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TLOU2 - Thread Only For Fans - No Haters Allowed

How do you rate TLOU2:

  • 5/10

  • 6/10

  • 7/10

  • 8/10

  • 9/10 - Still an amazing game but a little bit worse than Part 1

  • 10/10 - trully an amazing like a first game

  • 11/10 - It's a masterpiece, even better than the first game

Results are only viewable after voting.
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Ill throw my hat in the ring.

At the end of the day I feel like its a 6 out of 10. The tech behind this game is very good. You cant deny that the acting and facial capture is head and shoulder about the rest of the industry.

I found the game play to be pretty much more of the same. I think the stealth gets too much praise though as the AI isn't exactly smart and it often feels like they are simply designed to look in a cone and slowly make their way towards the player rather than actually act like humans, creating this wait and kill approach since the game focuses on being realistic for the most part. I found myself to have a much better time with it by turning down the sealth and consumable difficulty. Tuns it more in to a Resident evil paced game which I like more. There is still a frantic feeling that is very compelling and makes you feel like you aren't in control in a good way. But this isn't strong enough for the length of the game. It gets old.

The story is the big issue here. While its crafted amazingly in a tech fashion, sound and video design are superb, the story written here is very poor. It relies on trying to paint a picture of a society that has been told a thousand times in any kind of post break out of some illness that causes mutation. Everyone kills and everyone has their own reasons for doing so.

Taking this approach the story tries to tell the same story from two different anlges but fails to present a good argument that each side did what they had to do. Abbys character is not one thats painted in a way that ever sees her as redeeming. She is simply a terrible person and its never told in any way to how I am supposed to find this characters actions acceptable.

Forcing me to play as Abby only hurt this further as it takes away fro the main character you know about and have seen grow and tries to cram everything it wants to in about 6 hours of game time. This isn't ideal in any way but the writing once again doesn't create any scenario where I am supposed to like and understand this character. I have see a few flashbacks of her being a normal kid but then I am never privy to her growth. I am never given a chance to see whatshe actually feels. She committed murder in a brutal fashion and whenever asked about it the player is only told "he got what he deserved." Which is not only shallow but makes no sense as based upon that philsophy of her own, Joel doesn't deserve his fate as he was simply doing what he thought was right.

There is good writing in here. Most of the flashbacks with Ellie and Joel are fantastic and help flesh out the relationship even more but it ultimately has nothing to do with the main plot. Its there to simply try and get you to feel bad from the actions that have taken place. The wiritng also tries to mimic the story of Ellie and Abby as if they are crafted from the same mold. They both lost their fathers, they both did things they arent proud of, but the difference is Abby never has an explanation for her actions other than "this is what has to be done."

The redemeption arc around Abby is shallow. Just because she has saved 2 people after literally murdering thousands isn't enough for anyone to suddenly see the light. Its cheap writing and makes no sense.

Ellie isnt given any kind of real arc here either as hers simply breaks down by the end as well. Shes driven by rage the entire game and there is no trasnforamtion of her until literally she finally get hers goal and is about to get her revenge and decides not to based upon a couple of flashbacks. Its hard to believe that she finally sees this as the mistake as she has killed many and left her family behind for this moment only to suddenly see the light? Again cheap writing and makes no sense based upon the story that had been told up to that point.

I could go on and on how this game does not make much sense in the story telling department but Ill sum it up by saying at the end of TLOU you see Joel make a choice and you can feel the weight of that choice as it has repercussions for many. You might agree with his choice, you might not, but thats the brilliance of it as it asks questions of characters that dont really have a right answer based upon the world it created.

TLOU II paints the world as a terrible place that is home to many cults and extremists that will murder you on sight, as well as groups that are not radicalized like the Wolves. There is no mercy in this universe and its shown to have no mercy through the entirety of it until suddenly is just doesn't anymore. Theres no remorse shown by either main character until suddenly there is with no change in direction of writing to drive and show the characters change.

