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Todd's Adventures in Slime World

Agent X

I just posted this in another thread, but thought it might be deserving of a separate topic here.

(Below quote was in reference to a Harvest Moon game coming to PlayStation 2.)

Dagon said:
So, they're going to port a handheld game to a home console? That's gotta be a first.

I think Todd's Adventures in Slime World (developed by Epyx) was the first video game originating on a handheld video game system to be ported to a traditional TV-based console (not counting personal computers). Here's the original Atari Lynx version, released in October 1990:


Here's the Sega Genesis version, which came out a little over a year later:


Funny thing--in doing the search to find these pictures, I just learned that there was an NEC PC Engine CD-ROM version of this game! It's rather interesting that a US-developed game for a US-developed handheld system (which was probably relatively obscure in Japan) was given a Japanese-only release on CD on a system that was mostly popular in Japan.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen, despite the totally wacky cover artwork, this is in fact based on the Lynx game, as you can surely see if you click here (warning, very large image, which is why I didn't post it here).

By comparison, here are the boxes for the Lynx and Genesis versions, respectively:


Notice that the Lynx version supported up to 8 (that's EIGHT) simultaneous players--something that's seldom seen on a handheld even today (nearly 14 years later). The Lynx was just that damn cool, folks. :D

I found a great (recent) review of Slime World on this page. The author has done similar "retro" reviews for other video games like Gunstar Heroes, Nights, Ninja Gaiden, and BallBlazer (and several more), all of which can be accessed by going to this page. They're definitely worth reading!


Heh, now I've got a hankering to dig my Lynx out of whatever random box it's in and play some Slime World, assuming the thing still works.

User 406

Slime World rocked on the Lynx. The snapping jaws that popped out of the ground and killed you instantly still can't be beaten for their startle factor.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Back when Zach Meston's page was still up, he had a hilarious story about being stuck in his grandparents' retirement community for a week with no transportation and was forced to play Slime World the whole time just to keep from going mad.
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