content from a game that i paid for - just wow.
Calling you ignorant to the way matchmaking systems works is not crazy. You clearly are if you think rejiggering playlists for the better is similar to removing content from the game. Guess what? More people are gonna be playing CTF now than they ever were before. Change for the better. It's an ugly truth the playlist couldn't sustain itself but they fixed it for us. For the better.

Your political side plot about supporting companies and what it all means makes you sound like a teenager who just discovers the concept of patronism.

just wow back atcha bro
I just find the decision to remove CTF as a playlist to be incredibly bizarre. Respawn's reasoning is that they want to improve player experience by not having wait times be so long.

Now anyone on PC who enjoys CTF has to play in a variety playlist and hope it comes up during their allotted playtime. That's the superior solution?
In my experience the CTF playlist never really worked, there just wasn't enough people. I've already played more CTF in the last two nights than I have in the last couple weeks. I bet the amount of time time it takes for CTF to popup in the variety playlist is less than it took to find a game.

Special C

I feel sorry for the PC players and the population issues, It's pretty easy to find a game on the Xbox One. Hopefully the origin sale picks up some players for you guys.
Just got this game and not having a great experience so far :( Matchmaking in this game seems to be really terrible. About 20ish games so far and I'm always getting matched versus at least 3 opposing players who are G1+. Not that much fun when you are teamed up with other newbies who don't know their way around in this game yet. Have yet to win a single match :D

Also, whats wrong with the campaign game mode? Nobody seems to be playing it at all (PC).

Game seems to be potentially fun, just not yet.

@C.Dark.DN: I have the same issue with VSync enabled on my 780. Turning it off completely introduces a lot of tearing, but at least the game is playable this way.

Try and join up with some folks here if you can. Gens aren't that important. Sure, it shows they have experience, but it's the Gen+mid/high levels that are going to be the problem due to having both the experience and the gear to support them.

Only thing I can say is stick with the R101C, wall-run at every opportunity and go inside a building as opposed to crossing through open ground, and pay attention to how people kill you. If you see Titans in a fight, join in (with a sidewinder or do a rodeo; not at once). Be aggressive in farming to get your build time lowered and earn easy XP, but don't lose yourself in it due to once you fire that first shot you're up on the map and 8/10 times a Pilot or Titan is on its way to ruin your day.

I feel sorry for the PC players and the population issues, It's pretty easy to find a game on the Xbox One. Hopefully the origin sale picks up some players for you guys.

Eh, depends on the server and time of day. Attrition is generally healthy, but I've already seen a lot of the other modes suffer at all times and have gotten worse with the release of the maps.


OOF. I hope they never do this on XB1. I still want to get the achievements to win 50 matches in Pilot Hunter, Hardpoint, and Last Titan Standing some day.

The Cowboy

Calling you ignorant to the way matchmaking systems works is not crazy. You clearly are if you think rejiggering playlists for the better is similar to removing content from the game. Guess what? More people are gonna be playing CTF now than they ever were before. Change for the better. It's an ugly truth the playlist couldn't sustain itself but they fixed it for us. For the better.

Your political side plot about supporting companies and what it all means makes you sound like a teenager who just discovers the concept of patronism.

just wow back atcha bro.
Yep, removing the CTF and Pilot Hunter match making playlists is going to make CTF and Pilot Hunter more popular than ever, so many people (especially casual players) will just love sitting in modes they don't want to play using Variety mode in the hope a CTF/PH match comes along, and they'll all just love arranging matches outside of the game to play modes that we could join in a few minutes using the pre patch system - they didn't rejig the playlists, they outright removed 2 of them and made the modes harder to join (just because your fine with arranging things outside of the game, doesn't mean i/or anyone else should be OK with it to).

And yeah, when a game ships with 5 match making playlists and they remove 2 of those playlists - it is removing content from the game.
Its just amazing how people are supporting the removal of something people paid money for and trying to call it a good thing, I'm happy your happy but well I'm not happy and i either want the playlists back or my money back - its a pretty fair request i recon.

And no I'm not a teenager or even acting like one, I'm just someone who expects to get what I paid for and to not have the playlists i bought the game for removed.


Swampland I'd god tier. But fuck plasma rail gun challenges. Seems impossible to go toe to toe with another titan with that gun
It beggars belief that the removal of modes can be defended. If people want to wait in a lobby for a match then that is for them to do. Removing it under the guise that it is an improvement seems mad to me. Why not see if the latest patch brings players back to the mode?

Making people go into the variety pack in the hope that the two removed modes appear is idiotic and time wasting in itself. Players might not even stick around to play modes they do not want to play in the hope that CTF or pilot hunter appears next.
I still don't like how the Smart Pistol locks on to cloaked Pilots.

Picked up the Season Pass. The maps are pretty good: War Games especially feels really smooth, and looks pretty cool too. Runoff plays well, and the tree-running in Swampland is pretty awesome.

Special C

Titanfall has the best Map design of any FPS I've ever played, and then they release 3 new maps that are all good. The game has some flaws but Respawn has really nailed map design.