The story sinks this game as its always been the glue that holds it together. Its the main center piece of this franchise and this story and instead of writing something that has a story and shows growth of a situation in a fucked up world. its boiled down to "killing is bad and someone has to break the cycle." Which is a tired formula in this genre and disrespects the characters that were created in the first game.
Thanks for valuable contribution. So it looks like TLOU fans are split in half. Some of you dont like the story, but at least you can still admit the game has still other positives :).


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Thanks for valuable contribution. So it looks like TLOU fans are split in half. Some of you dont like the story, but at least you can still admit the game has still other positives :).

I concur is has positives like almost any game. But The story is what holds this franchise together and its not good so it takes a much bigger hit. If Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal has a great story but shitty shooting you would criticize it more than you would if it was the other way around.


Noegaf like pretty much every place on the internet is a place with healthly rules, for example console wars, alt accounts and trolling are not allowed here. Without these rules there would be chaos in every thread.
Many threds here here have their own rules, and I habe created my own because I want honest discussion about this game instead of trolling and that's why I have writen simple and fair rules. People who see nothing but negatives or who didnt even played the game are obviously trolling and not interested in honest disscusion. If you just want to hate the game there are other placed for that here on neogaf.
if you were a mod i would accept these rules even if i didn't liked them and go about my day/night, but you are not a mod are you? i'm just wondering, what gives you the right to decide what kind of discussion is supposed to happen here.


I concur is has positives like almost any game. But The story is what holds this franchise together and its not good so it takes a much bigger hit. If Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal has a great story but shitty shooting you would criticize it more than you would if it was the other way around.
Man you are giving 6/10, because like you say every game has positives. That's not how haters think unfortunately and some people are even giving 0/10. Such score would mean game not only has no possitives but also doesnt work.

Iced Arcade

I'm only about 3 hours in and I'm loving it. Shooting feels a bit clunky but maybe it's designed like that.

I'm at am 8/10 so far but I'm only 3 hours in


if you were a mod i would accept these rules even if i didn't liked them and go about my day/night, but you are not a mod are you? i'm just wondering, what gives you the right to decide what kind of discussion is supposed to happen here.
It's my own thread and my own rules. If mods dont accept it, they are free to close my thread, but I will not change them. When it comes to you if you are not interested in honest discussion and simple rules (such like playing the actual game before talking about it) are too much for you, then please leave this thread, because it's not a place for trolling.
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I'm playing since Friday and only started Seattle day 2 because I spend an unhealthy time checking out everything and being in awe with the visuals but I think I can say that I'm already a fan. What Naughty Dog achieved here is breathtaking. I posted a couple of times already about my feelings but I can't stop drooling over it. This is the next level of videogaming in every sense (along with RDR2, I must mention). If it werent for the leftist things in it, I'd already rate it a 10/10. Or 11/10?
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Go Go Neo Rangers!
Man you are giving 6/10, because like you say every game has positives. That's not how haters think unfortunately and some people are even giving 0/10. Such score would mean game not only has no possitives but also doesnt work.

I understand what you are trying to say but your thread title is going to invite negativity. Consider asking a mod to change it to something that doesn't sound so, for the lack of a better word, fanboyish


I'm playing since Friday and only started Seattle day 2 but I think I can say that I'm already a fan. What Naughty Dog achieved here is breathtaking. I posted a couple of times already about my feelings but I can't stop drooling over it. This is the next level of videogaming in every sense (along with RDR2, I must mention). If it werent for the leftist things in it, I'd already rate it a 10/10. Or 11/10?
Absolutely, playing TLOU2 feels like next level of videogaming. Everything is so detailed and well realized, and not just graphics but also game mechanics. I havent seen such interesting and fun enemy encounters in any game besides TLOU. Here you always need to use different strategy for each enemy and exploring part is also fun. To be honest I wasnt expecting to be so blown away, because I thought ND will try to reinvent the wheel and totally change game mechanics after so many years.
It's my own thread and my own rules. If mods dont accept it, they are free to close my thread, but I will not change them. When it comes to you if you are not interested in honest discussion and simple rules (such like playing the actual game before talking about it) are too much for you, then please leave this thread, because it's not a place for trolling.

You can make all the rules you want, no one has to follow them, this is not your board, you can create threads but you cant enforce them. So unless you become a mod here, good luck with your endeavor, despite how futile it is.


