Do good guys ever die in Bleach? most just get their shoulders slashed.
Do good guys ever die in Bleach? most just get their shoulders slashed.
Yet the ghost bleed.isn't everyone already dead in bleach?
well besides the humans.
Well I suppose there was old head captain grouchy geezer.Yes.
Fanservice. But not Bankai.
Secretly the best part of this arcAss powers
Well she did die in the original one shot.
Gin was done so dirty by kubo i hated that.
The only character to power up by getting her ass grabbed.Secretly the best part of this arc
wonder if someone won a contest or kubo owed someone a bet. That random yoruichi fanservice chapter(s)...
Maybe he will go do smut in his next manga, like how that mangaka went from Black Cat to To Love Ru.
Dude, every Shinigami in Bleach is a jobber. Everyone, including Kenpachi.I just love the trolling kubo does with toshiro fans.
Every time.
Maybe. this one time. he won't be a jobber.
Kenpachi, Mayuri, and Byakuya win fights.
The rest, not so much. Soi Fon kind of sort of wins sometimes.
The real question is why did Ichigo sit there like a dumbass while everyone wailed on her and didn't say anything until the last minute.
Have those dual wielding captain guys revealed their Bankai yet? I can only imagine their bullshiterry.
Have those dual wielding captain guys revealed their Bankai yet? I can only imagine their bullshiterry.
Have those dual wielding captain guys revealed their Bankai yet? I can only imagine their bullshiterry.
Just fuck my fight up.
I've liked Bleach more for a while now. Allot of the powers that Kubo's come up with, especially for Yhwach and his guard, are entertaining and seeing how they'll be topped has been entertaining. The powers are super-meta (and super broken) and seeing them play out is just fun. More interesting than the Arrancar stuff and the earlier stuff from this arc which I felt had a bit too much going on.
Up until then all the designs had been pretty cool but then this design straight from a 12 year old scene girl's notebook cover showed up, and I knew Bleach had gone to complete shit.
Did they ever kill that giant dude?
I swear a new captain shows up to the fight every other chapter, and does jack shit.
So after Aizen is defeated, does the story develop? Another villain with a cool arc like the one before? Questions answered?
Sorry if this is a repeated question, I haven't watched Bleach in almost 10 years.
Why do people still read this when it's clear that Kubo doesn't care is just fucking with people?
Why do people still read this when it's clear that Kubo doesn't care is just fucking with people?
*Epilogue*This is the final chapter! Good bye!
...That was your best move?
No, this is is the final chapter....for you!
Think on your sins, in the afterlife!
...You didn't think I'd go down that easy did you?
It's time to finish this series! Bankai!
Why do people still read this when it's clear that Kubo doesn't care is just fucking with people?
Quincy King and the Reich show up.
Well, for me, it ended around Aizen's defeat.
I'm pretty much in it for the BS abilities and finally seeing people's shikai and bankai. Kenpachi' sis about what you expect.
Why do people still read this when it's clear that Kubo doesn't care is just fucking with people?
Fuck me, that sounds awesome.
I might start reading it again.
I also felt the characters he actually killed off were the most interesting, sadly. Ulquiorra, Tousen, Gin, etc.
It's really not, they are all boring as fuck.
Fuck me, that sounds awesome.
I might start reading it again.
Literally I feel Askin Nakk Le Vaar was the only one with a personality.
so anyone else notice that Ichigo only mentioned his quincy/hollow powers, but still has his soul repear robe/powers?
lol, I can't even put faces to those names anymore. Sternritter were so bad
lol, I can't even put faces to those names anymore. Sternritter were so bad