Fuck the plasma rail gun. 3 fucking hours and only 22 titan dooms. Gun is fucking trash. Haven't felt this angry in a game since like spawn camping in cod mw3


Neo Member
even if some challenges are hard, this is why i love this game. you can play or if you want some challenge you can get some also
this is not like CoD where everything is about XP



It plays SO GOOOD now. Bonehead move on the devs to let titans carry flags. Glad they finally reversed such an obvious mistake.

CTF matches can get crazy intense now.



It plays SO GOOOD now. Bonehead move on the devs to let titans carry flags. Glad they finally reversed such an obvious mistake.

CTF matches can get crazy intense now.

Hell yes. Nothing like having a pilot with the flag jump on your stryder, kick the dash into overdrive, and dash all the way the fuck back to your base. Love it!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Can anyone comment on the server population for the PC version? I'm thinking of getting it with the origin sale, but don't want to if it's hard finding a match.
Hysteria aside it seems quite good. I've honestly never had much trouble waiting for matches except on certain playlists, although I have been in lots of horribly unbalanced teams.

I think it's a little shitty to describe the CTF and Pilot Hunter playlist removal as "removing content." Both gametypes on all the maps you could play them in are still in the Variety Pack playlist, which I highly recommend. All the modes are fun and it seems to have a healthy population.

As someone who really likes both of those gametypes I can't get myself all that worked up over it. The argument "you can't play it whenever you want" anymore falls flat in the face of how much tougher it was to get a full match on those playlists. I couldn't play them whenever I wanted before either :p

I'm so much way more upset about the lock-on framerate glitch thing. I don't see any confirmation that this has been fixed and it seems like a huge issue to me...

edit: ha an Expedition Variety Pack playlist too? That's awesome


Yea CTF has definitely gotten more fun since Titans aren't allowed to carry flags. It's especially hilarious when people that aren't aware of the change get into their titan with the flag, making it an easy return or chance to capture
Yea CTF has definitely gotten more fun since Titans aren't allowed to carry flags. It's especially hilarious when people that aren't aware of the change get into their titan with the flag, making it an easy return or chance to capture

Made the first game on the new maps hilarious. People wizened up quickly, but the first few tries made it too easy to keep returning the flag.

Completed the Gen 4 challenges by level 43, which I would think isn't too bad. Gen 5 should go rather quickly, unlike Gen 6 which will be the first regen that I'll be working on past reaching level 50. Hate the Spitfire until Slammer is unlocked. One of the best wall hang weapons IMO though.
Haha. Holy shit. This game man. This fucking game. I. Love. This. Game.


You love this game because you went 18-2 in campaign against some terrible players?


You love this game because you went 18-2 in campaign against some terrible players?

Terrible players that led the entire game that all scored higher than our two worst players whereas I had to play my best game to eek out a close win with about five seconds left in the match with two titans kills. Exhilarating.

Yes. I love this fucking game.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Wargames and Swampland are worth the $10 price tag alone if you didn't get the season pass. Runoff is ok but it kinda feels like Nexus and I imagine it plays a lot like Demeter for Hardpoint. But still a decent map, just not nearly as fresh as the other two.


Fuck the plasma rail gun. 3 fucking hours and only 22 titan dooms. Gun is fucking trash. Haven't felt this angry in a game since like spawn camping in cod mw3

I know those G3 feels, bro. I'm still working on mine, and I just leveled to 39. Honestly, I think I'm leveling too fast, lol.

yep me too

I hope one day they will release, just for fun, a new map wallrun only ^^

Titanfall: The new CS:GO surfing!


Finished the plasma rail gun challenges. Very frustrating and a lot of titan stealing and I don't like to steal other people's titan kills but it had to be done. At 46 In gen 3 all challenges done. Gen 4 tomorrow can't wait for charge rifle crit hits


Finished the plasma rail gun challenges. Very frustrating and a lot of titan stealing and I don't like to steal other people's titan kills but it had to be done. At 46 In gen 3 all challenges done. Gen 4 tomorrow can't wait for charge rifle crit hits

About to hit 40, I believe I still have 10 satchel kills and about 20 railgun dooms to go. =/


Finished the plasma rail gun challenges. Very frustrating and a lot of titan stealing and I don't like to steal other people's titan kills but it had to be done. At 46 In gen 3 all challenges done. Gen 4 tomorrow can't wait for charge rifle crit hits

Easy compared to that shit and easier with the amped charge rifle.


Finished the plasma rail gun challenges. Very frustrating and a lot of titan stealing and I don't like to steal other people's titan kills but it had to be done. At 46 In gen 3 all challenges done. Gen 4 tomorrow can't wait for charge rifle crit hits

Just wait for the Arc Cannon, it's even worse.


Just wait for the Arc Cannon, it's even worse.

Disagree. This went fairly quick especially with the damage core. Not to mention that if there weren't titans around I could vaporize pilots and minions at will. It also makes getting gooser a breeze.

Arc cannon > Plasma Shitgun
66 more wins til Gen 9... I hate this challenge. This IS NOT dependent on the player. I can't control how good my team is.


You love this game because you went 18-2 in campaign against some terrible players?

You'll last really long here by being a complete douchebag to random people for no reason. Keep it up.

Edit: Oh, juniored. Gee, I wonder why.

Aaand now that I look at your thread that got you juniored, LOL. you seem like a real winner.
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