You can make all the rules you want, no one has to follow them, this is not your board, you can create threads but you cant enforce them. So unless you become a mod here, good luck with your endeavor, despite how futile it is.
Ok, lets ask moderator.

EviLore Can I have current rules in this thread, or should I change them?


Neo Member
I loved the first game and I am enjoying the second and I see where it is getting its acclaim. My only problem so far is the order the chapters have been told and it kind of kills the story for me. If you wanted me to care more about Abbey and why she did what she did you should have told me sooner, because by the time I learned of her motivations I just could give a fuck about them. other than that the game in and of itself is well worth the playthrough


I give it 11/10, it's up there in the hall of fame. Beaten the game on Survivor mode (tweaked resources to moderate though).
Wow, that's impressive. I may give it a try on my 2'nd run, because I always try to beat the game without destroying my controler :p, and it can happen if opponents will beat me constantly.
I loved the first game and I am enjoying the second and I see where it is getting its acclaim. My only problem so far is the order the chapters have been told and it kind of kills the story for me. If you wanted me to care more about Abbey and why she did what she did you should have told me sooner, because by the time I learned of her motivations I just could give a fuck about them. other than that the game in and of itself is well worth the playthrough
I was extremely surprised when they have introduced Abbey chatacter but I know something was wrong just by the looking at here face. It's incredible how this game depics emotions on character faces. You can really tell what people think and I really dont rememeber anything like that in any game before.
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Wow, that's impressive. I may give it a try on my 2'nd run, because I always try to beat the game without destroying my controler :p, and it can happen if opponents will beat me constantly.

Playing at the hardest difficulty always gives you the best impression of a game. I played it on survivor and was fine, but it's horrendous how you kill like 5-6 armed enemies silently with a knife and not get a single bullet! Changed the difficulty of resources to moderate as it was getting boring and scavenging was meaningless after like 10 hours. Finished the game after doing my best to search every freaking corner and opening every possible locker (some have great puzzles) and yet the overall upgrade was 60-70% guns/characters. I only play it once though, replaying the game is something I did maybe 12 years back on MGS3 and before.

By the way, this here is actual gameplay, not pre-rendered bullshit: (timestamped)

But I think it's in easy/moderate mode. In survivor difficulty the other enemy doesn't wait for you, and you don't get the indicator of threat only that creepy sound! Wonderful animations and gameplay!
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How much it's the Only Fans Subscription again?

I like the game, but we don't need safe spaces to discuss it, the OT should be the place to have honest discussions about the game.


The rules are simple, and if you guys are not willing to contribute in any meaningfull way then please leave. Like I have clearly said it's not a thread for everyone. I'm familiar with your opinions about the game, but you guys have many other threads here on neogaf where you can write whatever you want about TLOU2.
I will like a safe space on this thread where I’m allowed to highlight how ridiculous it is to have a safe space for this game. So a safe space from the safe space.


The nicest person on this forum
There is nothing wrong criticizing the game but some you guys made such stupid drama out of this to the point thats its no longer possible to have proper discussion about this game.

Why some you guys made such a stink about this?


There is nothing wrong criticizing the game but some you guys made such stupid drama out of this to the point thats its no longer possible to have proper discussion about this game.

Why some you guys made such a stink about this?
Exactly. For some strange reason haters attack TLOU2 fans and literally troll /spam any discussion about the game. That's why I have asked them politely to stay away from this thread, but unfortunately they still feel the need to hate and post agressive comments here.

I have tried to understand them, but I really cant. If I dont like certain game then I dont feel the need to post in every thread about it and attack people who just liked the game. There haters are angry just because some people are clearly enjoying the game! Even more absurd is, many haters didnt even played the game. Just a moment ago one guy has replayed to me saying there's no difference between playing the game for yourself and watching a walkthrough on YT.

Why people go on the vacation or eat sometning tasty, when people can watch just a YT video and imagine experience with the real deal? 🤔😀

Look guys, I have just watched how times square looks like on YT, so right now I dont even need to travel there because I'm already fulfilled 😅.
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Absolutely, playing TLOU2 feels like next level of videogaming. Everything is so detailed and well realized, and not just graphics but also game mechanics. I havent seen such interesting and fun enemy encounters in any game besides TLOU. Here you always need to use different strategy for each enemy and exploring part is also fun. To be honest I wasnt expecting to be so blown away, because I thought ND will try to reinvent the wheel and totally change game mechanics after so many years.
My feelings exactly. It's insanely immersive because every aspect of it is so well crafted.


Does NeoGAF allow safespace threads?
Please dont criticize NeoGAF mods, because they allow "hate"spaces for this game as well, so they are fair to all people.

Here's a good place for haters, where they can discuss how bad their YT video experience from this game was. 😀
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I wonder if haters of this game realise how truly genius the game is that it encapsulated their movement perfectly.

These people had several years with TLOU building a strong relationship with small dose of painfor choices made in the game at the end.
These people hate on the new game as it murdered that relationship which made them violently angry and resentful.
In their anger they lash out with rage and righteousness through negatively tainting every last thread of them and every glowing review needs to get killed for assisting in the brutal desecration of what they love.

Will they realise that this anger doesn't bring them the closure they seek no matter how many thread they create?
Will they see that in their hatred they miss so much of what makes these opinions unique and valid that it's closing them off from what could have been instead just seeing it from a prism of losing something they love?
Will they learn that ultimately the hatred is futile and that instead of building something all they did was cause pain to people who didn't deserve any and end up with nothing but pain within?
Will they realise that true closure would come from acceptance and embrace of the pain and seeing the individuals for what they are?
Will they ever realise how amazingly on point Druckmann is?


Playing at the hardest difficulty always gives you the best impression of a game. I played it on survivor and was fine, but it's horrendous how you kill like 5-6 armed enemies silently with a knife and not get a single bullet! Changed the difficulty of resources to moderate as it was getting boring and scavenging was meaningless after like 10 hours. Finished the game after doing my best to search every freaking corner and opening every possible locker (some have great puzzles) and yet the overall upgrade was 60-70% guns/characters. I only play it once though, replaying the game is something I did maybe 12 years back on MGS3 and before.

By the way, this here is actual gameplay, not pre-rendered bullshit: (timestamped)

But I think it's in easy/moderate mode. In survivor difficulty the other enemy doesn't wait for you, and you don't get the indicator of threat only that creepy sound! Wonderful animations and gameplay!

This gameplay capture really well how brutal this game is.

BTW. revange is always a good story in my book and especually after first game, when authors build the connection with the main character. What's your opinion about the story after completing the whole game? Do you agree with people, who say game has 0/10 story?
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I wonder if haters of this game realise how truly genius the game is that it encapsulated their movement perfectly.

These people had several years with TLOU building a strong relationship with small dose of painfor choices made in the game at the end.
These people hate on the new game as it murdered that relationship which made them violently angry and resentful.
In their anger they lash out with rage and righteousness through negatively tainting every last thread of them and every glowing review needs to get killed for assisting in the brutal desecration of what they love.

Will they realise that this anger doesn't bring them the closure they seek no matter how many thread they create?
Will they see that in their hatred they miss so much of what makes these opinions unique and valid that it's closing them off from what could have been instead just seeing it from a prism of losing something they love?
Will they learn that ultimately the hatred is futile and that instead of building something all they did was cause pain to people who didn't deserve any and end up with nothing but pain within?
Will they realise that true closure would come from acceptance and embrace of the pain and seeing the individuals for what they are?
Will they ever realise how amazingly on point Druckmann is?
Awesome contribution sir! It's fine when someone dont like certain game, because all people are different and will never love the same thing, however TLOU2 haters dont just want to hate the game, but they also attack people who have different opinion than theirs and that's crazy. I wasnt aware gamers can be so toxic.


i wanted to see the end of it this week end in survivor (and it cots me a sleepless night)
this difficulty is hard some "zombie" encounters turn into hell.
One in particular is an arena with lot of them and it's a miracle i succeed it (after multiple tries. i was 1 pv and without resources)
And now i see there is survivor + :D
if the game had less "litlle gameplay narrative length" i could be tempted for another try later

This gameplay capture really well how brutal this game is.

BTW. revange is always a good story in my book and especually after first game, when authors build the connection with the main character. What's your opinion about the story after completing the whole game? Do you agree with people, who say game has 0/10 story?

there is 3 major acts :
act 1 first section sells good news in game design at first (imo) but it don't last and the revenge story works very well.
act 2 is like a second game with SW7 syndrome and you understand game design early shown will not come back (corridor ...corridor everywhere)
act3 is all over the place in narration and fell like a dlc (but the settings and visual is magic and "arenas" are more interesting to play imo)

the revenge works but here we have 3 games in 1 (because of ND fear of content missing) and this cause more problems than anything else on that front.
keep only act1 and do more what you have from day 1 in game design and you have a better game to play , more control on pacing and less narrative problems(at least imo)
but in the end I know this game is about narration first so i understand the game design choice .
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Just finished it. Wow.

It told a completely different story as the first and left with me the same meloncoly feeling as the first.

Amazing game. Need to digest it more, but I absolutely loved the story and the gameplay.

I can understand people not liking it. But to me it was such a fantastic follow up to the last of us. It fleshed out all the characters involved and actually made me give a shit about characters I hated.


Just finished it. Wow.

It told a completely different story as the first and left with me the same meloncoly feeling as the first.

Amazing game. Need to digest it more, but I absolutely loved the story and the gameplay.

I can understand people not liking it. But to me it was such a fantastic follow up to the last of us. It fleshed out all the characters involved and actually made me give a shit about characters I hated.
Thanks for your valuable contribution sir😀.

Right now I know for sure this thread was an excellent idea, because people who really played the game offer their honest perspective. Some people here obviously dont like the story, but they can still see postives and therefore paint a whole picture.

I also want to say a big thank you for the moderators, because they obviouslly allowed me to set certain rules in this thread without closing it. What's more they are fair to all people, and that's including haters because they were also alowed to write similar thread.

What's funny haters from the other thread really expect people like us (people with rules who just want honest discussion) will behave like them and derail their thread with "positive" opinions. I'm not planing to do so, because I accept it's their own thread with their own rules, and if people there feel the need to suggest TLOU2 deserves only 0/10, then they have the right to do so. I'm however not interested what trolls want to say, because obviously someone who rate TLOU2 0/10 is trolling, therefore not worth my time.
I will be sincere here. I don't like the story in this sequel. I gave it a 7 out of 10 in the final score because I can't discredit the amount of work put in the game environmental detail (9/10 - they have outdone their work with Uncharted 4, especially in the more open areas), graphics (9/10 - one of the best graphics in the industry, period.), sound (8/10 - PS4 doesn't support Dolby Atmos, but still pretty good 7.1 implementation), music (8.5/10 - great to set the tone and mood that the post-apocalyptic world has), story (4 or 5 out of 10 - didn't like it, characters were uninteresting, the plot made a 360 and landed where it started but everyone was miserable, which is not a bad thing per se, but not of my taste. Not gonna spoil anything, so I leave at that). I'm still waiting for the Multiplayer to see what they will improve from the Factions of the first game.


this shill thread and the other hater thread are the best definition of why review bombing happens.
You want to talk anout definition of shill? Lets quote wikipedia

A shill, also called a plant or a stooge, is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization.
I have no relationship with ND, and they have not paid me (it's the other way around). You are accusing me for something l have never done.

Rather than look for conspiracy theory guys like you should realize, your hateful opinion dont reflect how others rate this game. People who played the game say it's at least 6/10 when they look at the whole picture.
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You want to talk anout definition of shill? Lets quote wikipedia

I have no relationship with ND, and they have not paid me (it's the other way around). You are accusing me for something l have never done.

Rather than look for conspiracy theory guys like you should realize, your hateful opinion dont reflect how others rate this game. People who played the game say it's at least 6/10 when they look at the whole picture.
it's not about conspiracy theory it's about opening precedents to create a safe space thread free of criticisms you don't want to have in it i.e free of "your hateful opinion".
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